UN Official Attempts to Blame Boston Bombings 'On Tel Aviv'

Roudy, were you one of the 5 dancing Israeli's celebrating 9/11 ??

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11 - YouTube
I guess SunniMan, in order to protect his newly-adopted brethren, conveniently forgets the rest of the story -- that these men were interrogated by the authorities and since they were not involved with 9/11
They were Mossad agents who were quickly deported back to Israel. .. :cool:

sunni when you did your "shahada" thing
did it consist of
"" There is only ONE PATH---
Roudy, were you one of the 5 dancing Israeli's celebrating 9/11 ??

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11 - YouTube
I guess SunniMan, in order to protect his newly-adopted brethren, conveniently forgets the rest of the story -- that these men were interrogated by the authorities and since they were not involved with 9/11
They were Mossad agents who were quickly deported back to Israel. .. :cool:
Is that what the Imam in your mosque told you to day? No doubt in time to come those like SunniMan will claim that they were wearing T-shirts that had Mossad printed on them. Meanwhile, SunniMan what does the Imam in your mosque say when it comes to the Muslims even murdering each other? Does he tell you to say it is a Mossad plot and it is really Mossad and other Israelis killing the Muslims?
Roudy, were you one of the 5 dancing Israeli's celebrating 9/11 ??

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11 - YouTube
I guess SunniMan, in order to protect his newly-adopted brethren, conveniently forgets the rest of the story -- that these men were interrogated by the authorities and since they were not involved with 9/11
They were Mossad agents who were quickly deported back to Israel. .. :cool:
Did your mosque imam tell you that or those voices in your head, followed by an "Allah Akbar"? LOL
you have openly expressed hatred on this board ----two kids on their
way home in military helicoptor------(a frequent little adventure for Israeli
military kids) died in an accident and you ULULATED with joy. Hatred
oozes from your every pore------you have expressed joy over the annhilation
of Israel and its population which is clearly your favorite self -gratification
fantasy. Your denial of the hatred you so clearly harbor----could be described
as "funny" in that it is so obviously idiotic-----but it certainly does not make me
laugh------your kith and kin of murdered hundreds of millions whilst mouthing
similar platitudes

GOD took out baby killers, and I do not hate the dead. I do not even know the names of the two dead pilots, I certainly never hated them. WHY should I or would I hate a dead person? I do not. AS for emotions about Nations, nations are not human beings. AND Jesus tells me the Prince of the World controls all nations. I am not called to love nations.

The hatred abounds in the sherriliar's slander that two men she's never met were 'baby killers': she claims not to 'hate' dead people, but she sure spews filthy lies about them.

Unless the l'il sherrithing has absolute knowledge that these two men actually sought to kill any babies, she's doing worse than murder to people who are already dead. A fine accomplishment in the name of 'pacifist humanitarian' high standards!

I am simply not going to explain again why I do not hate dead baby killing Israeli pilots. Here we go again, Zionists accuse me of hate for refusing to hate. AS I keep saying, my resolve is not to hate and nothing you can say will ever change that. BTSELEM and DCI Palestine list around 1500 murdered children killed by Israeli Forces, many by pilots, around 1500 killed since 2000. THe lists of murdered children are there for all to see. I DO NOT HATE THE CHILDREN OR THEIR MURDERERS.
Did you know all the atrocities committed by Muslims, were actually committed by the Mossad or Jews?

Yup, that Mossad is so busy all over the world, making those poor halo wearing, innocent, peaceful, wouldn't hurt a fly Muslims look bad! Ha ha ha.
I guess SunniMan, in order to protect his newly-adopted brethren, conveniently forgets the rest of the story -- that these men were interrogated by the authorities and since they were not involved with 9/11
They were Mossad agents who were quickly deported back to Israel. .. :cool:

sunni when you did your "shahada" thing
did it consist of
"" There is only ONE PATH---
I think he may have banged his head a little too hard on the rug.
GOD took out baby killers, and I do not hate the dead. I do not even know the names of the two dead pilots, I certainly never hated them. WHY should I or would I hate a dead person? I do not. AS for emotions about Nations, nations are not human beings. AND Jesus tells me the Prince of the World controls all nations. I am not called to love nations.

The hatred abounds in the sherriliar's slander that two men she's never met were 'baby killers': she claims not to 'hate' dead people, but she sure spews filthy lies about them.

Unless the l'il sherrithing has absolute knowledge that these two men actually sought to kill any babies, she's doing worse than murder to people who are already dead. A fine accomplishment in the name of 'pacifist humanitarian' high standards!

I am simply not going to explain again why I do not hate dead baby killing Israeli pilots. Here we go again, Zionists accuse me of hate for refusing to hate. AS I keep saying, my resolve is not to hate and nothing you can say will ever change that. BTSELEM and DCI Palestine list around 1500 murdered children killed by Israeli Forces, many by pilots, around 1500 killed since 2000. THe lists of murdered children are there for all to see. I DO NOT HATE THE CHILDREN OR THEIR MURDERERS.
Whenever will you get it through your numb skull that the "babies" are dead because they were used as human shields? All those Non Governmental Organizations and Human Rights Organizations are just another gaggle of anti-Semitic sonsabitches.
The hatred abounds in the sherriliar's slander that two men she's never met were 'baby killers': she claims not to 'hate' dead people, but she sure spews filthy lies about them.

Unless the l'il sherrithing has absolute knowledge that these two men actually sought to kill any babies, she's doing worse than murder to people who are already dead. A fine accomplishment in the name of 'pacifist humanitarian' high standards!

I am simply not going to explain again why I do not hate dead baby killing Israeli pilots. Here we go again, Zionists accuse me of hate for refusing to hate. AS I keep saying, my resolve is not to hate and nothing you can say will ever change that. BTSELEM and DCI Palestine list around 1500 murdered children killed by Israeli Forces, many by pilots, around 1500 killed since 2000. THe lists of murdered children are there for all to see. I DO NOT HATE THE CHILDREN OR THEIR MURDERERS.
Whenever will you get it through your numb skull that the "babies" are dead because they were used as human shields? All those Non Governmental Organizations and Human Rights Organizations are just another gaggle of anti-Semitic sonsabitches.
The wackjob also includes 14 to 18 year old Jihadis recruited and trained by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist animal organizations as "innocent children the Israelis killed". Her numbers aren't worth the pixels on your screen. Ha ha ha.
The hatred abounds in the sherriliar's slander that two men she's never met were 'baby killers': she claims not to 'hate' dead people, but she sure spews filthy lies about them.

Unless the l'il sherrithing has absolute knowledge that these two men actually sought to kill any babies, she's doing worse than murder to people who are already dead. A fine accomplishment in the name of 'pacifist humanitarian' high standards!

I am simply not going to explain again why I do not hate dead baby killing Israeli pilots. Here we go again, Zionists accuse me of hate for refusing to hate. AS I keep saying, my resolve is not to hate and nothing you can say will ever change that. BTSELEM and DCI Palestine list around 1500 murdered children killed by Israeli Forces, many by pilots, around 1500 killed since 2000. THe lists of murdered children are there for all to see. I DO NOT HATE THE CHILDREN OR THEIR MURDERERS.
Whenever will you get it through your numb skull that the "babies" are dead because they were used as human shields? All those Non Governmental Organizations and Human Rights Organizations are just another gaggle of anti-Semitic sonsabitches.

WRONG again, 1500 Palestinian children are dead because the US gave Israeli soldiers weapons. AND those Israeli soldiers took those US weapons they were given and targeted Palestinian children to hurt and maim and kill! Deal with the facts!
I am simply not going to explain again why I do not hate dead baby killing Israeli pilots. Here we go again, Zionists accuse me of hate for refusing to hate. AS I keep saying, my resolve is not to hate and nothing you can say will ever change that. BTSELEM and DCI Palestine list around 1500 murdered children killed by Israeli Forces, many by pilots, around 1500 killed since 2000. THe lists of murdered children are there for all to see. I DO NOT HATE THE CHILDREN OR THEIR MURDERERS.
Whenever will you get it through your numb skull that the "babies" are dead because they were used as human shields? All those Non Governmental Organizations and Human Rights Organizations are just another gaggle of anti-Semitic sonsabitches.

WRONG again, 1500 Palestinian children are dead because the US gave Israeli soldiers weapons. AND those Israeli soldiers took those US weapons they were given and targeted Palestinian children to hurt and maim and kill! Deal with the facts!

Sherri---I understand your POV-----your kith and kin murdered the hundreds
of millions over the past 1700 years ---ALL IN THE NAME OF ISA and his
"LOVE" It seemed so right to you and yours and suddenly---in just the past 200
years ---some of those who are the remnants of your objects of disdain and over
whose dead bodies your kith and kin happily danced----SURVIVED AND PROPER
and resist the filth you so love. I know you well I was very young when I
encountered isa-respecters from india-----they felt the same way about hindus
that you feel about jews-----after-all----in just about a single century they managed
to murder an estimated 100 million hindus and established a "CALIPHATE"
that they thought ISA would make last forever. In their minds that bloody
"caliphate" never died. It is what the taliban are all about---in fact it is very
much what achmadinejad is all about ----and what the Boston Bombers
were all about (I assure you----neither thought they would end up either
dead or in jail---and are quite indignant about it)

Your real problem is that isa---mislead you---and in all cases of isa-respecting
filth----there are survivors who know you well
This Palestinian girl knows who to blame!

[ame=http://youtu.be/IXz9fnhHgdg]Palestinian girl: Hamas responsible for war - YouTube[/ame]

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