UN Calls for End to Islamos Sexually Mutilating Women by 2030

I once talked to a Somali woman about female circumcision. (99.9% of Somali girls have the procedure performed on them)

She said her father didn't want her and her sister to have the surgery. So her mother waited until he was at work one day, and took the daughter's to the doctor and had it done.

Like I said, it's the women who insist their daughters have the surgery. In fact, mother's who live in western countries, will schedule a vacation with their children and go back to their country of origin to visit relatives. And while there have the surgery performed.

Happens all of the time. ...... :cool:

Isn't it worthwhile to try and change such an awful practice? Maybe the UN can make a big difference, and shouldn't they at least try?
No...Because the effort is futile.
Now, if people of a culture that decide to immigrate to a nation where said practice is illegal, that is another story.
The UN has no business trying to "save people from themselves".

It's better than ignoring the problem.
The UN is ignoring the millions of women being forcibly mutilated.

And by 'ignoring it' you mean actively trying to prevent it.
Can't foreign countries ever evolve into the modern world on such basic issues?
Cultural evolution is a matter of perception.

The muslim countries think the western nations are barbaric because they allow legalized abortion. In their view it's basically murdering innocent babies.

America sentences convicted murderers to death and carries out executions. European's think we are savages for executing criminals.

The Hindu's of India do not eat animals. They think that meat eating American people are basically cannibals.

So who gets to determine and dictate what is the "modern world"? ...... :cool:

See any Hindu widows jumping into or being tossed into funeral pyres today?

Hmmmm that is still happening- luckily it is much more rare now.

India to toughen law on custom of burning widows

Even though we have just a few recorded cases of sati annually, even one is too many," said an official from the women and child development ministry.

"We feel that by strengthening the laws, it will act as a deterrent."
I once talked to a Somali woman about female circumcision. (99.9% of Somali girls have the procedure performed on them)

She said her father didn't want her and her sister to have the surgery. So her mother waited until he was at work one day, and took the daughter's to the doctor and had it done.

Like I said, it's the women who insist their daughters have the surgery. In fact, mother's who live in western countries, will schedule a vacation with their children and go back to their country of origin to visit relatives. And while there have the surgery performed.

Happens all of the time. ...... :cool:

Isn't it worthwhile to try and change such an awful practice? Maybe the UN can make a big difference, and shouldn't they at least try?
No...Because the effort is futile.
Now, if people of a culture that decide to immigrate to a nation where said practice is illegal, that is another story.
The UN has no business trying to "save people from themselves".

It's better than ignoring the problem.
The UN is ignoring the millions of women being forcibly mutilated.

And by 'ignoring it' you mean actively trying to prevent it.
United Nations is focused on this like a laser, don't worry.
Can't foreign countries ever evolve into the modern world on such basic issues?
Cultural evolution is a matter of perception.

The muslim countries think the western nations are barbaric because they allow legalized abortion. In their view it's basically murdering innocent babies.

America sentences convicted murderers to death and carries out executions. European's think we are savages for executing criminals.

The Hindu's of India do not eat animals. They think that meat eating American people are basically cannibals.

So who gets to determine and dictate what is the "modern world"? ...... :cool:

See any Hindu widows jumping into or being tossed into funeral pyres today?

Hmmmm that is still happening- luckily it is much more rare now.

India to toughen law on custom of burning widows

Even though we have just a few recorded cases of sati annually, even one is too many," said an official from the women and child development ministry.

"We feel that by strengthening the laws, it will act as a deterrent."
Damn those Brits for forcing their Western culture on the Hindus.
I am okay with stating that cutting off large parts of a girl's sexual organ with- or without her consent- and with or without anaesthesia is wrong.
There are many types and degrees of female circumcision performed. It depends on the culture.

You should research it before making anymore misinformed statements. ..... :cool:

Virtually all of them involve the removal of the clitoris. Then there are the more extreme versions.

Describe the version that is not mutilation in your opinion?
Isn't it worthwhile to try and change such an awful practice? Maybe the UN can make a big difference, and shouldn't they at least try?
No...Because the effort is futile.
Now, if people of a culture that decide to immigrate to a nation where said practice is illegal, that is another story.
The UN has no business trying to "save people from themselves".

It's better than ignoring the problem.
The UN is ignoring the millions of women being forcibly mutilated.

And by 'ignoring it' you mean actively trying to prevent it.
United Nations is focused on this like a laser, don't worry.

So you admit to lying about the UN that is a start.

Next we can discuss why you only are concerned with female circumcision when Muslims do it.
Can't foreign countries ever evolve into the modern world on such basic issues?
Cultural evolution is a matter of perception.

The muslim countries think the western nations are barbaric because they allow legalized abortion. In their view it's basically murdering innocent babies.

America sentences convicted murderers to death and carries out executions. European's think we are savages for executing criminals.

The Hindu's of India do not eat animals. They think that meat eating American people are basically cannibals.

So who gets to determine and dictate what is the "modern world"? ...... :cool:

See any Hindu widows jumping into or being tossed into funeral pyres today?

Hmmmm that is still happening- luckily it is much more rare now.

India to toughen law on custom of burning widows

Even though we have just a few recorded cases of sati annually, even one is too many," said an official from the women and child development ministry.

"We feel that by strengthening the laws, it will act as a deterrent."
Damn those Brits for forcing their Western culture on the Hindus.

Well there is a long discussion to be had about the benevolent history of the Brits in India- and the overall result of the British ban (widows are still treated horribly in India- just not normally burned anymore).
I doubt women who have been mutilated would agree it's not a problem, and no one is suggesting any loss of sovereignty.
You keep using the term "mutilated" for female circumcision.

The women aren't mutilated.

And the only "problem" is western busybodies not leaving people alone. ..... :cool:

If you were a woman, would you have it done even if it were not necessary to meet some "standard."
The UN and other western busybody organizations coined the term "FGM" to paint the practice in a negative light, in their effort to ban it.

When in fact there is no so called "mutilation" involved in the procedure. .... :cool:
Can't foreign countries ever evolve into the modern world on such basic issues?
Cultural evolution is a matter of perception.

The muslim countries think the western nations are barbaric because they allow legalized abortion. In their view it's basically murdering innocent babies.

America sentences convicted murderers to death and carries out executions. European's think we are savages for executing criminals.

The Hindu's of India do not eat animals. They think that meat eating American people are basically cannibals.

So who gets to determine and dictate what is the "modern world"? ...... :cool:

See any Hindu widows jumping into or being tossed into funeral pyres today?

Hmmmm that is still happening- luckily it is much more rare now.

India to toughen law on custom of burning widows

Even though we have just a few recorded cases of sati annually, even one is too many," said an official from the women and child development ministry.

"We feel that by strengthening the laws, it will act as a deterrent."
Damn those Brits for forcing their Western culture on the Hindus.

Well there is a long discussion to be had about the benevolent history of the Brits in India- and the overall result of the British ban (widows are still treated horribly in India- just not normally burned anymore).
Not my fault Brits were forced out before the evil Hindu cult could be eradicated. Still, it's a great example that sometimes forcing your customs upon others is a good thing.
No...Because the effort is futile.
Now, if people of a culture that decide to immigrate to a nation where said practice is illegal, that is another story.
The UN has no business trying to "save people from themselves".

It's better than ignoring the problem.
The UN is ignoring the millions of women being forcibly mutilated.

And by 'ignoring it' you mean actively trying to prevent it.
United Nations is focused on this like a laser, don't worry.

So you admit to lying about the UN that is a start.

Next we can discuss why you only are concerned with female circumcision when Muslims do it.
Lied about the UN? They called for an end to mutilating women by 2030, they are all over the issue. Probably even sent a sternly written letter too.
Frankly.... Islamic barbarians are even worse than Middle ages savages!

In the Dark Ages, bad as they were back then, they used to put a chastity belt on the women.... they didn't mutilate those poor souls.

What a scourge in the world these monsters are!
Sunni Man, if you were a woman, again, would you have your clitoris removed? State it plainly for the record.
Virtually all of them involve the removal of the clitoris. Then there are the more extreme versions.
Describe the version that is not mutilation in your opinion?
I don't find any of them to be mutilation.

Look, women in some tribes cut their lips and insert large plates into them. They think it's beautiful.....the larger the plate.....the more beautiful the woman.

I don't see it as anything but weird. But it's their culture and they like it. Yet I'm sure there is some busybody western organization trying to ban the practice for some made up reason. ...... :cool:
Virtually all of them involve the removal of the clitoris. Then there are the more extreme versions.
Describe the version that is not mutilation in your opinion?
I don't find any of them to be mutilation.

Look, women in some tribes cut their lips and insert large plates into them. They think it's beautiful.....the larger the plate.....the more beautiful the woman.

I don't see it as anything but weird. But it's their culture and they like it. Yet I'm sure there is some busybody western organization trying to ban the practice for some made up reason. ...... :cool:
Of course you do.
Virtually all of them involve the removal of the clitoris. Then there are the more extreme versions.
Describe the version that is not mutilation in your opinion?
I don't find any of them to be mutilation.

Look, women in some tribes cut their lips and insert large plates into them. They think it's beautiful.....the larger the plate.....the more beautiful the woman.

I don't see it as anything but weird. But it's their culture and they like it. Yet I'm sure there is some busybody western organization trying to ban the practice for some made up reason. ...... :cool:

And we have people who do a lot of body piercing. Some people are naturally masochistic. That is a small segment of people.

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