UN climate chief: Communism is best to fight global warming


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres said that democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model.

China may be the world’s top emitter of carbon dioxide and struggling with major pollution problems of their own, but the country is “doing it right” when it comes to fighting global warming says Figueres.

“They actually want to breathe air that they don’t have to look at,” she said. “They’re not doing this because they want to save the planet. They’re doing it because it’s in their national interest.”

Figueres added that the deep partisan divide in the U.S. Congress is “very detrimental” to passing any sort of legislation to fight global warming. The Chinese Communist Party, on the other hand, can push key policies and reforms all on its own. The country’s national legislature largely enforces the decisions made by the party’s Central Committee and other executive offices.

Communism was responsible for the deaths of about 94 million people in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century. China alone was responsible for 65 million of those deaths under communist rule.

Environmentalists often hail China as a model for fighting global warming, since they are a “leader” in renewable energy. The country set a goal of getting 15 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2020. In 2012, China got 9 percent of its power from renewables — the U.S. by contrast got 11 percent in 2012.

However, the country still gets 90 percent of its power from fossil fuels, mostly from coal. In fact, Chinese coal demand is expected to explode as the country continues to develop. China has approved 100 million metric tons of new coal production capacity in 2013 as part of the government’s plan to bring 860 million metric tons of coal production online by 2015.

China has publicly made big efforts to clean up its environment. The country’s booming industrial apparatus has caused so much pollution that the skies have been darkened over major cities and the air quality has heavily deteriorated.


Read more: UN climate chief: Communism is best to fight global warming | The Daily Caller

Yes folks. We told you what this global warming scam has truly been about. Reviving communism has always been the only true goal of the so-called “environmentalist” movement. Everything else, including and especially the promotion of the “global warming” scam, has simply been a means to an end.

Ever stop to wonder why “environmentalists” couldn’t care less about the fact that Wind Turbines kill more endangered species than every other type of energy production in the world put together?

The "green" people are more like watermelons. Green on the outside, red on the inside.
Dumb ass. Every Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that state that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger. Because one person makes statements like that does not change the fact that the overall temperature of the globe is warming, and that it is changing the climate.

The world's democracies are waking up, and beginning to put in place policies that will bring down their carbon emissions. Not nearly fast enough to avoid some major effects, but faster than the Chinese and Indians are doing it.

What you have told us is that you are a shill for the energy corporations, and care nothing at all about the world you are leaving our children and grand-children for many generations.
Dumb ass. Every Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that state that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger. Because one person makes statements like that does not change the fact that the overall temperature of the globe is warming, and that it is changing the climate.

The world's democracies are waking up, and beginning to put in place policies that will bring down their carbon emissions. Not nearly fast enough to avoid some major effects, but faster than the Chinese and Indians are doing it.

What you have told us is that you are a shill for the energy corporations, and care nothing at all about the world you are leaving our children and grand-children for many generations.

Can anyone tell? Is he saying communism is the best way to fight the man made global warming scam?

I think he is.

Liberals have no control over how stupid they allow themselves to get.
No, I am not. Learn some reading comprehension there, silly ass. I am saying that everyone in the world is facing a problem from AGW. And that is the overwhelming consensus from scientists from all nations studying the problem.

People like you are doing your best to politicize a scientific problem, one whose solution is non-political, other than the fact that it ends the gravy train of some very wealthy people. And you use lies and misleading statements constantly to further your deceptions concerning this problem.
No, I am not. Learn some reading comprehension there, silly ass. I am saying that everyone in the world is facing a problem from AGW. And that is the overwhelming consensus from scientists from all nations studying the problem.

People like you are doing your best to politicize a scientific problem, one whose solution is non-political, other than the fact that it ends the gravy train of some very wealthy people. And you use lies and misleading statements constantly to further your deceptions concerning this problem.

I am politicizing the debate, and yet this thread is about the UN chief stating communism (she politicized it "silly ass") is the best way to fight THE GLOBAL WARMING.

This thread is not even about THE GLOBAL WARMING.

This thread is about the UN Chief stating communism is the best way to fight it.

We can get into the notion that man made global warming is a flat out global scam, and this only edifies our claims that have maintained what this is all about.

There is no man made global warming. This is about a power grab. Period.

Now, let us know. Is communism the best way to fight THE GLOBAL WARMING?
Global warming has ALWAYS been a central theme in the progressive agenda. This dates back decades. The UN has training manuals that are quite open about it. If you control the energy, you control the people.

Interestingly.......green energy, particularly in the EU has made poor people even poorer. The progressives dont give a shit........meeting the objectives of the agenda = the priority. AGW is the vehicle. People who can connect the dots get it.

The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

- Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations

"We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public's imagination...
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts...
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest."

- Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports

We've got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy."

- Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony...
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world."

- Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment

“The data doesn't matter. We're not basing our recommendations
on the data. We're basing them on the climate models.”

- Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research

The Green Agenda

The hoax has always been about that warming is related to human activities ( rise in CO2) = a total crock of shit that they have never come close to proving.
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