UN IPCC, Bribing the media to write scary stories...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Now this is how CAGW has lived so long. And now they dont even attempt to hide what it is they are doing.. This violates every ethical limitation on journalists..

15 September 2015 – Oxfam will support the Voice2Paris global storytelling contest launched in August by the United National Development Programme (UNDP) by providing three additional fellowships for participating journalists to cover the UN Conference on Climate Change, COP21, in Paris in December. Oxfam’s contribution to the contest aims at encouraging journalists’ participation in climate change reporting and raising public awareness of climate actions.

“The contest is a fantastic opportunity to create awareness of the harmful impacts of climate change on communities, and of potential opportunities in climate-vulnerable developing countries. This is also a great opportunity for young journalists to strengthen their perception of climate change and to frame it not merely as an environmental issue but also as an issue of social justice and poverty alleviation” said Wang Binbin, Manager of the Climate Change and Poverty Team, Oxfam Hong Kong.

The storytelling contest targets writers 35 years and under from developing countries who want to contribute – locally and internationally – towards greater public awareness of climate change…

Read more: UN and Oxfam caught bribing journalists to write climate change scare stories - InvestigateDaily

Free air travel, money, hotels.... My God these people have no shame... OR ETHICS!
So... you believe that covering a globally important discussion among governmental representatives is, in and of itself, going to produce prejudicial coverage? And that organizations like the UNDP have no business working to increase public awareness of what they and the vast majority of all scientists and the majority of the public worldwide understand to be a serious threat to our future well being.

Got it. Insert head in hole and wait....
Now this is how CAGW has lived so long. And now they dont even attempt to hide what it is they are doing.. This violates every ethical limitation on journalists..

15 September 2015 – Oxfam will support the Voice2Paris global storytelling contest launched in August by the United National Development Programme (UNDP) by providing three additional fellowships for participating journalists to cover the UN Conference on Climate Change, COP21, in Paris in December. Oxfam’s contribution to the contest aims at encouraging journalists’ participation in climate change reporting and raising public awareness of climate actions.

“The contest is a fantastic opportunity to create awareness of the harmful impacts of climate change on communities, and of potential opportunities in climate-vulnerable developing countries. This is also a great opportunity for young journalists to strengthen their perception of climate change and to frame it not merely as an environmental issue but also as an issue of social justice and poverty alleviation” said Wang Binbin, Manager of the Climate Change and Poverty Team, Oxfam Hong Kong.

The storytelling contest targets writers 35 years and under from developing countries who want to contribute – locally and internationally – towards greater public awareness of climate change…

Read more: UN and Oxfam caught bribing journalists to write climate change scare stories - InvestigateDaily

Free air travel, money, hotels.... My God these people have no shame... OR ETHICS!

I thought OXFAM was an organization to feed dying starving folks.. Well -- scratch them off my donation list.. These socio-political wristband causes tend to become self-sustaining businesses of their own.. Mostly tho without the consent of those providing the money for the party..
Now this is how CAGW has lived so long. And now they dont even attempt to hide what it is they are doing.. This violates every ethical limitation on journalists..

15 September 2015 – Oxfam will support the Voice2Paris global storytelling contest launched in August by the United National Development Programme (UNDP) by providing three additional fellowships for participating journalists to cover the UN Conference on Climate Change, COP21, in Paris in December. Oxfam’s contribution to the contest aims at encouraging journalists’ participation in climate change reporting and raising public awareness of climate actions.

“The contest is a fantastic opportunity to create awareness of the harmful impacts of climate change on communities, and of potential opportunities in climate-vulnerable developing countries. This is also a great opportunity for young journalists to strengthen their perception of climate change and to frame it not merely as an environmental issue but also as an issue of social justice and poverty alleviation” said Wang Binbin, Manager of the Climate Change and Poverty Team, Oxfam Hong Kong.

The storytelling contest targets writers 35 years and under from developing countries who want to contribute – locally and internationally – towards greater public awareness of climate change…

Read more: UN and Oxfam caught bribing journalists to write climate change scare stories - InvestigateDaily

Free air travel, money, hotels.... My God these people have no shame... OR ETHICS!

Since when has money NOT been available to trot out the party line?

Did you see crick's line about how the funding wouldn't lead to biased reporting? Hahahahaha, what do you think would happen to someone who got the grant and printed something skeptical or even questioning?

Remember when NAS paid 500,000 bucks to a group to develop a computer game that would raise awareness of global warming? I wonder how well that worked out. And people complain that Heartland has a few million a year, and only a small percentage of that is directed at climate change issues.
Now this is how CAGW has lived so long. And now they dont even attempt to hide what it is they are doing.. This violates every ethical limitation on journalists..

15 September 2015 – Oxfam will support the Voice2Paris global storytelling contest launched in August by the United National Development Programme (UNDP) by providing three additional fellowships for participating journalists to cover the UN Conference on Climate Change, COP21, in Paris in December. Oxfam’s contribution to the contest aims at encouraging journalists’ participation in climate change reporting and raising public awareness of climate actions.

“The contest is a fantastic opportunity to create awareness of the harmful impacts of climate change on communities, and of potential opportunities in climate-vulnerable developing countries. This is also a great opportunity for young journalists to strengthen their perception of climate change and to frame it not merely as an environmental issue but also as an issue of social justice and poverty alleviation” said Wang Binbin, Manager of the Climate Change and Poverty Team, Oxfam Hong Kong.

The storytelling contest targets writers 35 years and under from developing countries who want to contribute – locally and internationally – towards greater public awareness of climate change…

Read more: UN and Oxfam caught bribing journalists to write climate change scare stories - InvestigateDaily

Free air travel, money, hotels.... My God these people have no shame... OR ETHICS!

Since when has money NOT been available to trot out the party line?

Did you see crick's line about how the funding wouldn't lead to biased reporting? Hahahahaha, what do you think would happen to someone who got the grant and printed something skeptical or even questioning?

Remember when NAS paid 500,000 bucks to a group to develop a computer game that would raise awareness of global warming? I wonder how well that worked out. And people complain that Heartland has a few million a year, and only a small percentage of that is directed at climate change issues.

What would be funny is to have someone put up that kind for money for verifiable, repeatable, and prediction verified climate science.

As for crick, i have chosen to ignore that fool. As you were easily able to ascertain, money will bias science simply by who is offering it. HEARTLANDS WORK IS VERIFIABLE AND REPEATABLE, a fact that most alarmists here will ignore.
Now this is how CAGW has lived so long. And now they dont even attempt to hide what it is they are doing.. This violates every ethical limitation on journalists..

15 September 2015 – Oxfam will support the Voice2Paris global storytelling contest launched in August by the United National Development Programme (UNDP) by providing three additional fellowships for participating journalists to cover the UN Conference on Climate Change, COP21, in Paris in December. Oxfam’s contribution to the contest aims at encouraging journalists’ participation in climate change reporting and raising public awareness of climate actions.

“The contest is a fantastic opportunity to create awareness of the harmful impacts of climate change on communities, and of potential opportunities in climate-vulnerable developing countries. This is also a great opportunity for young journalists to strengthen their perception of climate change and to frame it not merely as an environmental issue but also as an issue of social justice and poverty alleviation” said Wang Binbin, Manager of the Climate Change and Poverty Team, Oxfam Hong Kong.

The storytelling contest targets writers 35 years and under from developing countries who want to contribute – locally and internationally – towards greater public awareness of climate change…

Read more: UN and Oxfam caught bribing journalists to write climate change scare stories - InvestigateDaily

Free air travel, money, hotels.... My God these people have no shame... OR ETHICS!

I thought OXFAM was an organization to feed dying starving folks.. Well -- scratch them off my donation list.. These socio-political wristband causes tend to become self-sustaining businesses of their own.. Mostly tho without the consent of those providing the money for the party..

"The consent"?!?!? Where the fuck did you EVER get the idea that they needed your CONSENT for jack shit?!?! They do what they want. You give them money if you want. End of story. That's the way it works. And if you think they're going to be upset that you don't fork up your annual two-bits, you're in need of a serious reality check.
This ought to tell you where OXFAM's priorities are.. From their international site...


Goal 1 Creating a Worldwide Influencing Network By 2019: There will be profound and lasting changes in the lives of people living with poverty and injustice as a result of a worldwide influencing network united by a common vision for change, that will demonstrably amplify our impact, bolster our international influence and support progressive movements at all levels.

Not feeding people --- recruiting them to the Socialist (Progressive) cause.. OXfam has become a pimp for all the Climate money sought by the UN in redistribution from the advanced nations. They have tapped into these conferences of beggars and whiners in the name of Global Warming. As such -- they have a VESTED INTEREST in seeing that the US and other industrialized nations "pay up" for the perceived social injustice done to the undeveloped world by 0.6degC temperature rise..

Africa: Time to Pay for Climate "Loss and Damage"

After the Fast Start: Climate finance in 2013 and beyond: An examination of developed countries' climate finance provisions

Oxfam Media Briefing
11 November 2013 Ref: 08/2013
Climate Finance in 2013 and beyond

Two key commitments helped to save the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen from disaster: 1) Developed countries agreed to provide 30 billion USD over the course of 20102012 as 'fast start' finance to help developing countries in the fight against climate change and, 2) they further committed to mobilise 100 billion USD a year by 2020.

The fast start period has come to an end. While perhaps successful in terms of spurring action on climate change in many countries, in most cases it failed to live up to the promise of being 'new and additional'. The focus has now turned to the long-term goal of ramping up climate finance to 100 billion USD a year by 2020.

With the 2020 deadline fast approaching, discussions both inside and outside the UN have increasingly started to focus on mobilising private finance to help meet the 100 billion goal USD. This overlooks the critical role of public finance both in supporting the adaptation needs of the world's most vulnerable communities, as well as in shifting private sector investment towards low- carbon and climate-resilient development.

At stake are the lives and livelihoods of poor and vulnerable communities on the front lines of the climate crisis, already grappling with the impacts of global warming around the world. They urgently need promised assistance to adapt essential livelihoods systems to a changing climate, especially food production. Developing countries also need promised support to put their economies on emissions pathways that allow the world to avoid warming of more than the 2 degrees C limit set in Copenhagen, let alone the 1.5ºC that is seen as the maximum warming acceptable to the most vulnerable populations and for small and low-lying island nations.

The 2013-2015 period is a litmus test for developed countries' commitment to scaling-up climate finance towards the 2020 goal. So far, most of them have failed this test. Last year's UN climate talks ended without clarity on the overall level of climate finance they intend to provide in the immediate future, just before Warsaw the situation has not changed.

This is not the private donation charity that Crickham believes it to be. And it's MISSION is to coerce funding from the US and other developed nations ---- YES ---- WITHOUT THE consensus of US -- the people..

They are international pimps using Global Warming as a propaganda tool to move Socialism into these places around the world.. When I sarcastically said "they are off my donation list" -- They have been off my list for a long, long time because I'm aware of their roots...

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