UN condemns Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital

There were nearly a million Jews in Palestine when Israel became a country in 1948 ... were they supposed to pack their bags and move again?

Moron.....who stated that those Jews needed to pack their bags???
NO ONE was kicking them out, nitwit....
I used to like Nikki Haley - she occasionally made smart decisions to tone down the Trumpy shit.

Figures you would side with a bunch of terrorist ass-kissers / appeasers who deny reality than with a US President who has balls and publicly acknowledges FACTS.
I used to like Nikki Haley - she occasionally made smart decisions to tone down the Trumpy shit.

Figures you would side with a bunch of terrorist ass-kissers / appeasers who deny reality than with a US President who has balls and publicly acknowledges FACTS.

Palestinians bombed which U.S ship?
The U.S.S Liberty?
Oh, no wait that was Israel.

Palestinians planned terrorism against the U.S, when?
The Lavon Affair?
Oh, no wait that was Israel.
Jews thought it was a good idea to build their Israel on top of Muslim Arab land, surrounded by massive bands of Muslim Arabs, and Muslim Persians..

I don't think it was a very bright ideal on Israel's behalf.

In fact, I think it's looking for not only a war, but a war which will end Israel's existence.

As long as the junta in Israel keeps on STEALING land from Palestinians, there will NEVER be peace in that region......NEVER....

(of course, the Israeli Zionists who want to remain in power by scaring their own citizens into submission, will keep on stealing land and blame the Palestinians when they object.)
How "dare" Palestinians object to this........Correct?
Palestine was never a nation, and there are no "Palestinians". Palestine was a region populated by Jordanian rejects and various other ethnicities. They are no more a "people" than the Kiwanis Club.

I wouldn’t expect him to be familiar with history

The Palestinians were offered the opportunity by the U.N. to be recognized as a nation - all they had to do was denounce / eliminate the call for the destruction of Israel in their Charter. They refused.


Well, if Jews decided to make my New York as a Jewish homeland, because a good deal of Jews live here, even though most here are not Jews. I'd probably denounce, and call for the destruction of this Jewish homeland too.
As would many others.
As long as the junta in Israel keeps on STEALING land from Palestinians, there will NEVER be peace in that region......NEVER....

(of course, the Israeli Zionists who want to remain in power by scaring their own citizens into submission, will keep on stealing land and blame the Palestinians when they object.)

And the Palestinians have no further interest in the US involvement in any sort of peace agreement. Another exquisite win for the Dotard!
The Palestinians were offered the opportunity by the U.N. to be recognized as a nation - all they had to do was denounce / eliminate the call for the destruction of Israel in their Charter. They refused.

In other words, you and other morons expected the Palestinians to SURRENDER. Yes, they refused the apartheid.......
Jews thought it was a good idea to build their Israel on top of Muslim Arab land, surrounded by massive bands of Muslim Arabs, and Muslim Persians..

I don't think it was a very bright ideal on Israel's behalf.

In fact, I think it's looking for not only a war, but a war which will end Israel's existence.

As long as the junta in Israel keeps on STEALING land from Palestinians, there will NEVER be peace in that region......NEVER....

(of course, the Israeli Zionists who want to remain in power by scaring their own citizens into submission, will keep on stealing land and blame the Palestinians when they object.)

Well, what gets me going, is why the usual suspects "Cough" AIPAC, Sheldon Adelson,, Paul Wolfowitz etc. "Ends Cough"
want for us (The U.S) to protect Israel for it's mistakes.
Countries that recognize the state of Palestine....

Trump's "diplomacy" at work ......Stir the hornet's nest and divert attention from Trump's woes' at home.

The U.S. under Trump expects that sovereign country that gets US funds, MUST agree with U.S. policies........or else, extortion will be applied........Well, 128 countries will not be blackmailed by Trump.

What Trump cultists don't want (or are incapable of) understand[ing] is that the money we give foreign entities is NOT just for THEIR sake,,,,,,,but also for ours (unless we become the military arm for the entire planet.).

However, these countries backed us up all the way AND Haley is throwing a party for their loyalty...

Guatemala; Honduras; Marshall Islands; Micronesia; Nauru; Palau; Togo and, of course, Israel

Who says we don't have powerful Trump loyalists in the world?.....LOL

So you got a problem with Trump following a congressional mandate that has been on the books since 1995? Presidents since have issued waivers to prevent the move and appease the Arabs, how'd that work out?

I used to like Nikki Haley - she occasionally made smart decisions to tone down the Trumpy shit. Looks like she's gone all in just most of the rest of these bumbling sycophants.

What do you think - school yard bully or Mafia tactics? Leans Mafia for me. And guess what's gonna happen two weeks from now when we need help on Iran and NoKo -- Sad

I like Nikki Haley but she represents Trump and does what she is told

So she loses all international credibility just like Colin Powell did in lying about WMDs
How "dare" Palestinians object to this........Correct?
Palestine was never a nation, and there are no "Palestinians". Palestine was a region populated by Jordanian rejects and various other ethnicities. They are no more a "people" than the Kiwanis Club.

I wouldn’t expect him to be familiar with history

The Palestinians were offered the opportunity by the U.N. to be recognized as a nation - all they had to do was denounce / eliminate the call for the destruction of Israel in their Charter. They refused.


Well, if Jews decided to make my New York as a Jewish homeland, because a good deal of Jews live here, even though most here are not Jews. I'd probably denounce, and call for the destruction of this Jewish homeland too.
As would many others.

You’d rather destroy New York than live in peace with Jews there?
How "dare" Palestinians object to this........Correct?
Palestine was never a nation, and there are no "Palestinians". Palestine was a region populated by Jordanian rejects and various other ethnicities. They are no more a "people" than the Kiwanis Club.

I wouldn’t expect him to be familiar with history

The Palestinians were offered the opportunity by the U.N. to be recognized as a nation - all they had to do was denounce / eliminate the call for the destruction of Israel in their Charter. They refused.


Well, if Jews decided to make my New York as a Jewish homeland, because a good deal of Jews live here, even though most here are not Jews. I'd probably denounce, and call for the destruction of this Jewish homeland too.
As would many others.

You’d rather destroy New York than live in peace with Jews there?

If Jews wanted to create a Jewish Homeland in New York, yes I'd call for the destruction of this Jewish homeland of New York.
I used to like Nikki Haley - she occasionally made smart decisions to tone down the Trumpy shit. Looks like she's gone all in just most of the rest of these bumbling sycophants.

What do you think - school yard bully or Mafia tactics? Leans Mafia for me. And guess what's gonna happen two weeks from now when we need help on Iran and NoKo -- Sad

I like Nikki Haley but she represents Trump and does what she is told

So she loses all international credibility just like Colin Powell did in lying about WMDs

On what planet do you gain respect by letting people walk all over you in matters that aren’t their concern?
And the Palestinians have no further interest in the US involvement in any sort of peace agreement. Another exquisite win for the Dotard!

You mean Trump's choice of that renowned peace-maker, Kushner, was NOT the right choice to make Palestinians kneel before his diplomatic overtures???.......LOL
I used to like Nikki Haley - she occasionally made smart decisions to tone down the Trumpy shit. Looks like she's gone all in just most of the rest of these bumbling sycophants.

What do you think - school yard bully or Mafia tactics? Leans Mafia for me. And guess what's gonna happen two weeks from now when we need help on Iran and NoKo -- Sad

I like Nikki Haley but she represents Trump and does what she is told

So she loses all international credibility just like Colin Powell did in lying about WMDs

On what planet do you gain respect by letting people walk all over you in matters that aren’t their concern?

So, Palestinians are supposed to let Israel walk all over them?

As if Israel is any of our concern here overseas in the U.S.A?
Some of the International Douche Bags snowflakes are siding with, who the snowflakes claim 'took the moral high ground' by voting to condemn the U.S.:

“With violence in the streets, an economy in complete collapse, citizens malnourished, dying children being turned away from hospitals, starving families joining street gangs to scramble for food"

"In its seventh year of civil war, whose President used Chemical weapons on its own people"

A terrorist-infested nation that just launched missiles at Saudi's Capitol, a nation that has 7 million citizens on the brink of starvation...

The insane dictator-led nation on the verge of instigating a nuclear war while its citizens are parasite infested 'hostages' beinf starved to death

Other nations with 'stellar' Human Rights Records include Myanmar, Turkey, and China.


This last Resolution - a vote of condemnation against the United States - still fundamentally targeted Israel / support for Israel.

Considering the hacked and leaked DNC e-mails showed the Democrats were / are a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic, ANTI-SEMITES, and considering the snowflakes' worship of a former President who spent 8 years financing / supplying / arming / training / protecting / defending / going to war for terrorists all over the world, to include Hezbollah / Hamas, it is no surprise that rabid party extremist snowflakes now side with the terrorist-appeasing U.N. nations who voted to condemn the U.S. for acknowledging the FACT that Jerusalem is Israel's capitol.
I used to like Nikki Haley - she occasionally made smart decisions to tone down the Trumpy shit. Looks like she's gone all in just most of the rest of these bumbling sycophants.

What do you think - school yard bully or Mafia tactics? Leans Mafia for me. And guess what's gonna happen two weeks from now when we need help on Iran and NoKo -- Sad

I like Nikki Haley but she represents Trump and does what she is told

So she loses all international credibility just like Colin Powell did in lying about WMDs

On what planet do you gain respect by letting people walk all over you in matters that aren’t their concern?

So, Palestinians are supposed to let Israel walk all over them?

As if Israel is any of our concern here overseas in the U.S.A?

They are more than free to build up what land they have as their nation.

They have no right to attack others

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