Unbelievable....Bill Mayer: Palins Audience at Fox is Like a Downs Syndrome Baby.

True nature? You do realize you've proven my point, don't ya? Go against TRUE nature, means that homosexuality isn't natural.

Prove that you're born gay.

You are proving you were born stupid. We'll give you that.

Typical liberal response. You can't win the argument so you hurl insults and in doing so you exhibit your own brand of stupidity.

So...if I go back thru your posting history and find examples of you hurling insults....that means you are a liberal?

And an atheist too.

The things we find out when we read your posts long enough.:eusa_eh:
Homosexuals are less powerful than heterosexuals? In other words you believe that gays are inferior and you also believe that someone that doesn't support your homosexual agenda isn't caring or open minded. Nevermind that there are millions upon millions of people that believe homosexuality is a sin.

I really don't give a FUCK what you HYPOCRITICAL ass considers a SIN!!! Keep you FUCKING RELIGION out of MY FUCKING GOVERNMENT!!!

That's not how it works dumbass. Keeping the government out of my religion is how it works. Maybe one day when you grow you'll come to understand the true meaning of separation of church and state.

Typical liberal response. You can't win the argument so you hurl insults and in doing so you exhibit your own brand of stupidity.
True nature? You do realize you've proven my point, don't ya? Go against TRUE nature, means that homosexuality isn't natural.

Prove that you're born gay.

WOW you really ARE a DISHONEST FUCK aren't you? Why would you DELIBERATELY MISQUOTE me if you had the "truth" on your side?

I highlighted your quote dumbass, I didn't quote you. Do you see any quotations marks? NO 'cause you're a dumbass.

Typical liberal response. You can't win the argument so you hurl insults and in doing so you exhibit your own brand of stupidity.
According to scientist there is no gay gene. They've been looking for a while now and still nada. If you believe there is a gay gene then link your source or shut the fuck up.

Uh YEAH there is no resarcher in the WORLD that has said there is NO gay gene!!! They don't KNOW and neither do you so maybe you should STFU about it rather than making BULLSHIT CLAIMS!

Hey stupid, there is no gay gene!!!!
Typical liberal response. You can't win the argument so you hurl insults and in doing so you exhibit your own brand of stupidity.
You are proving you were born stupid. We'll give you that.

Typical liberal response. You can't win the argument so you hurl insults and in doing so you exhibit your own brand of stupidity.

So...if I go back thru your posting history and find examples of you hurling insults....that means you are a liberal?

And an atheist too.

The things we find out when we read your posts long enough.:eusa_eh:

What makes you a liberal is your incapabilty to support your claims along with you not being an independent thinker. Which is typical. My request was a simple one. Prove that you are born gay. You come back with "You are proving you were born stupid", typical liberal response.

Let's see, BIGHORN SHEEP also engage in homosexual behavior as do Dolphins whose brain physyology VERY CLOSELY reflects our own.
So, your point is?

What is obvious, is that bighorn sheep and dolphins CHOOSE to engage in that freakish behavior.

Nothing proven!

Cold Fusion is an idiot it's poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

Typical liberal response. You can't win the argument so you hurl insults and in doing so you exhibit your own brand of stupidity.
So, your point is?

What is obvious, is that bighorn sheep and dolphins CHOOSE to engage in that freakish behavior.

Nothing proven!

Cold Fusion is an idiot it's poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

Typical liberal response. You can't win the argument so you hurl insults and in doing so you exhibit your own brand of stupidity.

What's the matter bodecea? You're tired of losing arguments , so you simply repeat what I've said about you. How cute. I must have hit a never huh? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha that's too fucking funny!!!
Oh and by the way seperation of Church and State DOES mean keeping you religion out of ou gov't! If you are too fucking stupid to realize that then there is no hope for you.
Oh and by the way seperation of Church and State DOES mean keeping you religion out of ou gov't! If you are too fucking stupid to realize that then there is no hope for you.

Prove it.

Explain why Congress opens each session with a prayer which they've done since 1774. Explain why all 50 states' preambles and the US's preamble to the Constitution mentions "God". Eplain why Moses with the Ten Commandments are displayed in the rotunda of the Library of Congress.

Explain why the Washington Monument:
From the tallest structure in Washington a message of ‘Praise be to God” goes forth. Engraved upon the aluminum capstone on the top of this 555 foot monument is Laus Deo. Inside the structure are carved tribute blocks with many Godly messages: “Holiness to the Lord,” “Search the Scriptures,” “The memory of the just is blessed,” and others.

Explain why:
The Library of Congress
Within the Great Hall of the Jefferson Building are two cases, one containing a Gutenberg Bible and the other a hand-copied Giant Bible of Mainz. The display of these two Bibles is appropriate because, in the words of President Andrew Jackson, “The Bible is the rock upon which our republic rests.” Many Biblical inscriptions can be found on the ceiling and walls.

In the Main Reading Room are statues and quotes representing fields of knowledge. Moses and Paul represent religion, with the inscription, “What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God?”

Explain why:
The Supreme Court
The Biblical foundation of American law is evidenced throughout this building. On the outside East Pediment is a marble relief of Moses holding tablets containing the Ten Commandments. Engraved on the oak doors at the entrance of the Court Chamber are the Roman numerals I through X, and above the heads of the justices is a carved marble relief with a large stone tablet containing I through X (each set of numerals represents ancient law, that is the Ten Commandments).

Explain why:
The Capitol Building
All of the eight large paintings in the Rotunda present aspects of our Christian history including The Baptism of Pocahontas and Departure of the Pilgrims from Holland which depicts the Pilgrims observing a day of prayer and fasting.

“In God We Trust,” our national motto, is inscribed in letters of gold behind the speaker’s rostrum in the House Chamber. Also in this chamber, above the central Gallery door, is a marble relief of Moses, the greatest of 23 noted law-givers.

Explain why:
The White House
An inscription by the first president to inhabit the White House, John Adams, is cut into the marble facing of the State Dining Room fireplace. It reads: “I pray Heaven to Bestow the Best of Blessings on THIS HOUSE and on All that shall hereafter Inhabit it. May none but Honest and Wise Men ever rule under this Roof.”

Explain why:
Many other monuments and buildings in Washington proclaim America’s faith in God. On the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery is the inscription: “Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.”

Explain why:
On the front facade of Union Station three Scripture verses are engraved including, “Thou has put all things under his feet” and “The truth shall make you free.” Lincoln’s words on his memorial exclaim “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.”
Cold Fusion is an idiot it's poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

Typical liberal response. You can't win the argument so you hurl insults and in doing so you exhibit your own brand of stupidity.

What's the matter bodecea? You're tired of losing arguments , so you simply repeat what I've said about you. How cute. I must have hit a never huh? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha that's too fucking funny!!!

Typical liberal response. You can't win the argument so you hurl insults and in doing so you exhibit your own brand of stupidity.
Oh and by the way seperation of Church and State DOES mean keeping you religion out of ou gov't! If you are too fucking stupid to realize that then there is no hope for you.

Prove it.

Explain why Congress opens each session with a prayer which they've done since 1774. Explain why all 50 states' preambles and the US's preamble to the Constitution mentions "God". Eplain why Moses with the Ten Commandments are displayed in the rotunda of the Library of Congress.
Moses with the 10 commandments? Got a picture to show us?

Explain why the Washington Monument:
From the tallest structure in Washington a message of ‘Praise be to God” goes forth. Engraved upon the aluminum capstone on the top of this 555 foot monument is Laus Deo. Inside the structure are carved tribute blocks with many Godly messages: “Holiness to the Lord,” “Search the Scriptures,” “The memory of the just is blessed,” and others.

Freemasons built it.

Explain why:
The Library of Congress
Within the Great Hall of the Jefferson Building are two cases, one containing a Gutenberg Bible and the other a hand-copied Giant Bible of Mainz. The display of these two Bibles is appropriate because, in the words of President Andrew Jackson, “The Bible is the rock upon which our republic rests.” Many Biblical inscriptions can be found on the ceiling and walls.

Because they started the Library of Congress with Jefferson's personal collection. And it IS a library....and Andrew Jackson HAS the right to say what he said (while abusing the Native Americans and stealing Florida, btw)

In the Main Reading Room are statues and quotes representing fields of knowledge. Moses and Paul represent religion, with the inscription, “What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God?”

So....there is ONLY Moses and Paul statues and quotes?

Explain why:
The Supreme Court
The Biblical foundation of American law is evidenced throughout this building. On the outside East Pediment is a marble relief of Moses holding tablets containing the Ten Commandments. Engraved on the oak doors at the entrance of the Court Chamber are the Roman numerals I through X, and above the heads of the justices is a carved marble relief with a large stone tablet containing I through X (each set of numerals represents ancient law, that is the Ten Commandments).

Are there ONLY Christian symbols there?

Explain why:
The Capitol Building
All of the eight large paintings in the Rotunda present aspects of our Christian history including The Baptism of Pocahontas and Departure of the Pilgrims from Holland which depicts the Pilgrims observing a day of prayer and fasting.

Personally, I like the Rotunda dome with Washington as a God painted on it. Washington as a God. That's right.

“In God We Trust,” our national motto, is inscribed in letters of gold behind the speaker’s rostrum in the House Chamber. Also in this chamber, above the central Gallery door, is a marble relief of Moses, the greatest of 23 noted law-givers.

So, there is ONLY a marble relief of Moses back there?

Explain why:
The White House
An inscription by the first president to inhabit the White House, John Adams, is cut into the marble facing of the State Dining Room fireplace. It reads: “I pray Heaven to Bestow the Best of Blessings on THIS HOUSE and on All that shall hereafter Inhabit it. May none but Honest and Wise Men ever rule under this Roof.”

"None, but honest and wise men RULE? " So much for THAT wish, eh? :lol::lol::lol:

Explain why:
Many other monuments and buildings in Washington proclaim America’s faith in God. On the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery is the inscription: “Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.”

Actually it says "known but to their gods" look it up. ;)

Explain why:
On the front facade of Union Station three Scripture verses are engraved including, “Thou has put all things under his feet” and “The truth shall make you free.” Lincoln’s words on his memorial exclaim “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.”

Union Station? Union Station? You are using a TRAIN station as an example of religion in government? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Well, it's quite evident from all your examples that you cannot:

a) Tell the difference between a President as a person having a religious preference and a President FORCING their religion on the country as a whole

b) Tell the difference between a lawgiver such as Moses being one of many examples of lawgivers as opposed to cherrypicking Moses as the one and only meaningful lawgiver

c) Recognize Freemasonry symbology

BTW...can you explain to us why most monuments in Washington D.C. are modeled after Greek, Roman, and Egyptian pagan temples and shrines?
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Oh and by the way seperation of Church and State DOES mean keeping you religion out of ou gov't! If you are too fucking stupid to realize that then there is no hope for you.

Prove it.

Explain why Congress opens each session with a prayer which they've done since 1774. Explain why all 50 states' preambles and the US's preamble to the Constitution mentions "God". Eplain why Moses with the Ten Commandments are displayed in the rotunda of the Library of Congress.
Moses with the 10 commandments? Got a picture to show us?

Freemasons built it.

Because they started the Library of Congress with Jefferson's personal collection. And it IS a library....and Andrew Jackson HAS the right to say what he said (while abusing the Native Americans and stealing Florida, btw)

So....there is ONLY Moses and Paul statues and quotes?

Are there ONLY Christian symbols there?

Personally, I like the Rotunda dome with Washington as a God painted on it. Washington as a God. That's right.

So, there is ONLY a marble relief of Moses back there?

"None, but honest and wise men RULE? " So much for THAT wish, eh? :lol::lol::lol:

Explain why:
Many other monuments and buildings in Washington proclaim America’s faith in God. On the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery is the inscription: “Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.”

Actually it says "known but to their gods" look it up. ;)

Explain why:
On the front facade of Union Station three Scripture verses are engraved including, “Thou has put all things under his feet” and “The truth shall make you free.” Lincoln’s words on his memorial exclaim “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.”

Union Station? Union Station? You are using a TRAIN station as an example of religion in government? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Well, it's quite evident from all your examples that you cannot:

a) Tell the difference between a President as a person having a religious preference and a President FORCING their religion on the country as a whole

b) Tell the difference between a lawgiver such as Moses being one of many examples of lawgivers as opposed to cherrypicking Moses as the one and only meaningful lawgiver

c) Recognize Freemasonry symbology

BTW...can you explain to us why most monuments in Washington D.C. are modeled after Greek, Roman, and Egyptian pagan temples and shrines?

You fail!
“Here rests an American soldier, known but to God” Wise Conservatism

The inscription says: “Here rests, In Honored Glory, an American soldier, known but to God.”
Prove it.

Explain why Congress opens each session with a prayer which they've done since 1774. Explain why all 50 states' preambles and the US's preamble to the Constitution mentions "God". Eplain why Moses with the Ten Commandments are displayed in the rotunda of the Library of Congress.
Moses with the 10 commandments? Got a picture to show us?

Freemasons built it.

Because they started the Library of Congress with Jefferson's personal collection. And it IS a library....and Andrew Jackson HAS the right to say what he said (while abusing the Native Americans and stealing Florida, btw)

So....there is ONLY Moses and Paul statues and quotes?

Are there ONLY Christian symbols there?

Personally, I like the Rotunda dome with Washington as a God painted on it. Washington as a God. That's right.

So, there is ONLY a marble relief of Moses back there?

"None, but honest and wise men RULE? " So much for THAT wish, eh? :lol::lol::lol:

Actually it says "known but to their gods" look it up. ;)

Explain why:
On the front facade of Union Station three Scripture verses are engraved including, “Thou has put all things under his feet” and “The truth shall make you free.” Lincoln’s words on his memorial exclaim “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.”

Union Station? Union Station? You are using a TRAIN station as an example of religion in government? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Well, it's quite evident from all your examples that you cannot:

a) Tell the difference between a President as a person having a religious preference and a President FORCING their religion on the country as a whole

b) Tell the difference between a lawgiver such as Moses being one of many examples of lawgivers as opposed to cherrypicking Moses as the one and only meaningful lawgiver

c) Recognize Freemasonry symbology

BTW...can you explain to us why most monuments in Washington D.C. are modeled after Greek, Roman, and Egyptian pagan temples and shrines?

You fail!
“Here rests an American soldier, known but to God” Wise Conservatism

The inscription says: “Here rests, In Honored Glory, an American soldier, known but to God.”

Ah, you missed my ;)

And the rest...including that very tomb...looking like Greek, Roman, Egyptian pagan temples and shrines?
Hey Lonestar, is that dopey governor of yours still threatening to secede? What's the status of that? Can I help you guys pack, or what?
Hey Lonestar, is that dopey governor of yours still threatening to secede? What's the status of that? Can I help you guys pack, or what?

Notice under his name...he want's to be a "Republic" again. :lol::lol: Last time they BEGGED to be let into the U.S. They couldn't pay their debts. Jackson was right...we should never have let them in.
Moses with the 10 commandments? Got a picture to show us?

Freemasons built it.

Because they started the Library of Congress with Jefferson's personal collection. And it IS a library....and Andrew Jackson HAS the right to say what he said (while abusing the Native Americans and stealing Florida, btw)

So....there is ONLY Moses and Paul statues and quotes?

Are there ONLY Christian symbols there?

Personally, I like the Rotunda dome with Washington as a God painted on it. Washington as a God. That's right.

So, there is ONLY a marble relief of Moses back there?

"None, but honest and wise men RULE? " So much for THAT wish, eh? :lol::lol::lol:

Actually it says "known but to their gods" look it up. ;)

Union Station? Union Station? You are using a TRAIN station as an example of religion in government? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Well, it's quite evident from all your examples that you cannot:

a) Tell the difference between a President as a person having a religious preference and a President FORCING their religion on the country as a whole

b) Tell the difference between a lawgiver such as Moses being one of many examples of lawgivers as opposed to cherrypicking Moses as the one and only meaningful lawgiver

c) Recognize Freemasonry symbology

BTW...can you explain to us why most monuments in Washington D.C. are modeled after Greek, Roman, and Egyptian pagan temples and shrines?

You fail!
“Here rests an American soldier, known but to God” Wise Conservatism

The inscription says: “Here rests, In Honored Glory, an American soldier, known but to God.”

Ah, you missed my ;)

And the rest...including that very tomb...looking like Greek, Roman, Egyptian pagan temples and shrines?

So what it doesn't take away the scriptures written on them or alter their meanings.
Hey Lonestar, is that dopey governor of yours still threatening to secede? What's the status of that? Can I help you guys pack, or what?

Perry has never threatened to secede. Pack? What are you that stupid? Even if Texas did secede, we wouldn't have to pack. You liberals are some stupid fuckers.
Yeah you WOULD have to pack because after suceding Texas would either be taken by Mexico or taken BACK by the USA through force of arms and your dopey ass would be chased across the boarder. How is your Spanish?
I guess Texas will have to REALLY have taxation w/o representation when they secede and are taken BACK by the USA. I think you would become like a territory after such a move.

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