Ukraine's Future: Great Depression 2.0


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
What are the EU and IMF offering Ukraine?
Ask the Greeks

"If they are fortunate enough to avoid a civil war, Ukrainians may be in for an unpleasant surprise as their current and even soon-to-be elected leaders negotiate their economic future with their new, unelected European deciders.

"The Europe of their near and intermediate future may be more like that of Greece or Spain – but with less than a third of the per capita income, and with a fraction of those countries’ now shrunken social safety net, a lot more miserable.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has announced that one of the conditions of its lending (along with that of the EU and U.S.) will be fiscal austerity for the next two and a half years.

"The economy is already in recession, with the IMF now projecting a steep 5 percent decline in GDP for 2014.

"The big danger is that the fiscal tightening could become a moving target as the economy, and therefore tax revenues, shrink further and the government has to cut even more spending to meet the deficit goals.

"This is what happened in Greece, where an adjustment that the European authorities could have accomplished relatively easily and painlessly turned into a 6-year recession and nightmare that has cost Greece a quarter of its national income – and left 27.5 percent of the labor force out of work.


"German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told the press last month, with all the sensitivity of a Cliven Bundy or Los Angeles Clippers’ owner Donald Sterling, that Greece could serve as a model for Ukraine.

"This is like saying that the United States’ Great Depression could serve as a model for Ukraine."

Except with investment bankers instead of FDR managing the New Deal.

Ukraine, the EU and the IMF » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"The IMF has approved a $17 billion loan to Ukraine.

"The first $3.2 billion tranche has arrived on Wednesday.

"It’s essential to identify the conditions attached to this Mafia-style 'loan.'

"Nothing remotely similar to reviving the Ukrainian economy is in play.

"The scheme is inextricably linked to the IMF’s notorious, one-size-fits-all 'structural adjustment' policy, known to hundreds of millions from Latin America and Southeast Asia to Southern Europe.

"The regime changers in Kiev have duly complied, launching the inevitable austerity package – from tax hikes and frozen pensions to a stiff, over 50 percent rise on the price of natural gas heating Ukrainian homes.

"The 'Ukrainian people' won’t be able to pay their utility bills this coming winter.

"Predictably, the massive loan is not for the benefit of 'the Ukrainian people.'

"Kiev is essentially bankrupt.

"Creditors range from Western banks to Gazprom – which is owed no less than $2.7 billion.

"The 'loan' will pay back these creditors; not to mention that $5 billion of the total is earmarked for payments of – what else – previous IMF loans.

"It goes without saying that a lot of the funds will be duly pocketed – Afghanistan-style – by the current bunch of oligarchs aligned with the 'Yats' government in Kiev."

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