"Unalienable rights" Our rights Come From G-d Not Government

God and man both fucked up the rights of the slaves in our nation.

The founders laid the ground work that would eventually free the slaves. Slavery could not endure in this country if we "lived up to the true meaning of it's founding" Lincoln used the founding documents as the bases for liberating the Black people..

Those who actually study Lincoln’s thoughts and speeches know that, in his words, he “never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence.” He loved and admired “the sentiments of those old-time men,” our Founding Fathers. He was dedicated to their principles – equal rights under the law, economic liberty, and a fidelity to the Constitution, our fundamental law.

Lincoln was, in short, a statesman who was guided by the principles of our Founding, and therefore he is a model of conservative leadership today. He believed in natural rights, not the expansive definition of positive rights, without any grounding in nature, advanced by today’s Left. He believed in equality before the law, but he also noted that the Declaration of Independence “does not declare that all men are equal in their attainments or social position.” He respected and followed the text of the Constitution, rather than interpreting it as a “living” and evolving document or simply scrapping it altogether.

He believed in economic freedom, particularly the opportunity to work for a wage. He did not think that the market economy took advantage of those who worked for wages, but rather believed that economic freedom was a ticket to upward mobility for the individual and prosperity for society. He was fond of saying that, in a country with economic freedom, those who begin “poor, as most do in the race of life, free society is such that he knows he can better his condition.” In a free society, a citizen can “look forward and hope to be a hired laborer this year and the next, work for himself afterward, and finally to hire men to work for him! That is the true system.”

Are these the words of a Progressive? Do Progressives defend the principles of natural rights, equality before the law, constitutionalism, and economic freedom? A quick examination of the news cycle suffices to demonstrate otherwise. Lincoln would be at the forefront of the fight against the encroaching power of the national government, were he with us today. We honor his memory by fighting for the same conservative principles that he worked so diligently to pass along to us.

Lincoln?s Conservative Vision | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation
I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.
God and man both fucked up the rights of the slaves in our nation.

Clearly all of human history is ripe with hypocrisy. At the time, in context, slaves weren't considered men. Any contemporary value judgments regarding this line of thinking at the time of the arrival to 'rights' under this context, are irrelevant.

Though it certainly shows man's propensity for hypocrisy.

Even the Bible tells you how to treat slaves. So with that I know that the Bible is not the words of God, only humans.
God and man both fucked up the rights of the slaves in our nation.

The founders laid the ground work that would eventually free the slaves. Slavery could not endure in this country if we "lived up to the true meaning of it's founding" Lincoln used the founding documents as the bases for liberating the Black people..

Those who actually study Lincoln’s thoughts and speeches know that, in his words, he “never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence.” He loved and admired “the sentiments of those old-time men,” our Founding Fathers. He was dedicated to their principles – equal rights under the law, economic liberty, and a fidelity to the Constitution, our fundamental law.

Lincoln was, in short, a statesman who was guided by the principles of our Founding, and therefore he is a model of conservative leadership today. He believed in natural rights, not the expansive definition of positive rights, without any grounding in nature, advanced by today’s Left. He believed in equality before the law, but he also noted that the Declaration of Independence “does not declare that all men are equal in their attainments or social position.” He respected and followed the text of the Constitution, rather than interpreting it as a “living” and evolving document or simply scrapping it altogether.

He believed in economic freedom, particularly the opportunity to work for a wage. He did not think that the market economy took advantage of those who worked for wages, but rather believed that economic freedom was a ticket to upward mobility for the individual and prosperity for society. He was fond of saying that, in a country with economic freedom, those who begin “poor, as most do in the race of life, free society is such that he knows he can better his condition.” In a free society, a citizen can “look forward and hope to be a hired laborer this year and the next, work for himself afterward, and finally to hire men to work for him! That is the true system.”

Are these the words of a Progressive? Do Progressives defend the principles of natural rights, equality before the law, constitutionalism, and economic freedom? A quick examination of the news cycle suffices to demonstrate otherwise. Lincoln would be at the forefront of the fight against the encroaching power of the national government, were he with us today. We honor his memory by fighting for the same conservative principles that he worked so diligently to pass along to us.

Lincoln?s Conservative Vision | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

It is a shame the the south would not accept his offer to compensate them for the slaves to allow them to be set free without a war.
I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.

No one ever claimed god enforces rights. We wouldn't need police if he did.
This is from Richard II, by Shakespeare...

King Richard is speaking to the people who are in rebellion against him:


"We are amazed; and thus long have we stood
To watch the fearful bending of thy knee,

Because we thought ourself thy lawful king:

And if we be, how dare thy joints forget
To pay their awful duty to our presence?

If we be not, show us the hand of God
That hath dismissed us from our stewardship

Richard is citing the belief in divine right, i.e., that the King had absolute power, given to him by God,

and Richard is saying if you're claiming otherwise,

show me where God said otherwise.

It's an excellent argument; unfortunately it didn't save him.


I'll make the same sort of argument. If your claim is that God gave the People certain rights,

show us where, when, and how God did that.

If you'd read about the founding of the best, most free Country in the History of the Earth, you'd know that while some people claim these rights came from God, our Founders referred to them as "Natural Rights". And they stemmed from the theory of "Natural Law"

Rights that can not be taken by the hand of Man. Rights that are granted to us by the very fact that we are "Men" (and women).

We called them Natural Rights.

Here's a primer for you that I learned in the 8th Grade....

Natural and legal rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Locke: Natural Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education

Theory of Inalienable Rights

They referred to them as coming from God, whether they called them natural or not.

That is the point of my post above. The belief of the times was that the monarchy held 'divine rights',

in other words the monarch power and authority derived directly from God, and therefore any attack on that power, or dispute of it,

was not just an attack on the king, it was an affront to God himself.

Therefore, the refutation of that, developed by the likes of John Locke, had to invoke God as well.

John Locke in fact wrote a refutation to the work of Robert Filmer, who was an eminent defender of divine right.

Two Treatises of Government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And note the cover of Filmer's book, on the right, where he refers to the divine right of kings as

the NATURAL power.
I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.

Men didn't give us our natural rights. all the government's role should be is to keep people from infringing are the rights of others. Liberals love to infringe on people's rights. Take their money ..Take their property.. Give it to people they think deserve in more :cuckoo:
The difference between liberals and conservatives....Liberals believe our rights are granted us by the Government. What the government gives they can take away

The Declaration of Independence

Inalienable rights from God? OK. Then where were those rights at Auschwitze? Our rights as citizens are the result of what we as citizens agree that they should be. The is no diety assuring those rights. Otherwise we would have had them throughout history. We did not, and only had them when wise and courageous men decided that society would function much better for all people were we to have them. That is what the American Revolution was all about. Depending on ourselves rather than some postulated diety in the sky.
Auschwitz was an example of a G-d less society man deciding other men needed to be eliminated for the "good" of a perfect fascist, socialist society. Men did that not G-d

godless society....Oooooook...anyways beyond that being one of the stupidest reasons ever given on the internets. Rights are created by man, they are the creator.

Your right to life only goes so far. You get shot in the head your life ends. Where are your rights then? They dont matter.
I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.

Men didn't give us our natural rights. all the government's role should be is to keep people from infringing are the rights of others. Liberals love to infringe on people's rights. Take their money ..Take their property.. Give it to people they think deserve in more :cuckoo:

The GOP supports the same.
I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.

No one ever claimed god enforces rights. We wouldn't need police if he did.

In order to prove that your rights come from God you have to

1. Prove God exists

2. Prove that God did in fact give us rights

3. Identify, in detail, what those rights are (and conversely what they aren't)

4. Prove that the rights in 3 above were in fact the ones that God so named.
Inalienable rights from God? OK. Then where were those rights at Auschwitze? Our rights as citizens are the result of what we as citizens agree that they should be. The is no diety assuring those rights. Otherwise we would have had them throughout history. We did not, and only had them when wise and courageous men decided that society would function much better for all people were we to have them. That is what the American Revolution was all about. Depending on ourselves rather than some postulated diety in the sky.
Auschwitz was an example of a G-d less society man deciding other men needed to be eliminated for the "good" of a perfect fascist, socialist society. Men did that not G-d

godless society....Oooooook...anyways beyond that being one of the stupidest reasons ever given on the internets. Rights are created by man, they are the creator.

Your right to life only goes so far. You get shot in the head your life ends. Where are your rights then? They dont matter.

Your right to live was taken by the person who shot you.... idiot :eusa_eh:
Don't get too steamed up about God's gift of laws and rights. First check out Ezekiel 20: 25-26

Moreover I gave them statutes that were not good and ordinances by which they could not live. I defiled them through their very gifts, in their offering up all their firstborn, in order that I might horrify them, so that they might know that I am the Lord

Here God confesses that he has deliberately given humans bad laws and ideas which when people tried to follow them, would fuck them up and horrify them so that people would cower in terror. God doesn't care a fig for human rights. He orders wars of genocide (cf Joshua) and cheerfully commands parents to murder their kids (cf Abraham & Isaac).

Don't take my word for it, READ THE BOOK!
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I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.

No one ever claimed god enforces rights. We wouldn't need police if he did.

In order to prove that your rights come from God you have to

1. Prove God exists

2. Prove that God did in fact give us rights

3. Identify, in detail, what those rights are (and conversely what they aren't)

4. Prove that the rights in 3 above were in fact the ones that God so named.

I don't claim they come from god. I claim they are natural, ie., they come from nature. They are part of your biological makeup. For instance, your right to life. Every animal behaves as if he has a right to live. If they didn't, then antelope would meekly stand still while Lions attacked them.
Inalienable rights from God? OK. Then where were those rights at Auschwitze? Our rights as citizens are the result of what we as citizens agree that they should be. The is no diety assuring those rights. Otherwise we would have had them throughout history. We did not, and only had them when wise and courageous men decided that society would function much better for all people were we to have them. That is what the American Revolution was all about. Depending on ourselves rather than some postulated diety in the sky.
Auschwitz was an example of a G-d less society man deciding other men needed to be eliminated for the "good" of a perfect fascist, socialist society. Men did that not G-d

godless society....Oooooook...anyways beyond that being one of the stupidest reasons ever given on the internets. Rights are created by man, they are the creator.

Your right to life only goes so far. You get shot in the head your life ends. Where are your rights then? They dont matter.

If that were true, then slaves had no rights before 1860. No injustice was done to them when their owner chopped off a foot for escaping. That's what you are saying.

Also, gays have no right to marry, so what are they always whining about? And the rest of us have no right to healthcare, so Obamacare is nothing but a huge swindle. It's all for the purpose of providing healthcare to people who aren't entitled to healthcare.
The difference between liberals and conservatives....Liberals believe our rights are granted us by the Government. What the government gives they can take away

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States

The Declaration of Independence

Not the government. Governments, in the form of different administrations and Congresses, come and go. As of right now, we're on our 44th president, and the 113th Congress. It's the US Constitution that is the basis of our rights. Or did we have those right before the Constitution and just didn't know it?
I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.

No one ever claimed god enforces rights. We wouldn't need police if he did.

In order to prove that your rights come from God you have to

1. Prove God exists

2. Prove that God did in fact give us rights

3. Identify, in detail, what those rights are (and conversely what they aren't)

4. Prove that the rights in 3 above were in fact the ones that God so named.

Natural rights...you don't haft to believe in G-d to believe we were born with natural rights. in this country it's spelled out in the founding documents
I don't know if God gave us the rights or not but it is a fact that men are the ones to enforce those rights, not some supernatural being who appears to have little enforcement power here on earth.

No one ever claimed god enforces rights. We wouldn't need police if he did.

In order to prove that your rights come from God you have to

1. Prove God exists

2. Prove that God did in fact give us rights

3. Identify, in detail, what those rights are (and conversely what they aren't)

4. Prove that the rights in 3 above were in fact the ones that God so named.

please tell us what the words "endowed by their creator" mean and where those words are found?
The difference between liberals and conservatives....Liberals believe our rights are granted us by the Government. What the government gives they can take away

The Declaration of Independence

Inalienable rights from God? OK. Then where were those rights at Auschwitze? Our rights as citizens are the result of what we as citizens agree that they should be. The is no diety assuring those rights. Otherwise we would have had them throughout history. We did not, and only had them when wise and courageous men decided that society would function much better for all people were we to have them. That is what the American Revolution was all about. Depending on ourselves rather than some postulated diety in the sky.
Auschwitz was an example of a G-d less society man deciding other men needed to be eliminated for the "good" of a perfect fascist, socialist society. Men did that not G-d

So what we have here is an Allseeing, allpowerfull Diety that created man in his image, then allows man to do inhuman things to other men. Any contradictions here?
Inalienable rights from God? OK. Then where were those rights at Auschwitze? Our rights as citizens are the result of what we as citizens agree that they should be. The is no diety assuring those rights. Otherwise we would have had them throughout history. We did not, and only had them when wise and courageous men decided that society would function much better for all people were we to have them. That is what the American Revolution was all about. Depending on ourselves rather than some postulated diety in the sky.
Auschwitz was an example of a G-d less society man deciding other men needed to be eliminated for the "good" of a perfect fascist, socialist society. Men did that not G-d

So what we have here is an Allseeing, allpowerfull Diety that created man in his image, then allows man to do inhuman things to other men. Any contradictions here?

Well, I suppose the answer from the perspective of traditional european derived christianity is that God always has the power to turn away from a human who desires to ask for God's comfort and presence. However, God would never do that, and he is always accessible to any sinner, no matter how bad they behaved, who wishes reconcilliation. In short, there's always free choice.

I admit when you are in crisis this can be cold comfort. Dostoyevski's classic example is seeing a loved child suffer. Where is God in that? Saying God is with you and with the child doesn't necessarily help too much.
"Unalienable rights" Our rights Come From G-d Not Government
The difference between liberals and conservatives....Liberals believe our rights are granted us by the Government. What the government gives they can take away

This uneducated lack of thought is exactly what could lose us our rights. If you do not think that government cannot take your rights away, you must be a right winger who voted for GW and his fucking NOT-patriot act.

Get it through your thick heads -

You're welcome to sit on your fat butts whining about "rights" and you can keep your imaginary sky fairy but he/she/it never GAVE you anything.

Ever single "right" that you yahoos take for granted have been hard fought for and won by our military. Men and women have died and been maimed so you can ignore them and let them starve on the street.

You ignernt jerks owe our military everything you have.

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