Unarmed White Teen Killed by Black Cop… Where’s the Outrage?


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
Gil Collar, an 18-year-old University of South Alabama student, was shot and killed by a campus police officer.
The student was under the influence of LSD and exhibiting erratic behavior around the campus police station.
Unarmed White Teen Killed by Black Cop Where s the Outrage
A security camera mounted on the campus police station at the university and recorded most of the entire incident including the
shooting. (H/T ReadyChimp)
And in another awful case of police brutality, student died.
But, maybe the problem was in his bad habits? Or maybe because this cop was too stupid?
No, really, why adult, well trained, big cop didn't threw him on the ground without weapon usage? Or at least he could shoot him in leg for example, why he shot him to death?!
Does not play into the script. Does not create the social and racial divide Obama works so hard to foster

yeah, about that...

Gil Collar Grand Jury Clears University Of South Alabama Cop Of Wrongdoing In Student s Death

In a press conference Friday, Mobile County District Attorney Ashley Rich told reporters that Collar was high on a relatively new hallucinogenic drug called25I-NBOMe.

The drug helps to explain the bizarre sequence of events that led to Collar's death on Oct. 6 and the national controversy that followed. The Associated Press reported that Collar was running through campus nude, apparently under the influence of what was originally thought to be LSD. Collar allegedly banged on the campus police station's windows, prompting Officer Trevis Austin to exit the station -- gun drawn -- to investigate.
It happened in 2012.

The OP thinks that there is a problem because black people didn't get upset at an incident where an unarmed white man was shot unnecessarily by a cop.

The OP continues to be oblivious to the real reason behind the protests that we have seen in the black community in recent years. His lack of intelligence has stymied him once again.
Oh it happened in 2012 ?
I hope the neighborhoods have recovered and have been rebuilt since the rioting that surely occurred.
Oh it happened in 2012 ?
I hope the neighborhoods have recovered and have been rebuilt since the rioting that surely occurred.

Why would the neighborhoods have rioted? Had they reached their breaking point when it comes to social injustice in the young man's community?

Oh it happened in 2012 ?
I hope the neighborhoods have recovered and have been rebuilt since the rioting that surely occurred.

Why would the neighborhoods have rioted? Had they reached their breaking point when it comes to social injustice in the young man's community?


No, they haven't stooped to the handouts of the Democratic Party thus keeping them in chains


Gil Collar, an 18-year-old University of South Alabama student, was shot and killed by a campus police officer.
The student was under the influence of LSD and exhibiting erratic behavior around the campus police station.
A security camera mounted on the campus police station at the university and recorded most of the entire incident including the
shooting. And in another awful case of police brutality, student died.
But, maybe the problem was in his bad habits? Or maybe because this cop was too stupid?
No, really, why adult, well trained, big cop didn't threw him on the ground without weapon usage? Or at least he could shoot him in leg for example, why he shot him to death?!

A cop shoots an LSD user dead.... regardless of races, this cop needs to get a medal. Kill these damn drug users until they're more afraid of the cops than the recovery for their addiction.
Slamming him to the ground doesn't fix the problem and requires additional paperwork.
You never shoot to wound. If you need to use the gun you shoot to kill. Very simple rule for ALL defensive gun users.
Gil Collar, an 18-year-old University of South Alabama student, was shot and killed by a campus police officer.
The student was under the influence of LSD and exhibiting erratic behavior around the campus police station.
A security camera mounted on the campus police station at the university and recorded most of the entire incident including the
shooting. And in another awful case of police brutality, student died.
But, maybe the problem was in his bad habits? Or maybe because this cop was too stupid?
No, really, why adult, well trained, big cop didn't threw him on the ground without weapon usage? Or at least he could shoot him in leg for example, why he shot him to death?!

A cop shoots an LSD user dead.... regardless of races, this cop needs to get a medal. Kill these damn drug users until they're more afraid of the cops than the recovery for their addiction.
Slamming him to the ground doesn't fix the problem and requires additional paperwork.
You never shoot to wound. If you need to use the gun you shoot to kill. Very simple rule for ALL defensive gun users.
Hope you're joking.
If somebody used "something" it's not reason to shoot this person to death.
Using your logic i can say that next time, when you will be drunk - cop will kill you and he will do everything right(in your opinion!)
Hope you're joking.
If somebody used "something" it's not reason to shoot this person to death.
Using your logic i can say that next time, when you will be drunk - cop will kill you and he will do everything right(in your opinion!)

I don't have a sense of humor. Never have and hopefully never will.

I disagree. Anyone who puts themselves in an altered mental state without immediate medical oversight deserves to be shot.

Last time I was drunk..... May of 1994. Last time I was in public drunk.... NEVER. Last time I had a drink of alcohol..... July 5, 2014. One drink, at my wedding.
Last time I touched illicit drugs..... NEVER
Last time I smoked anything...... NEVER.
Somehow I don't see me getting popped by a cop over a substance, unless it's gunpowder.

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