UN Decides That People Over 70 Have Lived Long Enough

Believe me, I fully understand money, what it means, and the horrible tragedies that have resulted from the lust and greed associated with it. I have lived long enough to witness the destruction, deaths, and human tragedies that have resulted from the evil side of money. Money is the motivation behind a lot of what we see that's wrong in this world today. All one has to do to understand that is to read the headlines and to walk down Main Street America.
Then you don’t understand money at all. Take all the money away and do you think the vices you just associated with it would vanish? Of course not because there would STILL be limited resources and THAT is the source of that strife. Competition over control of limited resources. Money simply represents those resources – it is nothing more than a medium.
You're entitle to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. But, I do fully understand money, it's value, it's purpose, and it's power.
IOW, you can’t argue the facts as presented.

Whatever – continue demanding that money is the source even when I have presented the reason such an opinion is silly.
What "facts" have you presented? Well, call it silly all you want, but if it's not money, then what is it?

Did you not read.

The competition over access and control of limited resources which exists with or without money.
Yes I read. Yes, I understand the issue. Regardless of control or resources, those that want health care and treatment will find it. We have greatly increased the pool of health care professionals over the years. We're still encouraging foreign doctors and nurses to come to this country to practice medicine. We have new doctors entering the field every year. We have nurses graduating from the various nursing schools each year. We have pharmaceuticals developing new drugs, technicians developing new diagnostic equipment, and we are building new hospitals and labs all the time. The entire health care profession is expanding each year. We have the resources, and we have the demand to keep those resources busy and profitable. People need food, water, clothing, shelter, and health care to survive, and where there's a demand, someone will find a way to meet that demand.
Then you don’t understand money at all. Take all the money away and do you think the vices you just associated with it would vanish? Of course not because there would STILL be limited resources and THAT is the source of that strife. Competition over control of limited resources. Money simply represents those resources – it is nothing more than a medium.
You're entitle to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. But, I do fully understand money, it's value, it's purpose, and it's power.
IOW, you can’t argue the facts as presented.

Whatever – continue demanding that money is the source even when I have presented the reason such an opinion is silly.
What "facts" have you presented? Well, call it silly all you want, but if it's not money, then what is it?

Did you not read.

The competition over access and control of limited resources which exists with or without money.
Yes I read. Yes, I understand the issue. Regardless of control or resources, those that want health care and treatment will find it. We have greatly increased the pool of health care professionals over the years. We're still encouraging foreign doctors and nurses to come to this country to practice medicine. We have new doctors entering the field every year. We have nurses graduating from the various nursing schools each year. We have pharmaceuticals developing new drugs, technicians developing new diagnostic equipment, and we are building new hospitals and labs all the time. The entire health care profession is expanding each year. We have the resources, and we have the demand to keep those resources busy and profitable. People need food, water, clothing, shelter, and health care to survive, and where there's a demand, someone will find a way to meet that demand.
That is a separate issue from demonizing money.

I was specifically referring to your rant against money.

As to the healthcare expansion, I would say that you are blatantly incorrect. IF healthcare was not an issue of limited resource then we would not have needed the ACA in the first place and yet there was a real problem with healthcare access. The OP's point was one example of a very real possibility - the rationing of healthcare from one party deemed less important than another. We have never had sufficient healthcare for everyone and it is unlikely in the near future that we will attain such anywhere on the planet. There will always be people who die because a treatment was denied or they could not afford it or there simply is not enough hearts/livers/kidneys/etc to go around. This is a fact.

The real question has always been (and no one wants to ever answer it) how do you actually ration that healthcare.
You're entitle to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. But, I do fully understand money, it's value, it's purpose, and it's power.
IOW, you can’t argue the facts as presented.

Whatever – continue demanding that money is the source even when I have presented the reason such an opinion is silly.
What "facts" have you presented? Well, call it silly all you want, but if it's not money, then what is it?

Did you not read.

The competition over access and control of limited resources which exists with or without money.
Yes I read. Yes, I understand the issue. Regardless of control or resources, those that want health care and treatment will find it. We have greatly increased the pool of health care professionals over the years. We're still encouraging foreign doctors and nurses to come to this country to practice medicine. We have new doctors entering the field every year. We have nurses graduating from the various nursing schools each year. We have pharmaceuticals developing new drugs, technicians developing new diagnostic equipment, and we are building new hospitals and labs all the time. The entire health care profession is expanding each year. We have the resources, and we have the demand to keep those resources busy and profitable. People need food, water, clothing, shelter, and health care to survive, and where there's a demand, someone will find a way to meet that demand.
That is a separate issue from demonizing money.

I was specifically referring to your rant against money.

As to the healthcare expansion, I would say that you are blatantly incorrect. IF healthcare was not an issue of limited resource then we would not have needed the ACA in the first place and yet there was a real problem with healthcare access. The OP's point was one example of a very real possibility - the rationing of healthcare from one party deemed less important than another. We have never had sufficient healthcare for everyone and it is unlikely in the near future that we will attain such anywhere on the planet. There will always be people who die because a treatment was denied or they could not afford it or there simply is not enough hearts/livers/kidneys/etc to go around. This is a fact.

The real question has always been (and no one wants to ever answer it) how do you actually ration that healthcare.
I totally disagree. Also, I did NOT rant about money. Yes, the health care industry is expanding rapidly. I pointed out how it is doing so. People are not getting proper health care for several reasons. Some doctors do not accept certain insurances. Some people can't afford proper health care. Some people can't afford health care period. Some people can't travel long distances to get treatment. Some services have been limited intentionally in order to service a select group of citizens. The ACA hurt health care a lot more than it helped. Also, the ACA made health care a lot more expensive. Health care professional are more worried about the money involved than they are about properly treating those needing their services. Recent reports have stated the astronomical number of tests being performed unnecessarily in order to generate income. This is especially true concerning the elderly on fixed incomes and on Medicare.

It's a money game, controlled by health care professionals on all levels. I have experienced it personally over the past 4 years. There are many articles on the internet that can be researched to verify what I'm saying. It's not only doctors, it's pharmaceuticals, labs, clinics, hospitals, and others associated with the health care industry. We'll agree to disagree on this subject, by I firmly stand by what I have said. The proof to what I have said can easily be verified with a little research.
The U (useless) N needs to be kicked to the curb

Much as I'd love to see a Star Trek United Federation of Earth pop into being, I'm forced to conceed the UN isn't it nor anything close. Whole point of it was to ensure nations avoided major wars by having somewhere to practice diplomacy. Unfortunately, last time I checked pretty much every member of the UN has at one time or another waged war with other members. And as a standing peacekeeper 'army' the UN's is a bad joke.

The entity in the Star Trek universe only came to be after a nuclear war and alien contact. I think that until we ourselves are faced with extinction by way of climate change, nuclear war, or major natural disaster (supervolcanic eruption, asteroid strike, etc.) we simply wont prioritize survival of the species before suvival of the rich.

Way things are right now, we're doomed. What's even worse though is we understand this but lack the will to alter that fate. Planet needs a wake-up call.

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