Undecided Voters: did you see, on Super Tuesday, when Biden mistook his sister for his wife?

Haha, ok, I’d love to discuss the facts. Please explain how Biden’s actions were illegal and which laws he broke.

Nope. That's not discussing facts of the matter. That's asking me a loaded question, compared to what I challenged you with regarding discussing the facts.

For example, I gave my take on what I think of Biden regarding...the fact that he bragged about getting that prosecutor fired/same prosecutor who started questioning the corrupt leadership behind our Ukraine foreign policy that let Hunter Biden make corrupt $$$ at Burisma. So please give your thoughts on the fact or discuss the fact of, Biden, in the vid bragging about getting the Prosecutor fired.
Easy, the FACT that Biden was executing US foreign policy clears him of the corruption you are trying to pin on him. It is painfully obvious. He bragged about doing a good job and producing results. Something that members of both parties in congress called for, something that IMF had called for and something that US allies had called for. Sorry dude. You’re argument is a weak spin job
You can call it corrupt till your blue in the face but that’s just you spewing words... the critique was “appearance of impropriety” not “impropriety” as you incorrectly stated. Try and be accurate if your going to try and debate the facts

I don't give a shit about what they said. I'm with President Trump. I'm just using the vid to show you how even deep state fools, frowned upon their leader Biden.

Trump treated it like far, far more, than just an impropriety so that is where I stand. And the Dems knew it too, that is why they impeached him for it.


This is truly a, first, in USA history that a President got impeached for obeying the law yes for adhering to our foreign policy in Ukraine.
Of course you stand with Trump... which is why you sound like a fool and can’t back up or justify anything your trying to claim. You are being played
Yes, would love for him to take the reins from Trump. It is a much needed change. Don’t see how your video makes any kind of a relevant point

If you're a Dem, then of course, you are required to say that you don't see how it is relevant.

Because you never come post this way, when Dems use President Trump's mannerisms and gestures, as reasons among why he's unfit to lead our nation. And those deludings are just mocking him/they never have anything to do with Trump's cognitive, mental, coherent, astuteness which is reqd from every human seeking to be the U.S. President.

I don't like the Bern either, over Trump, but notice I don't mention him this way like I do Biden.


Because you don't need a healthy heart, to make mental decisions on behalf of the world's greatest nation.

Same for Bloomberg, who I dislike, but still I don't focus on him like I do Biden.


Because you don't have to be, tall, in order to make decisions on behalf of the world's greatest nation. Altho you do have to have great, mental capacity, whereas only a Dem will act like its no big deal that Biden has none.
I’m not a dem so no requirements imposed. Im free to think and say what I want. Try to stay on track now, the ignorant insults are meaningless and a waste of time
Hahaha, are you shitting me?! Of course it’s about if there’s a crime! you dimwits keep accusing the Biden’s of crimes. Sane people know you are full of shit which is why you can’t address the simple question of why Barr doesn’t indict him. Because there are no crimes!!!

No pal. Sane people are out there recognizing you and your demonic sect, called Dems, each time you refuse to discuss the gritty facts of this issue. Because I know that you knew that I knew that you know that any honest American who discusses the facts will conclude that Biden committed an illegality against our Ukraine foreign policy ---which by default proves he's corrupt and undeserving of the U.S. Presidency. Forevermore.

That is why you refuse to discuss the acts and events which keep being mentioned here. Yes. Just one example...You already know that you'll be compelled to conclude Biden is corrupt ---if you were to EVER honestly discuss the Ukraine prosecutor who sleepy Joe bragged about getting fired.

So yes, please keep taking this public path you've chosen on USM. You are the exact type of deceitful, Dem, who President Trump needs for undecided voters to experience.
Haha, ok, I’d love to discuss the facts. Please explain how Biden’s actions were illegal and which laws he broke.

That has yet to be determined. But lets face facts here, the Democrat party went nuts when they found out that Trump was curious about the Burisma/ Biden thing; so to the point they created this phony impeachment to try and stop him.

Now normally, I would say that these politicians have their bases covered regardless of how obvious their corruption is. But in this case, the Democrats made it clear something needed to remain hidden.

IMO, the Democrats needed to shut Zelensky up. They didn't want him doing any favors for Trump. However, they could not come out and tell him to keep quiet. So they orchestrated this phony impeachment to do that for them. They knew Zelensky didn't want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between the Democrat House and the Republican President. So he didn't cooperate with Trump's request. After all, Ukraine's aid comes from the Congress and the White House.

It worked very well for them. Zelensky stated quiet like they planned. However that doesn't mean the corruption between Joe and Busisma didn't take place. So now, it's just a matter of finding the evidence of it.
It’s going to be in “yet to be determined” status for a long time... you got old news that trump is trying to use to criminalize his opponent for political dirt. Y’all will throw a hissy fit about it during the election, nothing will be done by the DOJ because there aren’t crimes, and then it will all be forgotten. Boring
What are you confused about?
No pal. Sane people are out there recognizing you and your demonic sect, called Dems, each time you refuse to discuss the gritty facts of this issue. Because I know that you knew that I knew that you know that any honest American who discusses the facts will conclude that Biden committed an illegality against our Ukraine foreign policy ---which by default proves he's corrupt and undeserving of the U.S. Presidency. Forevermore.

That is why you refuse to discuss the acts and events which keep being mentioned here. Yes. Just one example...You already know that you'll be compelled to conclude Biden is corrupt ---if you were to EVER honestly discuss the Ukraine prosecutor who sleepy Joe bragged about getting fired.

So yes, please keep taking this public path you've chosen on USM. You are the exact type of deceitful, Dem, who President Trump needs for undecided voters to experience.
Haha, ok, I’d love to discuss the facts. Please explain how Biden’s actions were illegal and which laws he broke.

That has yet to be determined. But lets face facts here, the Democrat party went nuts when they found out that Trump was curious about the Burisma/ Biden thing; so to the point they created this phony impeachment to try and stop him.

Now normally, I would say that these politicians have their bases covered regardless of how obvious their corruption is. But in this case, the Democrats made it clear something needed to remain hidden.

IMO, the Democrats needed to shut Zelensky up. They didn't want him doing any favors for Trump. However, they could not come out and tell him to keep quiet. So they orchestrated this phony impeachment to do that for them. They knew Zelensky didn't want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between the Democrat House and the Republican President. So he didn't cooperate with Trump's request. After all, Ukraine's aid comes from the Congress and the White House.

It worked very well for them. Zelensky stated quiet like they planned. However that doesn't mean the corruption between Joe and Busisma didn't take place. So now, it's just a matter of finding the evidence of it.
It’s going to be in “yet to be determined” status for a long time... you got old news that trump is trying to use to criminalize his opponent for political dirt. Y’all will throw a hissy fit about it during the election, nothing will be done by the DOJ because there aren’t crimes, and then it will all be forgotten. Boring
What are you confused about?
Life, in general.
...is this the guy, you want running the country? ..

... Biden's response? "they switched on me!"


Here he is @ 3 : 20

The decision-making processes of the, Commander-In-Chief, needs much better than this.

It's better than who is running it now.
Of course you stand with Trump... which is why you sound like a fool and can’t back up or justify anything your trying to claim. You are being played

Your deceit only illuminates you, clearer, as the demonic Dem that you are. Whether you are a Dem by, name, or by support of their deceit ---it does not matter. You are still, exactly, what is ruining America.

I stand with Trump because the facts don't lie ---which is why you continually, refuse, to discuss the facts of this matter which make Biden unfit. And that is exclusively regarding these videos which verify his colossal loss in mental capabilities.

It is not humanly, possible, where you can show that your life philosophy is to always support a dementia patient for U.S. President as your stomping for him consists of you refusing to show where you have always been okay with leaders who operate via such a huge loss in their mental facilities. At no point.
Of course you stand with Trump... which is why you sound like a fool and can’t back up or justify anything your trying to claim. You are being played

Your deceit only illuminates you, clearer, as the demonic Dem that you are. Whether you are a Dem by, name, or by support of their deceit ---it does not matter. You are still, exactly, what is ruining America.

I stand with Trump because the facts don't lie ---which is why you continually, refuse, to discuss the facts of this matter which make Biden unfit. And that is exclusively regarding these videos which verify his colossal loss in mental capabilities.

It is not humanly, possible, where you can show that your life philosophy is to always support a dementia patient for U.S. President as your stomping for him consists of you refusing to show where you have always been okay with leaders who operate via such a huge loss in their mental facilities. At no point.
The fact that Barr’s inaction to prosecute what you claim is a crime contradicts your claim. You can’t even follow simple logic
Right Joe, my reply was loaded with racial epithets. I am truly amazed at how people with serious untreated mental issues can see words that were never there.

The words you say are clear enough, buddy. Your constant whining about your black neighbors, for instance.
You mean just like Hillary was?

Hillary was never leading by that much.

And these polls were taken BEFORE the stock market crashed and we all started locking ourselves in our houses because of the Coronavirus.

Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina.
Right Joe, my reply was loaded with racial epithets. I am truly amazed at how people with serious untreated mental issues can see words that were never there.

The words you say are clear enough, buddy. Your constant whining about your black neighbors, for instance.
Black neighbors CAN be a nuisance, as neighbors of ANY ethnicity can be. The worst neighbors I've ever had were a black family that lived above us in a townhouse. They were loud most of the time and they let their 3 year old kid run all over the place. And they once vacuumed at 12 midnight. I've been living in a two story townhouse for about two and half years now, with no neighbors above or below us. What a difference.
...is this the guy, you want running the country? ..

... Biden's response? "they switched on me!"


Here he is @ 3 : 20

The decision-making processes of the, Commander-In-Chief, needs much better than this.

It's better than who is running it now.

So, tell us bee! How would your life improve under Crazy Bernie or Quip pro Joe?
Right Joe, my reply was loaded with racial epithets. I am truly amazed at how people with serious untreated mental issues can see words that were never there.

The words you say are clear enough, buddy. Your constant whining about your black neighbors, for instance.
Black neighbors CAN be a nuisance, as neighbors of ANY ethnicity can be. The worst neighbors I've ever had were a black family that lived above us in a townhouse. They were loud most of the time and they let their 3 year old kid run all over the place. And they once vacuumed at 12 midnight. I've been living in a two story townhouse for about two and half years now, with no neighbors above or below us. What a difference.

I am sorry, but I don't think you know what a townhouse is.
Right Joe, my reply was loaded with racial epithets. I am truly amazed at how people with serious untreated mental issues can see words that were never there.

The words you say are clear enough, buddy. Your constant whining about your black neighbors, for instance.
Black neighbors CAN be a nuisance, as neighbors of ANY ethnicity can be. The worst neighbors I've ever had were a black family that lived above us in a townhouse. They were loud most of the time and they let their 3 year old kid run all over the place. And they once vacuumed at 12 midnight. I've been living in a two story townhouse for about two and half years now, with no neighbors above or below us. What a difference.

I am sorry, but I don't think you know what a townhouse is.
Both are CALLED townhouses, but in actuality they're apartments. Glorified apartments, if you will. So I DO know what an actual townhouse is.
...is this the guy, you want running the country? ..

... Biden's response? "they switched on me!"


Here he is @ 3 : 20

The decision-making processes of the, Commander-In-Chief, needs much better than this.

Trump confusers his daughter with his date.
Right Joe, my reply was loaded with racial epithets. I am truly amazed at how people with serious untreated mental issues can see words that were never there.

The words you say are clear enough, buddy. Your constant whining about your black neighbors, for instance.
Black neighbors CAN be a nuisance, as neighbors of ANY ethnicity can be. The worst neighbors I've ever had were a black family that lived above us in a townhouse. They were loud most of the time and they let their 3 year old kid run all over the place. And they once vacuumed at 12 midnight. I've been living in a two story townhouse for about two and half years now, with no neighbors above or below us. What a difference.

I am sorry, but I don't think you know what a townhouse is.
Both are CALLED townhouses, but in actuality they're apartments. Glorified apartments, if you will. So I DO know what an actual townhouse is.

A townhouse would not have anyone living upstairs because that floor would belong to you.

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