Undeniable PROOF that the "deep state" is attempting a coup de'tat

His actions with the Ukrainian President were a threat to our national security.


YOUR president ABUSED his power That's impeachable
OUR president didn't do anything any other president hasn't done before INCLUDING Obama.
Missiles for help with the Bidens?? IMPEACHABLE
Please point to that specific statement in the transcript, kthanks!
Listen to the whistleblower when he testifies

YOUR president ABUSED his power That's impeachable
OUR president didn't do anything any other president hasn't done before INCLUDING Obama.
Missiles for help with the Bidens?? IMPEACHABLE
Please point to that specific statement in the transcript, kthanks!
Listen to the whistleblower when he testifies
How bout you point it out in the transcript. You made the accusation so prove it
Are they upset that Trump hasn't started new wars? It's possible. It's the only redeeming value he has.
Matters not why. The fact is all the evidence points to this activity and only someone who doesn't value American values & traditions can ignore it.

I can't equate Trump with American values.
In what universe are Prog Socialist agendas about values? Social Justice is one thing......values, you gotta be kidding!
Trump told us what he did The whistleblower has been corroborated You can throw all the shit you can but none will stick
That can wait

It will have to wait because IT NEVER HAPPENED lol

Take your licks and slither on out to a thread where someone more intelligent than you isn't going to challenge you on your bullshit.
Gramps Thats all republicans are doing now with their bullshit talking points Dems have the proof That's what's going to take your slimebag down
If you say so Cletus....

I got a football game to get ready for so I'll be in and out from here on out.

BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
The second hand information is accurate; Trump attempted to extort a foreign leader into providing damaging information against a potential political opponent in exchange for military aid.

The COUP happened three years ago when Trump became POTUS after losing the popular vote by more than 8 million ballots.

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well."
That can wait

It will have to wait because IT NEVER HAPPENED lol

Take your licks and slither on out to a thread where someone more intelligent than you isn't going to challenge you on your bullshit.
Gramps Thats all republicans are doing now with their bullshit talking points Dems have the proof That's what's going to take your slimebag down
If you say so Cletus....

I got a football game to get ready for so I'll be in and out from here on out.

At least you can pick a good FB team Politics ?? not so good
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
The second hand information is accurate; Trump attempted to extort a foreign leader into providing damaging information against a potential political opponent in exchange for military aid.

The COUP happened three years ago when Trump became POTUS after losing the popular vote by more than 8 million ballots.

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well."

Trump lost by 3 million and that difference was all CA. He won the popular in the other 49 and the electoral. Why spread more propaganda?
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
The second hand information is accurate; Trump attempted to extort a foreign leader into providing damaging information against a potential political opponent in exchange for military aid.

The COUP happened three years ago when Trump became POTUS after losing the popular vote by more than 8 million ballots.

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well."

Trump lost by 3 million and that difference was all CA. He won the popular in the other 49 and the electoral. Why spread more propaganda?
Trump lost by 3 million and that difference was all CA. He won the popular in the other 49 and the electoral. Why spread more propaganda?
You're forgetting the five million Libertarian ballots and one million Green Party voters who knew neither Clinton nor Trump was qualified to become POTUS.
This has to be at least the third thread on this conspiracy bullcrap percolating through the rightarded blabbosphere. That crap has no purpose other than to discredit a whistleblower complaint the IG has already seen, investigated, and deemed both credible and urgent. That horse, as they say, has already bolted.

A coup d'état by means of a whistleblower complaint following the rules in place at the time would be a scurrilous animal, indeed. Putting it in motion anticipating a complaint and adjusting rules in advance would be more scurrilous, still. But then, there's no limit to the number of things the average rightard can believe before breakfast.
Just a coincidence....Nothing to see here....Go back to sleep.

All is quiet, all is well.
The OP links to "Red State", which includes a link from "The Federalist", so there's a pretty good chance that we're only getting one side of the story here.

A conversation between people on both sides of the story would be required, at least as a start, before a reasonable conclusion can be reached on this.
It sends you directly to the form. It even states it was revised in august.
I'd still like to know the other side of the story.

Wouldn't you be curious to know what the other side of the story is?
The side that is open to making gossip a legitimate source for serious investigation?

This has to be at least the third thread on this conspiracy bullcrap percolating through the rightarded blabbosphere. That crap has no purpose other than to discredit a whistleblower complaint the IG has already seen, investigated, and deemed both credible and urgent. That horse, as they say, has already bolted.

A coup d'état by means of a whistleblower complaint following the rules in place at the time would be a scurrilous animal, indeed. Putting it in motion anticipating a complaint and adjusting rules in advance would be more scurrilous, still. But then, there's no limit to the number of things the average rightard can believe before breakfast.
They keep throwing shit against the wall hoping something sticks Sorry shitheads Trump thru his own mouth has gotten into this mess and he won't be getting out
This has to be at least the third thread on this conspiracy bullcrap percolating through the rightarded blabbosphere. That crap has no purpose other than to discredit a whistleblower complaint the IG has already seen, investigated, and deemed both credible and urgent. That horse, as they say, has already bolted.

A coup d'état by means of a whistleblower complaint following the rules in place at the time would be a scurrilous animal, indeed. Putting it in motion anticipating a complaint and adjusting rules in advance would be more scurrilous, still. But then, there's no limit to the number of things the average rightard can believe before breakfast.
They keep throwing shit against the wall hoping something sticks Sorry shitheads Trump thru his own mouth has gotten into this mess and he won't be getting out

Yeah, libs keep doing this. It's like watching monkeys at the mall throwing turds against the glass.
Deplorable Yankee. THANK YOU. this is what I hope to hear, intelligent explanations and I agree that we have some thing that roughly could well be titled Deep State.
Yet what I QUESTION is why any one would think this would consist of only one major party? would it not include both major party's serving there own interest? maybe sometimes thinking their view would serve us best,& sometimes for money, personal power,& too keep their job? what ever the reason Deceit in the name of winning should not be supported.
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.

the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whiand they say "Yea, go Trumpstle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
The bottom line is that the far right, white nationalist network will leap to Trump's defense no matter what he does. He can trample on the Constitution and they will respond with hurrahs and hosannas. He will defile and condemn anyone who disagrees with him or calls him to account., and they applaud. He wants to be like Hitler, but acts more like a mob boss with Pence as Under boss, Giuliani as Consigliere, and Barr as a Capo.

He needs to get gone, one way or another. Hopefully impeachment will do the trick. If not, Biden will beat him like a drum!

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