Under Biden US reaches Energy Independence!!!! thanks Biden

Again you show your willful stupidity on the matter. The DEMOCRATS in congress forced thew shutdowns and prolonged them in an effort to gain power. Even a moron such as yourself should be able to see that, except that your eyes a tightly shut to prevent you from sewing whose ass you are in.
Show me what policy or law they passed to shut places down. (Answer is none). They were done at the state level and only had minor differences.
I linked the production output going up under Biden and being the top 1-2 years of production the last several months. I linked the analysis for drilling permits. What more do you want?
The truth, not cherry-picked democrat talking points would be nice.

There are equally as many, if not more, articles claiming just the opposite.
What you choose to believe is up to you.
Show me what policy or law they passed to shut places down. (Answer is none). They were done at the state level and only had minor differences.
The states acted at the direction of the feds. Not the will of the people, the federal government has them doing their bidding. And the lockdowns continue at the behest of the feds.
The states acted at the direction of the feds. Not the will of the people, the federal government has them doing their bidding. And the lockdowns continue at the behest of the feds.
Um. Yea. Right. Face it. You made a statement you can’t back up because you don’t know the first thing about reality. How does a federal bidding work exactly? How is it enacted in 50 different states with 50 different governments? Answer: it doesn’t work like that bonehead… and by the way… Trump was the federal government during the pandemic dimwit.
Um. Yea. Right. Face it. You made a statement you can’t back up because you don’t know the first thing about reality. How does a federal bidding work exactly? How is it enacted in 50 different states with 50 different governments? Answer: it doesn’t work like that bonehead… and by the way… Trump was the federal government during the pandemic dimwit.
So according to you the pandemic ended on 1*20*21? Is that your statement? And all the crap that has come out since then is Trumps fault?

Time for a reality check on your part. Reality seems to be different from what you claim.

Good little democrat.
Don't need bills when EO's are used, illegally in my opinion.

Since you are so insistent, show me where the mask rules and lockdown orders are codified in law. No such laws were passed by congress which kind of blows your mindless claims out of the water.

You're insane. :cuckoo:

You were blaming Democrats in Congress for the shutdowns, ya flamin' retard. Just so ya know... Democrats in Congress vote on bills, they don't sign executive orders.

You're out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

The DEMOCRATS in congress forced thew shutdowns and prolonged them in an effort to gain power. Even a moron such as yourself should be able to see that, except that your eyes a tightly shut to prevent you from sewing whose ass you are in.

Prodded to show a bill Democrats passed to force the shutdowns and you ultimately confess you were full of shit all along; which by the way, I already knew anyway.

No such laws were passed by congress...
Blah, blah blah, misinformation, fantasies and lies. Your typical methods.

BTW, if what you claimed were even partially true, why is Biden begging the Soviet Union and anyone else he can think of to increase production. Once again, gives the fact that you are lying, or to put it charitably, your false information showing that you know nothing about what you claim. Busted again, moron.
Has nothing to do with the Keystone XL pipeline, ya ranting lunatic. :cuckoo:
That explains a lot. Comprehensive ignorance on your part and a refusal to accept any truth that proves you are lying.

I told you where to find them. Because you are too afraid to look for them just shows that you know you are lying, again.

BTW, I enjoy your family portraits at the end of each post. Says a lot about you.


Lunatic, you claimed Democrats in Congress caused the shutdowns. The you said they didn’t. All you've shown the forum is that you're a fucking nutcase who doesn't even know what planet he's on.

You're insane. :cuckoo:

You were blaming Democrats in Congress for the shutdowns, ya flamin' retard. Just so ya know... Democrats in Congress vote on bills, they don't sign executive orders.

You're out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

Prodded to show a bill Democrats passed to force the shutdowns and you ultimately confess you were full of shit all along; which by the way, I already knew anyway.

You're insane. :cuckoo:
You were blaming Democrats in Congress for the shutdowns, ya flamin' retard. Just so ya know... Democrats in Congress vote on bills, they don't sign executive orders.

You're out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

Prodded to show a bill Democrats passed to force the shutdowns and you ultimately confess you were full of shit all along; which by the way, I already knew anyway.

Moron. With an EO, no vote is needed, hence the executive part to executive order. As usual you just proved how stupid you are.

Additionally, you know nothing about me yet pass what you consider to be scathing indictments of me by relaying your own traits. You don't even know how government works or the pressure that they can put forth without written orders. It is called money to get what they want, and that is total power. Something that you apparently are just fine with. That, among other things, shows you to be a traitor.
You're insane. :cuckoo:

Moron. With an EO, no vote is needed, hence the executive part to executive order. As usual you just proved how stupid you are.

Additionally, you know nothing about me yet pass what you consider to be scathing indictments of me by relaying your own traits. You don't even know how government works or the pressure that they can put forth without written orders. It is called money to get what they want, and that is total power. Something that you apparently are just fine with. That, among other things, shows you to be a traitor.
Faun is a 15 year old or has the maturity of a 15 year old.

Lunatic, you claimed Democrats in Congress caused the shutdowns. The you said they didn’t. All you've shown the forum is that you're a fucking nutcase who doesn't even know what planet he's on.

Actually, I only said that they were responsible for the lockdowns, Your fevered and diseased mind filled in the rest, since is the type of BS that you swim in.

Time to take your medications again, only this time up the dosage to help control your lies.

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