Undeniable PROOF that the "deep state" is attempting a coup de'tat

OK, Please explain in simple terms so I can understand, WHAT IS THE DEEP STATE, hear this term thrown around A LOT, but its not explained ????
Anyone not appointed by his majesty, king of Israel and self proclaimed "chosen one", Donald J Trump.
How many times are you idiots gonna post this lie?
When you can't make YOUR logic fit the facts this is what you do to dismiss what you can't argue against
What's to argue against?

Your post is a lie. That's a fact. The thing you are posting about didn't happen. Your post belongs in the conspiracy theory forum.
So did Russia BS..............and so does the new Ukraine joke..............

It's in the news now that the rules have changed allowing second hand knowledge to qualify for protection of a whistle blower....................It's new...............why the change...........

And why would second hand knowledge be not hearsay....................I heard someone say they heard someone say that a person was going to rob a bank......................I go to the police..........they'll probably check it out...........but doesn't mean anything is true....................and hearsay is inadmissable in court..............holds no weight.........

Impeachment is a trial......................rules of law apply no matter how it's spun.
That's a lie.
Congress is the grand jury and the Senate is the trial.......................which part am I missing here.............LOL

You need evidence to do this....................This is another BS noise campaign by the left...........

Nothing more.........enjoy the show.........
Your post about the supposed rule change is a lie.
Holy shit man. This really is a group effort. They are trying everything but assasination.
Is that next? It's not like you can trust them..
You know democrats have assassins in place. The democrat method is assassination made to look like a suicide. How easily was Jeffrey Epstein's murder soothed out as a suicide. It's the Clinton way.
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I think the deep state now fears that Trump will be re-elected in 2020. Given the absurd 2020 pool of Dem candidates they can't bank on someone defeating Trump so they are trying to get rid of him before the 2020 election.

Look if you don't like president Trump fine then defeat him at the polls. This lawless coup shit should concern every citizen.
Going to keep asking, what is the deep state?

In the United States, the term "deep state" is used to describe a conspiracy theory which suggests that collusion and cronyismexist within the US political system and constitutes a hidden government within the legitimately elected government.[6][7][8][9][10] Some people believe that there is "a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process",[11] whereas others consider the deep state to encompass corruption that is particularly prevalent amongst career politicians and civil servants.[12]

The term was originally coined to refer to a similar relatively invisible state apparatus in Turkey "composed of high-level elements within the intelligence services, military, security, judiciary, and organized crime" and similar alleged networks in other countries including Egypt, Ukraine, Spain, Colombia, Italy, and Israel, and many others.[12]

In The Concealment of the State, Professor Jason Royce Lindsey argues that even without a conspiratorial agenda, the term deep state is useful for understanding aspects of the national security establishment in developed countries, with emphasis on the United States. Lindsey writes that the deep state draws power from the national security and intelligence communities, a realm where secrecy is a source of power.[16]:35-36 Alfred W. McCoy states that the increase in the power of the U.S. intelligence community since the September 11 attacks"has built a fourth branch of the U.S. government" that is "in many ways autonomous from the executive, and increasingly so."[17]
His actions with the Ukrainian President were a threat to our national security.



The left continue to LIE and make shit up.
The right is scared and they throw all their BS against a wall hoping some sticks The ah abused his power You don't ask a foreign nation for help in your election as he did asking Ukraine Pres to help bring bidens down If you think Trump is innocent you're a fool and will die a fool
You don't ask a foreign nation for help in your election

He didn't ask that. When you fail to remove him from office via impeachment you will pretend this conversation never happened.
you know what the word CORRUPT means?? That's your ah president AND I well know the chance of removing him are slim but all the shit he's pulled will be on the books and cowardly Repub senators will have to stand up so the world can see what scum they are You do have a chance the scumbag McConnell won't allow a vote
His actions with the Ukrainian President were a threat to our national security.


YOUR president ABUSED his power That's impeachable
OUR president didn't do anything any other president hasn't done before INCLUDING Obama.
Missiles for help with the Bidens?? IMPEACHABLE
Investigating someone is not a crime, dipshit. If it was Obama would be in jail for investigating Trump
The whistleblower will testify Let trump supporting AH's make a joke out of themselves
His actions with the Ukrainian President were a threat to our national security.


YOUR president ABUSED his power That's impeachable
OUR president didn't do anything any other president hasn't done before INCLUDING Obama.
Missiles for help with the Bidens?? IMPEACHABLE
Investigating someone is not a crime, dipshit. If it was Obama would be in jail for investigating Trump
If this was Obama you'd want to give him the chair There are laws and your AH is not above them Asking for help in an election from a foreign country is impeachable Get that thru your thick head
His actions with the Ukrainian President were a threat to our national security.


YOUR president ABUSED his power That's impeachable
OUR president didn't do anything any other president hasn't done before INCLUDING Obama.
Missiles for help with the Bidens?? IMPEACHABLE
Please point to that specific statement in the transcript, kthanks!
His actions with the Ukrainian President were a threat to our national security.


YOUR president ABUSED his power That's impeachable
OUR president didn't do anything any other president hasn't done before INCLUDING Obama.
Missiles for help with the Bidens?? IMPEACHABLE
Please point to that specific statement in the transcript, kthanks!

That can wait Meanwhile some words of wisdom from dragonlady
When the Nixon impeachment began, Americans opposed impeaching Nixon. Gradually, as the information on his corruption became public in the hearings, public sentiment turned. That is what is happening now with Trump. When he was elected, few people knew about Trump's history or background, and most still don't. They saw Trump as the rich, successful businessman they saw on TV. They had no clue about his shady practices or history of fraud and abuse, or that American banks won't lend to him. The MSM did little to reveal Trump's history.

Now Americans are really seeing Trump for the first time. The viciousness, the criminality, and the abject abuse of public office for personal gain. More will come out in the impeachment hearings. Trump will end his life like Nixon. Shunned and loathed.

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