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UN backtracks on claim that deadly IDF strike hit Gaza school

If you want to believe that a terrorist was hiding in the lunchbox of every former human being blown to chunks OUTSIDE on the fucking sidewalk then so be it. Clearly, if a zionist tells you that there is a terrorist on the moon you'd be read to blow that fucker up. First, you cocksuckers fall for the same ole "terrorist shooting from that location" bullshit and swallowed the OLD FOOTAGE hook, line and sinker.

So that i have this straight, you are saying that Israel wasnt firing back at Hamas terrorists outside that school, and that they were actually purposely killing civilians and there were no Hamas fighters there at the time? This is what you are saying right?

If Hamas fires on Israeli soldiers as they are moving through the Gaza streets, those Israeli soldiers dont have time to be worrying about whos next to the men firing at them. The fact is, Hamas refuses to wear military clothing, so EVERY Hamas terrorist looks like a civilian in the first place. A military uniform is important precisely BECAUSE your civilians die when you dont use them. Any eleected government should be aware of this. Its combat 101 stuff.

Shogun, we all know what your thoughts about Israel are, but can you calmly and honestly answer the following questions, without mentioning or alluding to Israel or zionism?

What are your thoughts about countries indescriminately firing rockets into neighboring countries civilian populations? Is this humane tactic under any circumstance or are there situations when its ok to try and kill innocent civilians?

What do you think about soldiers who refuse to wear uniforms, even while fighting in their own civilians neighborhoods? What reason can you think of for a modern day military, to NOT use uniforms, especially when they are going to be fighting in and around civilian populations? What do YOU think was Hamas's motivation for doing this?

We all know how much you hate Israel, and we know how much you hate it when they kill innocent Palestinian civilians, but id like to hear your thoughts on Hamas's actions. Certainly you cant agree with EVERYTHING theyve done up to this point, can you? Do you have ANY critiques for them?

You see, i have a feeling that you put lower expectations on the Palestinian because they are the underdog, and they are muslim like you. I think that you would expect more from the US then you would of Hamas. I also think you expect a higher standard from Israel then you do with Hamas.

From time to time, ill make statments like "who cares, they are only palestinians, they elected those terrorists", but that doesnt mean i always mean what i say. Sometimes, im simply showing the Hamas supporters that civilian casualties arent going to be enough to stop the Israeli supporters from backing them up when they fight terrorists. Personally, i think its fucking horrible when civilians die (duh, of course), especially when you see the chidren that were injured and killed in Gaza, and the pictures ive seen are heart wrenching i have to admit, but when you are fighting terrorists, there will always be civilian casualties, because civilian deaths is their bread and butter.

If there is ANY incident where an Israeli soldier purposely fired upon an innocent civilian, with the intent to kill that civilian, that Israeli soldier should go to prison for the rest of his life. Hell, as far as im concerned, he should be shot dead on the spot by his fellow soldiers. THAT is my position on ANY Israeli crimes, but i wonder Shogun, what is your position on Hamas crimes? Do you hold them responsible for any wrong doing, or are they free to use any tactic whatsoever?

These are honest questions...if you want to, you can answer them calmly and honestly. Id love to hear your answers Shogun, if they are honest answers.

Yes, thats exactly what i'm saying. It's a message being sent to civilians that we've seen any number to thug mafia organizations perform each time they want to send a message. Again, 12 dead rocketted jews vs 1000+ arab civilians. Thats an 83.33% return! After all, nothing says "there was actually a hamas sniper" quite like RECYCLING OLD FUCKING FOOTAGE!

If Hamas fires on Israeli soldiers as they are moving through the Gaza streets, those Israeli soldiers dont have time to be worrying about whos next to the men firing at them. The fact is, Hamas refuses to wear military clothing, so EVERY Hamas terrorist looks like a civilian in the first place. A military uniform is important precisely BECAUSE your civilians die when you dont use them. Any eleected government should be aware of this. Its combat 101 stuff.

Thats your fucking opinion. The next time you see a swat team take out a bank robber by blowing up 4 square city blocks "because they don't have time to be worrying about who is next to the men firing at them" then get back to me.


The FACT is that this was a fucking fired round from a safe distance so it's not as if Shlomo the IDF soldier was anywhere near the fucking explosion when the civilian ate the big one. So, spare me this "israelis were going to die if those kids were not blown up" shit. Blaming a lack of uniform only conveys the incompetence you want so despreately to make excuses for. AGAIN, we didn't go evict Manuel Noriega by destroying fucking Panama. We don't take out entire fucking border towns because Drug Lord men refuse to wear fucking matching pants and shirts. What makes civilians die are the unrepentant lack of empathy you people are capable of while it's not YOUR civilains being blown to shit. If you can't differentiate then it's not a green light to go massacre a fucking village, mr my lai.

What are your thoughts about countries indescriminately firing rockets into neighboring countries civilian populations? Is this humane tactic under any circumstance or are there situations when its ok to try and kill innocent civilians?

It's no less inhumane than any standard CIA operation meant to rouse civilian unrest. It's no more barbaric than guerrilla warfare in general. Especially when we ARE talking about a ****** class of refugees that have been marginalized and disregarded by jew-fest '64. Tell me, if you were in their shoes and China or Russia had captured YOUR state and kept you in what amounts to a giant concentration camp where YOUR family becomes bomb fodder for zionism would YOU fire a fucking rocket at what you percieve as YOUR occupiers? Are you going to get your Red Dawn on or are you going to be complacent for 60 fucking years while your family becomes nothing more than target practice? Again, YOU are crying foul over 12 fucking dead jews. 12. All the while, 1000+, HALF OF WHICH were fucking TODDLERS and other assorted civilians, get to eat bomb because YOU dont' like what... ROCKETS? So, you rationalize BOMBS THAT KILL A THOUSAND... But 12 dead jews killed by rockets over the last 15 fucking years is a fucking no no? Hell, you don't even CARE about what impact that jewish settlers Usurping MORE pali land has on this cycle, do you? Not enough to give a fuck that jewish settlers were STILL a fucking rampant problem even in Dec. 08? You want to see video of how IDF and jewish squatters treat arabs? It's a bit more tangible than screaming antisemite but...

What do you think about soldiers who refuse to wear uniforms, even while fighting in their own civilians neighborhoods? What reason can you think of for a modern day military, to NOT use uniforms, especially when they are going to be fighting in and around civilian populations? What do YOU think was Hamas's motivation for doing this?

oh, so you want uniforms on people who can BARELY survive without israel flipping a switch and ALLOWING access to resources? Does Palestine strike you as the next fucking Dubai? All you offer are excuses. Again, we don't shoot at a fucking crowd of civilians on the OFF chance that we may kill an ununiformed militant. Hell, with that standard it's no wonder you people call anyone old enough to hold a rock a fucking terrorist.

When did Pali GET a fucking modern military? Do you not see how laughable that question is when the prime weapons of arabs are ROCKS and joke rockets? Say it with me: 12 dead jews in 15 fucking years. If your gun had that kind of kill ratio do you feel you'd need a goddamn nuclear explosion to offer rebuttal in combat? Gimme a fucking break.

I think Hamas is doing what every other clandestine military operation is doing: doing the best they can with what they have. If they had the same tanks that israel has and the same planes that israel has you wouldn't see a single suicide bomber. But, as it is, This is no different than natives taking bows and arrows against white man flintlock guns. No different than South Afrikaners being blown up by none other than Nelson fucking Mandela.

We all know how much you hate Israel, and we know how much you hate it when they kill innocent Palestinian civilians, but id like to hear your thoughts on Hamas's actions. Certainly you cant agree with EVERYTHING theyve done up to this point, can you? Do you have ANY critiques for them?

Thats where you are wrong. I don't hate israel at all. No more than I hate Germany or South Africa. I can make a distinction between israeli JEWS and israeli ZIONISTS. Ironically, those who scream antisemite are often the ones who think thal all muslims leaped out of a pussy with a bomb in one hand and a hatred of jews in the other. If Israel were to become a pluralistic nation where democracy and equality trump the new master race bullshit then I'd be content as a peach. However, by making excuses for the dominantion of jews over arabs in israel you do nothing more than cause the NELSON MANDELAs of palestine to see that their only options are rockets. Hamas is nothing more than a cultural reaction to being marginalized as a people. I don't condone rockets or bombs, but I don't pretend that they are merely the product of "evil" rather than a social reaction to the very real nature of the creation of israel. We saw the same goddamn thing when INDIANS decided to scalp fucking white people who were too busy jacking off tho manifest destiny to consider how the NATIVES might feel about being kicked off of their fucking land. I don't condone scalping.. But then, I also don't make excuses for the nature of our westward expansion either. And, I'm quite sure you would be reacting the same fucking way were you not sitting comfy behind a computer screen and were, instead, being rationalized as a terrorist worth killing because a jew wants to take your land. Ironically, we see the same "only good arab is a dead arab" language popping up in israel yet you people INSIST 12 dead fucking jews over 15 years makes ISRAEL the victim here while you can see nothing less than a modern trail of tears happen before your very fucking eyes.

You see, i have a feeling that you put lower expectations on the Palestinian because they are the underdog, and they are muslim like you. I think that you would expect more from the US then you would of Hamas. I also think you expect a higher standard from Israel then you do with Hamas.

I'm atheist as hell so you might want to change the batteries in your crystal ball. And, given which group HAS THE FUCKING TANKS and CLAIMS to be a western nation and WAS carved out of palestine land, yes. I have a igh standard for israel. Call it a price that must be paid for their helluva steal on a brand new western backed "cant do no wrong" nation. do YOU have a higher standard for the US than you do fucking Saddams Iraq? If so, then whats your fucking point?

From time to time, ill make statments like "who cares, they are only palestinians, they elected those terrorists", but that doesnt mean i always mean what i say. Sometimes, im simply showing the Hamas supporters that civilian casualties arent going to be enough to stop the Israeli supporters from backing them up when they fight terrorists. Personally, i think its fucking horrible when civilians die (duh, of course), especially when you see the chidren that were injured and killed in Gaza, and the pictures ive seen are heart wrenching i have to admit, but when you are fighting terrorists, there will always be civilian casualties, because civilian deaths is their bread and butter.

I applaud your effort in empathy but I think you are still stretching too far to allow for that trusty blank check excuse. You can't blame civilian casualties on the ones who have only killed 12 civilians while israel is off launching fucking phosphorus weapons on residential neighborhoods. This is why, and you remember this post, this little excercise in social domination won't end the rockets. They won't end anything, really. All this will achieve is making people like you MORE LIKELY to accept the wholescale extermination of palestine rather than *gasp* hold israel accountable for their racist state policies. We Americans wouldn't treat any of our minority groups like israel treats arabs and we SURE AS FUCK won't insist that a dominant ethnicity, white people, remain dominant with tailored policies and i porting white people. Blaming arabs for reacting to your rationalization keeping them as israels ****** class doesn't change the fact that they ARE israels ****** class.

If there is ANY incident where an Israeli soldier purposely fired upon an innocent civilian, with the intent to kill that civilian, that Israeli soldier should go to prison for the rest of his life. Hell, as far as im concerned, he should be shot dead on the spot by his fellow soldiers. THAT is my position on ANY Israeli crimes, but i wonder Shogun, what is your position on Hamas crimes? Do you hold them responsible for any wrong doing, or are they free to use any tactic whatsoever?

I would convict any arab rocketeer that was arrested. Yay. You get 12 arabs. Now, are you going to arrest any IDF soldier that kills an arab civilian? Of course not. You don't call the same actions taken by jews the same thing you call an arab doing the same damn thing. THIS is the core of the conflict. You don't hold equality above the zionist agenda. agian, when the US stopped letting peopel like the killers of Emmet Till go then blacks in the US stopped rioting. When we allowed them to go to college on par with whites then they stopped burning buildings. When we acquit cops for beating the shit out of a black man despite captured footage what happened? I'll tell you what DIDNT happen: we DIDNT go into LA with fucking tanks and blame ******* for rioting while culling the fucking heard with goddamn cluster bombs. I'll tell you what, YOU get israel to put jews on par with arabs and watch as 12 more jews dont have to become the excuse used to kill 1k+ arab civilians.

These are honest questions...if you want to, you can answer them calmly and honestly. Id love to hear your answers Shogun, if they are honest answers.

I always answer honestly. Perhaps you may not like my vocabulary but such is life.
that's what happens when terrorists use civilians as shields.

maybe hamas shouldn't have sent 3,000 missiles into Israel. Then civilians wouldn't die.

maybe jews shouldnt cry that the sky is falling when 12 jews die by rockets as if it's an excuse to slaughter 1000+ innocent civilians... Hell, we saw this same routine in Lebenon 06.

Lord knows, nothing says "human shield" quite like civilians running at a UN building! OR, for that matter, recycled video of supposed snipers!


It is amazing how less your argument makes sense: so it is OK for Israelis to shoot rockets into Gaza as long as the IDF doesn't hit anyone?

You re missing the point of action and reaction: fire 3000 rockets into any country on this planet and you will have a reaction (even Erdogan can't ignore that), of course this reaction can be disproportional because no one has the right to fire rockets into cities of another country. Israel also would not have the right to invade and destroy Gaza, unless someone fires a 2 digit number of rockets into Israel from Gaza each day.

Yes I know what the word disproportionate means, but every country will use disproportionate actions to protect its citizens. If there is one criminal on the street, you wont send just one cop after him: you will use the entire police force to catch him.

If it is OK to fire rockets at your house as long as nobody gets hurt/killed well then let me know it, I m sure there are some "zionists" here on the forum that would be happy to do that if it makes no difference for you anyway.

way to pull off the "purposefully obtuse" performance. And, if I fire 3k rockets into the US from mexico then it's simply not true that the US would take out 5 square miles of mexicans civilians on the off chance that I may be killed. 15 dead jews are no excuse to kill off 1k+ arabs. If you want to accept the excuses for such disproportion then so be it. You are no better than any given german citizen who was all for raking jews over the coals for the perceived jewish role in germany's ww1 effort. 2 digit rockets is a fucking joke given the 4 digit number of arab deaths you are trying to make an excuse for.

If there is one criminal on the street, you wont send just one cop after him: you will use the entire police force to catch him.

Indeed, but that entire police force DOESNT TAKE OUT A WHOLE CITY FUCKING BLOCK OF CIVILIANS JUST TO KILL A SHOOTING BANK ROBBER. Way to pwn yourself, dude.

And, if you fire a rocket and kill my dog does that mean I get to legally hunt down your entire extended family and drop a bomb on them? GOSH! WHY EVER WOULD YOU SAY NO!?!

1) You dont think Hamas should wear the uniforms they could easily afford.

2) You dont think its bad for Hamas to fire rockets indescriminately into Israel.

3) You hold the Palestinians to a lower standard then everyone else on the planet.

4) You have no critiques for ANY of Hamas's actions, and feel everything theyve done so far is just fine.

5) You say that any Hamas rocketeer should be arrested, but yet, when Israel goes into Gaza to arrest them, you blame Israel and call them evil for doing it.

It seems to me that you are incapable of looking at this conflict with any logic or fairness. It seems like all you are saying is Hamas is free to do whatever they want without any criticism, and everything Israel does is evil, even if they are trying to protect their own citizens. I dont think you care who is right or wrong, you only care that its YOUR side that wins, and when they dont, you blame it on the evil "zionists" in Israel.

You realize there is no point in debating anything with you if you are incapable of applying logic or fairness to these situations. There is no point i could ever make in favor of Israel, that you would ever agree with, no matter how obvious it is.

I just dont see why anyone should bother with you at this point. Your answers will always be known before you even say them. There is nothing you will add to any of these discussions that doesnt come from a position of complete bias, and you wont recognise anything factual if it is in favor of Israel. You have no credibility at all.
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1) You dont think Hamas should wear the uniforms they could easily afford.

EASILY AFFORD? Praytel, what is your source that indicates funds for uniforms when gaza has been cut off from every other fucking resource at the whim of israel? By all means, explain how dirt poor ghetto refugees have the fucking liquid funds to go buy nice, pressed uniforms.

2) You dont think its bad for Hamas to fire rockets indescriminately into Israel.

Read what I said. I stated that I'd have anyone firinig rockets arrested but i'm not going to disregard their actions in relation to A POPULATION BEING CAST ASIDE AS A DISPOSABLE ****** CLASS. Indeed, I sure as fuck won't make excuses for the killings of exponentially more arab civilians than 12 rocketted jews just so you can feel good about siding with israel.

3) You hold the Palestinians to a lower standard then everyone else on the planet.

Again, do you hold the US to a higher standard than those we fight in Iraq? Funny how selective your criticism is, eh?

4) You have no critiques for ANY of Hamas's actions, and feel everything theyve done so far is just fine.

quote me suggesting anything of the sort. Or, if you'd rather sit there and look stupid I can quote myself in the event that you've got a scarlet A riding the tip of your tongue..

5) You say that any Hamas rocketeer should be arrested, but yet, when Israel goes into Gaza to arrest them, you blame Israel and call them evil for doing it.

I dont use words like "evil" to describe this. This shows me that you didn't even read my post. I specifically explained how this is not a matter of good vs evil at all, but rather, another example of one ethnic population dominating another. And yes, if an arab should be arrested for killing a jew then a jew should be arrested for killing an arab, RGARDLESS of who is wearing what uniform. I know I know.. how antisemitic!


It seems to me that you are incapable of looking at this conflict with any logic or fairness. It seems like all you are saying is Hamas is free to do whatever they want without any criticism, and everything Israel does is evil, even if they are trying to protect their own citizens. I dont think you care who is right or wrong, you only care that its YOUR side that wins, and when they dont, you blame it on the evil "zionists" in Israel.

HA! You totally misconstrue my post and then accuse ME of being incapable of fairness and logic? :lol: classic. Say, how do you get "hamas can do anything" from "ID ARREST EACH ROCKET LAUNCHING ARAB"? :rofl: Trust me, dude.. IM not the one who is clearly hellbent on whitewashing away any criticism. You've YET to make any fucking statement about dead arabs that isn't paired with an excuse for isreal. ESPECIALLY since we both know goddamn well that AMERICA would not exterminate mexicans because a drug lord is shooting from a fucking mexican ghetto. By all means, line up your silly little Scarlet A, bitch. If thats all you got then you are nothing more than another Served Zionist looking for nothing less than a blank check for israel to kill off arabs. If you think YOU are "right" by crying over 12 dead jews while justifying 1k+ dead arabs then the joke is on you, motherfucker.

You realize there is no point in debating anything with you if you are incapable of applying logic or fairness to these situations. There is no point i could ever make in favor of Israel, that you would ever agree with, no matter how obvious it is.

No, there is no point in you assuming that I am going to agree with your silly zionist ass just because you really, REALLY think you are correct. YOU are not one to talk about logic given the 12 to 1000 ration thus far. YOU are not one to talk about fairness given the racism you will defend for the sake of a jewish israel NO MATTER WHAT ethnic populations get canaanized. if you admitted that israel needs to drop the racist state policies that alientate non-jews then Id agree with you. Fat chance of THAt happening, eh dude? And you call ME the unfair, illogical one?

:lol: Something is obvious alright, dude.

I just dont see why anyone should bother with you at this point. Your answers will always be known before you even say them. There is nothing you will add to any of these discussions that doesnt come from a position of complete bias, and you wont recognise anything factual if it is in favor of Israel. You have no credibility at all.

Did I reply to yuo or did you reply to me? Ahhh so I guess you can spare the the bullshit crybaby game and amend your own behaviour the next time I post something that you want to comment on, eh? COMPLETE BIAS???




OOOOK, guy! tell me another zionist joke! Lord fucking knows FAVORING ISRAEL sure is a facet of FAIRNESS! Hey, tellme how many OTHER nations get to maintain a specific ethnic population, ****** minorities be damned, dude.. come on... NAME THEM.


silly bastard. you didn't even have a chance.
I just dont see why anyone should bother with you at this point. Your answers will always be known before you even say them. There is nothing you will add to any of these discussions that doesnt come from a position of complete bias, and you wont recognise anything factual if it is in favor of Israel. You have no credibility at all.

This quote sums it up my position well. Your answers are crap, as usual. I would pick apart your stupid answers to all 5 of those questions, but again, why should i waste my time? You wont recognize facts, so i wont bother providing them for you.
I just dont see why anyone should bother with you at this point. Your answers will always be known before you even say them. There is nothing you will add to any of these discussions that doesnt come from a position of complete bias, and you wont recognise anything factual if it is in favor of Israel. You have no credibility at all.

This quote sums it up my position well. Your answers are crap, as usual. I would pick apart your stupid answers to all 5 of those questions, but again, why should i waste my time? You wont recognize facts, so i wont bother providing them for you.

Looks like Ive curb stomped another weak ass bitch who thought they could leap into the fray but, instead, looks to tuck his pussy ass tail between his legs.

Again, I've explained my position and all you retort with is standard issue zionist bullshit. Hell, you didn't even notice that I covered the concept of "good and evil" and why i don't use such nomenclature... yet managed to post your rebuttal using the assumption that I think everything israel does is evil! :lol: Think of your failure as David Lee Roth's brown M&Ms, motherfucker. We both know you didn't even READ my reply so.. too bad, so sad!

And, you don't offer facts. You offer the same zionist bullshit that i've heard time and again. Hell, you don't even TRY to digest the charge of state based racsim in israel and the social affect it has on minority populations IN RELATION to every other fuckng historic example of the same shit.

So, like I said, if you are too large of a pussy to address what I AM saying and, instead, need to tuck your fucking tail and ignore what i've posted then remember this thread so you don't make the same mistake again, pussy.

Looks like Ive curb stomped another weak ass bitch who thought they could leap into the fray but, instead, looks to tuck his pussy ass tail between his legs.

Tuck my tail? No, i could continue to show you where you are wrong, but you wont be realistic and you wont recognize any factual points we make.

Your position is Hamas can do whatever they want and Israel cant. If you cant recognize the core problem with that, whats the point of debating anything with you? You are incapable of logical debate, so im done with you. Its as simple as that.
Looks like Ive curb stomped another weak ass bitch who thought they could leap into the fray but, instead, looks to tuck his pussy ass tail between his legs.

Tuck my tail? No, i could continue to show you where you are wrong, but you wont be realistic and you wont recognize any factual points we make.

Your position is Hamas can do whatever they want and Israel cant. If you cant recognize the core problem with that, whats the point of debating anything with you? You are incapable of logical debate, so im done with you. Its as simple as that.

When "being realistic" amounts to falling over myself to agree with your stupid fucking input then it seems you are falling over your own strawman. Again, it's clear you didn't read my post due to your continued mention of "good v evil". What you call a "factual point" is about as valid as your spineless exit from this thread.

No, my positoin is that hammas can be arrested for firing rockets if you can find the hammas individuals who actually fired the rockets. My position that is that israel cannot fucking exteminate civilians just because they are too big of a pussy to go in and extract the ACTUAL criminal element. I'm not the one doling out the blank fucking checks, zionist.

when your pussy stops bleeding and you come to realize that your baseless opinion doesn't amount to fact just because you've got a raging zionist hardon feel free to jump back into the adult pool rather than crying in the toddlers wading pool. Or don't. Clearly, you have been punked and have no rebuttals to what I actually DID post.

The got caught smuggling in nine million dollars. No doubt they can afford uniforms. Cowards.

"they"? do you have any evidence that the none million dollars belonged to terror loving terrorists or do you just assume that every arab is a jew hating rocket machine from birth, mcnuggetkins?
The got caught smuggling in nine million dollars. No doubt they can afford uniforms. Cowards.
they dont even need uniforms
all they need is an armband, headband, whatever, as long as it seperates them from the civilian population
No, my positoin is that hammas can be arrested for firing rockets if you can find the hammas individuals who actually fired the rockets.

Fine, then my position is you can arrest Israelis if they killed any innocents on purpose, if you can find them and prove it. Until these things ARE proven, i wont complain about rocket attacks and you cant complain about the overwhelming losses on the Palestinians side when Isreal enters Gaza. In the mean time, both sides can continue fighting and whoever dies will die. As long as no illegal actions are proven in a court of law, any and all deaths are legal and acceptable.

Works for me!
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The got caught smuggling in nine million dollars. No doubt they can afford uniforms. Cowards.
they dont even need uniforms
all they need is an armband, headband, whatever, as long as it seperates them from the civilian population
Good point. More proof that they are cowards.
well hell, why should we expect them to actually follow the geneva conventions, isnt forcing Israel to do so enough?
No, my positoin is that hammas can be arrested for firing rockets if you can find the hammas individuals who actually fired the rockets.

Fine, then my position is you can arrest Israelis if they killed any innocents on purpose, if you can find them and prove it. Until these things ARE proven, i wont complain about rocket attacks and you cant complain about the overwhelming losses on the Palestinians side when Isreal enters Gaza. In the mean time, both sides can continue fighting and whoever dies will die. As long as no illegal actions are proven in a court of law, any and all deaths are legal and acceptable.

Works for me!

Actually, israel was quick to seal up any records so the international community couldn't hold their military responsible for war crimes. Pretty telling, actually. Now, as long as we try zionists and terrorists in the SAME international court that doesn't autosuck jewish dick on command...
they dont even need uniforms
all they need is an armband, headband, whatever, as long as it seperates them from the civilian population
Good point. More proof that they are cowards.
well hell, why should we expect them to actually follow the geneva conventions, isnt forcing Israel to do so enough?

no, actually. They are not.

Amnesty International has frequently expressed its concern that Israel has committed grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions. Since the beginning of the intifada more than 700 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli security forces. Most were unlawfully killed; they included at least 150 children and 60 Palestinians who were assassinated. Palestinian detainees frequently suffer torture or other ill treatment under interrogation. At least 34 people are held under administrative detention orders without charge or trial. Hundreds of Palestinians from the Occupied Territories were tried before military courts in trials which fell short of international standards. Collective punishments against Palestinians include closures of towns and villages, demolition of more than 550 Palestinian homes and prolonged curfews.
Document - Israel and the Occupied Territories: Respect of Fourth Geneva Convention must be ensured by High Contracting Parties meeting in Geneva | Amnesty International
Amnesty International has frequently expressed its concern that Israel has committed grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions. Since the beginning of the intifada more than 700 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli security forces. Most were unlawfully killed

There has been no court case to cover this yet, therefore ithey CANT be considered unlwaful without proof.

Palestinian detainees frequently suffer torture or other ill treatment under interrogation.

Wait a minute, i already asked if you found any wrong doing on Hamas's part, but you declined to offer anything at all. We already know Hamas tortures, so this is yet again, another situation where you have a double standard for Israelis.

At least 34 people are held under administrative detention orders without charge or trial.

Hamas holds Isreali soldiers without trial and they execute and torture them too. Hamas even claimed they would try to do this during operation "lead cast". A text message sent by Hamas' military wing, Izzedine al-Qassam stated, "Be prepared for a unique surprise, you will be either killed or kidnapped and will suffer mental illness from the horrors we will show you".

This is yet ANOTHER example of your double standard. A blind man could see how transparent you are shogun. I still dont understand how you can back these guys up when you know the truth of who they are. I would feel embarrassed if i was in your situation, but for some reason, i dont think you are. I think youve dug yourself into a hole you cant get out of, so now you are forced to overlook everything that Hamas does thats evil. The alternative would be for you to admit your mistake for backing the wrong side, but you wont do that because youve been doing it for too long and it would hurt your pride to admit you are wrong, so you will just continue to lie to yourself about the absurd notion of Hamas being some noble entity.

Whatever man. Good luck with that.
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say, it's good to see your auto-suck button is working ok. Knees hurt?

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