Undecided Voters: did you see, on Super Tuesday, when Biden mistook his sister for his wife?

Right Joe, my reply was loaded with racial epithets. I am truly amazed at how people with serious untreated mental issues can see words that were never there.

The words you say are clear enough, buddy. Your constant whining about your black neighbors, for instance.

My neighbors had nothing to do with my comment. Care to try again, or admit you have some serious OCD issues?
I don’t think hunter should have taken that job...

Joe Biden was in charge of our Ukraine foreign policy, which means no American citizen can indulge in Hunter's type of employment without our foreign policy guards okaying it. Joe Biden knew Burisma was corrupt, 20yrs ago, when Joe Biden was on Capitol Hill reading our Ukraine policy being created nearly 20yrs ago.

Therefore how do you view Joe Biden, when it comes to what Hunter did in Ukraine? And how do you feel re: Joe Biden, bragging, about getting the prosecutor fired when he started snooping around?
I think Hunter took a job and no commingling or corruption or coordination has been shown between himself and Joe using his office. I think he had every right to brag about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired which was him doing his job.

And yet, that prosecutor said on video that he was indeed investigating the Biden dealings, and that's why he was fired. The prosecutor that replaced him was just as corrupt. Yet the Obama administration had no problems with that.
Are you quoting the prosecutor that our government and other world governments wanted out because of his corruption?

ok now that we have his testimony is there anything to back it up?

For one, Shokin gains nothing by making up a lie. He's out, and he's never going to get that job back. This is an eye witness we're talking about; somebody that was directly involved. When your people made the same claim about Kavanaugh, we were supposed to take it at face value. When the left made the claim of why Trump withheld aid, they didn't ask for any other input. They made the claim with no evidence, therefore it must be true, and they impeached him based on mind reading.

Now we have the actual person involved, not some bogus claim from 30 some years ago, and now we must have evidence before he's to be believed.
...is this the guy, you want running the country? ..

... Biden's response? "they switched on me!"


Here he is @ 3 : 20

The decision-making processes of the, Commander-In-Chief, needs much better than this.

To be clear, he did not actually look at his sister and "believe" she was his wife. Aging comes with certain speech pathologies, one of the most prevalent of which is word recall. That's why your grandma will run through a list of four names before getting yours right. No, your grandma is not looking at you and mistaking you for the family pet, or your uncle.

What would be really creepy is if Biden would have made casual remarks about incest with her, à la our mentally ill child president.
Hahaha, are you shitting me?! Of course it’s about if there’s a crime! you dimwits keep accusing the Biden’s of crimes. Sane people know you are full of shit which is why you can’t address the simple question of why Barr doesn’t indict him. Because there are no crimes!!!

No pal. Sane people are out there recognizing you and your demonic sect, called Dems, each time you refuse to discuss the gritty facts of this issue. Because I know that you knew that I knew that you know that any honest American who discusses the facts will conclude that Biden committed an illegality against our Ukraine foreign policy ---which by default proves he's corrupt and undeserving of the U.S. Presidency. Forevermore.

That is why you refuse to discuss the acts and events which keep being mentioned here. Yes. Just one example...You already know that you'll be compelled to conclude Biden is corrupt ---if you were to EVER honestly discuss the Ukraine prosecutor who sleepy Joe bragged about getting fired.

So yes, please keep taking this public path you've chosen on USM. You are the exact type of deceitful, Dem, who President Trump needs for undecided voters to experience.
Haha, ok, I’d love to discuss the facts. Please explain how Biden’s actions were illegal and which laws he broke.

That has yet to be determined. But lets face facts here, the Democrat party went nuts when they found out that Trump was curious about the Burisma/ Biden thing; so to the point they created this phony impeachment to try and stop him.

Now normally, I would say that these politicians have their bases covered regardless of how obvious their corruption is. But in this case, the Democrats made it clear something needed to remain hidden.

IMO, the Democrats needed to shut Zelensky up. They didn't want him doing any favors for Trump. However, they could not come out and tell him to keep quiet. So they orchestrated this phony impeachment to do that for them. They knew Zelensky didn't want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between the Democrat House and the Republican President. So he didn't cooperate with Trump's request. After all, Ukraine's aid comes from the Congress and the White House.

It worked very well for them. Zelensky stated quiet like they planned. However that doesn't mean the corruption between Joe and Busisma didn't take place. So now, it's just a matter of finding the evidence of it.
It’s going to be in “yet to be determined” status for a long time... you got old news that trump is trying to use to criminalize his opponent for political dirt. Y’all will throw a hissy fit about it during the election, nothing will be done by the DOJ because there aren’t crimes, and then it will all be forgotten. Boring

Correct. Also known as the deep state.
The Left isn't excited about Biden....they're just desperate to beat Trump and right now they perceive he's their best shot.
They admit, they'd vote for a brown turd, a Communist or even Satan before someone who is Christian and loves the USA.
Turn out for Biden will disappoint just as turn out for Sanders would.

Americans have seen the twisted, dishonest nature of the Left and reject it even though there are millions of "Americans?" in their ranks.
I suspect much of the Left's hatred is actually against Christianity.....America's and Trumps.

Hopefully the dwindling Conservative sector of America will realize the extremely critical nature of this election cycle and not one will sit out this election.

A lot of Republicans stayed home last presidential election because of our choice in Trump. Now that the scorecard is out, I think those people won't do the same. This is especially true for those of us who didn't get hit with Commie Care fines for the first time since it was passed. We also either paid less in income taxes or got a larger refund back. Those who understand their own tax returns will realize this.
A lot of Republicans stayed home last presidential election because of our choice in Trump.
And yet , somehow, a record number of republicans voted in 2016 and in the 2018 midterms. By the way, they got outvoted by Democrats by about 3 million and 10 million votes, respectively.

So, um, yeah...you're making up silly shit, again.
...is this the guy, you want running the country? ..

... Biden's response? "they switched on me!"


Here he is @ 3 : 20

The decision-making processes of the, Commander-In-Chief, needs much better than this.

Damn, the man really IS senile. And HE'S the Dems' front runner right now.......

Maybe they're trying to outdo their last terrible pick? :dunno:
I hope the GOP strategy is to now delve, deeper, then wait until mid-October to drop the bombshell Burisma-Biden details and facts painting Biden as a conniving criminal against USA foreign policy therefore deeming him ineligible to be U.S. President.

Barr said that his investigation will probably be complete late spring or early summer. If Biden happens to be part of that picture, perfect timing.
I'm not particularly a Biden fan but anybody but trump should be every patriotic American's motto. Well, anybody but those still gullible enough to believe that trump isn't a megalomaniac or has some such psychiatric disorder. I saw Biden and family overjoyed with their winning and Joe does seem to be a guy who gets mixed up at times. This normal human happiness wouldn't happen with trump. No love, excitement, or joy with he and his bunch. No humanity or compassion. No obeying of our laws cuz he actually does believe that article 2 allows him to do whatever he wants and laws and traditions and precedent don't apply to him.
Go Biden or Bernie or just about any anybody else but four more years of this monster. Bernie's my pick.
I don’t think hunter should have taken that job...

Joe Biden was in charge of our Ukraine foreign policy, which means no American citizen can indulge in Hunter's type of employment without our foreign policy guards okaying it. Joe Biden knew Burisma was corrupt, 20yrs ago, when Joe Biden was on Capitol Hill reading our Ukraine policy being created nearly 20yrs ago.

Therefore how do you view Joe Biden, when it comes to what Hunter did in Ukraine? And how do you feel re: Joe Biden, bragging, about getting the prosecutor fired when he started snooping around?
I think Hunter took a job and no commingling or corruption or coordination has been shown between himself and Joe using his office. I think he had every right to brag about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired which was him doing his job.

And yet, that prosecutor said on video that he was indeed investigating the Biden dealings, and that's why he was fired. The prosecutor that replaced him was just as corrupt. Yet the Obama administration had no problems with that.
Are you quoting the prosecutor that our government and other world governments wanted out because of his corruption?

ok now that we have his testimony is there anything to back it up?

For one, Shokin gains nothing by making up a lie. He's out, and he's never going to get that job back. This is an eye witness we're talking about; somebody that was directly involved. When your people made the same claim about Kavanaugh, we were supposed to take it at face value. When the left made the claim of why Trump withheld aid, they didn't ask for any other input. They made the claim with no evidence, therefore it must be true, and they impeached him based on mind reading.

Now we have the actual person involved, not some bogus claim from 30 some years ago, and now we must have evidence before he's to be believed.
Shokin wasn’t just an eye witness he was the person being accused and discredited and fired. He is the subject who is know known to be shady and corrupt. What do you mean he has nothing to gain by saying “I wasn’t corrupt”?! Do you hear yourself Ray? Makes no sense
Hahaha, are you shitting me?! Of course it’s about if there’s a crime! you dimwits keep accusing the Biden’s of crimes. Sane people know you are full of shit which is why you can’t address the simple question of why Barr doesn’t indict him. Because there are no crimes!!!

No pal. Sane people are out there recognizing you and your demonic sect, called Dems, each time you refuse to discuss the gritty facts of this issue. Because I know that you knew that I knew that you know that any honest American who discusses the facts will conclude that Biden committed an illegality against our Ukraine foreign policy ---which by default proves he's corrupt and undeserving of the U.S. Presidency. Forevermore.

That is why you refuse to discuss the acts and events which keep being mentioned here. Yes. Just one example...You already know that you'll be compelled to conclude Biden is corrupt ---if you were to EVER honestly discuss the Ukraine prosecutor who sleepy Joe bragged about getting fired.

So yes, please keep taking this public path you've chosen on USM. You are the exact type of deceitful, Dem, who President Trump needs for undecided voters to experience.
Haha, ok, I’d love to discuss the facts. Please explain how Biden’s actions were illegal and which laws he broke.

That has yet to be determined. But lets face facts here, the Democrat party went nuts when they found out that Trump was curious about the Burisma/ Biden thing; so to the point they created this phony impeachment to try and stop him.

Now normally, I would say that these politicians have their bases covered regardless of how obvious their corruption is. But in this case, the Democrats made it clear something needed to remain hidden.

IMO, the Democrats needed to shut Zelensky up. They didn't want him doing any favors for Trump. However, they could not come out and tell him to keep quiet. So they orchestrated this phony impeachment to do that for them. They knew Zelensky didn't want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between the Democrat House and the Republican President. So he didn't cooperate with Trump's request. After all, Ukraine's aid comes from the Congress and the White House.

It worked very well for them. Zelensky stated quiet like they planned. However that doesn't mean the corruption between Joe and Busisma didn't take place. So now, it's just a matter of finding the evidence of it.
It’s going to be in “yet to be determined” status for a long time... you got old news that trump is trying to use to criminalize his opponent for political dirt. Y’all will throw a hissy fit about it during the election, nothing will be done by the DOJ because there aren’t crimes, and then it will all be forgotten. Boring

Correct. Also known as the deep state.
thats a weak excuse. Is Barr now a deep state player? Go ahead and say it. I’ve been waiting for y’all to throw him under the bus
No pal. Sane people are out there recognizing you and your demonic sect, called Dems, each time you refuse to discuss the gritty facts of this issue. Because I know that you knew that I knew that you know that any honest American who discusses the facts will conclude that Biden committed an illegality against our Ukraine foreign policy ---which by default proves he's corrupt and undeserving of the U.S. Presidency. Forevermore.

That is why you refuse to discuss the acts and events which keep being mentioned here. Yes. Just one example...You already know that you'll be compelled to conclude Biden is corrupt ---if you were to EVER honestly discuss the Ukraine prosecutor who sleepy Joe bragged about getting fired.

So yes, please keep taking this public path you've chosen on USM. You are the exact type of deceitful, Dem, who President Trump needs for undecided voters to experience.
Haha, ok, I’d love to discuss the facts. Please explain how Biden’s actions were illegal and which laws he broke.

That has yet to be determined. But lets face facts here, the Democrat party went nuts when they found out that Trump was curious about the Burisma/ Biden thing; so to the point they created this phony impeachment to try and stop him.

Now normally, I would say that these politicians have their bases covered regardless of how obvious their corruption is. But in this case, the Democrats made it clear something needed to remain hidden.

IMO, the Democrats needed to shut Zelensky up. They didn't want him doing any favors for Trump. However, they could not come out and tell him to keep quiet. So they orchestrated this phony impeachment to do that for them. They knew Zelensky didn't want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between the Democrat House and the Republican President. So he didn't cooperate with Trump's request. After all, Ukraine's aid comes from the Congress and the White House.

It worked very well for them. Zelensky stated quiet like they planned. However that doesn't mean the corruption between Joe and Busisma didn't take place. So now, it's just a matter of finding the evidence of it.
It’s going to be in “yet to be determined” status for a long time... you got old news that trump is trying to use to criminalize his opponent for political dirt. Y’all will throw a hissy fit about it during the election, nothing will be done by the DOJ because there aren’t crimes, and then it will all be forgotten. Boring

Correct. Also known as the deep state.
thats a weak excuse. Is Barr now a deep state player? Go ahead and say it. I’ve been waiting for y’all to throw him under the bus

No he isn't, I'm a Barr supporter. But there are still deep staters in the DOJ, just like there are in the FISA and FBI.
No he isn't, I'm a Barr supporter.
No you aren't. You're a Trump supporter. If Trump throws Barr under the bus, you will fall right in line and castigate him, like a good little footsoldier.

In fact, you already did, when you (hilariously) bought into that dog and pony show that Trump and Barr put on two weeks ago. Man, you really should get on the Ginko, bro.
Joe Biden was in charge of our Ukraine foreign policy, which means no American citizen can indulge in Hunter's type of employment without our foreign policy guards okaying it. Joe Biden knew Burisma was corrupt, 20yrs ago, when Joe Biden was on Capitol Hill reading our Ukraine policy being created nearly 20yrs ago.

Therefore how do you view Joe Biden, when it comes to what Hunter did in Ukraine? And how do you feel re: Joe Biden, bragging, about getting the prosecutor fired when he started snooping around?
I think Hunter took a job and no commingling or corruption or coordination has been shown between himself and Joe using his office. I think he had every right to brag about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired which was him doing his job.

And yet, that prosecutor said on video that he was indeed investigating the Biden dealings, and that's why he was fired. The prosecutor that replaced him was just as corrupt. Yet the Obama administration had no problems with that.
Are you quoting the prosecutor that our government and other world governments wanted out because of his corruption?

ok now that we have his testimony is there anything to back it up?

For one, Shokin gains nothing by making up a lie. He's out, and he's never going to get that job back. This is an eye witness we're talking about; somebody that was directly involved. When your people made the same claim about Kavanaugh, we were supposed to take it at face value. When the left made the claim of why Trump withheld aid, they didn't ask for any other input. They made the claim with no evidence, therefore it must be true, and they impeached him based on mind reading.

Now we have the actual person involved, not some bogus claim from 30 some years ago, and now we must have evidence before he's to be believed.
Shokin wasn’t just an eye witness he was the person being accused and discredited and fired. He is the subject who is know known to be shady and corrupt. What do you mean he has nothing to gain by saying “I wasn’t corrupt”?! Do you hear yourself Ray? Makes no sense

So tell me, what does he gain? Nobody on primetime is paying him for an interview. He's not writing a book. He's not running for an elected office. He gains nothing.

Is he pissed at Joe? Probably so, but he's not just making a statement out of anger, he's putting a little energy into this.

BREAKING: Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin FILES FEDERAL COMPLAINT Against Joe Biden

Ukraine court forces probe into Biden role in firing of prosecutor Viktor Shokin
Haha, ok, I’d love to discuss the facts. Please explain how Biden’s actions were illegal and which laws he broke.

That has yet to be determined. But lets face facts here, the Democrat party went nuts when they found out that Trump was curious about the Burisma/ Biden thing; so to the point they created this phony impeachment to try and stop him.

Now normally, I would say that these politicians have their bases covered regardless of how obvious their corruption is. But in this case, the Democrats made it clear something needed to remain hidden.

IMO, the Democrats needed to shut Zelensky up. They didn't want him doing any favors for Trump. However, they could not come out and tell him to keep quiet. So they orchestrated this phony impeachment to do that for them. They knew Zelensky didn't want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between the Democrat House and the Republican President. So he didn't cooperate with Trump's request. After all, Ukraine's aid comes from the Congress and the White House.

It worked very well for them. Zelensky stated quiet like they planned. However that doesn't mean the corruption between Joe and Busisma didn't take place. So now, it's just a matter of finding the evidence of it.
It’s going to be in “yet to be determined” status for a long time... you got old news that trump is trying to use to criminalize his opponent for political dirt. Y’all will throw a hissy fit about it during the election, nothing will be done by the DOJ because there aren’t crimes, and then it will all be forgotten. Boring

Correct. Also known as the deep state.
thats a weak excuse. Is Barr now a deep state player? Go ahead and say it. I’ve been waiting for y’all to throw him under the bus

No he isn't, I'm a Barr supporter. But there are still deep staters in the DOJ, just like there are in the FISA and FBI.
That’s a cheap excuse and doesn’t explain the inaction. Barr can do whatever he wants. if you believe that Barr is legit and we all know he would be backed by POTUS if he went after Biden then why isn’t indicting Biden?! if these crimes and corruption are so plain as day then something would be done.... I know I know... wait and see. This is getting boring
I think Hunter took a job and no commingling or corruption or coordination has been shown between himself and Joe using his office. I think he had every right to brag about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired which was him doing his job.

And yet, that prosecutor said on video that he was indeed investigating the Biden dealings, and that's why he was fired. The prosecutor that replaced him was just as corrupt. Yet the Obama administration had no problems with that.
Are you quoting the prosecutor that our government and other world governments wanted out because of his corruption?

ok now that we have his testimony is there anything to back it up?

For one, Shokin gains nothing by making up a lie. He's out, and he's never going to get that job back. This is an eye witness we're talking about; somebody that was directly involved. When your people made the same claim about Kavanaugh, we were supposed to take it at face value. When the left made the claim of why Trump withheld aid, they didn't ask for any other input. They made the claim with no evidence, therefore it must be true, and they impeached him based on mind reading.

Now we have the actual person involved, not some bogus claim from 30 some years ago, and now we must have evidence before he's to be believed.
Shokin wasn’t just an eye witness he was the person being accused and discredited and fired. He is the subject who is know known to be shady and corrupt. What do you mean he has nothing to gain by saying “I wasn’t corrupt”?! Do you hear yourself Ray? Makes no sense

So tell me, what does he gain? Nobody on primetime is paying him for an interview. He's not writing a book. He's not running for an elected office. He gains nothing.

Is he pissed at Joe? Probably so, but he's not just making a statement out of anger, he's putting a little energy into this.

BREAKING: Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin FILES FEDERAL COMPLAINT Against Joe Biden

Ukraine court forces probe into Biden role in firing of prosecutor Viktor Shokin
It’s his reputation Ray... his ego, respect, vindication, revenge, etc. Just like anybody who’s been fired or outed for wrong doing, the natural response from almost all is “I didn’t do it” you can’t honestly call that “witness testimony” and think it holds any weight! That’s just silly.

Our intelligence deemed him corrupt, members of our congress Including Ron Johnson, our state department, it was part of our foreign policy to get that guy out of the office. Our allies called for the same thing. Ukraine under their new leadership investigated the matter... what more do you need Ray?! You’re taking this guys word over all I just listed?! That’s pretty sad.

On top of all that our AG, the guy who you just called legit, isn’t touching this thing. You’ve fallen for political rhetoric being pushed to criminalize Trumps opponent. It’s right out of the playbook. “Lock her up” ring any bells. Don’t be a puppet Ray. Use your brain. This debate is pathetic
And yet, that prosecutor said on video that he was indeed investigating the Biden dealings, and that's why he was fired. The prosecutor that replaced him was just as corrupt. Yet the Obama administration had no problems with that.
Are you quoting the prosecutor that our government and other world governments wanted out because of his corruption?

ok now that we have his testimony is there anything to back it up?

For one, Shokin gains nothing by making up a lie. He's out, and he's never going to get that job back. This is an eye witness we're talking about; somebody that was directly involved. When your people made the same claim about Kavanaugh, we were supposed to take it at face value. When the left made the claim of why Trump withheld aid, they didn't ask for any other input. They made the claim with no evidence, therefore it must be true, and they impeached him based on mind reading.

Now we have the actual person involved, not some bogus claim from 30 some years ago, and now we must have evidence before he's to be believed.
Shokin wasn’t just an eye witness he was the person being accused and discredited and fired. He is the subject who is know known to be shady and corrupt. What do you mean he has nothing to gain by saying “I wasn’t corrupt”?! Do you hear yourself Ray? Makes no sense

So tell me, what does he gain? Nobody on primetime is paying him for an interview. He's not writing a book. He's not running for an elected office. He gains nothing.

Is he pissed at Joe? Probably so, but he's not just making a statement out of anger, he's putting a little energy into this.

BREAKING: Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin FILES FEDERAL COMPLAINT Against Joe Biden

Ukraine court forces probe into Biden role in firing of prosecutor Viktor Shokin
It’s his reputation Ray... his ego, respect, vindication, revenge, etc. Just like anybody who’s been fired or outed for wrong doing, the natural response from almost all is “I didn’t do it” you can’t honestly call that “witness testimony” and think it holds any weight! That’s just silly.

Our intelligence deemed him corrupt, members of our congress Including Ron Johnson, our state department, it was part of our foreign policy to get that guy out of the office. Our allies called for the same thing. Ukraine under their new leadership investigated the matter... what more do you need Ray?! You’re taking this guys word over all I just listed?! That’s pretty sad.

On top of all that our AG, the guy who you just called legit, isn’t touching this thing. You’ve fallen for political rhetoric being pushed to criminalize Trumps opponent. It’s right out of the playbook. “Lock her up” ring any bells. Don’t be a puppet Ray. Use your brain. This debate is pathetic

Of course it's pathetic, it's pathetic you can't see all the obvious clues here:

* Hunter is a drug addict who was even kicked out of the military.
* Hunter had no knowledge or experience in the energy field.
* He had no prior business in Ukraine.
* He didn't even speak the language.
* There are 1.3 million US lawyers in the country, why would Burisma choose Hunter out of all those?
* The VP's son was paid 83,000 dollars a month for doing nothing.
* Joe issued an immediate threat; one where he gave Ukraine only hours to carry out his demand.
* Shokin claims he was indeed investigating both Burisma and Hunter.
* When the Democrats found out about Trump's curiosity of Joe and Hunter, they freaked out.
* The prosecutor that replaced Shokin was just as corrupt as he was. Joe had no problem with that.
Are you quoting the prosecutor that our government and other world governments wanted out because of his corruption?

ok now that we have his testimony is there anything to back it up?

For one, Shokin gains nothing by making up a lie. He's out, and he's never going to get that job back. This is an eye witness we're talking about; somebody that was directly involved. When your people made the same claim about Kavanaugh, we were supposed to take it at face value. When the left made the claim of why Trump withheld aid, they didn't ask for any other input. They made the claim with no evidence, therefore it must be true, and they impeached him based on mind reading.

Now we have the actual person involved, not some bogus claim from 30 some years ago, and now we must have evidence before he's to be believed.
Shokin wasn’t just an eye witness he was the person being accused and discredited and fired. He is the subject who is know known to be shady and corrupt. What do you mean he has nothing to gain by saying “I wasn’t corrupt”?! Do you hear yourself Ray? Makes no sense

So tell me, what does he gain? Nobody on primetime is paying him for an interview. He's not writing a book. He's not running for an elected office. He gains nothing.

Is he pissed at Joe? Probably so, but he's not just making a statement out of anger, he's putting a little energy into this.

BREAKING: Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin FILES FEDERAL COMPLAINT Against Joe Biden

Ukraine court forces probe into Biden role in firing of prosecutor Viktor Shokin
It’s his reputation Ray... his ego, respect, vindication, revenge, etc. Just like anybody who’s been fired or outed for wrong doing, the natural response from almost all is “I didn’t do it” you can’t honestly call that “witness testimony” and think it holds any weight! That’s just silly.

Our intelligence deemed him corrupt, members of our congress Including Ron Johnson, our state department, it was part of our foreign policy to get that guy out of the office. Our allies called for the same thing. Ukraine under their new leadership investigated the matter... what more do you need Ray?! You’re taking this guys word over all I just listed?! That’s pretty sad.

On top of all that our AG, the guy who you just called legit, isn’t touching this thing. You’ve fallen for political rhetoric being pushed to criminalize Trumps opponent. It’s right out of the playbook. “Lock her up” ring any bells. Don’t be a puppet Ray. Use your brain. This debate is pathetic

Of course it's pathetic, it's pathetic you can't see all the obvious clues here:

* Hunter is a drug addict who was even kicked out of the military.
* Hunter had no knowledge or experience in the energy field.
* He had no prior business in Ukraine.
* He didn't even speak the language.
* There are 1.3 million US lawyers in the country, why would Burisma choose Hunter out of all those?
* The VP's son was paid 83,000 dollars a month for doing nothing.
* Joe issued an immediate threat; one where he gave Ukraine only hours to carry out his demand.
* Shokin claims he was indeed investigating both Burisma and Hunter.
* When the Democrats found out about Trump's curiosity of Joe and Hunter, they freaked out.
* The prosecutor that replaced Shokin was just as corrupt as he was. Joe had no problem with that.
Ok Ray, but it keeps going back to my main point. If all these “clues” as you are now calling them amount to a crime and criminal activity and the things you accuse them to be then Barr would be indicting. He isn’t indicting. You can’t just say deep state. That’s a cop out. You can keep saying “wait and see” but how long is that crap gonna last? I’ll tell you, it will last till the election, nothing will happen, and then it will all magically go away. We both know this, don’t we?

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