UN: Israel committed "Complete Massacre" and "the worst ever" in Gaza

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières in the United States (MSF-USA) joined 13 other humanitarian, human rights, and protection of civilians organizations today in an appeal to Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III calling for the US to take urgent steps to protect the more than two million civilians suffering under relentless bombardment and siege conditions in Gaza. The joint letter, organized by the Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC), expresses deep concern for civilians harmed by US-supported Israeli military operations in Gaza. We are calling for urgent actions to prevent further US complicity in staggering civilian death and destruction.


The survivor from the massacre of criminal Israeli terrorists carries within them unimaginable horrors that resulted from the grave injustice they faced. The memory of witnessing their own family members being shot at while seeking refuge in a school is a haunting testament to the depths of cruelty that these criminals were capable of. Such acts of violence not only strip individuals of their loved ones but also inflict lasting trauma on survivors.

“They shot at my father, mother, and brothers while we were in a refugee school in Beit Lahya”
Palestinian infant recounts the horrors of the Zionist enemy murdering his family

Justice is imperative in these cases, not only to hold those responsible accountable and prevent further atrocities but also to provide solace and closure for the victims and their families. It is essential that the voices of these survivors be heard, and that the perpetrators face the full force of the law, ensuring that justice prevails over the darkness that was imposed upon them.
Even The Dead Are Not Spared!

Israeli occupation forces demolished a Palestinian cemetery in Gaza, exhumed dead bodies of Palestinians and trampled over them with bulldozers.

This is pure evil!

Zionist terrorists blow up the entire Palestine Mosque area in the Al-Rimal neighborhood after being stationed inside it for a month.

The Israeli military is accused of stealing organs from Palestinians it killed in Gaza.Medical professionals reportedly found vital organs, such as livers, kidneys and hearts, alongside cochleas and corneas, missing from corpses.

Occupation aircraft destroy the Tawhid Mosque in the Al-Najjar neighborhood inside the town of Khuza’a, east of Khan Yunis.

Mosques are places of worship where people gather for prayer and spiritual guidance. Deliberately targeting and causing harm to individuals in a place of worship is a heinous act that leads to the loss of innocent lives, causing immense grief and suffering. This act violates the basic human right to freedom of religion and belief. It infringes upon the rights of individuals to engage in peaceful religious practices without fear. Such actions seek to destabilize societies, incite hatred, and drive a wedge between Palestinians and Israelis. They undermine social harmony, trust, and mutual respect, making it challenging to build peaceful and inclusive societies. By targeting and damaging these religious sites, IOF terrorists also destroy important symbols of cultural heritage and identity, erasing the shared history and traditions of Palestinian Muslims.
Occupation aircraft destroy the Tawhid Mosque in the Al-Najjar neighborhood inside the town of Khuza’a, east of Khan Yunis.

Mosques are places of worship where people gather for prayer and spiritual guidance. Deliberately targeting and causing harm to individuals in a place of worship is a heinous act that leads to the loss of innocent lives, causing immense grief and suffering. This act violates the basic human right to freedom of religion and belief. It infringes upon the rights of individuals to engage in peaceful religious practices without fear. Such actions seek to destabilize societies, incite hatred, and drive a wedge between Palestinians and Israelis. They undermine social harmony, trust, and mutual respect, making it challenging to build peaceful and inclusive societies. By targeting and damaging these religious sites, IOF terrorists also destroy important symbols of cultural heritage and identity, erasing the shared history and traditions of Palestinian Muslims.

Mosques are places of worship where people gather for prayer and spiritual guidance.

Don't forget the terrorists and the weapons.
The yards of Al-Shifa Hospital was turned into graves for martyrs, including “unidentified” children due to the Israeli aggression on Gaza.
Euro-Med monitor:

"Yesterday, we documented the execution of six civilians from one family when Israeli forces raided their home in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City, and opened fire on them without any justification. We document on a daily basis more direct killings carried out by Israeli soldiers against unarmed civilians during raids on their homes in Gaza."

Safa| Director of UNRWA in Gaza: The occupation army orders Gazans to move to areas subjected to continuous raids in the Strip.
The UN is no longer useful to the free countries of the West. They're the destructive arm of communist China and a total waste of money for the US. We should withdrawal. MAGA

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