UM mandates white privilege classes for business students.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
All i see is white persecution namely affirmative action. AA is the govt mandated persecution of white males and the biggest hate crime in america. Blacks get all the privileges - and they still fail.

U of Michigan Imposes Mandatory White Privilege Class for Business Students

nov 22 2015 This is a big part of what the University of Missouri and copycat racist crybully protests were about. Making racist indoctrination mandatory on campus not only provides jobs and entitlements for the crybullies, but perpetuates the cycle.

They got their way at the University of Michigan.

The University of Michigan has added a three-year diversity requirement to its Ross School of Business undergraduate curriculum that, among other things, will teach their students how race, gender and sexual orientation “connect to larger systems of power, privilege and oppression.”

The classes, which include “Identity 101” and “Entering into, Engaging with and Exiting Communities across Difference”, are mandatory for graduation and emphasize “identity, diversity and experience,” said Lynn Wooten, associate dean for undergraduate programs.
What the fuck??? 3 years filled with this bullshit? Fuck Michigan. Go Ohio State!!! Bunch of dipshit liberals.

China and Russia are laughing at us.
As the author of the article says, this is another way to create more BS jobs for blacks. Blacks don't have the brains to become useful people with tech skills but they can teach a silly course in black studies or white privilege just fine.
The racial war that Obama wanted to start is now blazing everywhere.

I looked up a law firm the other day, and the website said it was dedicated to diversity, and had a policy against bullying.

I know what means, so I decided not to apply for a job there.
It's not going to stop there. Watch for the Obama regime to mandate federal contractors to require white privileges training for their employees.
It's not going to stop there. Watch for the Obama regime to mandate federal contractors to require white privileges training for their employees.

We'll see. Obozo will be gone in 14 months and things may change a lot them.

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