UN Statue resembles Beast from Revelation

Gods word promises a new earth( that is-Gods kingdom rule in full control) Not a new planet. Gods word assures that at Har-mageddon. True believers( the other sheep=the great crowd) will be brought through on earth Matt 24:22-Prov 2:21-22) Yes the kingdom is established in heaven, now. It comes to the earth with full control post Har-mageddon. Jesus rules for 1000 years, Turning earth into a Paradise( Eden) All inhabitants lovers of God, All motives of them ruled by love, not profit or stature. One human family. And when all is back to perfection-Jesus hands back the kingdom to his God and Father and subjects himself forever( 1Cor 15:24-28)

Few believe facts-- God( ancient of days) appointed Jesus as his king(Daniel 7:13-15) God is king of eternity, if Jesus were God he would have been king allready). God will NEVER be in subjection to anyone.

So no revelation is not history. The words have not been fullfilled yet. Rev 21:1--- Not here yet--satan is still in control of the majority. That is why this system is getting sicker and sicker. Its fully corrupted except for the Few who have found the road leading off into life.

When your church preaches against education, you are being abused an subjugated.
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What is the United Nations trying to convey?

What great authority has the United Nations exampled? :dunno: The UN is nothing but an international organization whose rhetoric never matches its actions. Its staffed by dictators, tyrants, and despots,.........it has a history of ignoring some of the worlds greatest humanitarian atrocities.

Example: In 2016 the UN passed the anti-Israel resolution that demonized Israel while ignoring the terrorism harbored by "Palestinians" while targeting the ONLY JEWISH nation on earth. And then the left has the nerve to suggest that others are antisemites.

Here are several more interesting things promoted by the UN. The United Nations appointed "Saudi Arabia" to chair the UN human rights council. Supposed UN peacekeepers rapped and sexually abused children of the Central African Republic.....in 2014. The UN turned its proverbial head with a wink and a nod and refused stop the "genocide" and ethnic cleansing if "Rwanda", Bosnia, Cambodia, and East Timor.

More? The UN never holds the Russian's feet to the fire ..........the UN has allowed the Russian Empire to topple sovereign regimes, while using its military might to control most of eastern Europe. Next we find the supposed UN "peacekeepers" ignoring rape and assualt of aid workers in South Sudan.

Next we find the UN totally ignoring the violence in Syria and the use of toxic gasses as weapons.

Guardian for International Peace and Security, Gift from Mexico to the United Nations

sortof self explanitory coming from south america ... the guardian to the heavens would most likely bear a similar resemblance.
Gods education is worth more than all wealth on this planet.

The applied true knowledge of God is worth Everlasting life. Money is becoming valueless by the day. The bible warns that they will be throwing their silver and gold into the streets. God will take care of those who learned and applied his will at that point. The rest will be marked for destruction--where did their college education get those? Time is running out.
He's speaking to the first generation of Christians in Thessalonia.
Wow, You need a new teachers. But i see someone said you believe in the Muslim faith. Do they not elevate a mere man over the son of God? Not a wise position.
Wow, You need a new teachers. But i see someone said you believe in the Muslim faith. Do they not elevate a mere man over the son of God? Not a wise position.

Nope. I'm not a Muslim.

Muhammed is not elevated over Jesus. In Islam Jesus is the purest of the prophets, born of the virgin Mary from the mind of God. Your lack of education is showing again.

Muhammed was a mortal messenger to the people of the Arabian peninsula to return to the God of Abraham.
He's speaking to the first generation of Christians in Thessalonia.
It mentions Jehovahs day=Har-mageddon. It was not to them, he would have said you, but the word they is there= someone else. All the prophecies are coming true very quickly.
I agree that Daniel had some fullfillment back in that day, but future prophecy is also there. We are at the end of these last days. RUN to Jehovah while the door remains open. It is closing quickly. When the tribulation begins the door is closed. The seperating of the sheep and goats begins, then Har-mageddon. This world is falling apart quickly. The greedy ultra rich are destroying everything for all. I would not doubt if this covid crap is a genocide of the elderly and the weak put out by them.
All these stimuluses were just a disguise to get trillions to the ultra rich. They through a few measily billion to the poor while in the end the rich got it all. Now inflation on top of it generated a whole lot more. Now wash dc is trying to do more trillions. They are running us into the ground. Something big is about to occur.
Nope. I'm not a Muslim.

Muhammed is not elevated over Jesus. In Islam Jesus is the purest of the prophets, born of the virgin Mary from the mind of God. Your lack of education is showing again.

Muhammed was a mortal messenger to the people of the Arabian peninsula to return to the God of Abraham.
The God of Abraham=YHWH(Jehovah) --Jesus is Gods son, not a mere prophet. How many miracles did Mohammed do? Who did he bring back from the dead?
Isnt what i said--you believe in the Muslim faith--You answered NOPE, i am a Muslim.
It mentions Jehovahs day=Har-mageddon. It was not to them, he would have said you, but the word they is there= someone else. All the prophecies are coming true very quickly.
I agree that Daniel had some fullfillment back in that day, but future prophecy is also there. We are at the end of these last days. RUN to Jehovah while the door remains open. It is closing quickly. When the tribulation begins the door is closed. The seperating of the sheep and goats begins, then Har-mageddon. This world is falling apart quickly. The greedy ultra rich are destroying everything for all. I would not doubt if this covid crap is a genocide of the elderly and the weak put out by them.
All these stimuluses were just a disguise to get trillions to the ultra rich. They through a few measily billion to the poor while in the end the rich got it all. Now inflation on top of it generated a whole lot more. Now wash dc is trying to do more trillions. They are running us into the ground. Something big is about to occur.

Har mageddon is a mountain range mentioned in Rev 16:6

Megiddo refers to a fortification made by King Ahab that dominated the Plain of Jezreel. Its name means "place of crowds".

In 66 AD the kings of the east (Sohaemus and Antiochus) crossed the Euphrates to meet the other Roman forces near Mt. Megiddo (Armageddon) as indicated in Revelation 16:12 and 16.

It's history..
The God of Abraham=YHWH(Jehovah) --Jesus is Gods son, not a mere prophet. How many miracles did Mohammed do? Who did he bring back from the dead?
Isnt what i said--you believe in the Muslim faith--You answered NOPE, i am a Muslim.

Nope. I'm Episcopalian.. not Muslim. Did JW also teach you to be a liar?

Muhammed didn't perform miracles ... and Islam considers Jesus a prophet. That is their belief not mine.

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