Unbelievable....Bill Mayer: Palins Audience at Fox is Like a Downs Syndrome Baby.

The only good thing about the Obama being elected is it's showing the American people just how hateful and vicious the left is and how the Mainstream media is controlled by the Progressive-Democrat party.

Hopefully this will show the people to NEVER vote in a Progressive every again and vote out all the ones in office now..

reading the posts of these cons and their OUTRAGE at liberal whimsy when it is directed at conservative heros, while being aware of 20 years worth of equally loathsome and vile speech FROM conservatives directed at dems, liberals, gays, atheists etc....
is rather amusing...

methinks some of these cons suffer fom CLOWNS syndrome....

personally I think maher went too far and I find it disgusting that he would say such a thing.

politics should be about the ISSUES and CONCERNS and NOT about personal abuse

however, I am quite familiar with the insults and mockery and personal attacks that cons indulge in on a daily basis so I find their outrage hypocritical.

you can be sure that when dennis miller says some loathsome thing about liberals these same hypocrites would NOT ONLY find it funny and defend it but would consider any negative commentary to be POLITICAL CORRECTNESS

cmike and wicked jester merely prove, with each post, just what loathsome hypocrites they truly are

and as for xsited....

he's just insane

one wonders just how insane most cons truly are....?

to enjoy and defend hate speech from their own side

yet they get their panties in a wad every time it comes back at them.....

definitely something wrong with the average conservative
The only good thing about the Obama being elected is it's showing the American people just how hateful and vicious the left is and how the Mainstream media is controlled by the Progressive-Democrat party.

Hopefully this will show the people to NEVER vote in a Progressive every again and vote out all the ones in office now..

reading the posts of these cons and their OUTRAGE at liberal whimsy when it is directed at conservative heros, while being aware of 20 years worth of equally loathsome and vile speech FROM conservatives directed at dems, liberals, gays, atheists etc....
is rather amusing...

methinks some of these cons suffer fom CLOWNS syndrome....

personally I think maher went too far and I find it disgusting that he would say such a thing.

politics should be about the ISSUES and CONCERNS and NOT about personal abuse

however, I am quite familiar with the insults and mockery and personal attacks that cons indulge in on a daily basis so I find their outrage hypocritical.

you can be sure that when dennis miller says some loathsome thing about liberals these same hypocrites would NOT ONLY find it funny and defend it but would consider any negative commentary to be POLITICAL CORRECTNESS

cmike and wicked jester merely prove, with each post, just what loathsome hypocrites they truly are

and as for xsited....

he's just insane

one wonders just how insane most cons truly are....?

to enjoy and defend hate speech from their own side

yet they get their panties in a wad every time it comes back at them.....

definitely something wrong with the average conservative

I'm all for the Progressive in the media to keep on with this kind of attacts on a persons family. no skin off our asses. Just don't be surprised come November.:lol:
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you really do fancy yourself a clever one, don't ya.

If she really wanted to get a laugh at someone with Downs Syndrome, she would of made the joke about HERSELF. Instead she used it to attack someone she probably never even met. and who's BABY has downs syndrome.

You missed the entire point, per usual. She and the episode were pointing out that people with Down Syndrome are regular people too, who are just a bit different than everyone else in small ways.

Palin acts like her son is some sort of non-human being and brings him out for both votes and sympathy.
you really do fancy yourself a clever one, don't ya.

If she really wanted to get a laugh at someone with Downs Syndrome, she would of made the joke about HERSELF. Instead she used it to attack someone she probably never even met. and who's BABY has downs syndrome.

You missed the entire point, per usual. She and the episode were pointing out that people with Down Syndrome are regular people too, who are just a bit different than everyone else in small ways.

Palin acts like her son is some sort of non-human being and brings him out for both votes and sympathy.

spin away.:lol:
The R' have a choice; Stay classy or take the gloves off. I hope they choose the former, but unfortunately the politic of personal destruction can be very effective. And of course the libs have lowered the bar beyond what anyone would have considered pre-Palin.
spin away.:lol:

Yes, you are.

Sarah Palin: 'How Dare They Boo Piper!' | Workbench

I've seen, such as this one, you can hear a lot of boos before the Flyers public address system cranks up the volume on patriotic music all the way to 11, which makes me think they were hearing a pretty negative reception.

Fox News producer, Shushannah Walshe, says that Palin intentionally dressed Piper that way to discourage boos:

The GOP Vice-Presidential nominee said at an earlier fundraiser that she would stop some of the booing from the rowdy Philadelphia fans by putting her seven year old daughter, Piper in a Flyers jersey. She said, "How dare they boo Piper!"

Her secret weapon may have worked.

Even Fox News knows her low she is.
The R' have a choice; Stay classy or take the gloves off. I hope they choose the former, but unfortunately the politic of personal destruction can be very effective. And of course the libs have lowered the bar beyond what anyone would have considered pre-Palin.

I think they have already chosen the faux outrage option.
Its not "faux outrage" on my part Luissa. Attacking children, and the haandicapped is as despicable as attacking someone's race. Few will go there and when they do, the outrage is justified - from either side.
Its not "faux outrage" on my part Luissa. Attacking children, and the haandicapped is as despicable as attacking someone's race. Few will go there and when they do, the outrage is justified - from either side.

Well then, not sure why you're complaining here.

Unless you think someone with Down Syndrome is attacking Sarah Palin's child for having Down Syndrome. :cuckoo:
The R' have a choice; Stay classy or take the gloves off. I hope they choose the former, but unfortunately the politic of personal destruction can be very effective. And of course the libs have lowered the bar beyond what anyone would have considered pre-Palin.

I think they have already chosen the faux outrage option.
Oh, my...have they ever.

I swear, each day I think they can't be bigger hypocrites and each day they prove me wrong.
Its not "faux outrage" on my part Luissa. Attacking children, and the haandicapped is as despicable as attacking someone's race. Few will go there and when they do, the outrage is justified - from either side.

Well then, not sure why you're complaining here.

Unless you think someone with Down Syndrome is attacking Sarah Palin's child for having Down Syndrome. :cuckoo:

Yep...libtard, stupid, moron, idiot, and retard are all now forbidden because *gasp* the professional victim used her retarded baby as a tool.
Its not "faux outrage" on my part Luissa. Attacking children, and the haandicapped is as despicable as attacking someone's race. Few will go there and when they do, the outrage is justified - from either side.

but they weren't really attacking anyone with downs, were they?
Maher was making fun of Fox viewers, and I doubt someone with downs sydrome, would attack another with it.
And as someone who just had their child classified as developementally disabled, I found I have more important things to worry about. And I sure as hell would not parade my son around like he was some damn trophy.
but they weren't really attacking anyone with downs, were they?
Maher was making fun of Fox viewers, and I doubt someone with downs sydrome, would attack another with it.
And as someone who just had their child classified as developementally disabled, I found I have more important things to worry about. And I sure as hell would not parade my son around like he was some damn trophy.

Actually, the actress used a good phrase for it. "I wouldn't carry my son around like a french loaf of bread."
but they weren't really attacking anyone with downs, were they?
Maher was making fun of Fox viewers, and I doubt someone with downs sydrome, would attack another with it.
And as someone who just had their child classified as developementally disabled, I found I have more important things to worry about. And I sure as hell would not parade my son around like he was some damn trophy.

Actually, the actress used a good phrase for it. "I wouldn't carry my son around like a french loaf of bread."

I saw that. :lol:

My favorite seen she ever played was when her and Corky got married, and everyone told them to use protection when sleeping together. That night they hugged/ protected each other. All Palin is doing is putting a stigma on her child.
What a liberal vile person:evil:. I can't even begin to express how awful that comment is. These liberal people have no shame whatsoever. They will say anything in the name of hate. This has gone to far.

Read more:
Maher: Palin?s Job at Fox Equivalent to Talking to Her Down Syndrome Baby | NewsBusters.org

How does one prepare for an upcoming appearance by Seth MacFarlane of Family Guy fame? If you're Bill Maher, you follow up the Family Guy/Sarah Palin/Down Syndrome attack by doing an 'exclusive rant' for the Huffington Post which includes - you guessed it - a joke about Sarah Palin's son, Trig. Maher appeals to his lower-intellect audience by stating:
"...while we were off, Sarah Palin agreed to do commentary at Fox News. Which is actually very similar to her day job - talking to a baby with Down Syndrome."

Once a mofo always a mofo and this democwat dummie is a mofo.
What a liberal vile person:evil:. I can't even begin to express how awful that comment is. These liberal people have no shame whatsoever. They will say anything in the name of hate. This has gone to far.

Read more:
Maher: Palin?s Job at Fox Equivalent to Talking to Her Down Syndrome Baby | NewsBusters.org

How does one prepare for an upcoming appearance by Seth MacFarlane of Family Guy fame? If you're Bill Maher, you follow up the Family Guy/Sarah Palin/Down Syndrome attack by doing an 'exclusive rant' for the Huffington Post which includes - you guessed it - a joke about Sarah Palin's son, Trig. Maher appeals to his lower-intellect audience by stating:
"...while we were off, Sarah Palin agreed to do commentary at Fox News. Which is actually very similar to her day job - talking to a baby with Down Syndrome."

Freedom of speech is pretty awesome.

Don't like Bill Maher's jokes? Don't listen.

Guess what! US Army retired has freedom of speech too.. so sad for you.
That's pretty vile, but it's Bill Maher. He's a lost little man who's going to Hell. He'll get his due one day.

Good thing he doesn't believe in hell.

And I think it is quite funny he talked about the faux outrage from the right on his comedy special last week, and then we have US Retired proving his point. I bet Bill did on purpose to show the rights hypocrisy. :lol:

I had a dog that didn't believe in cars, either. He was still killed by one, however.

Bill Maher is vile. There's no defending what he said. I'm surprised people are even trying to defend him.

I hate to be the one to break it to ya X but liberals believe in wishing kidney failure on people they don't like, even their unclassy elected messiah thought it was hilarious, so don't expect much from them when it comes to Govenor Palin and her family.

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