UN bitchslaps the Orange Wonder

Trump & his puppet Haley threatened UN members to vote their way or else.

The UN chose the "or else".

They were not about to be bullied by a dumbasss bloviated pig like Trump.

I just saw this, Britain and Germany voted against the US as well. I think France also. Lying Trump has dragged America down into the sewer he lives in daily and now we are covered with all manner of frothy detritus and fecal material. Even the rats avoid us now. For good reason. What a bright day it will be for humanity when Lying Donald crawls back into his hole and this temporary shit stain is washed out of America's underwear.
Trump & his puppet Haley threatened UN members to vote their way or else.

The UN chose the "or else".

They were not about to be bullied by a dumbasss bloviated pig like Trump.

Yea, everyone gets it, Left Wingers are on the side of the blood thirsty Terrorist
Trump & his puppet Haley threatened UN members to vote their way or else.

The UN chose the "or else".

They were not about to be bullied by a dumbasss bloviated pig like Trump.

Yea, everyone gets it, Left Wingers are on the side of the blood thirsty Terrorist

Left wingers are not for our President making such an ass out of himself.

Threatening countries? Really? Over a meaningless resolution.
What's really sad is that several poor Pacific island countries voted with the US in order to get aid. Those will be the first to sink when global warming gets worse too.

Glowarm was supposed to sink us back in 2000. More fear mongering. Lol.

More lies from the retarded right.

Global warming deniers are dumber than shit.
  • The nine who voted against the resolution were the US, Israel, Guatemala, Honduras, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Togo

The ones who voted for Russia, China, North Korea , Cuba , Venezuela.

Yep we know liberals are commie bastards
`plus the other 175 nations, including UK

UK became a bunch of pussy's ...

Why should Brits like Israel?
Israelis killed British Peacekeepers in the King Hotel Bombing, and plotted the Lavon Affair terror attack against them.

Why should Americans like Israel?
Israelis plotted the Lavon Affair terror attack against them, and then bombed the U.S.S Liberty.

Why should Poles like Israel?
Israel refused to bring Jewish Communist Salomon Morel to justice who killed Poles, and Germans.

Why should Germans like Israel?
A portion of their taxes goes to fund Israel's terror.
Fuck the UN

We will still move the Embassy
What´s behind Americans fanatically moving the embassy?

We like Israel, and truth in advertising. You'll recall that Harry Truman, a Democrat of all things, was the first world leader to recognize the State of Israel over the strident denunciations of his State Department.
There is no need to blackmail the UN members. The US should act normally but the Jerusalem thing is seemingly first on the US priority list. Apparently, Israel´s interests are always first on that list, the Americans´ interests are way back on rank 255 or something. This is apparently one of the two Trumpenstein promises, he is keeping. The other is pressing Venezuela.

Indeed, but a lot of Americans aren't very bright.

They're basically the trash Britain, and Germany didn't want for the most part.
Trump & his puppet Haley threatened UN members to vote their way or else.

The UN chose the "or else".

They were not about to be bullied by a dumbasss bloviated pig like Trump.
I think they may have just bitch slapped themselves out of a bunch of American money. Couldn’t happen to a better group.
Well, if we leave the organization we won't have to - as you put it - crawl to them when it serves our purpose.
It's not the UN you're crawling to for troops, it's the countries voting for the resolution. Unless your ally Israel is going to front up with some. Hoho.
The UN is a essentially a toothless international debating club. They've never amounted to much. Why should anyone care what they think?
This is just standard rightard stuff. Use the UN to enforce punitive measures on NK or Iran, deride the UN when it impinges on US goals.

Uhm we never like the UN comrade
America liked the UN when Bush wanted to invade Iraq

The UN weapons inspectors in Iraq were a joke, and Saddam Hussein kept hiding stuff from them. The UN was also against the US sending troops to Iraq, so they weren't really much help.
We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.
Rumsfeld’s Revisionist History: ‘We Know Where The WMD Suspect Sites Are’

And are you going to deny they found WMDs ? That ISIS also found and used?

Of course they'll deny it. They probably think it was Dick Cheney, Halliburton, and Dow Chemical who gassed all those Kurds in Iraq. Not Saddam Hussein.

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