Umm, do USMB Republicans understand that the Keystone pipeline will only create 35 permanent jobs?

Van Jones????


Dean, you fucking dope! That's hilarious!!!


Prove it wrong you dope.

Another far left drone showing that they will support debunked far left propaganda and expect others to prove them wrong!

Also shows they are not here for a "debate".

The only thing that's been debunked is you having two brain cells to rub together.

The State Department's final environmental impact reportearlier this year found the project would support 42,100 jobs, but it defined those jobs as lasting just one year. In other words, there would be only 21,050 jobs that last the entirety of the two-year construction period — and the majority of those are not construction jobs (there would be no more than 1,950 of those in each of the two years) but rather are "induced" by construction workers spending their earnings on goods and services in the area.

As far as permanent jobs to operate the pipeline, there would be a total of 35 of those, according to the State Department report.
CNN s Van Jones says Keystone pipeline only creates 35 permanent jobs PunditFact

Contrary To GOP Promises Keystone XL Pipeline Will Only Create 35 Permanent Jobs

Republicans and conservative Democrats have continuously pushed for this pipeline’s approval is due to the huge windfall it will create for oil companies, specifically the Koch Bros. A report completed last year shows that the Kochs stand to make $100 billion from the passage of the Keystone extension. That’s billion, not million.

Republicans can’t just go to the people and say that we need to make sure insanely rich billionaires need to be given an opportunity to become even more insanely wealthy, environmental impacts be damned. Of course not. Therefore, they need to go out and claim that the project will create tons of jobs, help the country’s economy and fulfill its energy needs. Or, in other words, lie. Lie through their teeth.

Fox News host Keystone pipeline would create tens of thousands of jobs PunditFact

Fox News host: Keystone pipeline would create 'tens of thousands of jobs'

As far as new jobs go, the State Department estimates the operation of the pipeline will only create 35 permanent, full-time jobs and 15 temporary contractors. The full-time workers would be "required for annual operations, including routine inspections, maintenance and repair." Some would work in a Nebraska field office.

The lack of many full-time positions makes sense, given that the project is to build a pipeline so that tar sands can travel without the need of rail cars or ships.


Well, there you have it. Maybe we are "misunderestimating" Republicans. Maybe they mean 35 permanent jobs and tens of thousands of jobs cleaning up the fucking mess.

Another huge GOP disaster looms on the horizon. Will this country never learn?

47,000 jobs would have been created during the construction period of an estimated two years. Most people in the construction industry would give their right arm to have a two year job. As all construction is temporary work.

For you liberals, ask yourself is it safer to have this oil brought down via truck or rail, because that is exactly how they're getting it down now. Or would a pipeline that creates 47,000 new American jobs be better?

You just pulled that number right out of your ass.

Now you want to talk about value?
Not permanent jobs? LOL!
Liberals are silly.

Why do "conservatives" - the alleged friends of Capitalism - support taking the property of many Americans by force?

Because that is how eminent domain works. Taking for the public good is as old as the republic.

I have personally had my property "confiscated" for the public good. How do you think roads get built?

BTW, it was the liberals on the Supreme Court that voted to expand eminent domain to include private projects, not just public ones.

Here, do some research:

Kelo v. City of New London - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Come on people. Be serious. Since they want to use existing pipelines that need to be "fixed up", it's estimated it will only take 1-1/2 to 2 years to complete. Then everyone will be laid off except the 35 people it takes to maintain the pipeline. Wanna bet they used migrant workers to build it? How many truck drivers will be laid off? What if one of those pipes explodes right in the middle of America's bread basket? After all, they are heated and under pressure to move that shit.

You know the oil is only going to be refined here at Koch Industries. And then it will be shipped overseas. Such a large amount of refining means it will compete with American oil which means higher gas prices.

Republicans refused to hear the truth about Iraq. And look at what happened.

Republicans ignored the warning about Bin Laden. And look at what happened.

Republicans were warned about the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. And look at what happened.

The question here is when everything turns to shit, how will Republicans blame it on the Democrats? Again!
You a dimwit complaining about using migrant workers? I get it, immigrants are good for only one thing with you, votes. Idiot.
When did non Americans vote dipshit?
I suspect they will use migrant workers because Republicans don't do heavy labor and Democrats already have jobs.

You fucking idiot. :lol: They are using skilled union workers. Damn you are stupid.

The welders that are working out of Oklahoma are making on average $134,000 for this gig.

Not exactly chump change.

Dean is as dumb as Guno
I think dean and Gino are lovers.
Remember all those "shovel ready" jobs Biden and Obama wet their pants about? THOSE ARE TEMPORARY, TOO!

I didn't hear the Left whining then about those jobs being temporary. Hypocrites.

This whining about the Keystone construction jobs only being temporary is bullshit.

EVERY construction job is temporary.

That's the nature of the work. You finish one construction job, you move on to the next one. Except the fuckwads want to prevent that next job from being there. And unlike the stimulus jobs, these jobs aren't funded by taxpayers. They are paid out of the pockets of (gasp) a corporation.
Those shovel ready jobs were building roads and bridges that America needed and they didn't threaten the land and water supply of some 110,000 ranches and farms in Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska that produced more than $40 billion worth of food in 2012. In those three states alone, the pipeline would cross 1,073 rivers, lakes, and streams, including the Yellowstone River in Montana and the Platte River in Nebraska, along with tens of thousands of acres of wetlands. That's a pretty big risk to take to reduce the cost of shipping Canadian oil from tar sands which pollute the land and water and is the fastest-growing source of greenhouse gases
Come on people. Be serious. Since they want to use existing pipelines that need to be "fixed up", it's estimated it will only take 1-1/2 to 2 years to complete. Then everyone will be laid off except the 35 people it takes to maintain the pipeline. Wanna bet they used migrant workers to build it? How many truck drivers will be laid off? What if one of those pipes explodes right in the middle of America's bread basket? After all, they are heated and under pressure to move that shit.

You know the oil is only going to be refined here at Koch Industries. And then it will be shipped overseas. Such a large amount of refining means it will compete with American oil which means higher gas prices.

Republicans refused to hear the truth about Iraq. And look at what happened.

Republicans ignored the warning about Bin Laden. And look at what happened.

Republicans were warned about the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. And look at what happened.

The question here is when everything turns to shit, how will Republicans blame it on the Democrats? Again!
You a dimwit complaining about using migrant workers? I get it, immigrants are good for only one thing with you, votes. Idiot.
When did non Americans vote dipshit?
I suspect they will use migrant workers because Republicans don't do heavy labor and Democrats already have jobs.

You fucking idiot. :lol: They are using skilled union workers. Damn you are stupid.

The welders that are working out of Oklahoma are making on average $134,000 for this gig.

Not exactly chump change.

Dean is as dumb as Guno
and both have problems with White long as they are dont think he and.....naw....
I think we should let Republicans have it. Right when they begin laying off tens of thousands, it will be time to vote. And even a tiny spill in America's bread basket and it's over. No way they will be able to lie about that. The emperor will have no clothes.
God your a simpleton,everyone of those workers knows thqat the job will come to an end,THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS IN CONSTRUCTION. This has been repeated time and time again,your not enough jobs narrative hold sno water.
Van Jones????


Dean, you fucking dope! That's hilarious!!!


Prove it wrong you dope.

I'm rehabilitating a 100 unit apartment complex in the Bronx and I have 70 people on site.

35 people for thousands of miles of pipeline?

Stop snorting the Commie KoolAid

You're not keeping those 70 people after the project is completed.

The State Department's final environmental impact report earlier this year found the project would support 42,100 jobs, but it defined those jobs as lasting just one year. In other words, there would be only 21,050 jobs that last the entirety of the two-year construction period — and the majority of those are not construction jobs (there would be no more than 1,950 of those in each of the two years) but rather are "induced" by construction workers spending their earnings on goods and services in the area.

As far as permanent jobs to operate the pipeline, there would be a total of 35 of those, according to the State Department report.
Van Jones????


Dean, you fucking dope! That's hilarious!!!


Prove it wrong you dope.

I'm rehabilitating a 100 unit apartment complex in the Bronx and I have 70 people on site.

35 people for thousands of miles of pipeline?

Stop snorting the Commie KoolAid

The State Department's final environmental impact report earlier this year found the project would support 42,100 jobs, but it defined those jobs as lasting just one year. In other words, there would be only 21,050 jobs that last the entirety of the two-year construction period — and the majority of those are not construction jobs (there would be no more than 1,950 of those in each of the two years) but rather are "induced" by construction workers spending their earnings on goods and services in the area.

As far as permanent jobs to operate the pipeline, there would be a total of 35 of those, according to the State Department report.
So??even if true,what relevance does that have. I had 8 people building my house,now they are gone,guess I shouldn't have built it,the job only lasted 7 months.
35 more permanent jobs than the stimulus package gave us at no expense to the taxpayers.

For Dems this is a bad idea, they want more stimulus money for ZERO permanent jobs.
Van Jones????


Dean, you fucking dope! That's hilarious!!!


Prove it wrong you dope.

I'm rehabilitating a 100 unit apartment complex in the Bronx and I have 70 people on site.

35 people for thousands of miles of pipeline?

Stop snorting the Commie KoolAid

You're not keeping those 70 people after the project is completed.

The State Department's final environmental impact report earlier this year found the project would support 42,100 jobs, but it defined those jobs as lasting just one year. In other words, there would be only 21,050 jobs that last the entirety of the two-year construction period — and the majority of those are not construction jobs (there would be no more than 1,950 of those in each of the two years) but rather are "induced" by construction workers spending their earnings on goods and services in the area.

As far as permanent jobs to operate the pipeline, there would be a total of 35 of those, according to the State Department report.

The State Department is the LAST place I'd go to for an estimate like that

What do they know about ANYTHING, especially related to ongoing pipeline operation and maintenance.
Van Jones????


Dean, you fucking dope! That's hilarious!!!


Prove it wrong you dope.

I'm rehabilitating a 100 unit apartment complex in the Bronx and I have 70 people on site.

35 people for thousands of miles of pipeline?

Stop snorting the Commie KoolAid

The State Department's final environmental impact report earlier this year found the project would support 42,100 jobs, but it defined those jobs as lasting just one year. In other words, there would be only 21,050 jobs that last the entirety of the two-year construction period — and the majority of those are not construction jobs (there would be no more than 1,950 of those in each of the two years) but rather are "induced" by construction workers spending their earnings on goods and services in the area.

As far as permanent jobs to operate the pipeline, there would be a total of 35 of those, according to the State Department report.
So??even if true,what relevance does that have. I had 8 people building my house,now they are gone,guess I shouldn't have built it,the job only lasted 7 months.

There's a little more to it than that. I wish it were just about jobs. This has to do with property rights, and the fact that the nasty sludge will be going to the Gulf, then loaded onto tankers, to be sold at market value. It's not like we'll be getting it at a discounted rate. We will get very little in return. It's just not worth it.

We are capable of creating jobs!
Van Jones????


Dean, you fucking dope! That's hilarious!!!


Prove it wrong you dope.

I'm rehabilitating a 100 unit apartment complex in the Bronx and I have 70 people on site.

35 people for thousands of miles of pipeline?

Stop snorting the Commie KoolAid

You're not keeping those 70 people after the project is completed.

The State Department's final environmental impact report earlier this year found the project would support 42,100 jobs, but it defined those jobs as lasting just one year. In other words, there would be only 21,050 jobs that last the entirety of the two-year construction period — and the majority of those are not construction jobs (there would be no more than 1,950 of those in each of the two years) but rather are "induced" by construction workers spending their earnings on goods and services in the area.

As far as permanent jobs to operate the pipeline, there would be a total of 35 of those, according to the State Department report.

The State Department is the LAST place I'd go to for an estimate like that

What do they know about ANYTHING, especially related to ongoing pipeline operation and maintenance.

No, the last place you want to go to for information on this subject is poster Frank. What does Frank know about anything?

Well, there you have it. Maybe we are "misunderestimating" Republicans. Maybe they mean 35 permanent jobs and tens of thousands of jobs cleaning up the fucking mess.

Another huge GOP disaster looms on the horizon. Will this country never learn?[/QUOTE]

Republicans don't care about details, they just blindly want what they want and say whatever they think will justify it no matter how inane it may be.
35 more permanent jobs than the stimulus package gave us at no expense to the taxpayers.

For Dems this is a bad idea, they want more stimulus money for ZERO permanent jobs.

Not sure what you are trying to say, however, no permanent jobs created with the stimulus money.

We have an opportunity to NOT use stimulus money, created many jobs for a few years by moving the pipeline through, then it will also create 35 very good paying jobs. It will also produce a lot of tax revenue for years to come.
35 more permanent jobs than the stimulus package gave us at no expense to the taxpayers.

For Dems this is a bad idea, they want more stimulus money for ZERO permanent jobs.

^ According to Dean, 94% of Engineers and scientists are Democrats

I don't know anyone by the name of Dean. If you own an apartment complex, I'm sure you know that it needs up-keep...that is unless you're a slum-lord.
35 more permanent jobs than the stimulus package gave us at no expense to the taxpayers.

For Dems this is a bad idea, they want more stimulus money for ZERO permanent jobs.

Not sure what you are trying to say, however, no permanent jobs created with the stimulus money.

We have an opportunity to NOT use stimulus money, created many jobs for a few years by moving the pipeline through, then it will also create 35 very good paying jobs. It will also produce a lot of tax revenue for years to come.

I'm saying it's not worth the risk for sending (nasty sludge) foreign oil down to the Gulf, to be sold on the Global Market. It's not worth the temporary jobs, and it's certainly not worth 35 permanent ones.

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