Unbelievable....Bill Mayer: Palins Audience at Fox is Like a Downs Syndrome Baby.

didn't this maher person get his slimey ass fired for inappropriate comments after 9-!!? and all the liberals rush to his slimey assed defense.. figures. :lol::lol::lol:
What a liberal vile person:evil:. I can't even begin to express how awful that comment is. These liberal people have no shame whatsoever. They will say anything in the name of hate. This has gone to far.

Read more:
Maher: Palin?s Job at Fox Equivalent to Talking to Her Down Syndrome Baby | NewsBusters.org

How does one prepare for an upcoming appearance by Seth MacFarlane of Family Guy fame? If you're Bill Maher, you follow up the Family Guy/Sarah Palin/Down Syndrome attack by doing an 'exclusive rant' for the Huffington Post which includes - you guessed it - a joke about Sarah Palin's son, Trig. Maher appeals to his lower-intellect audience by stating:
"...while we were off, Sarah Palin agreed to do commentary at Fox News. Which is actually very similar to her day job - talking to a baby with Down Syndrome."

Freedom of speech is pretty awesome.

Don't like Bill Maher's jokes? Don't listen.
Freedom of speech carries freedom to criticize.

Bill Mayer is a despicable piece of shit when measured by any true scale.

Amy Carter and Chelesea Clinton can't help their looks any more than Palins baby can help being a retard.
But it was fine for the right to make fun of them?
Fuck you very much.

Amy Carter and Chelesea Clinton can't help their looks any more than Palins baby can help being a retard.
But it was fine for the right to make fun of them?

Fair point.
No it is not. Down Syndrome does not = retard

Making fun of what cannot be changed is the mark of a compassion starved, self-centered, insensitive rube...such as Bill Mayer.

Well, since it's now in fashion now to bash politicians kids, i'm sure you lib's won't mind me bashin' Obama'a two lil' nappy headed ho's!

You people do realize that that Obama's two lil' crack whore's are nothing more than fried chicken eatin', fingerlickin', moonpie scarfin', Ripple suckin', pole smokin' lil' ghetto tramps, who will drop their drawers for any Joe Biden lookin' white motherfucker with 5 bucks and a bag o' crack!...Yep, those aunt Jemima lookin' lil' hookers can suck it like a Kirby vacuum cleaner, and they gots the big ol' gorilla lookin' lips to prove it!

NOW, that's some funny shit!, eh lib's?....Yesssirrrreeeeee that's some seriously funny "satire" right there!....Come lib's, let me hear it!...Surely you're laughing your looney asses off!
So I guess you think it is alright that Palin called her son " my little retarded baby"?
You were asked for a link to that....several posts back. Do you have one or should we just take your word for it? I want to read the quote in context...not in sound bites. Why can't you understand that?

Good thing he doesn't believe in hell.

And I think it is quite funny he talked about the faux outrage from the right on his comedy special last week, and then we have US Retired proving his point. I bet Bill did on purpose to show the rights hypocrisy. :lol:

I had a dog that didn't believe in cars, either. He was still killed by one, however.

Bill Maher is vile. There's no defending what he said. I'm surprised people are even trying to defend him.

It isn't alright to say Fox viewers have downs, but it is cool to say Obama supporters are communist? Got it!
I would guess that one in twenty thousand Fox viewers has DS. I would further guess that one in ten Obama supporters is Communist. (The rest are Marxist.:lol:)

Maher likes to call anyone outside his gay little liberal circle stupid.

Who the fuck ever told this clown he was smart ? .......
Al Franken.

I had a dog that didn't believe in cars, either. He was still killed by one, however.

Bill Maher is vile. There's no defending what he said. I'm surprised people are even trying to defend him.

It isn't alright to say Fox viewers have downs, but it is cool to say Obama supporters are communist? Got it!

I guess you'd have to have personal experience with retarded children. One of my sister's has a child with Down's Syndrome, so I understand. I guess that's true with many things in life.
DS does not = retarded

If I wanted to play your game, I could always point out Rush started it by calling Chelsea a dog. :D
And rush was an idiot for saying so!

You played the game, you lost.
Did you get mad at Sarah, when she called her child " my little retarded baby"?

Show us how she's a hypocrite already!
She already did.

She knows what Maher was hinting at. It was quite obvious. Only the liberal idiots refuse to accept it for what it was.

Lets see, Palin's kid has downs syndrome. Palins kid has been relentlessly attacked by the liberal morons, too include many up here. Palin is a contributer to fox news. Maher has the wrong belief that only conservatives watch FOX news. Once again PALIN'S KID HAS DOWN'S SYNDROME. Maher fears Palin. Maher attacks fox viewers with a FAILED veiled reference to downs inflicted children. It's quite obvious what that typical liberal scumbag was doing.

Are you as stupid as Louissa, or are you just another run of the mill, clueless liberal moron and apologist for all other clueless liberal morons?

It doesn't matter if I know what maher was hinting at. You still have not proven I am a hypocrite.
The hell you say!

Well, since it's now in fashion now to bash politicians kids, i'm sure you lib's won't mind me bashin' Obama'a two lil' nappy headed ho's!

You people do realize that that Obama's two lil' crack whore's are nothing more than fried chicken eatin', fingerlickin', moonpie scarfin', Ripple suckin', pole smokin' lil' ghetto tramps, who will drop their drawers for any Joe Biden lookin' white motherfucker with 5 bucks and a bag o' crack!...Yep, those aunt Jemima lookin' lil' hookers can suck it like a Kirby vacuum cleaner, and they gots the big ol' gorilla lookin' lips to prove it!

NOW, that's some funny shit!, eh lib's?....Yesssirrrreeeeee that's some seriously funny "satire" right there!....Come lib's, let me hear it!...Surely you're laughing your looney asses off!

It could be worse ....

.... they could be retarded.
Fuck you very much.

No, but she doesn't need to use him as an instrument to score political points.

She doesn't. She travels. He's her kid. She takes him along. She would do the same if he were healthy.

Look. You guys fucking HATE her! We get it!

She's no longer in office and she will not be the nominee. You won. Enjoy.

Keep making fun of her hair, how she quit her job, her palm-reading, her lousy interview skills and her job at Faux News. They're all lame-ass old jokes by now, but what the hell.

"At long last, have you no shame?"

Oh give me a FUCKING BREAK!!!! She could leave her child BACK STAGE rather than having her younger daughter flop him around like a bag of flour!!!
They are part of her family.

I don't seem to see very many politicians bringing their HEALTHY babies to EVERY political event so WHY does she bring her Down's baby EVERYWHERE with her like some kind of fucking PROP!!!???

My senator also has a child with downs, and you hardly see her bringing him out. She keeps him or her ( I can't remember sex) behind the scenes, which is what you do when you are a mother. You don't put your children in a postion to be attacked.
Maybe she's so liberal she's ashamed of her own child...something you might expect from a Bill Mayer groupie.

Its not "faux outrage" on my part Luissa. Attacking children, and the haandicapped is as despicable as attacking someone's race. Few will go there and when they do, the outrage is justified - from either side.

Well then, not sure why you're complaining here.

Unless you think someone with Down Syndrome is attacking Sarah Palin's child for having Down Syndrome. :cuckoo:

Yep...libtard, stupid, moron, idiot, and retard are all now forbidden because *gasp* the professional victim used her retarded baby as a tool.
Fuck you very much.

Its not "faux outrage" on my part Luissa. Attacking children, and the haandicapped is as despicable as attacking someone's race. Few will go there and when they do, the outrage is justified - from either side.

but they weren't really attacking anyone with downs, were they?
Maher was making fun of Fox viewers, and I doubt someone with downs sydrome, would attack another with it.
And as someone who just had their child classified as developementally disabled, I found I have more important things to worry about. And I sure as hell would not parade my son around like he was some damn trophy.
...and I bet you don't have the balls to him like any other child.

Proud parents see all of their children as trophies.

but they weren't really attacking anyone with downs, were they?
Maher was making fun of Fox viewers, and I doubt someone with downs sydrome, would attack another with it.
And as someone who just had their child classified as developementally disabled, I found I have more important things to worry about. And I sure as hell would not parade my son around like he was some damn trophy.

Actually, the actress used a good phrase for it. "I wouldn't carry my son around like a french loaf of bread."

I saw that. :lol:

My favorite seen she ever played was when her and Corky got married, and everyone told them to use protection when sleeping together. That night they hugged/ protected each other. All Palin is doing is putting a stigma on her child.
Seen? My gawd! Where the fuck did you go to school?

Bill Mayer is a despicable piece of liberal shit!!!
Its not "faux outrage" on my part Luissa. Attacking children, and the haandicapped is as despicable as attacking someone's race. Few will go there and when they do, the outrage is justified - from either side.

Well then, not sure why you're complaining here.

Unless you think someone with Down Syndrome is attacking Sarah Palin's child for having Down Syndrome. :cuckoo:

Yep...libtard, stupid, moron, idiot, and retard are all now forbidden because *gasp* the professional victim used her retarded baby as a tool.

Well then...expand your vocabulary....try buffoon, imbecile and window licker.:lol:
Well then, not sure why you're complaining here.

Unless you think someone with Down Syndrome is attacking Sarah Palin's child for having Down Syndrome. :cuckoo:

Yep...libtard, stupid, moron, idiot, and retard are all now forbidden because *gasp* the professional victim used her retarded baby as a tool.

Well then...expand your vocabulary....try buffoon, imbecile and window licker.:lol:
Liberal compassion. Inspiring.

Compassion for who? Fox viewers, because that is who he was making fun of.
When they stop calling Obama a communist, a Nazi, Hitler, and a terrorist I might start to feel bad for them.

not that fox viewers such as myself give a flying fuck about your faux tolerance and compassion.

My compassion? I think you know very well what I have gone through with my son.
What a liberal vile person:evil:. I can't even begin to express how awful that comment is. These liberal people have no shame whatsoever. They will say anything in the name of hate. This has gone to far.

Read more:
Maher: Palin?s Job at Fox Equivalent to Talking to Her Down Syndrome Baby | NewsBusters.org

How does one prepare for an upcoming appearance by Seth MacFarlane of Family Guy fame? If you're Bill Maher, you follow up the Family Guy/Sarah Palin/Down Syndrome attack by doing an 'exclusive rant' for the Huffington Post which includes - you guessed it - a joke about Sarah Palin's son, Trig. Maher appeals to his lower-intellect audience by stating:
"...while we were off, Sarah Palin agreed to do commentary at Fox News. Which is actually very similar to her day job - talking to a baby with Down Syndrome."

Freedom of speech is pretty awesome.

Don't like Bill Maher's jokes? Don't listen.
Freedom of speech carries freedom to criticize.

Bill Mayer is a despicable piece of shit when measured by any true scale.

Fuck you very much.

No it is not. Down Syndrome does not = retard

Making fun of what cannot be changed is the mark of a compassion starved, self-centered, insensitive rube...such as Bill Mayer.

You were asked for a link to that....several posts back. Do you have one or should we just take your word for it? I want to read the quote in context...not in sound bites. Why can't you understand that?

I would guess that one in twenty thousand Fox viewers has DS. I would further guess that one in ten Obama supporters is Communist. (The rest are Marxist.:lol:)

Al Franken.

DS does not = retarded


The hell you say!

Fuck you very much.

They are part of her family.

Maybe she's so liberal she's ashamed of her own child...something you might expect from a Bill Mayer groupie.

Fuck you very much.

...and I bet you don't have the balls to him like any other child.

Proud parents see all of their children as trophies.

Actually, the actress used a good phrase for it. "I wouldn't carry my son around like a french loaf of bread."

I saw that. :lol:

My favorite seen she ever played was when her and Corky got married, and everyone told them to use protection when sleeping together. That night they hugged/ protected each other. All Palin is doing is putting a stigma on her child.
Seen? My gawd! Where the fuck did you go to school?

Bill Mayer is a despicable piece of liberal shit!!!

Actually I lied she is a rep not a senator, and she is a Republican, douche bag. Google Cathy McMorris.

And you are only answer is to correct me on spelling?:cuckoo:
Compassion for who? Fox viewers, because that is who he was making fun of.
When they stop calling Obama a communist, a Nazi, Hitler, and a terrorist I might start to feel bad for them.

not that fox viewers such as myself give a flying fuck about your faux tolerance and compassion.

My compassion? I think you know very well what I have gone through with my son.
So, would you be defending Maher if it were your SON he was making fun of?

Get off your loony liberal trip, Luissa. You know damn good and well what Maher was referencing.

And, this is the real kicker. Palin is using her fame to advance the cause of children like your son. That's a good thing!...That's a good thing for your son...She's raising awareness....But, you continually bash her for NO OTHER REASON THEN YOU HATE HER POLITICS!

Seriously, you're a fucking idiot!:cuckoo:

Lay off the bong once in a while!...It's most likely the cause of most of your problems!

So, in a nutshell, WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Freedom of speech is pretty awesome.

Don't like Bill Maher's jokes? Don't listen.
Freedom of speech carries freedom to criticize.

Bill Mayer is a despicable piece of shit when measured by any true scale.

Fuck you very much.

No it is not. Down Syndrome does not = retard

Making fun of what cannot be changed is the mark of a compassion starved, self-centered, insensitive rube...such as Bill Mayer.

You were asked for a link to that....several posts back. Do you have one or should we just take your word for it? I want to read the quote in context...not in sound bites. Why can't you understand that?

I would guess that one in twenty thousand Fox viewers has DS. I would further guess that one in ten Obama supporters is Communist. (The rest are Marxist.:lol:)

Al Franken.

DS does not = retarded


The hell you say!

Fuck you very much.

They are part of her family.

Maybe she's so liberal she's ashamed of her own child...something you might expect from a Bill Mayer groupie.

Fuck you very much.

...and I bet you don't have the balls to him like any other child.

Proud parents see all of their children as trophies.

I saw that. :lol:

My favorite seen she ever played was when her and Corky got married, and everyone told them to use protection when sleeping together. That night they hugged/ protected each other. All Palin is doing is putting a stigma on her child.
Seen? My gawd! Where the fuck did you go to school?

Bill Mayer is a despicable piece of liberal shit!!!

Actually I lied she is a rep not a senator, and she is a Republican, douche bag. Google Cathy McMorris.

And you are only answer is to correct me on spelling?:cuckoo:

Seriously, you're friggin' whacked!
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not that fox viewers such as myself give a flying fuck about your faux tolerance and compassion.

My compassion? I think you know very well what I have gone through with my son.
So, would you be defending Maher if it were your SON he was making fun of?

Get off your loony liberal trip, Luissa. You know damn good and well what Maher was referencing.

And, this is the real kicker. Palin is using her fame to advance the cause of children like your son. That's a good thing!...That's a good thing for your son...She's raising awareness....But, you continually bash her for NO OTHER REASON THEN YOU HATE HER POLITICS!

Seriously, you're a fucking idiot!:cuckoo:

Lay off the bong once in a while!...It's most likely the cause of most of your problems!

So, in a nutshell, WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Like I said before, I am too busy to care about that crap. I am trying to raise my child and help him through therapy. My sister has said a lot worse, and I just ignore it.
And I also don't hold him up like he is some trophy, loaf of bread, or the Lion King.
And by the way for someone who has admitted they smoke pot, you should really shut the fuck up. I never even said how much I smoke, and how about you stalking my posts, wierdo.
not that fox viewers such as myself give a flying fuck about your faux tolerance and compassion.

My compassion? I think you know very well what I have gone through with my son.
So, would you be defending Maher if it were your SON he was making fun of?

Get off your loony liberal trip, Luissa. You know damn good and well what Maher was referencing.

And, this is the real kicker. Palin is using her fame to advance the cause of children like your son. That's a good thing!...That's a good thing for your son...She's raising awareness....But, you continually bash her for NO OTHER REASON THEN YOU HATE HER POLITICS!

Seriously, you're a fucking idiot!:cuckoo:

Lay off the bong once in a while!...It's most likely the cause of most of your problems!

So, in a nutshell, WAKE THE FUCK UP!

What has she exactly done for people with downs syndrome?
The only thing I have heard of is, is maybe she ran in a race.
not that fox viewers such as myself give a flying fuck about your faux tolerance and compassion.

My compassion? I think you know very well what I have gone through with my son.
So, would you be defending Maher if it were your SON he was making fun of?

Get off your loony liberal trip, Luissa. You know damn good and well what Maher was referencing.

And, this is the real kicker. Palin is using her fame to advance the cause of children like your son. That's a good thing!...That's a good thing for your son...She's raising awareness....But, you continually bash her for NO OTHER REASON THEN YOU HATE HER POLITICS!

Seriously, you're a fucking idiot!:cuckoo:

Lay off the bong once in a while!...It's most likely the cause of most of your problems!

So, in a nutshell, WAKE THE FUCK UP!

I just googled it, couldn't find anything about her raising money or do anything about raising awareness for disabled children. How about instead of parading around gettin pissed off at what everyone says about her, why isn't she helping the cause?
Instead of charging money to speak at events? Why doesn't she hold an event to raise money? Parading her son around and getting mad anytime anyone mentions him, is not helping special needs children.Why do you think the actress from Family Guy, who also has downs syndrom, spoke out against her?
My compassion? I think you know very well what I have gone through with my son.
So, would you be defending Maher if it were your SON he was making fun of?

Get off your loony liberal trip, Luissa. You know damn good and well what Maher was referencing.

And, this is the real kicker. Palin is using her fame to advance the cause of children like your son. That's a good thing!...That's a good thing for your son...She's raising awareness....But, you continually bash her for NO OTHER REASON THEN YOU HATE HER POLITICS!

Seriously, you're a fucking idiot!:cuckoo:

Lay off the bong once in a while!...It's most likely the cause of most of your problems!

So, in a nutshell, WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Like I said before, I am too busy to care about that crap. I am trying to raise my child and help him through therapy. My sister has said a lot worse, and I just ignore it.
And I also don't hold him up like he is some trophy, loaf of bread, or the Lion King.
And by the way for someone who has admitted they smoke pot, you should really shut the fuck up. I never even said how much I smoke, and how about you stalking my posts, wierdo.
I take a few tokes a couple times o' month, usually when the wife and I hit the Jaccuzi in the back yard, right before I fuck her brains out. Unlike you, my brain isn't saturated with THC. Christ Luissa, you can't even spell or put together a coherent sentence half the time.

See your above posts for further proof.

And, what is any different than what you are doing as to what Palin is doing?

I haven't seen her kid since election night. Before that, she brought her kid on stage how many times?

How many times have the Obama's paraded their fucking kids around?

You're constantly up here parading YOUR KIDS affliction around like a "loaf of bread". Ya' friggin' hypocrite.

Get a fucking clue, and put the god damn bong down.
So, would you be defending Maher if it were your SON he was making fun of?

Get off your loony liberal trip, Luissa. You know damn good and well what Maher was referencing.

And, this is the real kicker. Palin is using her fame to advance the cause of children like your son. That's a good thing!...That's a good thing for your son...She's raising awareness....But, you continually bash her for NO OTHER REASON THEN YOU HATE HER POLITICS!

Seriously, you're a fucking idiot!:cuckoo:

Lay off the bong once in a while!...It's most likely the cause of most of your problems!

So, in a nutshell, WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Like I said before, I am too busy to care about that crap. I am trying to raise my child and help him through therapy. My sister has said a lot worse, and I just ignore it.
And I also don't hold him up like he is some trophy, loaf of bread, or the Lion King.
And by the way for someone who has admitted they smoke pot, you should really shut the fuck up. I never even said how much I smoke, and how about you stalking my posts, wierdo.
I take a few tokes a couple times o' month, usually when the wife and I hit the Jaccuzi in the back yard, right before I fuck her brains out. Unlike you, my brain isn't saturated with THC. Christ Luissa, you can't even spell or put together a coherent sentence half the time.

See your above posts for further proof.

And, what is any different than what you are doing as to what Palin is doing?

I haven't seen her kid since election night. Before that, she brought her kid on stage how many times?

How many times have the Obama's paraded their fucking kids around?

You're constantly up here parading YOUR KIDS affliction around like a "loaf of bread". Ya' friggin' hypocrite.

Get a fucking clue, and put the god damn bong down.

This is the only thread I have really mentioned him in, and it started because someone was telling me I don't know how it is when you are a parent of someone with downs syndrome.
And why don't you stick to the debate? We are not discussing my pot use in this thread. Which by the way is none of your business.
I see Wicked has still not provided any examples of Palin doing anything for children with special needs, or even children with downs syndrome.
Well then, not sure why you're complaining here.

Unless you think someone with Down Syndrome is attacking Sarah Palin's child for having Down Syndrome. :cuckoo:

Yep...libtard, stupid, moron, idiot, and retard are all now forbidden because *gasp* the professional victim used her retarded baby as a tool.

Well then...expand your vocabulary....try buffoon, imbecile and window licker.:lol:
Nope, you can't say those either...Palin will have a fit.
Its not "faux outrage" on my part Luissa. Attacking children, and the haandicapped is as despicable as attacking someone's race. Few will go there and when they do, the outrage is justified - from either side.

Well then, not sure why you're complaining here.

Unless you think someone with Down Syndrome is attacking Sarah Palin's child for having Down Syndrome. :cuckoo:

Yep...libtard, stupid, moron, idiot, and retard are all now forbidden because *gasp* the professional victim used her retarded baby as a tool.

Used her "retarded baby" as a tool? Imagine if people used similar words to descrbie the Obama girls. That's the point the Wicked Jester was making.

I do not believe in PC BS, and I do have a warped sense of humor. But to make jokes just to score political points is not "comedy". It's personal and disgusting.

On Friday’s Joy Behar Show on CNN Headline News, the normally anti-Palin Behar and most panel members – all left-leaning – sided with the former Alaska governor in the aftermath of Family Guy producer Seth MacFarlane's controversial depiction of a character with Down's Syndrome on his Fox television show, intended as a swipe at Palin whose son has Down's Syndrome. Behar declared that "I agree with Sarah on this one," and, after showing a clip of Palin on FNC’s The O’Reilly Factor denouncing MacFarlane, Behar concluded the segment: "Okay, that’s one for Sarah."

Behar on Anti-Palin Family Guy Scene: ?I Agree With Sarah on This One? | NewsBusters.org

So is the N-word ok now that the bar has been lowered?

And Luissa - Would you want your organization represented by Ms. Palin? Those special needs groups might be better off staying away. THEIR kids would be the next victims of this slime.
Riiight...because sexualizing prepubescent girls is the same thing as having a retarded cartoon character go out on a date.


Have at it, Chanel. You can make fun of those girls as much as you want and as loudly as you want.

It's a pattern Ravi. Seth McFarlane isn't the only villain. But go at it. It's backfiring. The more slime thrown at Palin makes her more sympathetic to the populace. Be careful what you wish for.

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