UK's powerful Daily Mail faces a political storm


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
LONDON: Britain's Daily Mail newspaper will tell you that many things you eat can give you cancer, global warming is probably bunk and the British way of life is under threat from pernicious Eurocrats in Brussels.

The Mail is Britain's most polarizing paper, and one of the most powerful. To fans, it's the voice of old-fashioned British values and the enemy of meddling bureaucrats and stultifying political correctness. To critics it's a sensationalist, small-minded rag that demonizes feminists, foreigners and the poor.

To politicians, the Mail is a formidable force whose blessing can help deliver crucial swing votes and whose wrath is best avoided. It's not the paper's conservative bent that bothers them - in Britain, unlike the United States, newspapers are expected to have a strong political stance that comes through in news coverage as well as editorials.

But many feel the Mail went too far when it angered Ed Miliband, leader of the left-of-center Labour Party, by running a story about Miliband's late father, a leading socialist intellectual, headlined "the man who hated Britain."

The Mail warned readers that "Red Ed," who is Britain's main opposition leader and hopes to be its next prime minister, had inherited father Ralph's commitment to class warfare.

Miliband wrote a rebuttal defending his dad, who came to Britain as a teenage refugee from the Nazis and served with the Royal Navy in World War II. "I loved him and he loved Britain," Miliband wrote of his father, who died in 1994. "I know they say 'you can't libel the dead,' but you can smear them."

The paper's attack has won Miliband wide sympathy, and has brought the rare spectacle of politicians from all parties criticizing the Daily Mail.

Former Conservative Cabinet Minister Michael Heseltine accused the Mail of "carrying politics to an extent that is just demeaning."

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, a Liberal Democrat, said Thursday that "if anyone excels in denigrating and often vilifying a lot about modern Britain, it's the Daily Mail."

Clegg had a point - the Mail exudes a deep ambivalence about British society. Its successful formula is to offer readers a mix of anxiety and reassurance, spiced with a dash of sex.

Journalism professor and Guardian media columnist Roy Greenslade said the Mail is often described as the paper that "speaks for Middle England - that segment of the working class which has middle-class aspirations and wishes to defend them against all comers."

"It is vaguely anti-immigrant. It has opposed in the past social liberal moves such as gay rights," he said.

Among the things the Mail approves of are British troops, hardworking "mums and dads" and cute domestic animals. It dislikes unemployed "benefit scroungers" - especially if they're immigrants - Brussels bureaucrats, badly behaved celebrities and left-wing politicians like Ed Miliband.

In the newspaper's pages, common foods regularly turn out to cause cancer - or obesity - and climate change is treated with skepticism.

UK's powerful Daily Mail faces a political storm - Times Of India
And just to make the cheese more binding....

Cameron (Brit PM) had promised a 2015 referendum on getting Britain OUT of the ever-more-Socialist European Union. Now he's being pressed by his own party to move it up so it happens before the coming election. That because there is now a "coalition" government and the leftists are gaining in strength. Should his probable opponent (it's not a matter of a simple vote), Red Ed Miliband, win.....or if there's another coalition Cameron may not be able to deliver on the referendum.

Regrettably, Cameron is appearing not be just weak but actually has become the worst thing imaginable: OBAMA WEAK!
I think Miliband would be a disaster for the UK. Cameron is doing a good job. I think brits should keep him in the office.
I think Miliband would be a disaster for the UK. Cameron is doing a good job. I think brits should keep him in the office.

You have got to be kidding. Conservative Party membership is at its lowest ever on record. Sane Conservatives who are loyal to the soil they were born on are defecting to UKIP in droves. Cameron's just another in a growing line of liberals in disguise.
I think Miliband would be a disaster for the UK. Cameron is doing a good job. I think brits should keep him in the office.

You have got to be kidding. Conservative Party membership is at its lowest ever on record. Sane Conservatives who are loyal to the soil they were born on are defecting to UKIP in droves. Cameron's just another in a growing line of liberals in disguise.

True, UKIP is quickly becoming a force but not sufficiently to win big enough to prevent Labour from making a comeback and touching off a decade of decay.
Does UKIP have any viable leader who can serve as an alternative? The answer is no. In absence of that, all UKIP is doing is dividing the conservative votes therefore paving the path of labor to return to the power.
Cameron is doing a good job. I think brits should keep him in the office.

He's doing an appalling job. Ripping apart the NHS and education. Closing libraries. He's completely out of touch with regular people in the UK. Horrible lizard buffoon.

And the Daily Mail are a hate-mongers in the purest sense of the word. The founder of the paper was a friend and supporter of Hitler, attending dinner's, writing letters. He wrote an op-ed for the paper titled 'Hurrah for the Black Shirts.'

Milliband's father fled to the UK toe scape facism as a teenager. Four years later he was on Normandy beach at the D-Day landing, and the Mail had the gall to say he hated Britain?

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