UN Calls For 'International Climate Court Of Justice'


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
“International Climate Court of Justice” would force western nations to pay “climate debt”...

Bureaucrats at the UN Climate Summit in Durban have outlined plans for the most draconian, harebrained and madcap climate change treaty ever produced, under which the west would be mandated to respect “the rights of Mother Earth” by paying a “climate debt” which would act as a slush fund for bankrolling an all-powerful world government.

Even as the tattered shreds of whatever credibility global warming alarmists had left evaporate in the aftermath of Climategate 2.0, the monstrous bureaucracy behind ManBearPig continues to lurch forward.

- The treaty calls for the west to achieve a 50% CO2 emissions reduction within the next eight years, a feat that would completely bankrupt the global economy and spark a new great depression, as well as a “more than 100%” reduction by 2050, which presumably could only be accomplished by killing billions of humans to prevent them from exhaling carbon dioxide.

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Seriously, why the hell are we in the UN? We ought to evict them from that high-dollar office space in Manhattan, too.
I'm shocked they didn't add in a proposal for a global anti blasphemy law to protect islam from being insulted.
What a stupid idea! Just to destroy the advance western world and reward the hell out of the worthless third world. FUCK YOU UN!:evil:

Yeah, but it would mean hundreds of billions of dollars for U.N. bureacrats to play with. Remember what a great job they did administering the Oil-for-Food program? Can you imagine how these thieves will handle these new riches?

Only the terminally gullible would want their country to sign on to this colossal con.
Bet there is a 50/50 chance Newt supports it lol.

I'll tell you what.. if he does, I will be the first to jump ship. He has stated time and time again, HE MADE A HUGE MISTAKE in regard to the BOGUS climate conspiracy nutters.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAn7baRbhx4]The Spanish Inquisition - YouTube[/ame]​

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