UN Calls for End to Islamos Sexually Mutilating Women by 2030

I once talked to a Somali woman about female circumcision. (99.9% of Somali girls have the procedure performed on them)

She said her father didn't want her and her sister to have the surgery. So her mother waited until he was at work one day, and took the daughter's to the doctor and had it done.

Like I said, it's the women who insist their daughters have the surgery. In fact, mother's who live in western countries, will schedule a vacation with their children and go back to their country of origin to visit relatives. And while there have the surgery performed.

Happens all of the time. ...... :cool:

Isn't it worthwhile to try and change such an awful practice? Maybe the UN can make a big difference, and shouldn't they at least try?
No...Because the effort is futile.
Now, if people of a culture that decide to immigrate to a nation where said practice is illegal, that is another story.
The UN has no business trying to "save people from themselves".

It's better than ignoring the problem.
The UN is ignoring the millions of women being forcibly mutilated.
Just as they've ignored genocide since their foundation.
Can't foreign countries ever evolve into the modern world on such basic issues?
Cultural evolution is a matter of perception.

The muslim countries think the western nations are barbaric because they allow legalized abortion. In their view it's basically murdering innocent babies.

America sentences convicted murderers to death and carries out executions. European's think we are savages for executing criminals.

The Hindu's of India do not eat animals. They think that meat eating American people are basically cannibals.

So who gets to determine and dictate what is the "modern world"? ...... :cool:
Hindus used to toss widows into the funeral pyre of their husbands too, but the British forced their culture onto them.

See any Hindu widows jumping into or being tossed into funeral pyres today?
The United Nations in February 2016 has taken swift and firm action, asking Muslims to stop sexually mutilating women by 2030. No doubt Muslims will not add to the 200 million women alive today who have been mutilated now.

Aloha Snackbar!

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, 6 February

Why do you only care when Muslims sexually mutilate women?
The majority of Muslim domonated nations practice this. However. it is not religious rite. It is a cultural practice.
Can't foreign countries ever evolve into the modern world on such basic issues?
Cultural evolution is a matter of perception.

The muslim countries think the western nations are barbaric because they allow legalized abortion. In their view it's basically murdering innocent babies.

America sentences convicted murderers to death and carries out executions. European's think we are savages for executing criminals.

The Hindu's of India do not eat animals. They think that meat eating American people are basically cannibals.

So who gets to determine and dictate what is the "modern world"? ...... :cool:

Two wrongs don't make a right.
The United Nations in February 2016 has taken swift and firm action, asking Muslims to stop sexually mutilating women by 2030. No doubt Muslims will not add to the 200 million women alive today who have been mutilated now.

Aloha Snackbar!

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, 6 February

Why do you only care when Muslims sexually mutilate women?
The majority of Muslim domonated nations practice this. However. it is not religious rite. It is a cultural practice.
Does that make it better you think it's not a religious rite?
BTW, if you live in a western nation, you are subject to assimilating to the customs and culture of the nation you call home.
By that, if you say lived in France, you'd be expected to learn their language and abide by their customs and traditions.
THat's how it works. That is the concept of the sovereign nation.
The immigrant Jews brought male circumcision to America. (christian europeans didn't practice it....and still don't)

American citizens assimilated this foreign practice into their culture. So that today many non-jewish males have the procedure done on them as babies.

See how assimilation is a two way street? ...... :cool:
BTW, if you live in a western nation, you are subject to assimilating to the customs and culture of the nation you call home.
By that, if you say lived in France, you'd be expected to learn their language and abide by their customs and traditions.
THat's how it works. That is the concept of the sovereign nation.
The immigrant Jews brought male circumcision to America. (christian europeans didn't practice it....and still don't)

American citizens assimilated this foreign practice into their culture. So that today many non-jewish males have the procedure done on them as babies.

See how assimilation is a two way street? ...... :cool:
Male circumcision is a proven health benefit.
Female mutilation for sexual gratification of males is a crime against humanity.
They do it to stop the woman from having an orgasam. I thank gods every day I was not born into that miserable life. Did you read where the assholes beheaded a 12 year old kid? I guess we shouldn't talk about that atrocity either.
Isn't it worthwhile to try and change such an awful practice? Maybe the UN can make a big difference, and shouldn't they at least try?
What makes it the UN's, or anyone else's business, what people do in their own country?

Western people have a terrible habit of telling other people how to live and what's good for them. They have been doing it since the time of Columbus discovered the New World.

The British, French, Dutch, Italians, Germans, and later the American's, colonized the almost the entire globe, and told the people living there, "you don't know shit, we know everything......be like us or we'll kill you".

And that colonial mindset still permeates the Western brain. ..... :cool:

I am okay with stating that cutting off large parts of a girl's sexual organ with- or without her consent- and with or without anaesthesia is wrong.
You do realize that many women in those countries believe any woman who doesn't have that clitorectomy is unclean, a whore? Including themselves if they haven't had one.
It's never had any purpose except to keep a woman from straying--(Jesus, these Muslims are so paranoid about their women jumping the fence!) and it's truly sad, but when you make it illegal, as it is in the U.S., women will take their daughters to practitioners in third world countries to perform them or take them to do-it-yourself butchers who make it more dangerous.
My heart goes out to women in such societies, but the U.N. had best change the women's minds first, before outlawing the practice.
At the end of the day anything can be outlawed. The issue then is enforcement.
Who from the UN is going to enforce any such resolution? Do you see the possibility of anything but remote of such enforcement?
The people subject here are not of civilized modern societies

Countries have outlawed the practice. And with the outlawing of the practice comes a reduction of the practice.

Frankly it depends on the effort that the government puts into preventing it from happening.
The United Nations in February 2016 has taken swift and firm action, asking Muslims to stop sexually mutilating women by 2030. No doubt Muslims will not add to the 200 million women alive today who have been mutilated now.

Aloha Snackbar!

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, 6 February
Right up to the last moment.

They are running scared..

Only 14 years left to mutilate women before they get another warning.

Not to be rude, but?

My idea of swift and firm means, you clip her clit, we castrate you.
The United Nations in February 2016 has taken swift and firm action, asking Muslims to stop sexually mutilating women by 2030. No doubt Muslims will not add to the 200 million women alive today who have been mutilated now.

Aloha Snackbar!

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, 6 February
Right up to the last moment.

They are running scared..

Only 14 years left to mutilate women before they get another warning.

Not to be rude, but?

My idea of swift and firm means, you clip her clit, we castrate you.
That is fair.
I am okay with stating that cutting off large parts of a girl's sexual organ with- or without her consent- and with or without anaesthesia is wrong.
There are many types and degrees of female circumcision performed. It depends on the culture.

You should research it before making anymore misinformed statements. ..... :cool:
The United Nations in February 2016 has taken swift and firm action, asking Muslims to stop sexually mutilating women by 2030. No doubt Muslims will not add to the 200 million women alive today who have been mutilated now.

Aloha Snackbar!

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, 6 February
To my knowledge female circumcision is not religious ritual. It is a cultural practice.
The theory is that a woman who is circumsized will not feel pleasure during sex and thus will be less likely to cheat on her husband.
In some middle Eastern and South Asian Cultures, a woman is is viewed as "promiscuous" ( their perception on this is archaic) can and does bring shame to her family.
Western cultures view this as barbaric.
Islamic practice.

I still wonder why it is that you only object to female circumcision when it is an 'Islamic practice'.

UNICEF reported in 2013 that, for example, 55 percent of Christian women and girls in Niger had experienced FGM, compared with two percent of their Muslim counterparts.[102] The only Jewish group known to have practised it are the Beta Israel of Ethiopia. Judaism requires male circumcision, but does not allow FGM.[103] FGM is also practised by animist groups, particularly in Guinea and Mali.[2]:175

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