Ukraine's Far Right Moves East


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Ukraine?s far-right leader moves HQ to the east, forms new squadron ? RT News

"Ukrainian radical neo-fascist Right Sector group has moved its main headquarters from Kiev to Dnepropetrovsk to 'closely monitor' the developments in the east, its leader said, announcing the formation of yet another paramilitary squadron in Ukraine.

“'I moved my headquarters to Dnepropetrovsk. The purpose is to prevent the spread of the Kremlin infection,' Ukrainian presidential candidate and Right Sector leader Dmitry Yarosh announced at a press conference in Dnepropetrovsk."

Yarosh espouses little faith in democracy and has believed for some time that war between Ukraine and Russia is "inevitable."

"But taking part in the democratic process is not part of Yarosh’s strategy. 'We are not politicians'... 'We are soldiers of the national revolution.'

"His entire adult life has been spent waiting for such a revolution to 'steer the country in a new direction, one that would make it truly strong, not dependent on either the West or the East.'”

Ukraine: Far-Right Leader Dmitro Yarosh Ready for Armed Struggle - TIME

Be careful what you wish for?
Surely they have nothing to be concerned about regarding comrade putin....
Putin won't allow the US to destabilize a state on Russia's border the way it has Iraq and Syria.

The US has been pushing NATO eastward since the Wall came down, and now the Bear has had enough.

The current government in Kiev came to power with US money and Nazi fire bombs, and the world knows it although you would never guess from reading the corporate press here.
Communists deserve killing sould be the obvious answer.
What about Nazis?

"Dmitry Kolesnik, a brave Ukrainian journalist, my translator and co-editor on the site of Ukrainian leftists,, put everything into context.

“'What’s most remarkable in the Western coverage of Ukrainian turmoil? It’s the almost total ignoring or even whitewashing of those far-right and open Nazi paramilitary forces that played the leading role in the recent coup. There were only some rare reports in mainstream media that highlighted the Nazi paramilitaries in Ukraine,' Kolesnik said."

?Intellectuals standing ground on Ukrainian issue ? RT Op-Edge

Those Nazis are now human pawns in eastern Ukraine where they're likely to find the same fate as their WWII ancestors.

Who gets rich from that?
Gee...RT "news" a propaganda arm of the russian govt...for those proud soviet comrades
What propaganda are you reading?

"The Ukraine is the latest theatre of operations in the world war that erupted with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the drive thereafter by the West to dominate world resources and markets.

"The first theaters of operation in this global war were Africa and Yugoslavia.

"In Africa, America ejected France from Central Africa and turned Rwanda into a military state used to maintain a state of deadly chaos in the Great Lakes region of Africa.”

"The destruction of Yugoslavia during the same period culminated in the final brutal NATO attack of 1999 and the overthrow of Milosevic in 2001..."

"In rapid succession the NATO states attacked Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, then Libya and Syria.

"The ultimate target of these wars is, of course, Russia and its vast resources, and those countries such as China, Iran, and of Latin America that insist on maintaining their independence and sovereignty."

Can your propaganda connect the dots between Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Iraq and Ukraine?

?Intellectuals standing ground on Ukrainian issue ? RT Op-Edge
"The U.S. Ambassador to the USSR from 1987 to 1991, John F. Matlock Jr., later noted that the end of the Cold War was not 'won' by the West, but was brought about 'by negotiation to the advantage of both sides.'

"Yet, he noted, 'the United States insisted on treating Russia as the loser .'

"The United States almost immediately violated the agreement established in 1990, and NATO began moving eastwards, much to the dismay of the Russians.

"The new Russian President, Boris Yeltsin, warned that NATO's expansion to the East threatened a 'cold peace' and was a violation of the ' spirit of conversations ' that took place in February of 1990 between Soviet, West German and American leaders.

"In 1990, President Bush's National Security Strategy for the United States acknowledged that, 'even as East-West tensions diminish, American strategic concerns remain,' noting that previous U.S. military interventions which were justified as a response to Soviet 'threats', were - in actuality - 'in response to threats to U.S. interests that could not be laid at the Kremlin's door,' and that, 'the necessity to defend our interests will continue.'

"In other words, decades of justifications for war by the United States - blaming 'Soviet imperialism' and 'Communism' - were lies, and now that the Soviet Union no longer existed as a threat, American imperialism will still have to continue."

The West Marches East: The US-NATO Strategy to Isolate Russia
IT'S PRETTY FUNNY watchig the Left walk the tightrope; accusing the Right of both loving Putin and his interference in the Ukraine; while at the same time accusing the right of being sympathetic to Ukranian fascists

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Peoples World............for objective communists
Why do you seldom respond objectively to content you disagree with?

"The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 prompted the negotiated withdrawal of the Soviet Union from Eastern Europe. The 'old order' of Europe was at an end, and a new one "needed to be established quickly," noted Mary Elise Sarotte in the New York Times.

"This 'new order' was to begin with 'the rapid reunification of Germany.'

"Negotiations took place in 1990 between Soviet president Gorbachev, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, and President Bush's Secretary of State, James A. Baker 3rd.

"The negotiations sought to have the Soviets remove their 380,000 troops from East Germany.

"In return, both James Baker and Helmut Kohl promised Gorbachev that the Western military alliance of NATO would not expand eastwards. West Germany's foreign minister, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, promised Gorbachev that, ' NATO will not expand itself to the East."

"Gorbachev agreed, though asked - and did not receive - the promise in writing, remaining a "gentlemen's agreement.'"

Has NATO expanded eastward since 1990?

The West Marches East: The US-NATO Strategy to Isolate Russia

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