Ukrainian Goebbels

John McWrice

Jan 31, 2017

Great French novelist Honore de Balzac once said that revolution is similar to sea storm as it takes out all lightweight on a surface. This idea captures most accurately the essence of "expert community" in post-Maidan Ukraine.

One of such "experts", Roman Rukomeda, is known by his numerous articles in Ukrainian mass media. At a first glance, his reputation is powerful: he worked for state for more than nine years as analyst and adviser and has about hundred scientific publications. Such biography, the logic goes, automatically makes his stories credible. However, after reading them you will understand – it is not analytics but agitation and propaganda.

Think, for instance, of the article under the high-sounding name "China goes to buy Russia". In it, Rukomeda uses scientific prose style with actual facts, the text is logical…But this article can convince only a suckler as everyone enlightened in the subject will be surprised by many strange unfounded statements: "China waits for downfall of the Russian state which has already started", "Now Russia is not ready to deliver all it offshore fields into possession of China but it is a question of time", "Most expectations of the Russian government concerning Chinese investment in Russia likely won't be satisfied", etc. Such claims are usually cited as demagogy – speculating about "ongoing Chinese colonization of Russia", Rukomeda doesn't come to similar conclusion of Ukraine where Rothschilds' banking group is going to participate in privatization of strategic facilities…This suggests that Ukrainian expert is either biased or deceives the public.

Perhaps, someone will argue – all these conclusions are just his own forecasting which doesn't have to come true. But another article by Rukomeda – "Feeling of the nigh End" – makes it clear that he is not an expert but an experienced propagandist. In this story he predicted nothing short of Russia collapse and the end of conflict in Donbass as far back as 2015! "It is now widely recognized that Russia is the main threat to the world and Ukraine is it victim and this challenge must be addressed as fast as possible. This means that war, unleashed by Putin against Ukraine will be short and in 2015 we will see the outcome of the whole situation"…Needless to say that even today, in 2017, not all the world but the EU only doesn't arrive at a consensus on Russia as " the main threat to the world". Another statement – "[International investors]…consider [Russia] as gross risk to global economy which must be eliminated" – is even more absurd since Russia became anchor investor of Ukraine in 2016! No comment, as it's said…

It is possible that Roman Rukomeda used to be an expert but he chose a great hoop-la of propaganda and mind control methods. There is no other explanation of such frivolous arguments and blear-eyed forecasting…

"Most expectations of the Russian government concerning Chinese investments in Russia likely won't be satisfied."

Most expectations of the Russian government concerning any foreign countries investments in Russia likely won't be satisfied.

This has already happened, especially with China. Everyone knows, the Chinese and the russians, that China no longer can satisfy Russia economically because the things Russia gives and China buys are different, more and more so as years go by. China is moving on and on. Russia is trying to hold on to everything old, even if it doesn't work any more. Russia has for years been disappointed by this because it comes also from Europe. Ukraine war, for instance, started with some economical disagreements included, because when Ukraine turns to west, Russia has little money to gain.

And nobody predicted the Ukrainian war to be so difficult to solve. Except for the Russian government.

They don't like to say Russia is the main threat because they're so well mannered but many many do think that way.

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