UN Resolutions that Israel has defied/ ignored

Israel broke the truce? Are you nuts or intentionally lying again? From your link:

I figure 3,000 rockets from the "militant organization" which happens to be the elected government of the area is pretty much not a ceasefire... you?

Through Egyptian mediation Israel and Hamas agreed to a six month cease-fire on June 17th that went into effect on June 19, 2008 at 6:00 AM.[48]
June 20, 2008
Gilad Herman, an Israeli settler in the West Bank settlement of Yashif, unintentionally fires upon an Israeli when he launches a home-made rocket towards Palestinian West Bank. The rocket lands "meters away from a Breslov hassid who was praying in the area." No one is hurt.[49]
Through Egyptian mediation Israel and Hamas agreed to a six month cease-fire on June 17th that went into effect on June 19, 2008 at 6:00 AM.[48]
June 20, 2008
Gilad Herman, an Israeli settler in the West Bank settlement of Yashif, unintentionally fires upon an Israeli when he launches a home-made rocket towards Palestinian West Bank. The rocket lands "meters away from a Breslov hassid who was praying in the area." No one is hurt.[49]

Give it up TM. This is thread is just not up to your usual deceitfullness. Your own link describes attack after attack occuring after the truce went into effect. The fact that you dismiss them because "no one was killed" is doing nothing more than displaying your bias.
Now from that point on go down and look at who is firing the rockets.

They are claimed by groups other then Hamas.

As for the tunnel you might want to take a look at how many months the people in Gaza had been without food and medical supplies. They had been trapped from leaving by Israel and blockcaded from supplies. People (like pregnant mothers) died at checkpoints trying to get to medical help by leaving the country. Israel refused them. Maybe the tunnel was for supplies? I have never seen any solid proof it was used to kill people.
Give it up TM. This is thread is just not up to your usual deceitfullness. Your own link describes attack after attack occuring after the truce went into effect. The fact that you dismiss them because "no one was killed" is doing nothing more than displaying your bias.

Do we hold the Iraqi government responsible for attacks claimed by militants in Iraq?

You have differing standards for these people and you refuse to face it.
Note the VERY first rocket fired after the ceasefire came from a militant Israeli.

I dont blame Israel for it , do you?

Hamas didnt either.
Now from that point on go down and look at who is firing the rockets.

They are claimed by groups other then Hamas.

As for the tunnel you might want to take a look at how many months the people in Gaza had been without food and medical supplies. They had been trapped from leaving by Israel and blockcaded from supplies. People (like pregnant mothers) died at checkpoints trying to get to medical help by leaving the country. Israel refused them. Maybe the tunnel was for supplies? I have never seen any solid proof it was used to kill people.

Cmon, TM. You are on very thin ice and you know it.

I would understand if you were against armed conflict but you are only against Israelii retalliation in this case. Thousands of rockets being fired INTO Israel is provocation...period.

Masybe the tunnel was merely so Peter Rabbit could deliver easter eggs....but you and I both know that is BS too!
Do we hold the Iraqi government responsible for attacks claimed by militants in Iraq?

You have differing standards for these people and you refuse to face it.

Not even close to being equitable...but then you know that too.

You are the one with trying to justify the differeing standards.

For my part, I think the Israeliis should get about 30,000 katyusha rockets and fire them into Gaza round for round. Both equally armed, both equally innaccurate and so should answer the whining about "measured response".

If someone gets hit on either side it is the will of Allah....or Yaweh.
Cmon, TM. You are on very thin ice and you know it.

I would understand if you were against armed conflict but you are only against Israelii retalliation in this case. Thousands of rockets being fired INTO Israel is provocation...period.

Masybe the tunnel was merely so Peter Rabbit could deliver easter eggs....but you and I both know that is BS too!

Go Look at the record of fact.

Fact remains that hundereds of Palestinians are dead.

How many Israelis have died since the ceasefire started on 6/19/2008?

Israel breeched Palestinian territory on 11/6/2008.

The rockets fired on Israel from gaza were claimed by nut bag factions.

Now tell me why you blame their government yet do not blame Israel for the first rocket fired?And why you dont blamethe Iraqi government for the killings of Americans by nut bag Iraqis?

You are desiding it on emotion and using differing standards of guilt for them.
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Time and time again, Israel has reacted to Palestinian rocket attacks, or terrorism, with a disporportionate,millitary overkill type reaction. This only
makes Israel look like a murderous uncompassionate country.

When will the Israeli government learn, that they are doing what the Palestinians really want. To bring world attention and sympathy to the Palestinian cause, and make Israel appear to be a state of villians and murderers.

It's okay agent 52, some of us still support Israel and are cheering her on.

Your concern for Israel's well being is duly noted. Now screw.
Go Look at the record of fact.

Fact remains that hundereds of Palestinians are dead.

How many Israelis have died since the ceasefire started on 6/19/2008?

Israel breeched Palestinian territory on 11/6/2008.

The rockets fired on Israel from gaza were claimed by nut bag factions.

Now tell me why you blame their government yet do not blame Israel for the first rocket fired and the Iraqi government for the killings of Americans by nut bag Iraqis?

You are desiding it on emotion and using differing standards of guilt for them.

It's pretty much a given, you bomb the area from whence the bombs come.

The people need to take these lunatics in hand or they're going to continue to get the shit bombed out of them. Pretty simple.
I disagree. They've show incredible restraint. If I were in charge of Israel, the Palis would have been vapor long ago.

Is this the new and improved ravi?

what am I missing here?

btw, your post is a bit overboard. Israel has never wanted to kill off it's neighbors.
I also, agree. The Palestinians must realize, that Israel can not allow its citizens
to be indiscriminately killed by these rocket attacks. Both sides must exercise restraint.The world is watching.
The Palestinians must realize, that the consequences will be great, if they continue with there campaign of terror, directed towards Israel.

HAMAS will never exercise restraint. what part of being a terrorist organization do you not understand? Of course your seeking to portray a fair attitude to all sides is admirable in an intellectual way, but war is not intellectualism...it is cold hard reality. The cold hard reality is that the people of the GAZA, democratically elected HAMAS to represent them and part of HAMAS' platform (thank you Dave) was war with Israel.
Go Look at the record of fact.

Fact remains that hundereds of Palestinians are dead.

How many Israelis have died since the ceasefire started on 6/19/2008?

Israel breeched Palestinian territory on 11/6/2008.

The rockets fired on Israel from gaza were claimed by nut bag factions.

Now tell me why you blame their government yet do not blame Israel for the first rocket fired?And why you dont blamethe Iraqi government for the killings of Americans by nut bag Iraqis?

You are desiding it on emotion and using differing standards of guilt for them.

You make it sound like the first rocket fired EVER in this dispute was fired by some Israelii. I guess the cuttoff is June 19, 2008. Fine, then it is all Israel's fault.... Hamas is entirely innocent as is anyone else firing into Israel. I say round up all them damn Jews and stuff em in an oven! O wait, some like you already tried that!

There is enough guilt to go around on both sides in this situation. I seriously doubt that katyusha rockets and ground invasions are going to resolve the basic issues here and fanning the flames over and over again by trying to exonerate one side while placing all blame on the other is not only counter productive but just plain stupid.
It's pretty much a given, you bomb the area from whence the bombs come.

The people need to take these lunatics in hand or they're going to continue to get the shit bombed out of them. Pretty simple.

So you think the Palestinians should have bombed Israel because the Israeli nut job bombed them the day after the cease fire?
Note the VERY first rocket fired after the ceasefire came from a militant Israeli.

I dont blame Israel for it , do you?

Hamas didnt either.

Hamas didn't have any rockets left at that point, and had to wait for a re-supply from Syria and Iran.
The interesting thing is in defending what I thought I said I learned something. The rockets fired from the Gaza side of the fence during the cease fire were claimed by other groups than Hamas

Yes, we have been making this point for a long time, but we always hear from the Palestinian apologists that its just a few radical people that are making all the Palis look bad. In my opinion, a large majority of Palestinians agree with terrorist actions against Israel, not just Hamas, and it sounds like you are coming to the same conclusion.

I mean if the Palestinians in general arent anti semites, how is it that they generate so many terrorsit groups? The fact is, Palestinians hate jews and they love firing rockets at them. Personally i dont think rocket attacks are the direction the Palestinians should be going. If i was starving and had no electricity or medicine, i think id put my desire to kill jews on hold for a few months, but thats just me.
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Both sides are acting like nutbags.

That is the point.

To see Israeli government as a innocent is not seeing the whole picture. Do you think Israelis habor no hate?

One just has a better arsenal and is better at killing the other.
I don't buy "there are two sides to every story" or the ridiculous assumption that if one side of a conflict is wrong, both are. There is right and wrong, good and evil. The fact is, Hamas fired on Israel and they are hiding behind their civilians for the express purpose of getting those civilians KILLED and therefore strengthening their position with others.

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