Ukrainian fighters dress as civilians to evade Russian forces in Mariupol ,get captured anyway.

Why do they need Belgorod?
In the Belgorod region, air defense systems constantly intercept something flying from Ukraine. So - why is Ukraine constantly launching something there if it makes neither military nor political sense? Indeed, it does not matter for Ukraine. But it has for the USA and NATO. Because this is a great opportunity to test the Russian missile defense system and air defense itself. In this regard, of course, well done, because they do not miss a single opportunity to use someone for their own purposes. Then they constantly had to approach the airspace of Russia with their planes, and now they can send drones and missiles at the expense of Ukraine to see how effectively everything works with us.

This is always the most important information for the development of weapons capable of overcoming air defense. I suspect that the launches are carried out at different altitudes and by different aircraft, at different speeds and at different times. I believe that it also fits under the possibility of fixing the work of our air defense through satellites. Well, how not to give the americans their due in this situation? Put the leadership of a particular country completely under your control and use this result to the maximum.
Yes, it's cynical. Although you can choose another word - pragmatic. For the United States, the interests and problems of other countries matter only in relation to their own interests, and they consistently do not step back from this. Declaring that it is in the interests of freedom and democracy, of course.

If someone thinks that NATO's hand will waver to attack Russia, then leave doubts. They will do it without hesitation as soon as they can neutralize the retaliatory damage from russian nuclear weapons. Otherwise, why would they test and test air protection capabilities at all (and we know that in modern military conflicts strikes are always carried out from the air - be it missiles or bombing by aircraft. And so it turns out that the main beneficiary in the current conflict will also be the United States. The allocation of military aid to Ukraine is always the allocation of money to its military-industrial complex. Nothing worthwhile will be delivered to Ukraine, but let me remind you that the USSR and Russia paid for lend-lease for another half a century.

In general, now all actions of Ukraine are aimed at serving the interests of the United States. And the blow to Kramatorsk is also from this series. As much as it is necessary to kill its own population, so much will be killed, so long as Western propaganda has something to disperse anti-Russian hysteria.
True, it turned out badly there, they found the serial number "Tochka-U", but they are already dispersing the topic that the national battalions are to blame for everything, who shoot anywhere and that's how the tragedy happened. Well no. This is a task that was set for the APU by the Americans and they will set more than one such task. Because it's not enough to drag corpses to the side of the road in Bucha - it doesn't live long. New victims are needed, and I assume that children will be the next. It's just that according to the laws of the genre of military propaganda, the pressure should be increasing. Alas.
Information is being received about an attempt to break into Russia by ukrainian tanks.(!!!) The incident occurred in the area of Goptovka (border checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Dergachevsky district of the Kharkiv region).
10 Ukrainian tanks were involved, 8 were destroyed, 2 turned back. At the moment, the Nehoteevka checkpoint is closed until further notice.
Is there some kind of schizophrenia virus in Ukraine? Have the american biolabs worked one hundred percent? Or did someone in the West want the results of this idiocy? Ukraine continues to fight for the interests of the United States to the last ukrainian.
Give it up. Your Russian military sucks. You have no strategy or skills. You have a lot of numbers to throw in front of live fire, you can waste a lot of lives but you have a third world quality military, mostly because you have no heart ,honor or integrity

Lol...Ukraine is getting it's clock cleaned. Fact

The Russian operation, now 8 weeks, by comparison makes the German blitzkrieg of Poland in 1939 look like a Joe Biden press conference :abgg2q.jpg:
Why do they need Belgorod?
In the Belgorod region, air defense systems constantly intercept something flying from Ukraine. So - why is Ukraine constantly launching something there if it makes neither military nor political sense? Indeed, it does not matter for Ukraine. But it has for the USA and NATO. Because this is a great opportunity to test the Russian missile defense system and air defense itself. In this regard, of course, well done, because they do not miss a single opportunity to use someone for their own purposes. Then they constantly had to approach the airspace of Russia with their planes, and now they can send drones and missiles at the expense of Ukraine to see how effectively everything works with us.

This is always the most important information for the development of weapons capable of overcoming air defense. I suspect that the launches are carried out at different altitudes and by different aircraft, at different speeds and at different times. I believe that it also fits under the possibility of fixing the work of our air defense through satellites. Well, how not to give the americans their due in this situation? Put the leadership of a particular country completely under your control and use this result to the maximum.
Yes, it's cynical. Although you can choose another word - pragmatic. For the United States, the interests and problems of other countries matter only in relation to their own interests, and they consistently do not step back from this. Declaring that it is in the interests of freedom and democracy, of course.

If someone thinks that NATO's hand will waver to attack Russia, then leave doubts. They will do it without hesitation as soon as they can neutralize the retaliatory damage from russian nuclear weapons. Otherwise, why would they test and test air protection capabilities at all (and we know that in modern military conflicts strikes are always carried out from the air - be it missiles or bombing by aircraft. And so it turns out that the main beneficiary in the current conflict will also be the United States. The allocation of military aid to Ukraine is always the allocation of money to its military-industrial complex. Nothing worthwhile will be delivered to Ukraine, but let me remind you that the USSR and Russia paid for lend-lease for another half a century.

In general, now all actions of Ukraine are aimed at serving the interests of the United States. And the blow to Kramatorsk is also from this series. As much as it is necessary to kill its own population, so much will be killed, so long as Western propaganda has something to disperse anti-Russian hysteria.
True, it turned out badly there, they found the serial number "Tochka-U", but they are already dispersing the topic that the national battalions are to blame for everything, who shoot anywhere and that's how the tragedy happened. Well no. This is a task that was set for the APU by the Americans and they will set more than one such task. Because it's not enough to drag corpses to the side of the road in Bucha - it doesn't live long. New victims are needed, and I assume that children will be the next. It's just that according to the laws of the genre of military propaganda, the pressure should be increasing. Alas.
Information is being received about an attempt to break into Russia by ukrainian tanks.(!!!) The incident occurred in the area of Goptovka (border checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Dergachevsky district of the Kharkiv region).
10 Ukrainian tanks were involved, 8 were destroyed, 2 turned back. At the moment, the Nehoteevka checkpoint is closed until further notice.
Is there some kind of schizophrenia virus in Ukraine? Have the american biolabs worked one hundred percent? Or did someone in the West want the results of this idiocy? Ukraine continues to fight for the interests of the United States to the last ukrainian.

100% accurate analysis.

We are surrounded by, for example, the suckers who still think masks work.:iyfyus.jpg:
Why do they need Belgorod?
In the Belgorod region, air defense systems constantly intercept something flying from Ukraine. So - why is Ukraine constantly launching something there if it makes neither military nor political sense? Indeed, it does not matter for Ukraine. But it has for the USA and NATO. Because this is a great opportunity to test the Russian missile defense system and air defense itself. In this regard, of course, well done, because they do not miss a single opportunity to use someone for their own purposes. Then they constantly had to approach the airspace of Russia with their planes, and now they can send drones and missiles at the expense of Ukraine to see how effectively everything works with us.

This is always the most important information for the development of weapons capable of overcoming air defense. I suspect that the launches are carried out at different altitudes and by different aircraft, at different speeds and at different times. I believe that it also fits under the possibility of fixing the work of our air defense through satellites. Well, how not to give the americans their due in this situation? Put the leadership of a particular country completely under your control and use this result to the maximum.
Yes, it's cynical. Although you can choose another word - pragmatic. For the United States, the interests and problems of other countries matter only in relation to their own interests, and they consistently do not step back from this. Declaring that it is in the interests of freedom and democracy, of course.

If someone thinks that NATO's hand will waver to attack Russia, then leave doubts. They will do it without hesitation as soon as they can neutralize the retaliatory damage from russian nuclear weapons. Otherwise, why would they test and test air protection capabilities at all (and we know that in modern military conflicts strikes are always carried out from the air - be it missiles or bombing by aircraft. And so it turns out that the main beneficiary in the current conflict will also be the United States. The allocation of military aid to Ukraine is always the allocation of money to its military-industrial complex. Nothing worthwhile will be delivered to Ukraine, but let me remind you that the USSR and Russia paid for lend-lease for another half a century.

In general, now all actions of Ukraine are aimed at serving the interests of the United States. And the blow to Kramatorsk is also from this series. As much as it is necessary to kill its own population, so much will be killed, so long as Western propaganda has something to disperse anti-Russian hysteria.
True, it turned out badly there, they found the serial number "Tochka-U", but they are already dispersing the topic that the national battalions are to blame for everything, who shoot anywhere and that's how the tragedy happened. Well no. This is a task that was set for the APU by the Americans and they will set more than one such task. Because it's not enough to drag corpses to the side of the road in Bucha - it doesn't live long. New victims are needed, and I assume that children will be the next. It's just that according to the laws of the genre of military propaganda, the pressure should be increasing. Alas.
Information is being received about an attempt to break into Russia by ukrainian tanks.(!!!) The incident occurred in the area of Goptovka (border checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Dergachevsky district of the Kharkiv region).
10 Ukrainian tanks were involved, 8 were destroyed, 2 turned back. At the moment, the Nehoteevka checkpoint is closed until further notice.
Is there some kind of schizophrenia virus in Ukraine? Have the american biolabs worked one hundred percent? Or did someone in the West want the results of this idiocy? Ukraine continues to fight for the interests of the United States to the last ukrainian.
That deserves honourable mention at least.
Do you see any possible solution to bring peace?

This is WW3 in the 'sitzkreig stage.

Personally, I can't imagine how either side (America and Russia) can walk away without some kind of partial victory.

America's hundreds of billions of dollars will turn the Ukraine into a world power but still a US proxy that's backed up by nuclear weapons.

Maybe it's time to think outside the box: Russia/China taking the loss in the Ukraine and opening another front to challenge America?

C. and S. America?
America's hundreds of billions of dollars will turn the Ukraine into a world power
You never learn... Ukraine was already a world power.
After what she got after the collapse of the USSR, she was in all indicators in the top five European countries and even higher. But everything was stolen. And it continues to be stolen now. Expect that some of the weapons that the US is currently selling to Ukraine will hit the US, because thieves from Ukraine are already selling them to anyone who will give more money. Ukraine is a white Haiti, unable to exist normally as an independent country.

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