Unarmed White Man and His Two Dogs Shot, Killed

What a sad story. I hope this person is apprehended soon and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's a shame that some people are so driven by politics that they feel compelled to turn this tragic story into a partisan food fight. First we have those with a racial axe to grind to weigh in and I suspect the next to join in the fray will be the hoplophobes.

The "racial axe to grind" is the massively disproportionate level of negro crime...the "racial axe to grind" is negroes murder over 1500 white people per year, while whites killing negroes is a fraction of that.

The "racial axe to grind" is the fact that negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s., despite only making up 13% of the population.

What do you suggest be done?

Nothing can be "done" except wait and bide our time for now.
Arm up..be aware of the threats and conduct yourself accordingly.

At some point an event will occur that will be the final tipping point...

..after the inevitable collapse and partitioning, corrections can be made during the reconstruction.

That's a cute way of avoiding an answer. Use the passive voice to forecast "collapse, partitioning, and corrections." Tell me how this will occur.

all forms of government eventually collapse due to corruption/oppression/revolution/ or being conquered.

You think this nation/government is any different than the many thousand that preceded it?
You don't read much history, do you?
Well didn't St. Louis blacks want a war? Didn't they say they would take it from Ferguson to St. Louis?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house

The majority of black people don't want a war or to lash out, they want to live their lives. Without the constant reminder of their blackness by bigots.
Really remind them of their blackness? That would be the media and the race baiters such as sharpton jackson obama and any other race agitator out there.

Right, the media, Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama created the Jim Crow laws, and the aftermath of bitterness and mistrust that those laws left us. :cuckoo:
Disprove it. Who pushed race in the travon martin shooting? Race who is pushing race in Ferguson?
The majority of white people are tired of having to cater to what negroes want or don't want..what they like and don't like...what "offends" them and what doesn't.

White people grow tired of anti white government policies to artificially elevate the negro and displace whites...white people are tired of the double standards...white people are tired of having our tax money siphoned off to support a parasite class who hate us anyway...It's ironic..we're funding the very people who despise our system and work to take it down...White people are tired of disproportionate negro crime levels and negro dysfunction in general.

Importing negroes to work as farm animals was the WORST thing this country ever did ....and it will be one of the main reasons it collapses.

Who is catering? I'm not catering to anyone.


I also do not agree with race-based affirmative action, but I don't see where it's "displacing" white people.

laws that mandate a minority...regardless of qualification...be hired in order to meet some artificial government "quota", displaces qualified white people.

Your comment about tax money is interesting. Do you believe there are no white people, or patriotic people who get government assistance?

White people pay more into the system than they get back from it. That is a fact.

I don't know what "patriotism" has to do with it..you often trying to slip biased words into your comments, I've noticed.

I got the word "patriot" based directly from your post, in which you wrote "It's ironic..we're funding the very people who despise our system and work to take it down."

To me, working to take down our system is unpatriotic.

So, do you believe that everyone on welfare is unpatriotic, or black and unpatriotic, or do you just believe they are the majority? And what would you do to change this?
Well didn't St. Louis blacks want a war? Didn't they say they would take it from Ferguson to St. Louis?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house

The majority of black people don't want a war or to lash out, they want to live their lives. Without the constant reminder of their blackness by bigots.
Really remind them of their blackness? That would be the media and the race baiters such as sharpton jackson obama and any other race agitator out there.

Right, the media, Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama created the Jim Crow laws, and the aftermath of bitterness and mistrust that those laws left us. :cuckoo:

Oh...jim crow now, huh?

Ok..here ya go...

The Origins of "Jim Crow" Laws:
“One of the strangest things about the career of Jim Crow was that the system was born in the North and reached an advanced age before moving South in force.”

C. Vann Woodward, The Strange Career of Jim Crow

The "Jim Crow" system is erroneously blamed on the Southern States, as well as erroneously claimed to have begun in 1898. This excerpt is from "The Real Lincoln, A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Forum Books, 2002, pp. 25-28:

(In the early to mid-1800's) "The overwhelming majority of white Northerners cared little about the welfare of the slaves, and treated blacks who lived among them with contempt, ridicule, discrimination and sometimes violence. As Eugene Berwanger wrote in North of Slavery, as of 1860,

"In virtually every phase of existence (in the North), Negroes found themselves systematically seperated from whites. They were either excluded from railway cars, omnibuses, stagecoaches and steamboats, or assigned to special "Jim Crow" sections; they sat, when permitted, in secluded and remote corners of theatres and lecture halls; they could not enter most hotels, restaurants and resorts, except as servants; they prayed in "Negro pews" in the white churches, and if partaking of the sacrement of the Lord's Supper, they waited until the whites had been served the bread and wine. Morover, they were educated in segregated schools, punished in segregated prisons, nursed in segregated hospitals, and buried in segregated cemeteries....

In Democracy in America, Toqueville wrote that "the prejudice of race appears to be stronger in the States that have abolished slavery than in those where it still exists; and nowhere is it so intolerant as in those States where servitude has never been known." Toqueville found that in the North, if laws did not discriminate against blacks in virtually every area of their existence, "popular prejudices" did.

...Discriminatory laws were comon in virtually every Northern State as of 1860. In 1847 Ohioans prohibited the settlement of the 518 emancipated slaves of the Virginia statesman John Randolph. An Ohio congressman threatened that if any blacks tried to cross the border into Ohio, "the banks fo the Ohio River...would be lined with men with muskets on their shoulders to keep off the emancipated slaves."

The only Northern States where blacks were permitted to vote were Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine; and even there they were intimidated out of showing up at the polls. Only 6% of all the "free" blacks in the North lived in these States, however; 94% of all Northern blacks did not enjoy the right to vote as of 1860.

New Jersey and Connecticut actually amended their constitutions in the 1840's to prohibit black suffrage; no such distinctions were made in their original constitutions.

Illinois Senator Lyman Trumbull explained that "there is a great aversion in the West---I know it to be so in my State---against having free Negroes come among us. Our people want nothing to do with the Negro."
What a sad story. I hope this person is apprehended soon and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's a shame that some people are so driven by politics that they feel compelled to turn this tragic story into a partisan food fight. First we have those with a racial axe to grind to weigh in and I suspect the next to join in the fray will be the hoplophobes.

The "racial axe to grind" is the massively disproportionate level of negro crime...the "racial axe to grind" is negroes murder over 1500 white people per year, while whites killing negroes is a fraction of that.

The "racial axe to grind" is the fact that negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s., despite only making up 13% of the population.

I see the media's brainwashing blitz isn't working on you. Come on ... get with the program and stop recognizing the blatantly obvious, in-your-face truth. Take your nighty-night meds, close your eyes, and join in America's collective slumber.
Nothing can be "done" except wait and bide our time for now.
Arm up..be aware of the threats and conduct yourself accordingly.

At some point an event will occur that will be the final tipping point...

..after the inevitable collapse and partitioning, corrections can be made during the reconstruction.

That's a cute way of avoiding an answer. Use the passive voice to forecast "collapse, partitioning, and corrections." Tell me how this will occur.

all forms of government eventually collapse due to corruption/oppression/revolution/ or being conquered.

You think this nation/government is any different than the many thousand that preceded it?
You don't read much history, do you?

That's not my question.

You seemed to be under the impression that after the "collapse and partitioning" there will be "corrections" made.

What form will these "corrections" take? What will you have to do with them, if you are still alive at the time?
The majority of white people are tired of having to cater to what negroes want or don't want..what they like and don't like...what "offends" them and what doesn't.

White people grow tired of anti white government policies to artificially elevate the negro and displace whites...white people are tired of the double standards...white people are tired of having our tax money siphoned off to support a parasite class who hate us anyway...It's ironic..we're funding the very people who despise our system and work to take it down...White people are tired of disproportionate negro crime levels and negro dysfunction in general.

Importing negroes to work as farm animals was the WORST thing this country ever did ....and it will be one of the main reasons it collapses.

Who is catering? I'm not catering to anyone.


I also do not agree with race-based affirmative action, but I don't see where it's "displacing" white people.

laws that mandate a minority...regardless of qualification...be hired in order to meet some artificial government "quota", displaces qualified white people.

Your comment about tax money is interesting. Do you believe there are no white people, or patriotic people who get government assistance?

White people pay more into the system than they get back from it. That is a fact.

I don't know what "patriotism" has to do with it..you often trying to slip biased words into your comments, I've noticed.

I got the word "patriot" based directly from your post, in which you wrote "It's ironic..we're funding the very people who despise our system and work to take it down."

and you notice nowhere is the word "patriot" or "patriotic"

To me, working to take down our system is unpatriotic.
"To me..." isn't a valid rebuttal of facts

So, do you believe that everyone on welfare is unpatriotic, or black and unpatriotic, or do you just believe they are the majority? And what would you do to change this?

I don't know..you made it all up..it's your fantasy world you can invent any conclusion you want...

It's (obviously) easier (for you) to create a distraction and try to change the subject than to address the issue head on.....
Well didn't St. Louis blacks want a war? Didn't they say they would take it from Ferguson to St. Louis?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house

The majority of black people don't want a war or to lash out, they want to live their lives. Without the constant reminder of their blackness by bigots.
Really remind them of their blackness? That would be the media and the race baiters such as sharpton jackson obama and any other race agitator out there.

Right, the media, Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama created the Jim Crow laws, and the aftermath of bitterness and mistrust that those laws left us. :cuckoo:
Disprove it. Who pushed race in the travon martin shooting? Race who is pushing race in Ferguson?

My understanding is that after those incidents occurred, people noticed the racial makeup and decided that it probably was a factor in those shootings. Word spread, through social media.

Who decided to push race in this thread?

It must've been started by Sharpton, Jackson, and/or Obama.
Well didn't St. Louis blacks want a war? Didn't they say they would take it from Ferguson to St. Louis?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house

The majority of black people don't want a war or to lash out, they want to live their lives. Without the constant reminder of their blackness by bigots.
Really remind them of their blackness? That would be the media and the race baiters such as sharpton jackson obama and any other race agitator out there.

Right, the media, Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama created the Jim Crow laws, and the aftermath of bitterness and mistrust that those laws left us. :cuckoo:

Oh...jim crow now, huh?

Ok..here ya go...

The Origins of "Jim Crow" Laws:
“One of the strangest things about the career of Jim Crow was that the system was born in the North and reached an advanced age before moving South in force.”

C. Vann Woodward, The Strange Career of Jim Crow

The "Jim Crow" system is erroneously blamed on the Southern States, as well as erroneously claimed to have begun in 1898. This excerpt is from "The Real Lincoln, A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Forum Books, 2002, pp. 25-28:

(In the early to mid-1800's) "The overwhelming majority of white Northerners cared little about the welfare of the slaves, and treated blacks who lived among them with contempt, ridicule, discrimination and sometimes violence. As Eugene Berwanger wrote in North of Slavery, as of 1860,

"In virtually every phase of existence (in the North), Negroes found themselves systematically seperated from whites. They were either excluded from railway cars, omnibuses, stagecoaches and steamboats, or assigned to special "Jim Crow" sections; they sat, when permitted, in secluded and remote corners of theatres and lecture halls; they could not enter most hotels, restaurants and resorts, except as servants; they prayed in "Negro pews" in the white churches, and if partaking of the sacrement of the Lord's Supper, they waited until the whites had been served the bread and wine. Morover, they were educated in segregated schools, punished in segregated prisons, nursed in segregated hospitals, and buried in segregated cemeteries....

In Democracy in America, Toqueville wrote that "the prejudice of race appears to be stronger in the States that have abolished slavery than in those where it still exists; and nowhere is it so intolerant as in those States where servitude has never been known." Toqueville found that in the North, if laws did not discriminate against blacks in virtually every area of their existence, "popular prejudices" did.

...Discriminatory laws were comon in virtually every Northern State as of 1860. In 1847 Ohioans prohibited the settlement of the 518 emancipated slaves of the Virginia statesman John Randolph. An Ohio congressman threatened that if any blacks tried to cross the border into Ohio, "the banks fo the Ohio River...would be lined with men with muskets on their shoulders to keep off the emancipated slaves."

The only Northern States where blacks were permitted to vote were Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine; and even there they were intimidated out of showing up at the polls. Only 6% of all the "free" blacks in the North lived in these States, however; 94% of all Northern blacks did not enjoy the right to vote as of 1860.

New Jersey and Connecticut actually amended their constitutions in the 1840's to prohibit black suffrage; no such distinctions were made in their original constitutions.

Illinois Senator Lyman Trumbull explained that "there is a great aversion in the West---I know it to be so in my State---against having free Negroes come among us. Our people want nothing to do with the Negro."

You quoted all that to make what point?

Jim Crow existed. I never made any assertion as to North vs. South.
That's not my question.

You seemed to be under the impression that after the "collapse and partitioning" there will be "corrections" made.

What form will these "corrections" take? What will you have to do with them, if you are still alive at the time?

Who knows, chickie..Read some history is the best advice I can give you.

When governments/countries collapse, "corrections" are ALWAYS made.
The majority of white people are tired of having to cater to what negroes want or don't want..what they like and don't like...what "offends" them and what doesn't.

White people grow tired of anti white government policies to artificially elevate the negro and displace whites...white people are tired of the double standards...white people are tired of having our tax money siphoned off to support a parasite class who hate us anyway...It's ironic..we're funding the very people who despise our system and work to take it down...White people are tired of disproportionate negro crime levels and negro dysfunction in general.

Importing negroes to work as farm animals was the WORST thing this country ever did ....and it will be one of the main reasons it collapses.

Who is catering? I'm not catering to anyone.


I also do not agree with race-based affirmative action, but I don't see where it's "displacing" white people.

laws that mandate a minority...regardless of qualification...be hired in order to meet some artificial government "quota", displaces qualified white people.

Your comment about tax money is interesting. Do you believe there are no white people, or patriotic people who get government assistance?

White people pay more into the system than they get back from it. That is a fact.

I don't know what "patriotism" has to do with it..you often trying to slip biased words into your comments, I've noticed.

I got the word "patriot" based directly from your post, in which you wrote "It's ironic..we're funding the very people who despise our system and work to take it down."

and you notice nowhere is the word "patriot" or "patriotic"

To me, working to take down our system is unpatriotic.
"To me..." isn't a valid rebuttal of facts

So, do you believe that everyone on welfare is unpatriotic, or black and unpatriotic, or do you just believe they are the majority? And what would you do to change this?

I don't know..you made it all up..it's your fantasy world you can invent any conclusion you want...

It's (obviously) easier (for you) to create a distraction and try to change the subject than to address the issue head on.....

Well, what do you call someone who "despises and wants to take down the system"? Those are your words.
That's not my question.

You seemed to be under the impression that after the "collapse and partitioning" there will be "corrections" made.

What form will these "corrections" take? What will you have to do with them, if you are still alive at the time?

Who knows, chickie..Read some history is the best advice I can give you.

When governments/countries collapse, "corrections" are ALWAYS made.

Wow. You are so confident there will be a "collapse and partitioning", and "corrections", and you have no ideas how these things will occur????

OK, let's take a different approach; what are you hoping will happen?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house

The majority of black people don't want a war or to lash out, they want to live their lives. Without the constant reminder of their blackness by bigots.
Really remind them of their blackness? That would be the media and the race baiters such as sharpton jackson obama and any other race agitator out there.

Right, the media, Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama created the Jim Crow laws, and the aftermath of bitterness and mistrust that those laws left us. :cuckoo:
Disprove it. Who pushed race in the travon martin shooting? Race who is pushing race in Ferguson?

My understanding is that after those incidents occurred, people noticed the racial makeup and decided that it probably was a factor in those shootings. Word spread, through social media.

Who decided to push race in this thread?

It must've been started by Sharpton, Jackson, and/or Obama.
NBC editing of the first video release happen after? Come on you can't be that stupid.
The majority of white people are tired of having to cater to what negroes want or don't want..what they like and don't like...what "offends" them and what doesn't.

White people grow tired of anti white government policies to artificially elevate the negro and displace whites...white people are tired of the double standards...white people are tired of having our tax money siphoned off to support a parasite class who hate us anyway...It's ironic..we're funding the very people who despise our system and work to take it down...White people are tired of disproportionate negro crime levels and negro dysfunction in general.

Importing negroes to work as farm animals was the WORST thing this country ever did ....and it will be one of the main reasons it collapses.

Who is catering? I'm not catering to anyone.


I also do not agree with race-based affirmative action, but I don't see where it's "displacing" white people.

laws that mandate a minority...regardless of qualification...be hired in order to meet some artificial government "quota", displaces qualified white people.

Your comment about tax money is interesting. Do you believe there are no white people, or patriotic people who get government assistance?

White people pay more into the system than they get back from it. That is a fact.

I don't know what "patriotism" has to do with it..you often trying to slip biased words into your comments, I've noticed.

I got the word "patriot" based directly from your post, in which you wrote "It's ironic..we're funding the very people who despise our system and work to take it down."

and you notice nowhere is the word "patriot" or "patriotic"

To me, working to take down our system is unpatriotic.
"To me..." isn't a valid rebuttal of facts

So, do you believe that everyone on welfare is unpatriotic, or black and unpatriotic, or do you just believe they are the majority? And what would you do to change this?

I don't know..you made it all up..it's your fantasy world you can invent any conclusion you want...

It's (obviously) easier (for you) to create a distraction and try to change the subject than to address the issue head on.....

Well, what do you call someone who "despises and wants to take down the system"? Those are your words.

Depends on which side you're on.
The offense and outrage is artificial. Blacks in the West only go on the war path when they think they'll profit at the White man's expense. Notice how Blacks in Africa never fly off the handle during similar instances. Why? Because they know they don't have any leverage on the minds of White people. Once Blacks get a foothold in the consciousness of White people, they double their efforts like an army that has its opponent routed.
Why are racists so bad at their native languages?

Could it be that stupid people gravitate towards racism?
That's not my question.

You seemed to be under the impression that after the "collapse and partitioning" there will be "corrections" made.

What form will these "corrections" take? What will you have to do with them, if you are still alive at the time?

Who knows, chickie..Read some history is the best advice I can give you.

When governments/countries collapse, "corrections" are ALWAYS made.

Wow. You are so confident there will be a "collapse and partitioning", and "corrections", and you have no ideas how these things will occur????

History is littered with the wreckage of failed governments and nations. Read some.

OK, let's take a different approach; what are you hoping will happen?
I hope it won't take too long to sort out.
Who is catering? I'm not catering to anyone.


I also do not agree with race-based affirmative action, but I don't see where it's "displacing" white people.

laws that mandate a minority...regardless of qualification...be hired in order to meet some artificial government "quota", displaces qualified white people.

Your comment about tax money is interesting. Do you believe there are no white people, or patriotic people who get government assistance?

White people pay more into the system than they get back from it. That is a fact.

I don't know what "patriotism" has to do with it..you often trying to slip biased words into your comments, I've noticed.

I got the word "patriot" based directly from your post, in which you wrote "It's ironic..we're funding the very people who despise our system and work to take it down."

and you notice nowhere is the word "patriot" or "patriotic"

To me, working to take down our system is unpatriotic.
"To me..." isn't a valid rebuttal of facts

So, do you believe that everyone on welfare is unpatriotic, or black and unpatriotic, or do you just believe they are the majority? And what would you do to change this?

I don't know..you made it all up..it's your fantasy world you can invent any conclusion you want...

It's (obviously) easier (for you) to create a distraction and try to change the subject than to address the issue head on.....

Well, what do you call someone who "despises and wants to take down the system"? Those are your words.

Depends on which side you're on.

More avoidance.

I am on the side of the system. Which side are you on?

I would have guessed you are the side of the system, because you typed that white people are tired of "funding the very people who despise our system and work to take it down."

But I may be wrong. Just spit it out. What word would you use to label the kind of person you described?
That's not my question.

You seemed to be under the impression that after the "collapse and partitioning" there will be "corrections" made.

What form will these "corrections" take? What will you have to do with them, if you are still alive at the time?

Who knows, chickie..Read some history is the best advice I can give you.

When governments/countries collapse, "corrections" are ALWAYS made.

Wow. You are so confident there will be a "collapse and partitioning", and "corrections", and you have no ideas how these things will occur????

History is littered with the wreckage of failed governments and nations. Read some.

OK, let's take a different approach; what are you hoping will happen?
I hope it won't take too long to sort out.

I can only conclude that you haven't really thought this through.

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