Unbelievable....Bill Mayer: Palins Audience at Fox is Like a Downs Syndrome Baby.


It's a pattern Ravi. Seth McFarlane isn't the only villain. But go at it. It's backfiring. The more slime thrown at Palin makes her more sympathetic to the populace. Be careful what you wish for.
Please. You defended WJ's post about the Obama girls performing sex acts by equating it to Family Guy's portrayal of an obviously retarded cartoon character claiming she was Sarah Palin's daughter.

There is no comparison.

A valid comparison would be an obviously black girl claiming she was the daughter of the president. And guess what, that wouldn't have been offensive.

Now crawl back under your pc rock.
What a liberal vile person:evil:. I can't even begin to express how awful that comment is. These liberal people have no shame whatsoever. They will say anything in the name of hate. This has gone to far.

Read more:
Maher: Palin?s Job at Fox Equivalent to Talking to Her Down Syndrome Baby | NewsBusters.org

How does one prepare for an upcoming appearance by Seth MacFarlane of Family Guy fame? If you're Bill Maher, you follow up the Family Guy/Sarah Palin/Down Syndrome attack by doing an 'exclusive rant' for the Huffington Post which includes - you guessed it - a joke about Sarah Palin's son, Trig. Maher appeals to his lower-intellect audience by stating:
"...while we were off, Sarah Palin agreed to do commentary at Fox News. Which is actually very similar to her day job - talking to a baby with Down Syndrome."

Are you sincerely this fucking dumb or do you like to manufacture bullshit indignation? You far right fucks are experts at inventing fantasies to feed your persecution complexes.

It's a pattern Ravi. Seth McFarlane isn't the only villain. But go at it. It's backfiring. The more slime thrown at Palin makes her more sympathetic to the populace. Be careful what you wish for.

Are you kidding? Do you know how much mileage things like the "writing on her hand" stuff is getting on the joke circuit? We aren't laughing with her...we're laughing at her.

It's a pattern Ravi. Seth McFarlane isn't the only villain. But go at it. It's backfiring. The more slime thrown at Palin makes her more sympathetic to the populace. Be careful what you wish for.

Are you kidding? Do you know how much mileage things like the "writing on her hand" stuff is getting on the joke circuit? We aren't laughing with her...we're laughing at her.

and her children...

what's happened to you?

All the Libs I knew from the other broad went daft with power
Freedom of speech is pretty awesome.

Don't like Bill Maher's jokes? Don't listen.
Freedom of speech carries freedom to criticize.

Bill Mayer is a despicable piece of shit when measured by any true scale.

Fuck you very much.

No it is not. Down Syndrome does not = retard

Making fun of what cannot be changed is the mark of a compassion starved, self-centered, insensitive rube...such as Bill Mayer.

You were asked for a link to that....several posts back. Do you have one or should we just take your word for it? I want to read the quote in context...not in sound bites. Why can't you understand that?

I would guess that one in twenty thousand Fox viewers has DS. I would further guess that one in ten Obama supporters is Communist. (The rest are Marxist.:lol:)

Al Franken.

DS does not = retarded


The hell you say!

Fuck you very much.

They are part of her family.

Maybe she's so liberal she's ashamed of her own child...something you might expect from a Bill Mayer groupie.

Fuck you very much.

...and I bet you don't have the balls to him like any other child.

Proud parents see all of their children as trophies.

I saw that. :lol:

My favorite seen she ever played was when her and Corky got married, and everyone told them to use protection when sleeping together. That night they hugged/ protected each other. All Palin is doing is putting a stigma on her child.
Seen? My gawd! Where the fuck did you go to school?

Bill Mayer is a despicable piece of liberal shit!!!

Actually I lied she is a rep not a senator, and she is a Republican, douche bag. Google Cathy McMorris.

And you are only answer is to correct me on spelling?:cuckoo:
Just because she calls herself a Republican doesn't mean she's not liberal, douche bag! You didn't misspell seen, you used the wrong word. Let's not make a scene here. Where did you do to school? Can't you liberals answer a simple question like that? :lol:
Like I said before, I am too busy to care about that crap. I am trying to raise my child and help him through therapy. My sister has said a lot worse, and I just ignore it.
And I also don't hold him up like he is some trophy, loaf of bread, or the Lion King.
And by the way for someone who has admitted they smoke pot, you should really shut the fuck up. I never even said how much I smoke, and how about you stalking my posts, wierdo.
I take a few tokes a couple times o' month, usually when the wife and I hit the Jaccuzi in the back yard, right before I fuck her brains out. Unlike you, my brain isn't saturated with THC. Christ Luissa, you can't even spell or put together a coherent sentence half the time.

See your above posts for further proof.

And, what is any different than what you are doing as to what Palin is doing?

I haven't seen her kid since election night. Before that, she brought her kid on stage how many times?

How many times have the Obama's paraded their fucking kids around?

You're constantly up here parading YOUR KIDS affliction around like a "loaf of bread". Ya' friggin' hypocrite.

Get a fucking clue, and put the god damn bong down.

This is the only thread I have really mentioned him in, and it started because someone was telling me I don't know how it is when you are a parent of someone with downs syndrome.
And why don't you stick to the debate? We are not discussing my pot use in this thread. Which by the way is none of your business.


It's a pattern Ravi. Seth McFarlane isn't the only villain. But go at it. It's backfiring. The more slime thrown at Palin makes her more sympathetic to the populace. Be careful what you wish for.
Please. You defended WJ's post about the Obama girls performing sex acts by equating it to Family Guy's portrayal of an obviously retarded cartoon character claiming she was Sarah Palin's daughter.

There is no comparison.

A valid comparison would be an obviously black girl claiming she was the daughter of the president. And guess what, that wouldn't have been offensive.

Now crawl back under your pc rock.

Being black is not comparable to having Down Syndrome. You sound as if we should have compassion for people just because they are black.
Being a working mom is who Sarah Palin is, and who many of us are as well. Speaking of your children or taking them on the road is a fact of life. Get a grip people.

‘Little Whore’: Notorious ‘Family Guy’ Episode Features Lewd ‘Down Syndrome Girl’ Anthem

"You’ve got to look your best tonight, you tubby little parasite
‘Cause there’s a lovely lady and she’s waiting for you.
And though her pretty face may seem
A special person’s wettest dream
Before you get to see it there are things you must do.
We’ll try a tie, and boutonniere of yellow.
A rose that shows that you’re a classy fellow.
With a posh panache of Jefferson at Monticello,
Busting out a mile with style.
I know you just can’t wait to stare
At all that luscious orange hair
But boy before you touch a single curl
You must impress that ultra boomin’,
All-consumin’, poorly groomin’
Down syndrome girl.
On any normal day you reek
As if you’re on a farting streak,
Your fingers up your nose and you are dripping with drool.
But if you want a lady’s love,
You’re better off by smelling of
A gentleman’s cologne instead of sneakers and stool.
A squirt, a spurt of something just for Ellen
And you’ll see that she will find you so compellin’.
And she does because the only smell that she’ll be smellin’
Won’t be comin’ from your bum.
You want to take that little whore
And spin her on the dancing floor
But boy, before you do a single twirl –
You must impress that effervescing,
Self-possessing, no-BS-ing
Down syndrome girl.
Her eyes are emerald portals to a secret land of love
And her smile is like the sweetest summer flower.
Her kiss is so inviting, and her hugs are so delighting.
And what makes them really nice is that they’ve got a little spice
Because they’re tighter than a vice and they go on for an hour.
My boy, between the two of us we’ll get you on that shorty bus.
And then you’re going to take it for a whirl.
Now go impress that super-thrilling,
Wish-fulfilling, Yoo-Hoo-spilling,
Ultra-swinging, boner-bringing,
Daily singing, ding-a-linging
Stupefying, fortifying,
Stimulating, titillating,
Kitty-cat impersonating,
Mega-rocking, pillow talking,
Just a little crooked walking,
Poorly pouting, boobies sprouting,
For some reason always shouting,
Fascinating, captivating,
Happiness and joy creating
Down syndrome girl

Breitbart.tv ‘Little Whore’: Notorious ‘Family Guy’ Episode Features Lewd ‘Down Syndrome Girl’ Anthem
Being black is not comparable to having Down Syndrome. You sound as if we should have compassion for people just because they are black.
In a sense it is comparable. Both are the product of gene expression.

And really, there is no more shame in having Down's Syndrome than there is in being black...which is none in either case. Apparently Palin and her supporters feel being retarded is shameful.

Too bad for them.

But thank you for defending WJ's sexualization of children. :clap2:
To be honest I did not even read WJ's whole post. All I saw was "nappy head" which is now the equivalent of retard (or is it?) I do not approve of the sexualization of any children. But comparing a post on a blog to an internationally syndicated TV show is pretty lame.

Get back to us when the "right-winged pundits" start attacking disabled children. And girls with funny hair.
To be honest I did not even read WJ's whole post. All I saw was "nappy head" which is now the equivalent of retard (or is it?) I do not approve of the sexualization of any children. But comparing a post on a blog to an internationally syndicated TV show is pretty lame.

Get back to us when the "right-winged pundits" start attacking disabled children. And girls with funny hair.
My disgusting comments about Obama's kids fully exposed these hypocritical loons, as I no doubt knew it would.

Listening to these moron's trying to spin and deflect their hypocrisy is just too damn funny, and quite entertaining.

They were pawned. And I guarantee, it won't be the last time!
Being black is not comparable to having Down Syndrome. You sound as if we should have compassion for people just because they are black.
In a sense it is comparable. Both are the product of gene expression.
One is a consequence of a genetic anomaly. The other is a consequence of natural diversity among races.

And really, there is no more shame in having Down's Syndrome than there is in being black...which is none in either case. Apparently Palin and her supporters feel being retarded is shameful.
Too bad for them.
Hardly so. If she thought that, she'd keep Trig out of sight.

But thank you for defending WJ's sexualization of children. :clap2:
I suspect you took offense more at who it was directed toward than the fact that the girls are budding, little pre-pubescent celebrities.

WJ's wit exceeded that of the maggot-minded Bill Mayer and his writer's. You see, that's one thing the BM Groupies will never fathom...he hires people to write that shit.
I think nappy headed is meant to be a racial slur, not a comment on intelligence.

But good of you other two assholes for pretending writing children into sexual situations is okay if they are the children of politicians.

I think nappy headed is meant to be a racial slur, not a comment on intelligence.

But good of you other two assholes for pretending writing children into sexual situations is okay if they are the children of politicians.

Racial slurs, bashing downs inflicted children, what's the fucking difference?

Fact is, I attacked Obama's children to prove a point. You hypocrites fully proved my point.

That point being, it's perfectly fine for you liberal pieces of shit to bash Palin's kid. But god forbid anybody attack the Messiah's kids.

Seriously, you people are fucking moron's and hypocrites

But, you clowns are the 21%ers. Your loony agenda is going in flames, DUMBASSES!

Christ, liberals are fucking idiots!:cuckoo:
I think nappy headed is meant to be a racial slur, not a comment on intelligence.

But good of you other two assholes for pretending writing children into sexual situations is okay if they are the children of politicians.

Racial slurs, bashing downs inflicted children, what's the fucking difference?

Fact is, I attacked Obama's children to prove a point. You hypocrites fully proved my point.

That point being, it's perfectly fine for you liberal pieces of shit to bash Palin's kid. But god forbid anybody attack the Messiah's kids.

Seriously, you people are fucking moron's and hypocrites

But, you clowns are the 21%ers. Your loony agenda is going in flames, DUMBASSES!

Christ, liberals are fucking idiots!:cuckoo:
Fact is, you like to think of young girls performing sex acts. You are an asshole and a cad. Drop dead.
I think the wingnuts would get the shock of their lifetimes were the election today and Palin went up for office.

What a blowout...what a victory for Obama that would be.

I wish they WOULD run that ass-clown in 2012.


It's a pattern Ravi. Seth McFarlane isn't the only villain. But go at it. It's backfiring. The more slime thrown at Palin makes her more sympathetic to the populace. Be careful what you wish for.

Are you kidding? Do you know how much mileage things like the "writing on her hand" stuff is getting on the joke circuit? We aren't laughing with her...we're laughing at her.

and her children...

what's happened to you?

All the Libs I knew from the other broad went daft with power

Her children wrote stuff on their hands before giving a speech? Really? Hadn't heard that one. LOL
I think nappy headed is meant to be a racial slur, not a comment on intelligence.

But good of you other two assholes for pretending writing children into sexual situations is okay if they are the children of politicians.

Racial slurs, bashing downs inflicted children, what's the fucking difference?

Fact is, I attacked Obama's children to prove a point. You hypocrites fully proved my point.

That point being, it's perfectly fine for you liberal pieces of shit to bash Palin's kid. But god forbid anybody attack the Messiah's kids.

Seriously, you people are fucking moron's and hypocrites

But, you clowns are the 21%ers. Your loony agenda is going in flames, DUMBASSES!

Christ, liberals are fucking idiots!:cuckoo:
Fact is, you like to think of young girls performing sex acts. You are an asshole and a cad. Drop dead.
Fact is, I have nothing against Obama's kids. They seem like good kids with wonderful futures ahead of them.

You, and those of your ilk obviously enjoy beating up on those children who may be less fortunate than you. Both mentally and physically. You people are pond scum.

Face it douchebag. I pawned your fucking asses. I fully exposed you for being the dirtbags you truly are. And you don't like it!

Oh well, it won't be the last time. That I guarantee.

Lucifer has a special place just waiting for the likes of you scum!
So, you're making the case that disgusting gay fucks are the same as primates.

Interesting. Primates do some pretty disgusting things. You know, like eat their own shit and things like that. And, gays do some pretty disgusting things also.

So, yes, I really can't disagree with ya' on that one!:razz:

Let's see, BIGHORN SHEEP also engage in homosexual behavior as do Dolphins whose brain physyology VERY CLOSELY reflects our own.
So, your point is?

What is obvious, is that bighorn sheep and dolphins CHOOSE to engage in that freakish behavior.

Nothing proven!

Cold Fusion is an idiot it's poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

Let's see, BIGHORN SHEEP also engage in homosexual behavior as do Dolphins whose brain physyology VERY CLOSELY reflects our own.
So, your point is?

What is obvious, is that bighorn sheep and dolphins CHOOSE to engage in that freakish behavior.

Nothing proven!

Cold Fusion is an idiot it's poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

YOU are an idiot for not recognising that animal behavior is relevant to human behavior.
So, your point is?

What is obvious, is that bighorn sheep and dolphins CHOOSE to engage in that freakish behavior.

Nothing proven!

Cold Fusion is an idiot it's poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

YOU are an idiot for not recognising that animal behavior is relevant to human behavior.

Animals lack the precision and clarity of human intellectual perception, they cannot use reason or think logically. Animals act and react purely out of instinct.

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