Umm, do USMB Republicans understand that the Keystone pipeline will only create 35 permanent jobs?

Why is the far left against jobs being created?

I was wondering the same thing about the right and Obamacare which would create a LOT more jobs than that damn pipeline.

Obamacare has been destroying jobs, idjit.

Nonsense. Aside from the fact that Obamacare is a boon to the insurance industry, the ACA has created millions of new customers for the healthcare industry who will seek out medical care (and preventive medical care) instead of waiting for a healthcare emergency before going to an overburdened emergency room.
True, but Obama didn't mention that those of us with insurance were helping others pay for theirs.

How do you think insurance has always worked? Healthy people pay for the care of sick people.
Come on people. Be serious. Since they want to use existing pipelines that need to be "fixed up", it's estimated it will only take 1-1/2 to 2 years to complete. Then everyone will be laid off except the 35 people it takes to maintain the pipeline. Wanna bet they used migrant workers to build it? How many truck drivers will be laid off? What if one of those pipes explodes right in the middle of America's bread basket? After all, they are heated and under pressure to move that shit.

You know the oil is only going to be refined here at Koch Industries. And then it will be shipped overseas. Such a large amount of refining means it will compete with American oil which means higher gas prices.

Republicans refused to hear the truth about Iraq. And look at what happened.

Republicans ignored the warning about Bin Laden. And look at what happened.

Republicans were warned about the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. And look at what happened.

The question here is when everything turns to shit, how will Republicans blame it on the Democrats? Again!
You a dimwit complaining about using migrant workers? I get it, immigrants are good for only one thing with you, votes. Idiot.
When did non Americans vote dipshit?
I suspect they will use migrant workers because Republicans don't do heavy labor and Democrats already have jobs.
Hey asshole that is the only reason you retards on the left like illegal immigrants.
Because they will actually work, unlike the Republican base? Can't argue with that.
Why is the far left against jobs being created?

I was wondering the same thing about the right and Obamacare which would create a LOT more jobs than that damn pipeline.

Obamacare has been destroying jobs, idjit.

Nonsense. Aside from the fact that Obamacare is a boon to the insurance industry, the ACA has created millions of new customers for the healthcare industry who will seek out medical care (and preventive medical care) instead of waiting for a healthcare emergency before going to an overburdened emergency room.
True, but Obama didn't mention that those of us with insurance were helping others pay for theirs.

How do you think insurance has always worked? Healthy people pay for the care of sick people.
Republicans feel we should just let them die.
I was wondering the same thing about the right and Obamacare which would create a LOT more jobs than that damn pipeline.

Obamacare has been destroying jobs, idjit.

Nonsense. Aside from the fact that Obamacare is a boon to the insurance industry, the ACA has created millions of new customers for the healthcare industry who will seek out medical care (and preventive medical care) instead of waiting for a healthcare emergency before going to an overburdened emergency room.
True, but Obama didn't mention that those of us with insurance were helping others pay for theirs.

How do you think insurance has always worked? Healthy people pay for the care of sick people.
Republicans feel we should just let them die.

Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?
Why is the far left against jobs being created?

I was wondering the same thing about the right and Obamacare which would create a LOT more jobs than that damn pipeline.

Obamacare has been destroying jobs, idjit.

Nonsense. Aside from the fact that Obamacare is a boon to the insurance industry, the ACA has created millions of new customers for the healthcare industry who will seek out medical care (and preventive medical care) instead of waiting for a healthcare emergency before going to an overburdened emergency room.
True, but Obama didn't mention that those of us with insurance were helping others pay for theirs.

How do you think insurance has always worked? Healthy people pay for the care of sick people.
Ah, but there was no requirement to buy HC before Obamacare.
I was wondering the same thing about the right and Obamacare which would create a LOT more jobs than that damn pipeline.

Obamacare has been destroying jobs, idjit.

Nonsense. Aside from the fact that Obamacare is a boon to the insurance industry, the ACA has created millions of new customers for the healthcare industry who will seek out medical care (and preventive medical care) instead of waiting for a healthcare emergency before going to an overburdened emergency room.
True, but Obama didn't mention that those of us with insurance were helping others pay for theirs.

How do you think insurance has always worked? Healthy people pay for the care of sick people.
Republicans feel we should just let them die.
Mitt was right about one thing, the uninsured and really sick got Medicaid. However, some of us think Medicaid was very bad way to treat the indigent. Of course, Obama went Mitt one better and EXPANDED MEDICAID. We salute you, budlite real man of genius.
How about the thousands of multi-year jobs that the XL Pipeline would create? They would not be permanent jobs, but they would last for several years. In addition, millions of dollars would be pumped into the local economies where the pipeline would be constructed.

And if you're worried about the environment, the pipeline would be far more enviro friendly than how the oil is currently being transported to our southern ports. Right now that oil is being transported by trucks and some rail. Sending it through a pipeline would produce almost no emissions into the atmosphere.

Why not do the smart thing, the thing that would create thousands of jobs for several years and would pump millions of dollars into our economy?

How about we rebuild America's roads and bridges and create thousands of jobs that way?

Using spoons and toothpicks so it take forever to accomplish anything
Why is the far left against jobs being created?

I like the idea of thousands or millions of jobs. 35 just aren't enough.

How many permanent jobs are created building a bridge or paving a road?

Answer: 0

Yet, Democrats are orgasmic over infrastructure spending!

However, when this type of infrastructure spending is available, Democrats think it's "bad."

Thanks, rdean, for another fabulous rdean thread!
his threads are great aint they?....they are....
heres more from my politifact reference above:

Importantly, as Raddatz said, these jobs would only be supported during the construction phase, which is expected to take one to two years. After construction, the pipeline would employ about 50 people, primarily for maintenance.
that 2 year job is better than those millions of low wage part time jobs out there......

Come on people. Be serious. Since they want to use existing pipelines that need to be "fixed up", it's estimated it will only take 1-1/2 to 2 years to complete. Then everyone will be laid off except the 35 people it takes to maintain the pipeline. Wanna bet they used migrant workers to build it? How many truck drivers will be laid off? What if one of those pipes explodes right in the middle of America's bread basket? After all, they are heated and under pressure to move that shit.

You know the oil is only going to be refined here at Koch Industries. And then it will be shipped overseas. Such a large amount of refining means it will compete with American oil which means higher gas prices.

Republicans refused to hear the truth about Iraq. And look at what happened.

Republicans ignored the warning about Bin Laden. And look at what happened.

Republicans were warned about the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. And look at what happened.

The question here is when everything turns to shit, how will Republicans blame it on the Democrats? Again!
You a dimwit complaining about using migrant workers? I get it, immigrants are good for only one thing with you, votes. Idiot.
When did non Americans vote dipshit?
I suspect they will use migrant workers because Republicans don't do heavy labor and Democrats already have jobs.

You fucking idiot. :lol: They are using skilled union workers. Damn you are stupid.

The welders that are working out of Oklahoma are making on average $134,000 for this gig.

Not exactly chump change.
I think we should let Republicans have it. Right when they begin laying off tens of thousands, it will be time to vote. And even a tiny spill in America's bread basket and it's over. No way they will be able to lie about that. The emperor will have no clothes.

Construction workers know that their jobs are temporary. You don't have a clue about how the real world works do you?
Come on people. Be serious. Since they want to use existing pipelines that need to be "fixed up", it's estimated it will only take 1-1/2 to 2 years to complete. Then everyone will be laid off except the 35 people it takes to maintain the pipeline. Wanna bet they used migrant workers to build it? How many truck drivers will be laid off? What if one of those pipes explodes right in the middle of America's bread basket? After all, they are heated and under pressure to move that shit.

You know the oil is only going to be refined here at Koch Industries. And then it will be shipped overseas. Such a large amount of refining means it will compete with American oil which means higher gas prices.

Republicans refused to hear the truth about Iraq. And look at what happened.

Republicans ignored the warning about Bin Laden. And look at what happened.

Republicans were warned about the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. And look at what happened.

The question here is when everything turns to shit, how will Republicans blame it on the Democrats? Again!
You a dimwit complaining about using migrant workers? I get it, immigrants are good for only one thing with you, votes. Idiot.
When did non Americans vote dipshit?
I suspect they will use migrant workers because Republicans don't do heavy labor and Democrats already have jobs.

You fucking idiot. :lol: They are using skilled union workers. Damn you are stupid.

The welders that are working out of Oklahoma are making on average $134,000 for this gig.

Not exactly chump change.

Dean is as dumb as Guno
Van Jones????


Dean, you fucking dope! That's hilarious!!!


Prove it wrong you dope.
CNN s Van Jones says Keystone pipeline only creates 35 permanent jobs PunditFact

Contrary To GOP Promises Keystone XL Pipeline Will Only Create 35 Permanent Jobs

Republicans and conservative Democrats have continuously pushed for this pipeline’s approval is due to the huge windfall it will create for oil companies, specifically the Koch Bros. A report completed last year shows that the Kochs stand to make $100 billion from the passage of the Keystone extension. That’s billion, not million.

Republicans can’t just go to the people and say that we need to make sure insanely rich billionaires need to be given an opportunity to become even more insanely wealthy, environmental impacts be damned. Of course not. Therefore, they need to go out and claim that the project will create tons of jobs, help the country’s economy and fulfill its energy needs. Or, in other words, lie. Lie through their teeth.

Fox News host Keystone pipeline would create tens of thousands of jobs PunditFact

Fox News host: Keystone pipeline would create 'tens of thousands of jobs'

As far as new jobs go, the State Department estimates the operation of the pipeline will only create 35 permanent, full-time jobs and 15 temporary contractors. The full-time workers would be "required for annual operations, including routine inspections, maintenance and repair." Some would work in a Nebraska field office.

The lack of many full-time positions makes sense, given that the project is to build a pipeline so that tar sands can travel without the need of rail cars or ships.


Well, there you have it. Maybe we are "misunderestimating" Republicans. Maybe they mean 35 permanent jobs and tens of thousands of jobs cleaning up the fucking mess.

Another huge GOP disaster looms on the horizon. Will this country never learn?

47,000 jobs would have been created during the construction period of an estimated two years. Most people in the construction industry would give their right arm to have a two year job. As all construction is temporary work.

For you liberals, ask yourself is it safer to have this oil brought down via truck or rail, because that is exactly how they're getting it down now. Or would a pipeline that creates 47,000 new American jobs be better?
The plan is to turn it over to the government...that's when the number becomes 350,000.
OK that was funny. Nice post.

Imo Dean sort of misses the point though. Who cares how many jobs it creates? It doesn't cost taxpayers anything to build the thing. It will increase the amt of petroleum in the world supply (which isn't a bad thing considering Putin these days). And, a pipeline is actually safer than a bunch of rail cars. It's not gonna make my gas cheaper, but why not let them build the fcking thing if they want? We are a capitalist econ.

It's not going to make your gas cheaper. The price of oil is already bumping down against the break even point for high cost North American production.

Not the point, it will make the transportation of it safer.

How about the thousands of multi-year jobs that the XL Pipeline would create? They would not be permanent jobs, but they would last for several years. In addition, millions of dollars would be pumped into the local economies where the pipeline would be constructed.

And if you're worried about the environment, the pipeline would be far more enviro friendly than how the oil is currently being transported to our southern ports. Right now that oil is being transported by trucks and some rail. Sending it through a pipeline would produce almost no emissions into the atmosphere.

Why not do the smart thing, the thing that would create thousands of jobs for several years and would pump millions of dollars into our economy?

How about we rebuild America's roads and bridges and create thousands of jobs that way?

Because this project is being done with private funds. Japan tried to do what you suggest, with disastrous results. Yesterday, I read that they are, yet again, in another recession.


So public funding of improving our infrastructure is now verboten?

lol, the more you learn about conservatives....
I think zephyr sort of did a mix and match to get an oxymoron. Japan has tried so much deficit spending it's actually harmful. In the US the argument is to pay for more roads on a pay go nature. I'm not sure about raising the gas tax though.

I don't think I did. The mantra of the left is to borrow money to fund infrastructure projects to boost the economy. Japan just showed us that it doesn't work.

I think we should let Republicans have it. Right when they begin laying off tens of thousands, it will be time to vote. And even a tiny spill in America's bread basket and it's over. No way they will be able to lie about that. The emperor will have no clothes. mean like how the Alaskan pipeline despoiled Alaska?

Come on people. Be serious. Since they want to use existing pipelines that need to be "fixed up", it's estimated it will only take 1-1/2 to 2 years to complete. Then everyone will be laid off except the 35 people it takes to maintain the pipeline. Wanna bet they used migrant workers to build it? How many truck drivers will be laid off? What if one of those pipes explodes right in the middle of America's bread basket? After all, they are heated and under pressure to move that shit.

You know the oil is only going to be refined here at Koch Industries. And then it will be shipped overseas. Such a large amount of refining means it will compete with American oil which means higher gas prices.

Republicans refused to hear the truth about Iraq. And look at what happened.

Republicans ignored the warning about Bin Laden. And look at what happened.

Republicans were warned about the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. And look at what happened.

The question here is when everything turns to shit, how will Republicans blame it on the Democrats? Again!
You a dimwit complaining about using migrant workers? I get it, immigrants are good for only one thing with you, votes. Idiot.
When did non Americans vote dipshit?
I suspect they will use migrant workers because Republicans don't do heavy labor and Democrats already have jobs.

You fucking idiot. :lol: They are using skilled union workers. Damn you are stupid.

The welders that are working out of Oklahoma are making on average $134,000 for this gig.

Not exactly chump change.

I am a union carpenter in Wisconsin. I have friends that have worked in Canada on the infrastructure needed to produce this oil.

I agree with you.


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