
I'm always looking for independent news sources, got a list or links?
This guy puts out an objective analysis of the Ukraine / Russia conflict whenever something news worthy is happening on the ground.
He is neither pro Ukraine or pro Russia and his videos have consistently been spot on.
Here is todays video. ... :cool:

This guy puts out an objective analysis of the Ukraine / Russia conflict whenever something news worthy is happening on the ground.
He is neither pro Ukraine or pro Russia and his videos have consistently been spot on.
Here is todays video. ... :cool:

Talk to me in a few months and we'll see who occupies Kharkov. Currently it is Ukraine but I'm sure Russia will want to retake it.

Your narrative is not divisive?

Wrong, the number reported is 14, according to my sources (which I won't provide).
If I gave you list you’d just laugh. So, don’t play stupid games.

My narrative? What’s my narrative?

14!? Lol. Even mainstream sources have reported 14,000. If this is news to you, please admit it and admit you’re uninformed.
Like they control Kiev? We'll see.
The Russian army never planed on occupying Kiev because there wasn't any strategic reason to. Their attack on the outskirts of the city was a feign to draw Ukrainian forces from the from the Donbas region to defend the city of Kiev..
Thus making the Russian army's invasion of the Donbas area easier because there was less Ukrainian forces to oppose them.
There is no rational basis for thinking so.
The Russians are using a tactic in Kharkiv they've employed several times during the conflict.
First the Russians will pull back and the Ukrainian forces will move forward thinking they have them on the run.
Eventually the Ukrainian forces will start running low on ammo and a lot of their weapons have now been destroyed in the fighting, and they have no replacement equipment.
Then the Russians will move forward, first flanking and then encircling them. Begin a massive artillery barrage, and completely decimate the Ukrainian defenders.
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The Russians are using a tactic in Kharkiv they've employed several times during the conflict.
First the Russians will pull back and the Ukrainian forces will move forward thinking they have them on the run.
Eventually the Ukrainian forces will start running low on ammo and a lot of their weapons have now been destroyed in the fighting, and they have no replacement equipment.
Then the Russians will move forward, first flanking and then encircling them. Begin a massive artillery barrage, and completely decimate the Ukrainian defenders.

Poor poor Sunni Man! His ethno-nationalist fascist hero is getting his ass kicked!


The Russian army never planed on occupying Kiev because there wasn't any strategic reason to. Their attack on the outskirts of the city was a feign to draw Ukrainian forces from the from the Donbas region to defend the city of Kiev..
Thus making the Russian army's invasion of the Donbas area easier because there was less Ukrainian forces to oppose them.
This sets a new standard for stupidity. When the Russians entered Ukraine they were already in Donbas, so why would they leave Donbas and divide their forces into three prongs to enter the Kyiv area from three directions only to return to Donbas? That's not a feint, that's a failure of intelligence. What really happened was that Putin, clearly not a very bright man, thought that a show of force in the Kyiv area would terrify the Ukrainians and they would surrender and he would appoint a pro Russian government without having to fight any war.

The Russians shocked the world with a spectacular display of incompetence from the instant the invasion was planned right down to today. No competent military planner would have launched the invasion in February when he ground is too soft from melting snow for tanks and trucks to travel cross country and force them to travel on the roads in huge convoys that were ambushed every few miles. No competent military planner would have sent the tanks toward Kyiv without first securing supply lines, but that's exactly what the Russians did. Finally, no competent military planner would have launched the invasion without first ascertaining the temper of the Ukrainian people and the readiness of the Ukrainian military, but that's exactly what the Russians did.
This sets a new standard for stupidity. When the Russians entered Ukraine they were already in Donbas, so why would they leave Donbas and divide their forces into three prongs to enter the Kyiv area from three directions only to return to Donbas? That's not a feint, that's a failure of intelligence. What really happened was that Putin, clearly not a very bright man, thought that a show of force in the Kyiv area would terrify the Ukrainians and they would surrender and he would appoint a pro Russian government without having to fight any war.

The Russians shocked the world with a spectacular display of incompetence from the instant the invasion was planned right down to today. No competent military planner would have launched the invasion in February when he ground is too soft from melting snow for tanks and trucks to travel cross country and force them to travel on the roads in huge convoys that were ambushed every few miles. No competent military planner would have sent the tanks toward Kyiv without first securing supply lines, but that's exactly what the Russians did. Finally, no competent military planner would have launched the invasion without first ascertaining the temper of the Ukrainian people and the readiness of the Ukrainian military, but that's exactly what the Russians did.
Putin had a habit of throwing people out of windows when they said things he didn't want to hear, i.e., the truth. If you kill those that tell the truth all you have left are liars who tell you what you want to hear.
The Russians are using a tactic in Kharkiv they've employed several times during the conflict.
First the Russians will pull back and the Ukrainian forces will move forward thinking they have them on the run.
Eventually the Ukrainian forces will start running low on ammo and a lot of their weapons have now been destroyed in the fighting, and they have no replacement equipment.
Then the Russians will move forward, first flanking and then encircling them. Begin a massive artillery barrage, and completely decimate the Ukrainian defenders.
The Russians are using a tactic in Kharkiv they've employed several times during the conflict.
First the Russians will pull back and the Ukrainian forces will move forward thinking they have them on the run.
Eventually the Ukrainian forces will start running low on ammo and a lot of their weapons have now been destroyed in the fighting, and they have no replacement equipment.
Then the Russians will move forward, first flanking and then encircling them. Begin a massive artillery barrage, and completely decimate the Ukrainian defenders.
Bullshit, the Russians are just stupid. What happened was that the Ukrainians talked all summer about the counteroffensive they were preparing in the South, so the Russians moved troops from the north and east to bolster defenses in the South, never realizing Ukraine had increased its forces in the northeast as well as the south. While the troop transfer did slow down the Ukrainian offensive in the South, it left the northeast easy pickings for Ukrainian forces in the northeast. If Russia tries to move the troops back to the northeast to stop the Ukrainian offensive there, the Ukrainian offensive in the south will pick up steam. The fact is Russian losses in Ukraine have been so steep Putin is trying to raise 137,000 more troops to go there. Until those additional Russian troops get there, Russia is incapable of stopping the Ukrainian advances. With winter approaching and recruitment going slowly in Russia, the Ukrainian gains are almost certainly good until next spring.

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