Undeniable PROOF that the "deep state" is attempting a coup de'tat

I need to just copy and paste the standard arguments on these threads to my computer.........

So I can just post them day after day for a year.................

OMFG.............here the hell we go again..................

Everyone just get drunk and ignore it all.................burp
This has to be at least the third thread on this conspiracy bullcrap percolating through the rightarded blabbosphere. That crap has no purpose other than to discredit a whistleblower complaint the IG has already seen, investigated, and deemed both credible and urgent. That horse, as they say, has already bolted.

A coup d'état by means of a whistleblower complaint following the rules in place at the time would be a scurrilous animal, indeed. Putting it in motion anticipating a complaint and adjusting rules in advance would be more scurrilous, still. But then, there's no limit to the number of things the average rightard can believe before breakfast.
So why did they suddenly change the rule Herschel?
The OP links to "Red State", which includes a link from "The Federalist", so there's a pretty good chance that we're only getting one side of the story here.

A conversation between people on both sides of the story would be required, at least as a start, before a reasonable conclusion can be reached on this.
It sends you directly to the form. It even states it was revised in august.
I'd still like to know the other side of the story.

Wouldn't you be curious to know what the other side of the story is?
The other side? You think this might just be a coincidence?
The OP links to "Red State", which includes a link from "The Federalist", so there's a pretty good chance that we're only getting one side of the story here.

A conversation between people on both sides of the story would be required, at least as a start, before a reasonable conclusion can be reached on this.
It sends you directly to the form. It even states it was revised in august.
I'd still like to know the other side of the story.

Wouldn't you be curious to know what the other side of the story is?
The other side? You think this might just be a coincidence?
I don't know. That's my point. But I do know better than to believe just one side of a story automatically.
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.[/QUOTE

right on
This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

Really Gramps?

they couldn't possibly be the same folks all the conspirator theorists claim to have had a hand in 9/11?

do tell......

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

Really Gramps?

they couldn't possibly be the same folks all the conspirator theorists claim to have had a hand in 9/11?

do tell......

That got a funny from me since there's no stfu here.
This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

Really Gramps?

they couldn't possibly be the same folks all the conspirator theorists claim to have had a hand in 9/11?

do tell......

Injecting 9/11 into the thread only proves you to be a shallow thinker void of substance
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
How many times are you idiots gonna post this lie?
This has to be at least the third thread on this conspiracy bullcrap percolating through the rightarded blabbosphere. That crap has no purpose other than to discredit a whistleblower complaint the IG has already seen, investigated, and deemed both credible and urgent. That horse, as they say, has already bolted.

A coup d'état by means of a whistleblower complaint following the rules in place at the time would be a scurrilous animal, indeed. Putting it in motion anticipating a complaint and adjusting rules in advance would be more scurrilous, still. But then, there's no limit to the number of things the average rightard can believe before breakfast.

More like thirteenth.
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
How many times are you idiots gonna post this lie?
When you can't make YOUR logic fit the facts this is what you do to dismiss what you can't argue against
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
How many times are you idiots gonna post this lie?
When you can't make YOUR logic fit the facts this is what you do to dismiss what you can't argue against
What's to argue against?

Your post is a lie. That's a fact. The thing you are posting about didn't happen. Your post belongs in the conspiracy theory forum.
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
How many times are you idiots gonna post this lie?
When you can't make YOUR logic fit the facts this is what you do to dismiss what you can't argue against
What's to argue against?

Your post is a lie. That's a fact. The thing you are posting about didn't happen. Your post belongs in the conspiracy theory forum.
So did Russia BS..............and so does the new Ukraine joke..............

It's in the news now that the rules have changed allowing second hand knowledge to qualify for protection of a whistle blower....................It's new...............why the change...........

And why would second hand knowledge be not hearsay....................I heard someone say they heard someone say that a person was going to rob a bank......................I go to the police..........they'll probably check it out...........but doesn't mean anything is true....................and hearsay is inadmissable in court..............holds no weight.........

Impeachment is a trial......................rules of law apply no matter how it's spun.
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
So the intelligence community saw a place where the guardrail needed strengthening and they did that. Does it change what we found out about Trump's behavior in any way shape or form?
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
So the intelligence community saw a place where the guardrail needed strengthening and they did that. Does it change what we found out about Trump's behavior in any way shape or form?

As bad as Trump is, I find the "Intelligence community" far more dangerous. Granted, if this has any truth to it, Trump deserves it since he has done nothing to reign them in.
This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

Really Gramps?

they couldn't possibly be the same folks all the conspirator theorists claim to have had a hand in 9/11?

do tell......


Strange how nobody describes what rules were supposedly changed.

That being said....it is bizarre that the Democrats had a 400 page report detailing how Trump obstructed justice, that he wouldn’t sit for a deposition, etc.... and the gutless wonders wouldn’t go near impeachment. But asking a Ukrainian leader to dig up dirt and hiding the complaint does warrant impeachment proceedings?

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