"Unalienable rights" Our rights Come From G-d Not Government

No one ever claimed god enforces rights. We wouldn't need police if he did.

In order to prove that your rights come from God you have to

1. Prove God exists

2. Prove that God did in fact give us rights

3. Identify, in detail, what those rights are (and conversely what they aren't)

4. Prove that the rights in 3 above were in fact the ones that God so named.

please tell us what the words "endowed by their creator" mean and where those words are found?

Silly ass. That was a counter to the divine rights claimed by monarchs. If those rights were endowed by a 'creator' why did we have to spill blood to secure them? Where the hell has this creator been for most of mankind's history?

The Constitution of the United States was created to put into formal law a form of government that would give citizens more rights than they had in the past. At the time, citizens was 21, property owning white protestant males. As we matured as a nation, those rights were extended to all citizens, much to the chagrin of our conservatives, who are still trying to disenfranchise those they think vote wrong.
No one ever claimed god enforces rights. We wouldn't need police if he did.

In order to prove that your rights come from God you have to

1. Prove God exists

2. Prove that God did in fact give us rights

3. Identify, in detail, what those rights are (and conversely what they aren't)

4. Prove that the rights in 3 above were in fact the ones that God so named.

please tell us what the words "endowed by their creator" mean and where those words are found?

Men who were willing to shed their own blood for their freedom wrote those words.

Just because SOME of them believed in imaginary sky fairies does not take away from their sacrifice and courage.

Just once, THINK.
Inalienable rights from God? OK. Then where were those rights at Auschwitze? Our rights as citizens are the result of what we as citizens agree that they should be. The is no diety assuring those rights. Otherwise we would have had them throughout history. We did not, and only had them when wise and courageous men decided that society would function much better for all people were we to have them. That is what the American Revolution was all about. Depending on ourselves rather than some postulated diety in the sky.
Auschwitz was an example of a G-d less society man deciding other men needed to be eliminated for the "good" of a perfect fascist, socialist society. Men did that not G-d

So what we have here is an Allseeing, allpowerfull Diety that created man in his image, then allows man to do inhuman things to other men. Any contradictions here?

Wrong we have people who have rejected any kind of morality and decided they know who's rights can be taken away.... G-d less
In order to prove that your rights come from God you have to

1. Prove God exists

2. Prove that God did in fact give us rights

3. Identify, in detail, what those rights are (and conversely what they aren't)

4. Prove that the rights in 3 above were in fact the ones that God so named.

please tell us what the words "endowed by their creator" mean and where those words are found?

Men who were willing to shed their own blood for their freedom wrote those words.

Just because SOME of them believed in imaginary sky fairies does not take away from their sacrifice and courage.

Just once, THINK.

not necessarily sky faries. Rather, I think there was pretty much unanimity that some creator or force (and that encompasses God and all other conceptions of how life began) creating "man" with the ability to reason, and from that came a "right" to govern himself in a coaltion of consenting voters, and to seek economic gain.

The constitution was created to give power to this belief.
In order to prove that your rights come from God you have to

1. Prove God exists

2. Prove that God did in fact give us rights

3. Identify, in detail, what those rights are (and conversely what they aren't)

4. Prove that the rights in 3 above were in fact the ones that God so named.

please tell us what the words "endowed by their creator" mean and where those words are found?

Silly ass. That was a counter to the divine rights claimed by monarchs. If those rights were endowed by a 'creator' why did we have to spill blood to secure them? Where the hell has this creator been for most of mankind's history?

The Constitution of the United States was created to put into formal law a form of government that would give citizens more rights than they had in the past. At the time, citizens was 21, property owning white protestant males. As we matured as a nation, those rights were extended to all citizens, much to the chagrin of our conservatives, who are still trying to disenfranchise those they think vote wrong.

:eusa_eh:Wrong the Constitution doesn't "give rights" the rights are there, it just spells out and limits the role of government.
Auschwitz was an example of a G-d less society man deciding other men needed to be eliminated for the "good" of a perfect fascist, socialist society. Men did that not G-d

godless society....Oooooook...anyways beyond that being one of the stupidest reasons ever given on the internets. Rights are created by man, they are the creator.

Your right to life only goes so far. You get shot in the head your life ends. Where are your rights then? They dont matter.

Your right to live was taken by the person who shot you.... idiot :eusa_eh:
how can you have the right to live if you are dead?
do soldiers have the right to live? Or is that right washed away because of their profession?
your argument has holes larger than the black hole at the center of our galaxy.
I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.

Men didn't give us our natural rights. all the government's role should be is to keep people from infringing are the rights of others. Liberals love to infringe on people's rights. Take their money ..Take their property.. Give it to people they think deserve in more :cuckoo:

If you say so. I say it was men, who began to enforce those so called natural rights. It's not just the so called liberals who are Big Government Tax and Spend politicos. The so called conservatives are just as bad if not worse.
Don't get too steamed up about God's gift of laws and rights. First check out Ezekiel 20: 25-26

Moreover I gave them statutes that were not good and ordinances by which they could not live. I defiled them through their very gifts, in their offering up all their firstborn, in order that I might horrify them, so that they might know that I am the Lord

Here God confesses that he has deliberately given humans bad laws and ideas which when people tried to follow them, would fuck them up and horrify them so that people would cower in terror. God doesn't care a fig for human rights. He orders wars of genocide (cf Joshua) and cheerfully commands parents to murder their kids (cf Abraham & Isaac).

Don't take my word for it, READ THE BOOK!

He was such an Angry God. But then he had a Son and sort of Mellowed out a bit.
No one ever claimed god enforces rights. We wouldn't need police if he did.

In order to prove that your rights come from God you have to

1. Prove God exists

2. Prove that God did in fact give us rights

3. Identify, in detail, what those rights are (and conversely what they aren't)

4. Prove that the rights in 3 above were in fact the ones that God so named.

please tell us what the words "endowed by their creator" mean and where those words are found?

That's a claim that our rights came from God.

To prove that claim you need to satisfy the above 4 conditions.
No one ever claimed god enforces rights. We wouldn't need police if he did.

In order to prove that your rights come from God you have to

1. Prove God exists

2. Prove that God did in fact give us rights

3. Identify, in detail, what those rights are (and conversely what they aren't)

4. Prove that the rights in 3 above were in fact the ones that God so named.

I don't claim they come from god. I claim they are natural, ie., they come from nature. They are part of your biological makeup. For instance, your right to life. Every animal behaves as if he has a right to live. If they didn't, then antelope would meekly stand still while Lions attacked them.

That's meaningless.

Many animals also have their own governments, with some in positions of authority, some subordinate. They depend on that government for their survival.
I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.

Men didn't give us our natural rights. all the government's role should be is to keep people from infringing are the rights of others. Liberals love to infringe on people's rights. Take their money ..Take their property.. Give it to people they think deserve in more :cuckoo:

How do you know what's a right and what isn't? When did God give you that list?

Is abortion a right?
I don't need to believe in the bearded fellow in the sky to know I have natural rights.

Thanks for trying.
The difference between liberals and conservatives....Liberals believe our rights are granted us by the Government. What the government gives they can take away

The Declaration of Independence

Inalienable rights from God? OK. Then where were those rights at Auschwitze? Our rights as citizens are the result of what we as citizens agree that they should be. The is no diety assuring those rights. Otherwise we would have had them throughout history. We did not, and only had them when wise and courageous men decided that society would function much better for all people were we to have them. That is what the American Revolution was all about. Depending on ourselves rather than some postulated diety in the sky.
Auschwitz was an example of a G-d less society man deciding other men needed to be eliminated for the "good" of a perfect fascist, socialist society. Men did that not G-d
"Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not."
--Adolf Hitler, Sunday Express, 28 September 1930; cited. in The Rise of Fascism by F.L. Carsten, p. 137
"Unalienable rights" Our rights Come From G-d Not Government
They come from neither, actually – as the former does not exist and the latter seeks to expand its power and authority at the expense of individual liberty.

Since both ‘god’ and religion are creations of man, religion also seeks to expand its power and authority at the expense of individual liberty – often hiding behind the façade of unjust ‘laws,’ such as those which deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, or women their privacy rights.
I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.

Men didn't give us our natural rights. all the government's role should be is to keep people from infringing are the rights of others. Liberals love to infringe on people's rights. Take their money ..Take their property.. Give it to people they think deserve in more :cuckoo:

Ignorant nonsense.

Liberals have been at the forefront of protecting individual liberty from government encroachment for the last 60 years, from ending segregation and discrimination during the 1950’s to fighting for the civil liberties of same-sex couples and transgender persons today.

And conservatives have fought against efforts to limit the power of government and protect individual liberty during that entire time, if not longer.
In order to prove that your rights come from God you have to

1. Prove God exists

2. Prove that God did in fact give us rights

3. Identify, in detail, what those rights are (and conversely what they aren't)

4. Prove that the rights in 3 above were in fact the ones that God so named.

please tell us what the words "endowed by their creator" mean and where those words are found?

Men who were willing to shed their own blood for their freedom wrote those words.

Just because SOME of them believed in imaginary sky fairies does not take away from their sacrifice and courage.

Just once, THINK.

A belief in a higher power was the common belief of the founders and remains the belief of a vast majority of the people of the entire world.

You are free to be an athiest if you choose, but attempting to denigrate the majority will get you nothing.

Rights endowed by the creator sometimes have to be secured by men when other men attempt to take them away.

Using terms like "sky fairies" just confirms that you are an ignorant, intolerant, scum sucking asshole. i.e. a typical liberal.
God does not rule on Earth Satan does through his man made empires. While one may note that God promises certain things, those promises are not fulfilled until after Jesus destroys Satan.

So spiritually you may have rights but Man through Satan controls the world and man determines what rights you will ACTUALLY have until Jesus returns.

Having said that we have certain rights promised us by Our Government and those rights should be enforced defended and fought for. The Government has no authority to remove abridge or lessen those rights without first changing the Constitution.
I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.

Men didn't give us our natural rights. all the government's role should be is to keep people from infringing are the rights of others. Liberals love to infringe on people's rights. Take their money ..Take their property.. Give it to people they think deserve in more :cuckoo:

Ignorant nonsense.

Liberals have been at the forefront of protecting individual liberty from government encroachment for the last 60 years, from ending segregation and discrimination during the 1950’s to fighting for the civil liberties of same-sex couples and transgender persons today.

And conservatives have fought against efforts to limit the power of government and protect individual liberty during that entire time, if not longer.

And yet the Party of the Liberals in this Country has not fought so hard for any rights save their own petty ones.

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