Undeniable PROOF that the "deep state" is attempting a coup de'tat

This shit makes me want to vote for that douchebag now. Just a peons way of giving a middle finger to the establishment:dunno:

Trump IS the establishment, wake the fuck up.
No he's not.

The billionaire real estate developer who appointed more lobbyists to cabinet positions than any other president before and just gave the rich an even bigger tax break is the definition of the establishment.

Stop listening to his bullshit and start paying attention to what he does. The truth will become clear.
That is incorrect. He hasn't hired more lobbyists than anyone.
He also gave the middle class a tax break. He gave everyone a tax break.
I look past his words. Like how he isnt really that strong on immigration but he does more than the establishment likes.

I stand corrected. Trump has more lobbyists in his cabinet in 3 years than Obama or Bush did in 8 years. - President Trump’s Cabinet has had more ex-lobbyists than Bush or Obama
Is that better?

And sure he technically gave everyone a tax cut, but in reality, the middle class got table scraps while the rich rode off with an even bigger piece of the pie - Here's who is saving the most money from Trump's tax cuts

As I said, Trump IS the establishment. The data and his actions tell us this.
How the Trump presidency ranks against prior administrations in links to lobbyists — in one chart
Of course the rich will get a bigger tax cut. They pay most of the taxes.
Holy shit man. This really is a group effort. They are trying everything but assasination.
Is that next? It's not like you can trust them..

Nope. Assassination has already been suggested. Someone already said to remove Trump ANY WAY WE CAN.
It just makes me love Trump all the more, realize that this is all a dog and pony show that Trump will weather, and that this will be the final unraveling of an already unraveled Left.
When Trump walks out of this, they will totally SNAP.
And why would second hand knowledge be not hearsay....................I heard someone say they heard someone say that a person was going to rob a bank......................I go to the police..........they'll probably check it out...........but doesn't mean anything is true....................and hearsay is inadmissable in court..............holds no weight.........

Impeachment is a trial......................rules of law apply no matter how it's spun.

Well, that's not necessarily 100% correct...hearsay can be admissible in court under certain exceptions. For instance, if the person who the whistleblower heard it from was being tortured at a CIA black site, they could try to introduce the statement under the "excited utterance" exception to the hearsay rule...or if he/she had been shot and was in the process of dying (i.e., by multiple self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the back of the head), it could be presented under the "dying declaration" exception
Grampa Murked U: Undeniable PROOF that the "deep state" is attempting a coup de'tat (SIK)

Winner x 23
Damaged Eagle
Ricky LIbtardo
The Purge

Agree x 3

Informative x 3

Thank You! x 1

Undeniable proof there is, indeed, for the Trumpleton crowd losing their mind, the last remainder of their critical faculties, and for this place going completely haywire, and fast.

Seek help. Really, I mean it. Being a Trump stooge is bad enough; resolutely cutting all ties with reality and in the process falling for obviously demented, ludicrous scams is another category entirely.
The ruling changed late in May.........and the forms for whistleblowers changed for it......

The so called Whistleblower used this to weaponize his position about 3 months after the change.......

Why was it changed suddenly when for decades it had required 1st hand knowledge for Whistleblower protection...............

Who ordered the change..............Who approved it..............Those are questions I'd like to find out..................

2nd hand knowledge is hearsay.............Not good enough for the protections of the Whistleblower............and is a SERIOUS question to Executive powers that conversations between foreign leaders aren't shown to the public unless it is authorized.........

Biden and his son are Dirty...........They are busted......and Biden is done as a Presidential candidate.
Matters not why. The fact is all the evidence points to this activity and only someone who doesn't value American values & traditions can ignore it.

It never ceases to amaze me that right wingers look at the evidence and say the only possible conclusion is a "coup". The removal of a criminal President using the system set out in the Constitution, doesn't even meet the definition of a "coup".

Trump is and always has been a criminal president. He commits his crimes in plain sight and says "So what". American banks stopped lending to him in the mid-1990's. He was being sued in two states for fraud, and still Republicans let him run. Why? They knew far more about him than the public did and yet they allowed him to be their candidate. They promised to use their power to hold Trump in check, and then rolled over for him at every opportunity.

The the Republican Party doesn't at least offer someone better than a common thug as their Presidential candidate, they should expect the general public to revolt and vote them out. And that's what happened. The House Democrats take oversight more seriously than Republicans do.

Did you consider the impeachment of Bill Clinton a "coup"?

Can you name the law he broke? I need the specific law...
maybe I can help
Trump-Ukraine scandal: 4 possible crimes by Trump and his ...

https://www.vox.com › criminal-laws-trump-barr-giuliani-ukraine

2 days ago - The 4 possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower scandal, explained ... nonetheless important to know if the president and his associates broke the law. ... Did Trump or his associates violate campaign finance law?
Impeachable Offenses New - Need to Impeach

https://www.needtoimpeach.com › impeachable-offenses

Federal law prohibits campaigns from soliciting anything of value from a foreign national. After journalists broke this story, Trump personally dictated a public ...

Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told ...

https://www.alternet.org › News & Politics

Sep 1, 2019 - Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told CNN all about it. President Donald J. Trump attends a Korean Business Leaders ...

So in essence you can’t name any law he broke, just hyperbole...

That’s called a “Witch-hunt”, thanks for making it so easy to clarify...

There are dozens of crimes he committed, starting with "abuse of power", which is a crime under the Constitution. The framers of the Constitution were really, really concerned about a President who abused his power, and who accepted "favours" from foreign governments. They didn't want the American President personally beholding to foreign governments. That's why they were concerned about emoluments, and accepting gifts from foreign governments. Not to mention Trump is soliciting a foreign government to meddle in the 2020 election to his benefit. So that's three "high crimes" right there, and we haven't even started on the conspiracy to pressure the Ukraine.

That pressure included visits from Guliani, Mike Pence cancellation his attendance at Zelensky's Inauguration, signalling that the US government doesn't support his election, and withholding the Javelin missiles Ukrainians desperately needed to defend themselves from the Russians. 14,000 Ukrainians have died in the war with Russia. Zelensky was willing to agree to anything Trump wanted, just to get the promised aid.

Not willing to take a bet? Afraid? Chicken? What’s the matter, lost your confidence?

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