Under every Nazi Flag


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged
sure, frankie.. let's make pretend psycho nazi's don't reeeeally exist in the USA :bs1:


David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

The white nationalist and former KKK grand wizard encouraged his listeners to volunteer for Trump.

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'
4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers

It’s a long list that includes Facebook links. The cesspool of altleft fascists is comprised of professors, school teachers, writers, political activists and programmers.


Full list of antifa members.

and here:

Full list of antifa members.

and here: Facebook.com/profile.php?id=2238952

They can no longer hide behind their masks. How many are supposed to be filling open minds with truth?

Story with some of the names and positions @ 4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

SURE if you believe white supremacy in the USA would make America GREAT (again).

PROGRESS for white supremacists would be SO GREAT! :cuckoo:

Charlottesville Riots White Supremacist Chris Cantwell Turns Himself In

White supremacist and one of the organizers of the Charlottesville Riots Chris Cantwell has turned himself in to police.

Cantwell turned himself in Wednesday after the University of Virginia Police Department issued a warrant for his arrest earlier in the week. The warrants were for two counts of illegal use of tear gas and one count of malicious bodily injury with a caustic substance.

Charlottesville Riots White Supremacist Chris Cantwell Turns Himself in to Police
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged
Would not surprise me. The radical left has proven itself to be most deceitful.

Jason Kessler

“As Kessler was filing his failed petition, Unity & Security for America, a nativist, white nationalist group he founded, launched its website. A revolutionary right wing grassroots movement. Founded by author and activist Jason Kessler, USA is transformational movement within the Cultural Marxist hell that is Charlottesville.”

“Cultural Marxism” refers to a conspiracy that a group of Jewish leaders escaped Nazi Germany and have since sought to “erode Western values” through cultural influence.

4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers

It’s a long list that includes Facebook links. The cesspool of altleft fascists is comprised of professors, school teachers, writers, political activists and programmers.


Full list of antifa members.

and here:

Full list of antifa members.

and here: Facebook.com/profile.php?id=2238952

They can no longer hide behind their masks. How many are supposed to be filling open minds with truth?

Story with some of the names and positions @ 4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers

My favorite part of that list is how "Kikebook" was used twice. Yup, no bigotry there at all. lol
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged
Glad you admitted you're a nazi.
Baby steps.

Jason Kessler

“As Kessler was filing his failed petition, Unity & Security for America, a nativist, white nationalist group he founded, launched its website. A revolutionary right wing grassroots movement. Founded by author and activist Jason Kessler, USA is transformational movement within the Cultural Marxist hell that is Charlottesville.”

“Cultural Marxism” refers to a conspiracy that a group of Jewish leaders escaped Nazi Germany and have since sought to “erode Western values” through cultural influence.

Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged
Would not surprise me. The radical left has proven itself to be most deceitful.
Aren't you late for your Klan meeting?
Step on it..
Why don't you head cases just stick to your safe-space echo chamber that is r\The_doanald?

Rather than just re-posting conspiracy drivel from there here.
4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers

It’s a long list that includes Facebook links. The cesspool of altleft fascists is comprised of professors, school teachers, writers, political activists and programmers.


Full list of antifa members.

and here:

Full list of antifa members.

and here: Facebook.com/profile.php?id=2238952

They can no longer hide behind their masks. How many are supposed to be filling open minds with truth?

Story with some of the names and positions @ 4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers
Yup. Those who stand up to white supremacists and Nazis are from all walks of life. They're true heroes.
You mean a dead progressive killed by a White Nationalist?

Nazi dreamer?
guys like frankie in the OP are such useful IDIOTS.


This expert on political violence thinks Trump is making neo-Nazi attacks more likely
“Total moral collapse.”

“I study violence, killing, political disorder for a living. I have a pit in my stomach after today's press conference. Total moral collapse,” Staniland tweeted after the presser. “Odds of non-state violence soar when state officials give it cover and legitimacy. Dangerous and staggeringly irresponsible.”

This expert on political violence thinks Trump is making neo-Nazi attacks more likely
The state of the white supremacy and neo-Nazi groups in the US

The SPLC breaks down the groups by category, noting that there were 99 neo-Nazi groups, 130 outposts of the Ku Klux Klan, 43 neo-Confederate groups, 78 racist skinhead groups and 100 white nationalist groups. Various other groups – those classified as anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, Christian identity or general hate groups – could also share some ideology with white supremacist or white nationalist groups.

The overall number of U.S. hate groups jumped about 17 percent in 2016 from 784 in 2014, according to SPLC research.

Beirich noted that there has been “massive growth” in recent years, and pointed to the expansion of groups that are associated with neo-Nazi news website the Daily Stormer.

“The Daily Stormer went from one chapter in 2015 to about 30 in 2016,” she said, noting that many of the new groups were having in-person meetings and not just communicating online.

Trump has been slow to call out white nationalists before, critics say

Trump's remarks about the melee in Charlottesville
Alternative right (alt-right)

The alternative right (or alt-right) is a disparate group of provocateurs who hate political correctness and love Mr Trump, although critics say they are bigoted white nationalists.

This movement's recent rise is said to have been encouraged in part by the rhetoric employed during the 2016 US presidential election campaign, in which Mr Trump was accused of "textbook racism", anti-Semitism, and anti-Muslim bigotry.

Mr Trump, for his part, denounced the movement in November 2016, saying he disavowed their views.

The phrase "alt-right" started to gain traction in the mainstream media when Mr Trump, as then Republican nominee in July 2016, tweeted an image of Hillary Clinton alongside a six-pointed star resembling the Star of Israel containing the words: "Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!".

Alt-right factions, according to a guide written by Breitbart's Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos, include "intellectuals", "natural conservatives" and "the meme team" - mostly young activists with a penchant for internet trolling.

The movement's ideals focus on "white identity" and the preservation of "traditional western civilisation", according to Richard Bertrand Spencer, who coined the term "alternative right" in 2008.

Liberty, free speech and the right to offend are its touchstones. Opponents call it racist, misogynist and anti-Semitic.

Number of members As a predominantly online movement, the alt-right does not officially have membership, therefore exact numbers are hard to come by.

Where are they? The presence of this "amorphous" movement is online and its popularity is said to be increasing nationwide.

Are they growing? A relatively new political movement, the group has gained increased prominence over the past year due to its enthusiastic support for Mr Trump. However estimating its strength is difficult.

Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
America's most infamous supremacist group, the initial KKK was formed by ex-Confederate officers in the southern states of the US in the aftermath of the American Civil War in 1865.

The Klan soon flourished in the south before spreading nationwide in the 1900s.

Divisions of the group discriminate against black Americans, Jews and immigrants, and more recently gays and lesbians.

It became a vigilante movement with the aim of preventing these groups from enjoying the same civil liberties and rights as their fellow Americans.

Members historically wore hooded costumes and carried out lynchings and other violent attacks on those challenging white supremacy in the southern states.

Factions of the group describe it as a "White Patriotic Christian organization that bases its roots back to the Ku Klux Klan of the early 20th century".

Number of members Klan groups are active in most US states and are estimated to have between 5,000 and 8,000 members, according to the SPLC.

Where are they? There are dozens of KKK groups in the US stretching from New Jersey to Los Angeles. Groups include the Confederate White Knights and the Traditionalist American Knights.

Are they growing? In 2016 the Klan said that it was in the midst of a revival with a "surge in membership across the Deep South".

Neo-Nazi groups
The term neo-Nazi relates to a group of separatist activists who share anti-Semitic ideals and a love for Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

The views of neo-Nazi groups in the US are protected by the courts and the nation's First Amendment.

In one well-known case, the Supreme Court invoked the First Amendment to uphold the right of a neo-Nazi group to march through the predominantly Jewish town of Skokie, Illinois, and display swastikas.

Number of members There are several high-profile neo-Nazi organisations in the US, including the American Nazi Party and the National Socialist Movement (NSM). The most visible of these groups is the National Alliance (NA). A spin-off of the NA, Vanguard America, participated in the "Unite the Right" march on 12 August 2017 that left one woman dead and dozens of protesters and counter-protesters injured following clashes. The most recent membership figures for the NA, for 2012, are estimated to be at least 2,500, while an article published in the New York Times in 2011 said that the NSM consisted of about 400 members.

Where are they? A number of these groups were formed or originally based in Virginia. They have become more widespread in recent years with members of groups such as the NSM active in 32 states.

Are they growing? The manipulation of the mainstream media is attributed to a rise the far-right neo-Nazi movement, according to the Data and Society Research Institute. Links between US and European neo-Nazis are also said to be growing stronger, according to the SPLC.

Other white hate groups
National Socialist Movement: Founded in 1994, it is one of the largest neo-Nazi groups in the US, with chapters in more than 30 states.

Council of Conservative Citizens: Founded 1985, sprung from the pro-segregation movement in the southern states.

American Freedom Party: Founded 2009, with origins in California. Has a racist agenda and is against immigration.

4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers

It’s a long list that includes Facebook links. The cesspool of altleft fascists is comprised of professors, school teachers, writers, political activists and programmers.


Full list of antifa members.

and here:

Full list of antifa members.

and here: Facebook.com/profile.php?id=2238952

They can no longer hide behind their masks. How many are supposed to be filling open minds with truth?

Story with some of the names and positions @ 4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers
the fb list need the middle names as to not confuse with another with the same first and last or peeps need to know that they have a bamn page so include that in their search

In fb others will come up
Toni Love shared BAMN Apparel's video.
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