"Unarmed" Black Man Killed By Two White Officers In Atlanta Last Night

Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

Nothing against your post, but I'm getting sick of every thug black death being national news. I honestly dont care enough to hear about them and their endless whining anymore

No one cares about your feelz...

Bothers you that I've given up on caring about black "oppression." Still proud to say I havent read th err latest offence to a thug black or the anarchist whites who take advantage of any opportunity to whine about legitimate functions of government.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
I guess we should only recruit police officers who were members of the track team

Why? They had his name and more importantly his car. He wouldn't be that hard to find. The police get paid by the hour.

Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

Nothing against your post, but I'm getting sick of every thug black death being national news. I honestly dont care enough to hear about them and their endless whining anymore

No one cares about your feelz...

Bothers you that I've given up on caring about black "oppression." Still proud to say I havent read th err latest offence to a thug black or the anarchist whites who take advantage of any opportunity to whine about legitimate functions of government.

The upstart "anarchists" and their watered down bros in arms, the libertarians see themselves as viable, legitimate third dynasty alternatives to either capitalism or radical leftism. Their "live and let live" social order paradigm is shockingly naïve and just as Fruit Loops mad as any other utopian vision for a "better" system and way of life.

Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

You can't shoot someone who is running away unless he poses an imminent threat to someone else, and trying to shoot someone in the leg as he is running away only works in the movies. If they had shot him during the struggle they could reasonably have claimed self defense since the guy is obviously very strong, but once he got away from them, even with the taser, and no longer posed an imminent threat to anyone else, the shooting was not justified. These cops needed better training.

We just need better cops period. Quite hiring waify pussies to fill a quota, PC, and otherwise, and start hiring men who can handle themselves in a fistfight.

.....doesn't matter--experts in their field kill hundreds of innocents--pilots and military--because humans aren't perfect

Yeah. It does matter. " Shit happens" doesn't cut it from my emoloyees.

Really? You fire employees that make a mistake?


Depending on the severity, and the subsequent public perception of the Brand... "Yes".
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.

That's tough to say, really.

If the police officer gave official warning "stop or I'll shoot" I would have to side with the cop. And this has nothing to do with the racial ethnicity here of either party.

If I yell "stop or I'll shoot" at someone fleeing my property and then shoot them, I'll get arrested.
Make sure you drag him back inside after you shoot him
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.
One officer asked if they should roll him on his side, since prone positions are known to cause breathing problems. ref SIDS.
The autopsy was clear that Floyd did not die of asphyxiation but of cardiac arrest so his position on the ground is irrelevant.

No it wasn't.
If you cannot specify exactly how it his position on the ground caused cardiac arrest, you have no rational grounds for claiming it was relevant to his death.
what causes pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely congested and edematous? and don't say covid. just because he didn't mention asphyxiation doesn't mean it didn't happen. Actually his report didn't mention much.

In most cases, heart problems cause pulmonary edema. But fluid can accumulate for other reasons, including pneumonia, exposure to certain toxins and medications, trauma to the chest wall, and visiting or exercising at high elevations.

Pulmonary edema that develops suddenly (acute pulmonary edema) is a medical emergency requiring immediate care. Pulmonary edema can sometimes be fatal, but the outlook improves if you get treated quickly. Treatment for pulmonary edema varies depending on the cause but generally includes supplemental oxygen and medications.
The coroner's report explicitly ruled out asphyxiation a a cause of death. The cause of death it said was that his heart stopped beating, in other words, sudden cardiac arrest. Floyd had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, a
I've seen them call a thug with a brick in one hand and a machete in the other "UNARMED".

I don't call that unarmed!

It doesn't matter if he had the taser...
Reaching for it makes him Technically


He was attempting to stop them from using it on him. Does that make for additional charges? Yes. Does that give you the excuse to shoot someone while running away? No.

I'm not totally unsympathetic to your argument. However if we must live with enforcement we must also accept the fact that that enforcement is not going to be perfect. Eventually some form of restraint system will have to be developed that allows for the containment of physically large
Detainees who have decided that they are not going to cooperate. Then when that restraint system causes a fatality there will be more marches. if everyone learns that all you need to do to prevent yourself from being arrested is to resist then the arrest powers of the police no longer have any bearing on the enforcement angle.
In effect we lose the enforcement altogether.

....EXPERTS in their fields kill HUNDREDS of innocents = pilots and military-because they are HUMAN
..you can have the best trained and smart person as a cop--he can and will make a mistake
...these idiots saying the cops should do it differently would do the same things

Are you really saying that you would have just stayed there with your knee on George Taylor's neck for nearly nine minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
Floyd died of natural causes, sudden cardiac arrest, while in police custody. The knee on his neck was nowhere near his carotid arteries or larynx so it was irrelevant to his death.

You intentionally avoided answering my question. Would you have stayed there with your knee on someone's neck for nearly 9 minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.

One of the other officers told him he had no pulse.

They all can explain it to their new prison buddies.
lol He died from natural causes while in police custody.

Not going to fly in prison.
Since there is no evidence that any of the cops did anything that caused Floyd's death, not only will the copse not go to prison, but they will win substantial civil suits against the state and city for damages they unfairly suffered, and then the same morons and lowlifes who are trying to destroy America now will try again.
Weird you believe that even though the autopsy says it was a homicide.
The autopsy did say it was a homicide but provided no explanation for how anything the police did led to Floyd's sudden cardiac arrest. Apparently the coroner couldn't find any link to anything the police did.
Obviously you forgot your dictionary. Do you know what homicide means?
Yes, and if you knew what it meant, you wouldn't ask such a stupid question. It means Floyd was killed intentionally, but for that to make sense, the report would have to specify exactly what act caused his death by intention, which it does not.
Hey retard. It did specify exactly what caused his death.
The cause of death was that his heart stopped pumping, not that his larynx was blocked or that blood was unable to get to his brain, so nothing specific the cops did caused his death. The man had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, asthma and covid19 and he was hopped up on meth and fentanyl, so you could argue that in his poor state of health he couldn't stand the stress of going back to prison for the fourth time, but that does not constitute a crime by the police.
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.
One officer asked if they should roll him on his side, since prone positions are known to cause breathing problems. ref SIDS.
The autopsy was clear that Floyd did not die of asphyxiation but of cardiac arrest so his position on the ground is irrelevant.

No it wasn't.
If you cannot specify exactly how it his position on the ground caused cardiac arrest, you have no rational grounds for claiming it was relevant to his death.
what causes pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely congested and edematous? and don't say covid. just because he didn't mention asphyxiation doesn't mean it didn't happen. Actually his report didn't mention much.

In most cases, heart problems cause pulmonary edema. But fluid can accumulate for other reasons, including pneumonia, exposure to certain toxins and medications, trauma to the chest wall, and visiting or exercising at high elevations.

Pulmonary edema that develops suddenly (acute pulmonary edema) is a medical emergency requiring immediate care. Pulmonary edema can sometimes be fatal, but the outlook improves if you get treated quickly. Treatment for pulmonary edema varies depending on the cause but generally includes supplemental oxygen and medications.
The coroner's report explicitly ruled out asphyxiation a a cause of death. The cause of death it said was that his heart stopped beating, in other words, sudden cardiac arrest. Floyd had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, a
I've seen them call a thug with a brick in one hand and a machete in the other "UNARMED".

I don't call that unarmed!

It doesn't matter if he had the taser...
Reaching for it makes him Technically


He was attempting to stop them from using it on him. Does that make for additional charges? Yes. Does that give you the excuse to shoot someone while running away? No.

I'm not totally unsympathetic to your argument. However if we must live with enforcement we must also accept the fact that that enforcement is not going to be perfect. Eventually some form of restraint system will have to be developed that allows for the containment of physically large
Detainees who have decided that they are not going to cooperate. Then when that restraint system causes a fatality there will be more marches. if everyone learns that all you need to do to prevent yourself from being arrested is to resist then the arrest powers of the police no longer have any bearing on the enforcement angle.
In effect we lose the enforcement altogether.

....EXPERTS in their fields kill HUNDREDS of innocents = pilots and military-because they are HUMAN
..you can have the best trained and smart person as a cop--he can and will make a mistake
...these idiots saying the cops should do it differently would do the same things

Are you really saying that you would have just stayed there with your knee on George Taylor's neck for nearly nine minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
Floyd died of natural causes, sudden cardiac arrest, while in police custody. The knee on his neck was nowhere near his carotid arteries or larynx so it was irrelevant to his death.

You intentionally avoided answering my question. Would you have stayed there with your knee on someone's neck for nearly 9 minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.

One of the other officers told him he had no pulse.

They all can explain it to their new prison buddies.
lol He died from natural causes while in police custody.

Not going to fly in prison.
Since there is no evidence that any of the cops did anything that caused Floyd's death, not only will the copse not go to prison, but they will win substantial civil suits against the state and city for damages they unfairly suffered, and then the same morons and lowlifes who are trying to destroy America now will try again.
Weird you believe that even though the autopsy says it was a homicide.
The autopsy did say it was a homicide but provided no explanation for how anything the police did led to Floyd's sudden cardiac arrest. Apparently the coroner couldn't find any link to anything the police did.
Obviously you forgot your dictionary. Do you know what homicide means?
Yes, and if you knew what it meant, you wouldn't ask such a stupid question. It means Floyd was killed intentionally, but for that to make sense, the report would have to specify exactly what act caused his death by intention, which it does not.
Hey retard. It did specify exactly what caused his death.
The cause of death was that his heart stopped pumping, not that his larynx was blocked or that blood was unable to get to his brain, so nothing specific the cops did caused his death. The man had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, asthma and covid19 and he was hopped up on meth and fentanyl, so you could argue that in his poor state of health he couldn't stand the stress of going back to prison for the fourth time, but that does not constitute a crime by the police.
Well like I said. I hope he hires you as his attorney. That way they may get him on murder 1.
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.
One officer asked if they should roll him on his side, since prone positions are known to cause breathing problems. ref SIDS.
The autopsy was clear that Floyd did not die of asphyxiation but of cardiac arrest so his position on the ground is irrelevant.

No it wasn't.
If you cannot specify exactly how it his position on the ground caused cardiac arrest, you have no rational grounds for claiming it was relevant to his death.
what causes pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely congested and edematous? and don't say covid. just because he didn't mention asphyxiation doesn't mean it didn't happen. Actually his report didn't mention much.

In most cases, heart problems cause pulmonary edema. But fluid can accumulate for other reasons, including pneumonia, exposure to certain toxins and medications, trauma to the chest wall, and visiting or exercising at high elevations.

Pulmonary edema that develops suddenly (acute pulmonary edema) is a medical emergency requiring immediate care. Pulmonary edema can sometimes be fatal, but the outlook improves if you get treated quickly. Treatment for pulmonary edema varies depending on the cause but generally includes supplemental oxygen and medications.
The coroner's report explicitly ruled out asphyxiation a a cause of death. The cause of death it said was that his heart stopped beating, in other words, sudden cardiac arrest. Floyd had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, a
I've seen them call a thug with a brick in one hand and a machete in the other "UNARMED".

I don't call that unarmed!

It doesn't matter if he had the taser...
Reaching for it makes him Technically


He was attempting to stop them from using it on him. Does that make for additional charges? Yes. Does that give you the excuse to shoot someone while running away? No.

I'm not totally unsympathetic to your argument. However if we must live with enforcement we must also accept the fact that that enforcement is not going to be perfect. Eventually some form of restraint system will have to be developed that allows for the containment of physically large
Detainees who have decided that they are not going to cooperate. Then when that restraint system causes a fatality there will be more marches. if everyone learns that all you need to do to prevent yourself from being arrested is to resist then the arrest powers of the police no longer have any bearing on the enforcement angle.
In effect we lose the enforcement altogether.

....EXPERTS in their fields kill HUNDREDS of innocents = pilots and military-because they are HUMAN
..you can have the best trained and smart person as a cop--he can and will make a mistake
...these idiots saying the cops should do it differently would do the same things

Are you really saying that you would have just stayed there with your knee on George Taylor's neck for nearly nine minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
Floyd died of natural causes, sudden cardiac arrest, while in police custody. The knee on his neck was nowhere near his carotid arteries or larynx so it was irrelevant to his death.

You intentionally avoided answering my question. Would you have stayed there with your knee on someone's neck for nearly 9 minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.

One of the other officers told him he had no pulse.

They all can explain it to their new prison buddies.
lol He died from natural causes while in police custody.

Not going to fly in prison.
Since there is no evidence that any of the cops did anything that caused Floyd's death, not only will the copse not go to prison, but they will win substantial civil suits against the state and city for damages they unfairly suffered, and then the same morons and lowlifes who are trying to destroy America now will try again.
Weird you believe that even though the autopsy says it was a homicide.
The autopsy did say it was a homicide but provided no explanation for how anything the police did led to Floyd's sudden cardiac arrest. Apparently the coroner couldn't find any link to anything the police did.
Obviously you forgot your dictionary. Do you know what homicide means?
Yes, and if you knew what it meant, you wouldn't ask such a stupid question. It means Floyd was killed intentionally, but for that to make sense, the report would have to specify exactly what act caused his death by intention, which it does not.
Hey retard. It did specify exactly what caused his death.
The cause of death was that his heart stopped pumping, not that his larynx was blocked or that blood was unable to get to his brain, so nothing specific the cops did caused his death. The man had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, asthma and covid19 and he was hopped up on meth and fentanyl, so you could argue that in his poor state of health he couldn't stand the stress of going back to prison for the fourth time, but that does not constitute a crime by the police.
Well like I said. I hope he hires you as his attorney. That way they may get him on murder 1.
There is no case against the cops in this case. Any competent attorney will get them acquitted and clean up when they sue the city and state for damages.
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.
One officer asked if they should roll him on his side, since prone positions are known to cause breathing problems. ref SIDS.
The autopsy was clear that Floyd did not die of asphyxiation but of cardiac arrest so his position on the ground is irrelevant.

No it wasn't.
If you cannot specify exactly how it his position on the ground caused cardiac arrest, you have no rational grounds for claiming it was relevant to his death.
what causes pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely congested and edematous? and don't say covid. just because he didn't mention asphyxiation doesn't mean it didn't happen. Actually his report didn't mention much.

In most cases, heart problems cause pulmonary edema. But fluid can accumulate for other reasons, including pneumonia, exposure to certain toxins and medications, trauma to the chest wall, and visiting or exercising at high elevations.

Pulmonary edema that develops suddenly (acute pulmonary edema) is a medical emergency requiring immediate care. Pulmonary edema can sometimes be fatal, but the outlook improves if you get treated quickly. Treatment for pulmonary edema varies depending on the cause but generally includes supplemental oxygen and medications.
The coroner's report explicitly ruled out asphyxiation a a cause of death. The cause of death it said was that his heart stopped beating, in other words, sudden cardiac arrest. Floyd had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, a
I've seen them call a thug with a brick in one hand and a machete in the other "UNARMED".

I don't call that unarmed!

It doesn't matter if he had the taser...
Reaching for it makes him Technically


He was attempting to stop them from using it on him. Does that make for additional charges? Yes. Does that give you the excuse to shoot someone while running away? No.

I'm not totally unsympathetic to your argument. However if we must live with enforcement we must also accept the fact that that enforcement is not going to be perfect. Eventually some form of restraint system will have to be developed that allows for the containment of physically large
Detainees who have decided that they are not going to cooperate. Then when that restraint system causes a fatality there will be more marches. if everyone learns that all you need to do to prevent yourself from being arrested is to resist then the arrest powers of the police no longer have any bearing on the enforcement angle.
In effect we lose the enforcement altogether.

....EXPERTS in their fields kill HUNDREDS of innocents = pilots and military-because they are HUMAN
..you can have the best trained and smart person as a cop--he can and will make a mistake
...these idiots saying the cops should do it differently would do the same things

Are you really saying that you would have just stayed there with your knee on George Taylor's neck for nearly nine minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
Floyd died of natural causes, sudden cardiac arrest, while in police custody. The knee on his neck was nowhere near his carotid arteries or larynx so it was irrelevant to his death.

You intentionally avoided answering my question. Would you have stayed there with your knee on someone's neck for nearly 9 minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.

One of the other officers told him he had no pulse.

They all can explain it to their new prison buddies.
lol He died from natural causes while in police custody.

Not going to fly in prison.
Since there is no evidence that any of the cops did anything that caused Floyd's death, not only will the copse not go to prison, but they will win substantial civil suits against the state and city for damages they unfairly suffered, and then the same morons and lowlifes who are trying to destroy America now will try again.
Weird you believe that even though the autopsy says it was a homicide.
The autopsy did say it was a homicide but provided no explanation for how anything the police did led to Floyd's sudden cardiac arrest. Apparently the coroner couldn't find any link to anything the police did.
Obviously you forgot your dictionary. Do you know what homicide means?
Yes, and if you knew what it meant, you wouldn't ask such a stupid question. It means Floyd was killed intentionally, but for that to make sense, the report would have to specify exactly what act caused his death by intention, which it does not.
Hey retard. It did specify exactly what caused his death.
The cause of death was that his heart stopped pumping, not that his larynx was blocked or that blood was unable to get to his brain, so nothing specific the cops did caused his death. The man had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, asthma and covid19 and he was hopped up on meth and fentanyl, so you could argue that in his poor state of health he couldn't stand the stress of going back to prison for the fourth time, but that does not constitute a crime by the police.
Well like I said. I hope he hires you as his attorney. That way they may get him on murder 1.
There is no case against the cops in this case. Any competent attorney will get them acquitted and clean up when they sue the city and state for damages.
So when he goes to prison are you going to work pro bono to get him out?
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.
One officer asked if they should roll him on his side, since prone positions are known to cause breathing problems. ref SIDS.
The autopsy was clear that Floyd did not die of asphyxiation but of cardiac arrest so his position on the ground is irrelevant.

No it wasn't.
If you cannot specify exactly how it his position on the ground caused cardiac arrest, you have no rational grounds for claiming it was relevant to his death.
what causes pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely congested and edematous? and don't say covid. just because he didn't mention asphyxiation doesn't mean it didn't happen. Actually his report didn't mention much.

In most cases, heart problems cause pulmonary edema. But fluid can accumulate for other reasons, including pneumonia, exposure to certain toxins and medications, trauma to the chest wall, and visiting or exercising at high elevations.

Pulmonary edema that develops suddenly (acute pulmonary edema) is a medical emergency requiring immediate care. Pulmonary edema can sometimes be fatal, but the outlook improves if you get treated quickly. Treatment for pulmonary edema varies depending on the cause but generally includes supplemental oxygen and medications.
The coroner's report explicitly ruled out asphyxiation a a cause of death. The cause of death it said was that his heart stopped beating, in other words, sudden cardiac arrest. Floyd had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, a
I've seen them call a thug with a brick in one hand and a machete in the other "UNARMED".

I don't call that unarmed!

It doesn't matter if he had the taser...
Reaching for it makes him Technically


He was attempting to stop them from using it on him. Does that make for additional charges? Yes. Does that give you the excuse to shoot someone while running away? No.

I'm not totally unsympathetic to your argument. However if we must live with enforcement we must also accept the fact that that enforcement is not going to be perfect. Eventually some form of restraint system will have to be developed that allows for the containment of physically large
Detainees who have decided that they are not going to cooperate. Then when that restraint system causes a fatality there will be more marches. if everyone learns that all you need to do to prevent yourself from being arrested is to resist then the arrest powers of the police no longer have any bearing on the enforcement angle.
In effect we lose the enforcement altogether.

....EXPERTS in their fields kill HUNDREDS of innocents = pilots and military-because they are HUMAN
..you can have the best trained and smart person as a cop--he can and will make a mistake
...these idiots saying the cops should do it differently would do the same things

Are you really saying that you would have just stayed there with your knee on George Taylor's neck for nearly nine minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
Floyd died of natural causes, sudden cardiac arrest, while in police custody. The knee on his neck was nowhere near his carotid arteries or larynx so it was irrelevant to his death.

You intentionally avoided answering my question. Would you have stayed there with your knee on someone's neck for nearly 9 minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.

One of the other officers told him he had no pulse.

They all can explain it to their new prison buddies.
lol He died from natural causes while in police custody.

Not going to fly in prison.
Since there is no evidence that any of the cops did anything that caused Floyd's death, not only will the copse not go to prison, but they will win substantial civil suits against the state and city for damages they unfairly suffered, and then the same morons and lowlifes who are trying to destroy America now will try again.
Weird you believe that even though the autopsy says it was a homicide.
The autopsy did say it was a homicide but provided no explanation for how anything the police did led to Floyd's sudden cardiac arrest. Apparently the coroner couldn't find any link to anything the police did.
Obviously you forgot your dictionary. Do you know what homicide means?
Yes, and if you knew what it meant, you wouldn't ask such a stupid question. It means Floyd was killed intentionally, but for that to make sense, the report would have to specify exactly what act caused his death by intention, which it does not.
Hey retard. It did specify exactly what caused his death.
The cause of death was that his heart stopped pumping, not that his larynx was blocked or that blood was unable to get to his brain, so nothing specific the cops did caused his death. The man had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, asthma and covid19 and he was hopped up on meth and fentanyl, so you could argue that in his poor state of health he couldn't stand the stress of going back to prison for the fourth time, but that does not constitute a crime by the police.
Well like I said. I hope he hires you as his attorney. That way they may get him on murder 1.
There is no case against the cops in this case. Any competent attorney will get them acquitted and clean up when they sue the city and state for damages.
So when he goes to prison are you going to work pro bono to get him out?
The cops are not going to go to prison because no matter how much you want to lynch cops, there is no evidence that connects the cops' actions to Floyd's death.
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.
One officer asked if they should roll him on his side, since prone positions are known to cause breathing problems. ref SIDS.
The autopsy was clear that Floyd did not die of asphyxiation but of cardiac arrest so his position on the ground is irrelevant.

No it wasn't.
If you cannot specify exactly how it his position on the ground caused cardiac arrest, you have no rational grounds for claiming it was relevant to his death.
what causes pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely congested and edematous? and don't say covid. just because he didn't mention asphyxiation doesn't mean it didn't happen. Actually his report didn't mention much.

In most cases, heart problems cause pulmonary edema. But fluid can accumulate for other reasons, including pneumonia, exposure to certain toxins and medications, trauma to the chest wall, and visiting or exercising at high elevations.

Pulmonary edema that develops suddenly (acute pulmonary edema) is a medical emergency requiring immediate care. Pulmonary edema can sometimes be fatal, but the outlook improves if you get treated quickly. Treatment for pulmonary edema varies depending on the cause but generally includes supplemental oxygen and medications.
The coroner's report explicitly ruled out asphyxiation a a cause of death. The cause of death it said was that his heart stopped beating, in other words, sudden cardiac arrest. Floyd had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, a
I've seen them call a thug with a brick in one hand and a machete in the other "UNARMED".

I don't call that unarmed!

It doesn't matter if he had the taser...
Reaching for it makes him Technically


He was attempting to stop them from using it on him. Does that make for additional charges? Yes. Does that give you the excuse to shoot someone while running away? No.

I'm not totally unsympathetic to your argument. However if we must live with enforcement we must also accept the fact that that enforcement is not going to be perfect. Eventually some form of restraint system will have to be developed that allows for the containment of physically large
Detainees who have decided that they are not going to cooperate. Then when that restraint system causes a fatality there will be more marches. if everyone learns that all you need to do to prevent yourself from being arrested is to resist then the arrest powers of the police no longer have any bearing on the enforcement angle.
In effect we lose the enforcement altogether.

....EXPERTS in their fields kill HUNDREDS of innocents = pilots and military-because they are HUMAN
..you can have the best trained and smart person as a cop--he can and will make a mistake
...these idiots saying the cops should do it differently would do the same things

Are you really saying that you would have just stayed there with your knee on George Taylor's neck for nearly nine minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
Floyd died of natural causes, sudden cardiac arrest, while in police custody. The knee on his neck was nowhere near his carotid arteries or larynx so it was irrelevant to his death.

You intentionally avoided answering my question. Would you have stayed there with your knee on someone's neck for nearly 9 minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.

One of the other officers told him he had no pulse.

They all can explain it to their new prison buddies.
lol He died from natural causes while in police custody.

Not going to fly in prison.
Since there is no evidence that any of the cops did anything that caused Floyd's death, not only will the copse not go to prison, but they will win substantial civil suits against the state and city for damages they unfairly suffered, and then the same morons and lowlifes who are trying to destroy America now will try again.
Weird you believe that even though the autopsy says it was a homicide.
The autopsy did say it was a homicide but provided no explanation for how anything the police did led to Floyd's sudden cardiac arrest. Apparently the coroner couldn't find any link to anything the police did.
Obviously you forgot your dictionary. Do you know what homicide means?
Yes, and if you knew what it meant, you wouldn't ask such a stupid question. It means Floyd was killed intentionally, but for that to make sense, the report would have to specify exactly what act caused his death by intention, which it does not.
Hey retard. It did specify exactly what caused his death.
The cause of death was that his heart stopped pumping, not that his larynx was blocked or that blood was unable to get to his brain, so nothing specific the cops did caused his death. The man had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, asthma and covid19 and he was hopped up on meth and fentanyl, so you could argue that in his poor state of health he couldn't stand the stress of going back to prison for the fourth time, but that does not constitute a crime by the police.
Well like I said. I hope he hires you as his attorney. That way they may get him on murder 1.
There is no case against the cops in this case. Any competent attorney will get them acquitted and clean up when they sue the city and state for damages.
So when he goes to prison are you going to work pro bono to get him out?
The cops are not going to go to prison because no matter how much you want to lynch cops, there is no evidence that connects the cops' actions to Floyd's death.
Of course the cop is going to prison. All I want to know is are you going to work pro bono on his appeal?
Atlanta burning...

The shooting was off camera. Who says it was in the back? What if he stopped running and turned to face the officer and pointed the taser at him? Hopefully the cop was wearing a camera.
I guess we'll have to wait for the body cam video to know. I'm just thinking if the guy is running away, he's headed in the opposite direction.
Two cops. One drunk. Tazers aren't lethal, even if the guy was sober enough to aim it and close enough to hit anyone with it, even if the guy decided to stop running away and turned to play shoot out. WHAT WERE THESE COPS THINKING? A DUI is not a capital offense and they've got his car. His license plate/registration. They've got his face on their body cameras. They can find him and arrest him for BOTH DUI, resisting arrest and taking the taser, if they were too lazy to run after him.

Tazers aren’t lethal? What if a white sociopath tazes innocent minorities?
Why? They had his name and more importantly his car. He wouldn't be that hard to find. The police get paid by the hour.
I dont know

except that resisting arrest will always lead to serious consequences at any level of law enforcement

why are so many black people so violent and uncooperative with authority?

I cant imagine myself fighting with the police

If the cops are wrong let my lawyer handle it

but black people do stupid things like taking tasers and guns away from the cops during a scuffle

that just doesent make sense to me
Why? They had his name and more importantly his car. He wouldn't be that hard to find. The police get paid by the hour.
I dont know

except that resisting arrest will always lead to serious consequences at any level of law enforcement

why are so many black people so violent and uncooperative with authority?

Because they are unable to trust them. It's been pointed out that the things now being caught on camera have been happening for decades. In the past the things that get cops nailed today were simply covered up and knowing they could get away with anything they would do whatever they wanted over and over.

I cant imagine myself fighting with the police

If the cops are wrong let my lawyer handle it

but black people do stupid things like taking tasers and guns away from the cops during a scuffle

that just doesent make sense to me

We have this thing the country is built on. It's the Constitution and the police must be forced to learn it forward and backwards and to never do anything that would be counter it.

The idea that if the police want to illegally search you to just let them has to stop. NO. Poor people can not afford the representation that it takes to successfully fight things like this. Are you willing to step up and fund the best representation available to people? Isn't it better for the police to simply not get society into that place in the first place?

Eric Garner was doing nothing. The officer wanted to illegally search him. No way this was the first time this officer thought he could do that. Stop and Frisk was a massive illegal action taken by the city and the police. (I actually blame elected officials more for this than the police). Still it goes to create a massive mistrust.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
I guess we should only recruit police officers who were members of the track team

Why? They had his name and more importantly his car. He wouldn't be that hard to find. The police get paid by the hour.
And if he ran off and got in another car then killed someone because he was drunk and obviously not thinking straight? Would you consider those police officers culpable? A lawyer would have an easy time with that.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
I guess we should only recruit police officers who were members of the track team

Why? They had his name and more importantly his car. He wouldn't be that hard to find. The police get paid by the hour.
And if he ran off and got in another car then killed someone because he was drunk and obviously not thinking straight? Would you consider those police officers culpable? A lawyer would have an easy time with that.

No one says that they should have simply allowed him to run off. They have his name and where he lives. They have the ability to search large areas for someone. The idea that when someone doesn't comply, it's time to pull the gun out and shoot them has to stop.

What that is going to lead to in the long run is people shooting back. It worked for Bundy and people in the city are going to start believing it will work for them also.

Is that where you want to go?

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