Under Biden US reaches Energy Independence!!!! thanks Biden

You don't have a clue how much a non union pipe welder makes
Again, if it weren't for unions, pipe welders wouldn't make that much.

In fact, there are plumber and pipefitter unions. So there must have been a time when companies didn't pay so handsomely. And these unions still exist. It's 2022 not 1902 and they still exist, for a reason.

Not surprising a conservative like you believes unions are outdated. You don't understand the value of unions. Every country has them. Mexico, Canada, Germany, USA. Still to this day. Get with the times.

BTW notice in the 2000's when all those high paying manufacturing jobs went overseas. It was to break the unions. Republicans had you so anti union you defended that major setback to the American middle class. Today you claim you want to bring those jobs back home? At what wage? Who will work in those factories? Companies today can't find workers. Are we going to start letting the illegals back in? Seems wiser to just keep manufacturing in Mexico now. Now it'd be too expensive to bring those shitty jobs back home all so the Mexicans have to sneak in here to fill the jobs.
In 2019 the US imported more than 7 million barrels a day from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela until Trump put sanctions on Venezuela. So we began importing from Russia.
We don't buy our own oil on the cheap. The American Oil Companies sell their oil because it is theirs, on the open market, for the going price per barrel. They don't sell it to us cheap. Remember that.

Then we buy oil on the open market for the going price of oil. We buy from whoever is the cheapest. It isn't always an American oil company that we buy from.

Hell, I go to BP. Isn't that British Petrolium? LOL
Bwahahaa......Biden is so fucking bad, and his dem trolls on the board are so desperate, that they are now spinning shit trying to give him credit. TRUMP got us energy independence---2019 but watch you claim Biden got us energy independent. It's nuts.

Trump also started a trade war with China in 2019.

Trump might have deregulated the oil companies and gambled on fucking up the environment and that got us pumping more oil but don't forget that's all good for the oil companies but does exactly what for us? Ok so I'll give you that Joe's regulations on the oil industry have cost us 20 cents more a gallon but I'm willing to pay it to go Green. Get a battery car. Now that's energy independence.
Under Trump we had energy independence, under Biden we have run away fuel prices...even with so many people working from home now.

We have less fuel now--and yet Biden has been drawing down our reserves---you know to help out china.
Production is up under Biden. Not down. Permits are up under Biden not down. It’s the environment folks that should be mad at Biden not oil folks. Your brain isnt working right. Have you looked into any of this or are you just typing something you read in a meme?
Production is up under Biden. Not down. Permits are up under Biden not down. It’s the environment folks that should be mad at Biden not oil folks. Your brain isnt working right. Have you looked into any of this or are you just typing something you read in a meme?
Just remember leading up to Obama's first midterm they were blaming him for the BP oil spill. Joe puts back regulations on the oil industry trump removed so that shit like that won't happen again and if it does the company is held accountable, and they complain about that. Can't win with these guys.
We never had energy independence. What an asinine Trump lie.
Why do you even post SURADA---you are either completely clueless and/or completely dishonest. Trump lie my ass. Maybe you should learn how to post the TRUTH instead of your made up nonsense.

In 2019 the US imported more than 7 million barrels a day from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela until Trump put sanctions on Venezuela. So we began importing from Russia.
We always import a certain percentage of oil. Its not about usage, but that all oil is not the same---try researching, WIKI is a good source.
Just remember leading up to Obama's first midterm they were blaming him for the BP oil spill. Joe puts back regulations on the oil industry trump removed so that shit like that won't happen again and if it does the company is held accountable, and they complain about that. Can't win with these guys.
BP was to blame they were out sourcing their safety checks to different companies that never talked to each other. It was deliberately designed to avoid accountability.
Listen, Bozo... We use 20 million barrels a day and pump less than 12 million.
Bwahahaa......Biden is so fucking bad, and his dem trolls on the board are so desperate, that they are now spinning shit trying to give him credit. TRUMP got us energy independence---2019 but watch you claim Biden got us energy independent. It's nuts.

whaaaaat? You mean you want to give Trump credit for building on a great employment trend by Obama until he screwed it up in 2020 (yahoos like you pretend his administration ended in 2019) but not give Biden credit for building on the work Obama and Trump did? Energy independence came from decades in the making and Biden’s policies built on it to achieve this great accomplishment. He’ll soon have Trumps employment disaster fixed too. You can argue he’s already done that too since we are at full employment. Thanks Biden!
Why do you even post SURADA---you are either completely clueless and/or completely dishonest. Trump lie my ass. Maybe you should learn how to post the TRUTH instead of your made up nonsense.

Yea but should Trump get credit?

They didn't rate this a lie. They rated it a "compromise". I don't know what that means. Probably it's true but not entirely true. Not because of Trump. If you read all the details

In 2019 the US imported more than 7 million barrels a day from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela until Trump put sanctions on Venezuela. So we began importing from Russia.
Yeah. 10 million bpd is strong, but we were still using nearly 20 million bpd.
whaaaaat? You mean you want to give Trump credit for building on a great employment trend by Obama until he screwed it up in 2020 (yahoos like you pretend his administration ended in 2019) but not give Biden credit for building on the work Obama and Trump did? Energy independence came from decades in the making and Biden’s policies built on it to achieve this great accomplishment. He’ll soon have Trumps employment disaster fixed too. You can argue he’s already done that too since we are at full employment. Thanks Biden!
OH brother what are you trying spin now? Under Obama----average household income WENT DOWN......and so many people were unemployed for so long that they stopped looking for work which artificially lowers the unemployment numbers. There was a shortage of decent jobs leading many people to take two or more part time jobs to try to make ends meet thanks to our retarded Obama. LABOR participation rates went down under Obama.

When trump he came he ended many of Obama's policies and lowered taxes which allowed employers to hire more people and produce more in the economy. The result was the return of full time employment and the highest black rate in almost ever among other. When the chinese unlease the Fauci Kung Flu in 2019----and then the libs locked down states---the result was unemployment. And yet here is cityGator----hoping to bullshit people and hoping that they don't know. It's crazy stupid.
OH brother what are you trying spin now? Under Obama----average household income WENT DOWN......and so many people were unemployed for so long that they stopped looking for work which artificially lowers the unemployment numbers. There was a shortage of decent jobs leading many people to take two or more part time jobs to try to make ends meet thanks to our retarded Obama. LABOR participation rates went down under Obama.

When trump he came he ended many of Obama's policies and lowered taxes which allowed employers to hire more people and produce more in the economy. The result was the return of full time employment and the highest black rate in almost ever among other. When the chinese unlease the Fauci Kung Flu in 2019----and then the libs locked down states---the result was unemployment. And yet here is cityGator----hoping to bullshit people and hoping that they don't know. It's crazy stupid.
Show me on this graph how that worked? You’re a moron spinning whatever they tell you. Use your brain. Look carefully. Think critically. Does your bullshit stink or not when you look at real data? Your dumbass commentary also known as gaslighting just set aside for a minute.

Again, if it weren't for unions, pipe welders wouldn't make that much.

In fact, there are plumber and pipefitter unions. So there must have been a time when companies didn't pay so handsomely. And these unions still exist. It's 2022 not 1902 and they still exist, for a reason.

Not surprising a conservative like you believes unions are outdated. You don't understand the value of unions. Every country has them. Mexico, Canada, Germany, USA. Still to this day. Get with the times.

BTW notice in the 2000's when all those high paying manufacturing jobs went overseas. It was to break the unions. Republicans had you so anti union you defended that major setback to the American middle class. Today you claim you want to bring those jobs back home? At what wage? Who will work in those factories? Companies today can't find workers. Are we going to start letting the illegals back in? Seems wiser to just keep manufacturing in Mexico now. Now it'd be too expensive to bring those shitty jobs back home all so the Mexicans have to sneak in here to fill the jobs.
You don't want to comprehend and admit the huge difference between Europe unions and American ones, I would join a European style union in a heart beat
You don't want to comprehend and admit the huge difference between Europe unions and American ones, I would join a European style union in a heart beat
I don't think our unions are as bad today as they were in the 2000's. I'll give you this. Our unions got too corrupt and lazy and impossible to work with before the Great Recession.

How about this. In Europe, the head of the union gets a seat at the table at board meetings and upper management meetings.

Just remember this. Before the Bush 2000's, there was nothing wrong with unions. Google 1997, 1998, 1999 Ford/GM record profit sharing. You'll see the car companies, their investors, the CEO, were all doing just fine. Suddenly the Bush Republican launch an all out assault on unions in the 2000's, probably to make it easier when those 1 million jobs went overseas. Remember Mitt Romney and Bain Capital? The 2000's were not good to the American Middle class.
OH brother what are you trying spin now? Under Obama----average household income WENT DOWN......and so many people were unemployed for so long that they stopped looking for work which artificially lowers the unemployment numbers. There was a shortage of decent jobs leading many people to take two or more part time jobs to try to make ends meet thanks to our retarded Obama. LABOR participation rates went down under Obama.

When trump he came he ended many of Obama's policies and lowered taxes which allowed employers to hire more people and produce more in the economy. The result was the return of full time employment and the highest black rate in almost ever among other. When the chinese unlease the Fauci Kung Flu in 2019----and then the libs locked down states---the result was unemployment. And yet here is cityGator----hoping to bullshit people and hoping that they don't know. It's crazy stupid.
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Exactly.. it's sludge... Thicker and corrosive. They don't pump it, they scrape it like strip mining. That's why they have to dilute it with light, sweet crude from Libya.
Scrambling to cover your lie at this point. You said that they were pumping tarsand thru the pipeline and now admit that this is impossible. Impossible just like all the rest of your lying claims.
Holy fuck are you retarded. :cuckoo:

Moron, no one said Democrats in Congress forced executive orders. Again, YOU said Democrats on Congress forced the shutdowns. A comment so insanely stupid, you can't even explain how they did that.

Political pressure and threats and money. You really don't know anything about politics except to follow these three actions when applied to you.

Try to educate yourself on at least this.

BTW, I see you are resorting to profanity, the sure sign that you know you are losing and have nothing of interest or truth to say, You truly are a Biden baboon.

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