Under Biden US reaches Energy Independence!!!! thanks Biden

You should realize that a constant liar such as yourself should not claim others are lying. It is called projection and is as idiotic as you are.


What else should we call your lies? You claim Democrats in Congress forced the shutdowns. That's a lie.
So according to you the pandemic ended on 1*20*21? Is that your statement? And all the crap that has come out since then is Trumps fault?

Time for a reality check on your part. Reality seems to be different from what you claim.

Good little democrat.
Um. Are you retarded? The most strict restrictions were well before Biden came in. We’re you born in 2022? Biden pushed for vaccinations, sure, but we were a year into restrictions when Biden hit the scene. Quit trying to revise history..it isn’t some liberal plot to control you. It’s fucking stupid and lazy argument. You pussies want to reconstruct reality to act like you have some sort of enemy.
If you notice in the silly Axios graph, energy production didn't increase under Depends Biden. It dropped.
Here's how it works. The left shuts down the economy, restricts travel, so that no one uses gasoline. Then they proclaim "energy independence!"
No it went up from2020 to 2021 which was one of the biggest producing years in history still with commuter miles way down. The left didn’t shut down the economy turd ball. Every state is independent. They all had minor restrictions but none were shit down in 2022. That happened in 2020 under Trump but was still the states.
True American people, but those like you refuse to acknowledge that as it would take away your perceived power.

A true liberal moron.
Here’s what’s funny about middle class conservatives. They don’t appreciate all the things carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden have done for them. They don’t realize if not for democrats they wouldn’t be middle class.

And no, you wouldn’t be rich. Youd all be poor. Rabble.
Here’s what’s funny about middle class conservatives. They don’t appreciate all the things carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden have done for them. They don’t realize if not for democrats they wouldn’t be middle class.

And no, you wouldn’t be rich. Youd all be poor. Rabble.
Say what?

We never asked for one and for two what the fuck did they do for me except higher gas prices, higher energy prices, higher baloney prices and my daughter has to look at guys in dresses in lady's bathrooms my granddaughter has to compete with Igor
For the millionth time all construction jobs are temporary
The best jobs are manufacturing. Especially a highly paid unionized work force. They brought all our wages up. Even Honda and Toyota workers down south should thank the unions. Do they think Honda and Toyota would pay what they pay if they weren't afraid the workers would unionize? Management takes this into account before they offer the wage. It's not as much as a union worker up north but it's not so low those southern hicks will organize and collectively bargain.
Say what?

We never asked for one and for two what the fuck did they do for me except higher gas prices, higher energy prices, higher baloney prices and my daughter has to look at guys in dresses in lady's bathrooms my granddaughter has to compete with Igor
I'm not going to go into all the legislation liberals have passed that made things better for middle class Americans, starting with unions. You're an unappreciative prick or a rich greedy person who thinks trickle down unregulated capitalism works best.

It's a blend. Unions and Capitalism. Well regulated capitalism. If it weren't for us there would be no middle class.

You advocate against your own government. To give corporations and rich people more power and influence than they should have. Without a good government that advocates for both workers and corporations, the middle class is drying up. Look at how hard it is to be middle class today. Your kid wants to go to college? $100K. And notice the GOP response to this. Go be a fucking plumber. Jesus. A fucking race to the bottom.

Under GOP rule you get this. A small elite ruling class. A small merchant class. And the masses are known as the rabble.
Under the Biden admin,.the US has done what it's talked about for decades .... It looks like independence was reached though an increase in production and decrease in fossil fuel demand.

The U.S. is now energy independent

For decades, politicians have talked about the U.S. achieving energy independence, a seemingly elusive goal of producing enough fuels to avoid relying on the rest of the world to fill up gas tanks and keep electricity flowing.

The intrigue: It's elusive no more. The U.S. produced more petroleum than it consumed in 2020, and the numbers were essentially in balance in 2021, according to the Energy Information Administration.

Why it matters: The surge in oil prices taking place in 2022 has radically different implications for the U.S. economy — and for key geopolitical relationships in the Middle East and Russia — than in past episodes when energy prices have risen.

The big picture: In the past, when oil prices spiked, the impact on the U.S. economy was straightforward: It made America poorer, as more of our income wentoverseas to pay for imported energy.
Under Trump we had energy independence, under Biden we have run away fuel prices...even with so many people working from home now.

We have less fuel now--and yet Biden has been drawing down our reserves---you know to help out china.
Say what?

We never asked for one and for two what the fuck did they do for me except higher gas prices, higher energy prices, higher baloney prices and my daughter has to look at guys in dresses in lady's bathrooms my granddaughter has to compete with Igor
I have to tell you deep down, I agree with you actually. My position has changed because of global warming. There are way too many people on this planet fucking it up. That's a fact unless you disagree with science. So ultimately, I like that it's really expensive to raise a kid in America. If you have a kid, suddenly you fall from middle class to lower middle class. Struggling. This has caused a massive population drop. Birth rates are falling. I fucking love it.

So free college, free day care, high paying jobs for blue collar, all that shit? That's shit you do when you want a population explosion. Enough! I agree with you honestly.
Under Trump we had energy independence, under Biden we have run away fuel prices...even with so many people working from home now.

We have less fuel now--and yet Biden has been drawing down our reserves---you know to help out china.
We never had energy independence. What an asinine Trump lie.
Under Trump we had energy independence, under Biden we have run away fuel prices...even with so many people working from home now.

We have less fuel now--and yet Biden has been drawing down our reserves---you know to help out china.
We're sitting on all that gold using other people's oil, for now. And maybe it's not smart to use all your oil up. Maybe taking it from the ground makes your land look like Saudi Arabia.

Look at what coal country today looks like


You want to buy a house there? Or a farm?
No it went up from2020 to 2021 which was one of the biggest producing years in history still with commuter miles way down. The left didn’t shut down the economy turd ball. Every state is independent. They all had minor restrictions but none were shit down in 2022. That happened in 2020 under Trump but was still the states.
Bwahahaa......Biden is so fucking bad, and his dem trolls on the board are so desperate, that they are now spinning shit trying to give him credit. TRUMP got us energy independence---2019 but watch you claim Biden got us energy independent. It's nuts.

The best jobs are manufacturing. Especially a highly paid unionized work force. They brought all our wages up. Even Honda and Toyota workers down south should thank the unions. Do they think Honda and Toyota would pay what they pay if they weren't afraid the workers would unionize? Management takes this into account before they offer the wage. It's not as much as a union worker up north but it's not so low those southern hicks will organize and collectively bargain.
You don't have a clue how much a non union pipe welder makes
I'm not going to go into all the legislation liberals have passed that made things better for middle class Americans, starting with unions. You're an unappreciative prick or a rich greedy person who thinks trickle down unregulated capitalism works best.

It's a blend. Unions and Capitalism. Well regulated capitalism. If it weren't for us there would be no middle class.

You advocate against your own government. To give corporations and rich people more power and influence than they should have. Without a good government that advocates for both workers and corporations, the middle class is drying up. Look at how hard it is to be middle class today. Your kid wants to go to college? $100K. And notice the GOP response to this. Go be a fucking plumber. Jesus. A fucking race to the bottom.

Under GOP rule you get this. A small elite ruling class. A small merchant class. And the masses are known as the rabble.
The year is not 1902
War won’t be good for prices sure.
Let me ask you cons a question. On Obama's watch you said the economy was fake because the feds had to keep interest low or else the economy would tank. Then Trump got in and they continued to keep interest down. But that was ok suddenly.

And if they raise interest, you'd blame Biden.

Where do you Republicans want interest to be? What would be just right?

The Fed maintained the interest rate at 0% to 0.25% in January 2022—for now​

What number would make you happy?
Bwahahaa......Biden is so fucking bad, and his dem trolls on the board are so desperate, that they are now spinning shit trying to give him credit. TRUMP got us energy independence---2019 but watch you claim Biden got us energy independent. It's nuts.

In 2019 the US imported more than 7 million barrels a day from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela until Trump put sanctions on Venezuela. So we began importing from Russia.

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