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UN Official Attempts to Blame Boston Bombings 'On Tel Aviv'

Nope, "it was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise." ~Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman(1785)

and in 1785, good christian americans were on the pahway to making black 3/5s of a human being and the statement was made to a man (who i admire) who was a slave owner.

i suppose you and i could engage in a pissing contest and haul out all kinds of obscure quotes involving religious interpretations b ut i see very little value in that so i think i will pass.

i really do not see what your post has to do with the issue lipush brought up. it sounds, though, as if you are bigoted against muslim people and have signed on to "the crusade".

ya know, if all this is because of islamic religious beliefs, than the only solution would be to kill them all. i think i'll pass for now.

I answered your question and now you wish to make it into another issue. Not interested.

i didn't ask you a question, and you didn't answer it, unless of course, you don't think the political climate has changed since 1785 and that we are engaged in a war over trade with barbary coast pirates.

i am not interested either.
Nope, "it was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise." ~Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman(1785)

and in 1785, good christian americans were on the pahway to making black 3/5s of a human being and the statement was made to a man (who i admire) who was a slave owner.

i suppose you and i could engage in a pissing contest and haul out all kinds of obscure quotes involving religious interpretations b ut i see very little value in that so i think i will pass.

i really do not see what your post has to do with the issue lipush brought up. it sounds, though, as if you are bigoted against muslim people and have signed on to "the crusade".

ya know, if all this is because of islamic religious beliefs, than the only solution would be to kill them all. i think i'll pass for now.

I answered your question and now you wish to make it into another issue. Not interested.

That's his shtick. He thinks he's being clever when he does that. :cuckoo:
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has denounced comments by Richard Falk, a top official on the United Nations Human Rights Council, which attempted to explain the Boston Marathon bombings as a reaction to United States policy in the Middle East and Tel Aviv.

Mr. Falk, the United Nations Human Rights Council-appointed “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967,” wrote on Foreignpolicyjournal.com that, “…As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.” He also implied that the Boston terror attack was a justified response to U.S. policies in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

UN Official Blames Boston Bombings 'On Tel Aviv' - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News
Watch as the AIPAC crowd does its number on him. How dare he question why Muslims hate America and its wayward policies?

So you think if the U.S and Israel break off ties, Muslims won't hate America anymore ?
Maybe Phillip thinks these men were set up by AIPAC since he appears to think AIPAC is behind everything. This is the same song and dance the readers have heard from him for years -- AIPAC, AIPAC, AIPAC.

Train plot suspect rejects Canadian law, cites holy book | Top News | Reuters
..."were i a young muslim reading nmessage boards like this, or suffering in other ways from similar sentiments epressed here, i don't really think i would need a koran to radicalise me..."

"...i don't really think i would need a koran to radicalise me..."

it's ALREADY in people's guts to do harm like what the two russian terrorists did. they BOTH had a real dark side. a.f.a.i.c - they didn't need any 'radical reading' material. it was already in them.
..."were i a young muslim reading nmessage boards like this, or suffering in other ways from similar sentiments epressed here, i don't really think i would need a koran to radicalise me..."

"...i don't really think i would need a koran to radicalise me..."

it's ALREADY in people's guts to do harm like what the two russian terrorists did. they BOTH had a real dark side. a.f.a.i.c - they didn't need any 'radical reading' material. it was already in them.
Don't worry, Member, most of us know that there are Internet sites established by radical Muslims to draw other Muslims in. They don't need to come to this message board when they can spend their times dragging in some young Muslims and also teaching its readers how to make bombs.. Think of it this way, Member -- maybe Seal wants to become a Dhimmi.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has denounced comments by Richard Falk, a top official on the United Nations Human Rights Council, which attempted to explain the Boston Marathon bombings as a reaction to United States policy in the Middle East and Tel Aviv.

Mr. Falk, the United Nations Human Rights Council-appointed “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967,” wrote on Foreignpolicyjournal.com that, “…As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.” He also implied that the Boston terror attack was a justified response to U.S. policies in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

UN Official Blames Boston Bombings 'On Tel Aviv' - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

YOUR thread title is a lie. RICHARD FALK did not blame or attempt to blame Tel Aviv for the Boston bombings. HOW do you attempt to blame someone for something? MUST be a new Zionist crime being used to unlawfully charge and unlawfully lock away more Palestinians!
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The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has denounced comments by Richard Falk, a top official on the United Nations Human Rights Council, which attempted to explain the Boston Marathon bombings as a reaction to United States policy in the Middle East and Tel Aviv.

Mr. Falk, the United Nations Human Rights Council-appointed “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967,” wrote on Foreignpolicyjournal.com that, “…As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.” He also implied that the Boston terror attack was a justified response to U.S. policies in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

UN Official Blames Boston Bombings 'On Tel Aviv' - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

YOUR thread title is a lie. RICHARD FALK did not blame or attempt to blame Tel Aviv for the Boston bombings. HOW do you attempt to blame someone for something? MUST be a new Zionist crime being used to unlawfully charge and unlawfully lock away more Palestinians!

Your whole life is a big fuckin lie :lol:
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has denounced comments by Richard Falk, a top official on the United Nations Human Rights Council, which attempted to explain the Boston Marathon bombings as a reaction to United States policy in the Middle East and Tel Aviv.

Mr. Falk, the United Nations Human Rights Council-appointed “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967,” wrote on Foreignpolicyjournal.com that, “…As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.” He also implied that the Boston terror attack was a justified response to U.S. policies in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

UN Official Blames Boston Bombings 'On Tel Aviv' - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

YOUR thread title is a lie. RICHARD FALK did not blame or attempt to blame Tel Aviv for the Boston bombings. HOW do you attempt to blame someone for something? MUST be a new Zionist crime being used to unlawfully charge and unlawfully lock away more Palestinians!
Richard Falk is a worthless maggot who makes money by writing BS that Muslims want to hear.

" In a February 1979 New York Times op-ed, after Khomeini had returned to Iran, Falk wrote, "The depiction of him as fanatical, reactionary and the bearer of crude prejudices seems certainly and happily false."[36] Falk wrote that Khomeini's "entourage was uniformly composed of moderate, progressive individuals,"[75] and that "having created a new model of popular revolution based, for the most part, on nonviolent tactics, Iran may yet provide us with a desperately-needed model of humane governance for a third-world country."

"In 2004, Falk wrote the preface to David Ray Griffin's book The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 which maintains that the George W. Bush administration was complicit in the September 11 attacks.[78]. In January 2011 Susan Rice, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, suggested that Falk should be removed from his U.N. posts after he wrote on his blog about the "eerie silence of the mainstream media, unwilling to acknowledge the well-evidenced doubts about the official version of the events: an al Qaeda operation with no foreknowledge by government officials."[83][84] United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon likewise condemned Falk's blog posting,[85] calling it "inflammatory rhetoric" which was "preposterous" and "an affront to the memory of the more than 3,000 people who died in that tragic terrorist attack." Ki-moon stated that only the U.N. Human Rights Council could remove its appointees from office.[86]"

"On June 29, 2011 Richard Falk posted a cartoon image of a dog with a Jewish head-covering and a sweater with the letters "USA" urinating on Lady Justice while devouring bloody human bones.[101"

"Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird sharply criticized Falk, stating that “Once again, United Nations official Richard Falk has spewed more mean-spirited, anti-Semitic rhetoric, this time blaming the attacks in Boston on President Obama and the State of Israel. The United Nations should be ashamed to even be associated with such an individual.” A spokesperson for the United Nations subsequently stated that Secretary General Ban Ki-moon did not agree with Falk’s opinions.[100]

"In response to Falk's comments regarding the Boston Marathon Bombings, the British mission to the United Nations stated that “[this is] the third time we have had cause to express our concerns about Mr. Falk’s anti-Semitic remarks. It is important to the U.K. that special rapporteurs uphold the highest standards in their work and we have twice previously made clear that remarks by Mr. Falk were unacceptable.”[118]"
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Learn how to spell or go back to adult school and get your elementary school diploma. You get an F.


why in the world do you think mideastern people and/or muslims, whish ids a predominantly mdeastern religion, attack the USA. surely, it must have something to do with our support of the jewish state.

richard falk is a educated and highly respected scholar and a professor emeritas at princton university. i don't think he has anything to gain by his opinion. he may, in fact, as a citisen of the USA, have something to lose.

Give him a break. It's not easy posting when you just downed a bottle of whisky

i don't drink, but it sounds like you are speaking from some experience.

i thought jewish peoples drink of choice was a glass of good wine with three tablespoons of sugar in it though. boy, if i drank a glaass of that, you would really see some bad typing. i would spew all over the keyboard. i don't know how you guys do it.

in my entire life---I have never seen a jew add sugar to his wine---who in your
childhood told you that the sheenys add sugar to their wine? was she drunk
at the time?
Give him a break. It's not easy posting when you just downed a bottle of whisky

i don't drink, but it sounds like you are speaking from some experience.

i thought jewish peoples drink of choice was a glass of good wine with three tablespoons of sugar in it though. boy, if i drank a glaass of that, you would really see some bad typing. i would spew all over the keyboard. i don't know how you guys do it.

in my entire life---I have never seen a jew add sugar to his wine---who in your
childhood told you that the sheenys add sugar to their wine? was she drunk
at the time?

WE need to remember toastman is just a child!
i don't drink, but it sounds like you are speaking from some experience.

i thought jewish peoples drink of choice was a glass of good wine with three tablespoons of sugar in it though. boy, if i drank a glaass of that, you would really see some bad typing. i would spew all over the keyboard. i don't know how you guys do it.

in my entire life---I have never seen a jew add sugar to his wine---who in your
childhood told you that the sheenys add sugar to their wine? was she drunk
at the time?

WE need to remember toastman is just a child!

I do not know teast's age His writings indicate a mature
mind. Are you still hearing voices ?
Thank rosie. I'm actually 27

Judging by your posts Sherri, when you WERE a child , you were likely taught to hate you are trying to pass on your hate to others on this board. Didn't Jesus say something about spreading hate?
Thank rosie. I'm actually 27

Judging by your posts Sherri, when you WERE a child , you were likely taught to hate you are trying to pass on your hate to others on this board. Didn't Jesus say something about spreading hate?

did he? I do not remember anything specific He seemed to do the
Hillel "love" thing The Hillel people had lots to say about "slander"
as being akin to murder. An interesting factoid----because of this board
I was inspired to find out precisely when Hillel lived--------He lived in
jerusalem in his elder years------when he was a popular and oft
quoted personality-----and died either just before or after Jesus was born.
When Jesus did enter Jerusalem ---he was entering a "hillel primed"
Thank rosie. I'm actually 27

Judging by your posts Sherri, when you WERE a child , you were likely taught to hate you are trying to pass on your hate to others on this board. Didn't Jesus say something about spreading hate?

Where is the hate in refusing to hate those you want me to hate?
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has denounced comments by Richard Falk, a top official on the United Nations Human Rights Council, which attempted to explain the Boston Marathon bombings as a reaction to United States policy in the Middle East and Tel Aviv.

Mr. Falk, the United Nations Human Rights Council-appointed “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967,” wrote on Foreignpolicyjournal.com that, “…As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.” He also implied that the Boston terror attack was a justified response to U.S. policies in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

UN Official Blames Boston Bombings 'On Tel Aviv' - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News
Watch as the AIPAC crowd does its number on him. How dare he question why Muslims hate America and its wayward policies?

AIPAC, legalistic hypocrites!
the anti-defamation league (adl) has denounced comments by richard falk, a top official on the united nations human rights council, which attempted to explain the boston marathon bombings as a reaction to united states policy in the middle east and tel aviv.

Mr. Falk, the united nations human rights council-appointed “special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the palestinian territories occupied since 1967,” wrote on foreignpolicyjournal.com that, “…as long as tel aviv has the compliant ear of the american political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.” he also implied that the boston terror attack was a justified response to u.s. Policies in afghanistan, pakistan and iraq.

un official blames boston bombings 'on tel aviv' - global agenda - news - israel national news

your thread title is a lie. Richard falk did not blame or attempt to blame tel aviv for the boston bombings. How do you attempt to blame someone for something? Must be a new zionist crime being used to unlawfully charge and unlawfully lock away more palestinians!

your whole life is a big fuckin lie :lol:

explain !
Thank rosie. I'm actually 27

Judging by your posts Sherri, when you WERE a child , you were likely taught to hate you are trying to pass on your hate to others on this board. Didn't Jesus say something about spreading hate?

Where is the hate in refusing to hate those you want me to hate?

who wants you to "hate"???? whom have you been told to "hate" besides
thank rosie. I'm actually 27

judging by your posts sherri, when you were a child , you were likely taught to hate you are trying to pass on your hate to others on this board. Didn't jesus say something about spreading hate?

where is the hate in refusing to hate those you want me to hate?

who wants you to "hate"???? Whom have you been told to "hate" besides

i do not hate any person!
where is the hate in refusing to hate those you want me to hate?

who wants you to "hate"???? Whom have you been told to "hate" besides

i do not hate any person!

you have openly expressed hatred on this board ----two kids on their
way home in military helicoptor------(a frequent little adventure for Israeli
military kids) died in an accident and you ULULATED with joy. Hatred
oozes from your every pore------you have expressed joy over the annhilation
of Israel and its population which is clearly your favorite self -gratification
fantasy. Your denial of the hatred you so clearly harbor----could be described
as "funny" in that it is so obviously idiotic-----but it certainly does not make me
laugh------your kith and kin of murdered hundreds of millions whilst mouthing
similar platitudes

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