Unbelievable....Bill Mayer: Palins Audience at Fox is Like a Downs Syndrome Baby.

Cold Fusion is an idiot it's poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

So we shouldn't test psychotropic drugs on animals to see how the human mind will respond to them? People are born what they're born...
Cold Fusion is an idiot it's poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

So we shouldn't test psychotropic drugs on animals to see how the human mind will respond to them? People are born what they're born...
Noooooooo, they CHOOSE what they CHOOSE!
Cold Fusion is an idiot it's poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

So we shouldn't test psychotropic drugs on animals to see how the human mind will respond to them? People are born what they're born...

I don't know that we do test psychotropic drugs on animals and I don't know what would be the purpose. But I do know that there is no "gay gene" and I do know that animals act on instinct and not with logic.
Racial slurs, bashing downs inflicted children, what's the fucking difference?

Fact is, I attacked Obama's children to prove a point. You hypocrites fully proved my point.

That point being, it's perfectly fine for you liberal pieces of shit to bash Palin's kid. But god forbid anybody attack the Messiah's kids.

Seriously, you people are fucking moron's and hypocrites

But, you clowns are the 21%ers. Your loony agenda is going in flames, DUMBASSES!

Christ, liberals are fucking idiots!:cuckoo:
Fact is, you like to think of young girls performing sex acts. You are an asshole and a cad. Drop dead.
Fact is, I have nothing against Obama's kids. They seem like good kids with wonderful futures ahead of them.

You, and those of your ilk obviously enjoy beating up on those children who may be less fortunate than you. Both mentally and physically. You people are pond scum.

Face it douchebag. I pawned your fucking asses. I fully exposed you for being the dirtbags you truly are. And you don't like it!

Oh well, it won't be the last time. That I guarantee.

Lucifer has a special place just waiting for the likes of you scum!

Now, that's one thing I'm not surprised about. That you have a working relationship with Lucifer.
Cold Fusion is an idiot it's poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

So we shouldn't test psychotropic drugs on animals to see how the human mind will respond to them? People are born what they're born...

I don't know that we do test psychotropic drugs on animals and I don't know what would be the purpose. But I do know that there is no "gay gene" and I do know that animals act on instinct and not with logic.

How do you "know" there is no gay gene.
Wicked Jester is example #1 of why the conversations on these forum boards are pretty pointless. He makes what he thinks is a witty point only to turn a deaf ear on everyone else...then laugh out loud to himself about how witty he was...like a junior high school thick-head.

Stay classy, Wicked.
Cold Fusion is an idiot it's poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

So we shouldn't test psychotropic drugs on animals to see how the human mind will respond to them? People are born what they're born...

I don't know that we do test psychotropic drugs on animals and I don't know what would be the purpose. But I do know that there is no "gay gene" and I do know that animals act on instinct and not with logic.

Sorry IDIOT but so do HUMANS!!! Now HUMANS can go AGAINST their TRUE nature as MANY gay people do, they stay "in the closet", or deny who they are but that doesn't chnage the FACT that they are BORN to be gay. No amount of LOGIC changes who you were BORN as. And you don't KNOW that a gay gene doesn't exist unless you are a geneticist and have mapped the entire human genome and know EXACTELY what EVERY gene does. So quit your FUCKING LYING and get over yourself!
So we shouldn't test psychotropic drugs on animals to see how the human mind will respond to them? People are born what they're born...

I don't know that we do test psychotropic drugs on animals and I don't know what would be the purpose. But I do know that there is no "gay gene" and I do know that animals act on instinct and not with logic.

How do you "know" there is no gay gene.

According to scientist there is no gay gene. They've been looking for a while now and still nada. If you believe there is a gay gene then link your source or shut the fuck up.
Wicked Jester is example #1 of why the conversations on these forum boards are pretty pointless. He makes what he thinks is a witty point only to turn a deaf ear on everyone else...then laugh out loud to himself about how witty he was...like a junior high school thick-head.

Stay classy, Wicked.
Ahhhhhhh, you're just pissed 'cause I exposed you liberal pigs for being the hypocritical morons you pigs truly are!

And you stupid idiots wonder why your beloved messiah and loony agenda are going straight down the tubes?

So we shouldn't test psychotropic drugs on animals to see how the human mind will respond to them? People are born what they're born...

I don't know that we do test psychotropic drugs on animals and I don't know what would be the purpose. But I do know that there is no "gay gene" and I do know that animals act on instinct and not with logic.

Sorry IDIOT but so do HUMANS!!! Now HUMANS can go AGAINST their TRUE nature as MANY gay people do, they stay "in the closet", or deny who they are but that doesn't chnage the FACT that they are BORN to be gay. No amount of LOGIC changes who you were BORN as. And you don't KNOW that a gay gene doesn't exist unless you are a geneticist and have mapped the entire human genome and know EXACTELY what EVERY gene does. So quit your FUCKING LYING and get over yourself!

True nature? You do realize you've proven my point, don't ya? Go against TRUE nature, means that homosexuality isn't natural.

Prove that you're born gay.
I don't know that we do test psychotropic drugs on animals and I don't know what would be the purpose. But I do know that there is no "gay gene" and I do know that animals act on instinct and not with logic.

How do you "know" there is no gay gene.

According to scientist there is no gay gene. They've been looking for a while now and still nada. If you believe there is a gay gene then link your source or shut the fuck up.

Uh YEAH there is no resarcher in the WORLD that has said there is NO gay gene!!! They don't KNOW and neither do you so maybe you should STFU about it rather than making BULLSHIT CLAIMS!
According to scientist there is no gay gene. They've been looking for a while now and still nada. If you believe there is a gay gene then link your source or shut the fuck up.

Actually, according to scientists, being gay is probably due to a combination of nurture and nature. Were this not so, the youngest sons in families of boys, wouldn't have a higher rate of homosexuality than is found in the general population.

And it doesn't have to be a 'gay gene'... it can be chemicals in the body plus something that triggers a response...

for example.. there is no 'lung cancer gene'... yet we know that some people can smoke til they are 90 and have no ill effects and others will develop lung cancer. it is called a 'predisposition'. This isn't as simplistic as someone being born with an x or y chromosome...

do you really think you could get up in the morning and decide 'today i am going to bonk another guy'? well, they can't get up in the morning and decide that 'today [they] are going to bonk someone of the opposite sex;.
I don't know that we do test psychotropic drugs on animals and I don't know what would be the purpose. But I do know that there is no "gay gene" and I do know that animals act on instinct and not with logic.

Sorry IDIOT but so do HUMANS!!! Now HUMANS can go AGAINST their TRUE nature as MANY gay people do, they stay "in the closet", or deny who they are but that doesn't chnage the FACT that they are BORN to be gay. No amount of LOGIC changes who you were BORN as. And you don't KNOW that a gay gene doesn't exist unless you are a geneticist and have mapped the entire human genome and know EXACTELY what EVERY gene does. So quit your FUCKING LYING and get over yourself!

True nature? You do realize you've proven my point, don't ya? Go against TRUE nature, means that homosexuality isn't natural.

Prove that you're born gay.

Their TRUE NATURE as being BORN gay you freaking IDIOT!!! You have proven MY point!
Hey Alone Without Logic when was the FIRST time you were sexually attracted to a person of the opposite sex? Did you make a CHOICE to be attracted to a person of the opposite sex? NO YOU DIDN'T because you were BORN to be attracted to the opposite sex JUST AS homosexuals were BORN to be attracted to the SAME SEX!!! Is it "NORMAL" to be attracted to the SAME SEX? NO IT'S NOT but a certain % of humans ARE BORN that way and it has NOTHING to do with CHOOSING to be that way.
Check out the folowing freak, and notice how quickly he goes from acting the way he was born, to acting like the feminine lil' sissy he was not born as:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YvUSZ-Jajs]YouTube - Gay weather man freaks out![/ame]
Gays make the immoral CHOICE to be that way, PERIOD!

They deserve no special treatment whatsoever.

They deserve no rights under the sanctity of marriage. And they damn sure don't deserve the right to raise children in that disgusting environment. It's tantamount to child abuse at the very least, and is damn sure tantamount to mental abuse!
I don't know that we do test psychotropic drugs on animals and I don't know what would be the purpose. But I do know that there is no "gay gene" and I do know that animals act on instinct and not with logic.

Sorry IDIOT but so do HUMANS!!! Now HUMANS can go AGAINST their TRUE nature as MANY gay people do, they stay "in the closet", or deny who they are but that doesn't chnage the FACT that they are BORN to be gay. No amount of LOGIC changes who you were BORN as. And you don't KNOW that a gay gene doesn't exist unless you are a geneticist and have mapped the entire human genome and know EXACTELY what EVERY gene does. So quit your FUCKING LYING and get over yourself!

True nature? You do realize you've proven my point, don't ya? Go against TRUE nature, means that homosexuality isn't natural.

Prove that you're born gay.

WOW you really ARE a DISHONEST FUCK aren't you? Why would you DELIBERATELY MISQUOTE me if you had the "truth" on your side?
Gays make the immoral CHOICE to be that way, PERIOD!

They deserve no special treatment whatsoever.

They deserve no rights under the sanctity of marriage. And they damn sure don't deserve the right to raise children in that disgusting environment. It's tantamount to child abuse at the very least, and is damn sure tantamount to mental abuse!

methinks thou protesteth a bit too loudly.

how is life in the closet?:cuckoo:
Check out the folowing freak, and notice how quickly he goes from acting the way he was born, to acting like the feminine lil' sissy he was not born as:

yeah... that makes an enormous amount of sense... a man performing in front of a television camera is being completely natural, but when something comes along and FRIGHTENS him, he quickly begins acting in a way that is NOT natural.

How do you "know" there is no gay gene.

According to scientist there is no gay gene. They've been looking for a while now and still nada. If you believe there is a gay gene then link your source or shut the fuck up.

Uh YEAH there is no resarcher in the WORLD that has said there is NO gay gene!!! They don't KNOW and neither do you so maybe you should STFU about it rather than making BULLSHIT CLAIMS!

Hey stupid, there is no gay gene!!!!
According to scientist there is no gay gene. They've been looking for a while now and still nada. If you believe there is a gay gene then link your source or shut the fuck up.

Actually, according to scientists, being gay is probably due to a combination of nurture and nature. Were this not so, the youngest sons in families of boys, wouldn't have a higher rate of homosexuality than is found in the general population.

And it doesn't have to be a 'gay gene'... it can be chemicals in the body plus something that triggers a response...

for example.. there is no 'lung cancer gene'... yet we know that some people can smoke til they are 90 and have no ill effects and others will develop lung cancer. it is called a 'predisposition'. This isn't as simplistic as someone being born with an x or y chromosome...

do you really think you could get up in the morning and decide 'today i am going to bonk another guy'? well, they can't get up in the morning and decide that 'today [they] are going to bonk someone of the opposite sex;.

I don't know what makes you homosexuals homosexual, but I do know there is NO gay gene. There are people born with a predisposition to violence that doesn't mean it's ok to act on it.

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