Under every Nazi Flag

4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers

It’s a long list that includes Facebook links. The cesspool of altleft fascists is comprised of professors, school teachers, writers, political activists and programmers.


Full list of antifa members.

and here:

Full list of antifa members.

and here: Facebook.com/profile.php?id=2238952

They can no longer hide behind their masks. How many are supposed to be filling open minds with truth?

Story with some of the names and positions @ 4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers
Yup. Those who stand up to white supremacists and Nazis are from all walks of life. They're true heroes.

They weren't in Charlottesville. Those were the American Communists
that were challenging the American Nazi's. btw...your red is showing,
shit for brains
4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers

It’s a long list that includes Facebook links. The cesspool of altleft fascists is comprised of professors, school teachers, writers, political activists and programmers.


Full list of antifa members.

and here:

Full list of antifa members.

and here: Facebook.com/profile.php?id=2238952

They can no longer hide behind their masks. How many are supposed to be filling open minds with truth?

Story with some of the names and positions @ 4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers
Yup. Those who stand up to white supremacists and Nazis are from all walks of life. They're true heroes.

They weren't in Charlottesville. Those were the American Communists
that were challenging the American Nazi's. btw...your red is showing,
shit for brains
Keep lying. It's what you do so well.
Heather Heyer was a great example of the type of people that stood up to the Nazis until one of them ran her down with his car and killed her.
Number of members: As a predominantly online movement, the alt-right does not officially have membership, therefore exact numbers are hard to come by.

their numbers are yuuuuuuge if you count all their sock puppet accounts! :lol:

if this perfect storm of vermin aren't bad enough, their idiot apologists are THE WORST! :eusa_clap:


4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers

It’s a long list that includes Facebook links. The cesspool of altleft fascists is comprised of professors, school teachers, writers, political activists and programmers.


Full list of antifa members.

and here:

Full list of antifa members.

and here: Facebook.com/profile.php?id=2238952

They can no longer hide behind their masks. How many are supposed to be filling open minds with truth?

Story with some of the names and positions @ 4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers
Yup. Those who stand up to white supremacists and Nazis are from all walks of life. They're true heroes.

They weren't in Charlottesville. Those were the American Communists
that were challenging the American Nazi's. btw...your red is showing,
shit for brains
Keep lying. It's what you do so well.
Heather Heyer was a great example of the type of people that stood up to the Nazis until one of them ran her down with his car and killed her.

What lie was told?
Ohio Man Charged With Murder In Fatal Car Attack On Anti-White Nationalist March

A man who appeared to be protesting Saturday with a group of self-proclaimed fascists is accused of killing a woman and injuring multiple others by driving his car into a crowd of marchers in Charlottesville, Va.

James Alex Fields Jr., 20, sped his silver Dodge Challenger into a crowd of people who had been protesting the assembly of white nationalists, white supremacists, fascists and others, according to police. Authorities say Charlottesville resident Heather Heyer, 32, was killed in the attack.

Fields has been charged with one count of second-degree murder, three counts of malicious wounding and one count related to leaving the scene of the wreck, according to The Associated Press.

"the quiet boy was also deeply into Adolf Hitler and white supremacy." :cuckoo:

Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged

You right wingers have always tried to deny the Nazis are your creation and belong to the extreme right. You own them and worse, Duke is correct that Trump owes them, bigly. Without the racists and the white supremacists, he wouldn't have been elected.

Having your terrorists exposed like this isn't fun but there is no way you can deny them this time. Decent folk are horrified by what they're seeing as the right is exposed for their bigotry and their hate.
4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers

It’s a long list that includes Facebook links. The cesspool of altleft fascists is comprised of professors, school teachers, writers, political activists and programmers.


Full list of antifa members.

and here:

Full list of antifa members.

and here: Facebook.com/profile.php?id=2238952

They can no longer hide behind their masks. How many are supposed to be filling open minds with truth?

Story with some of the names and positions @ 4Chan Publishes List of Antifa Punks, Some of Whom Are Teachers
Another one that should be on the list- husband to a BAMN organizer
Michael Mulholland

Frances Wang on Twitter

They also have a united kingdom division MFJ-BAMN Movement for Justice by Any Means Necessary - Wikipedia

The Movement for Justice was set up in 1995 by people around the Kingsway College Student Union in the London Borough of Camden to tackle racism in institutional and established forms. The group confronted organised fascism as well as death in custody and wider racism to black people as well as travellers, refugees and asylum seekers. It is also the sister group to the American organization The Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), which has been accused of being a cult by former members.[1] Movement for Justice is headed up by members of the Revolutionary Internationalist League (RIL), a Trotskyist group.[2]

Borough of Camden islamist at DuckDuckGo
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Adopted October 19, 2000 at the BAMN mass meeting and conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (115 votes for, 0 against, 1 abstaining)

  1. BAMN is a mass, democratic, integrated, national organization dedicated to building a new mass civil rights movement to defend affirmative action, integration, and the other gains of the civil rights movement of the 1960s and to advance the struggle for equality in American society by any means necessary.
  2. BAMN will consist of local BAMN groups, other independent organizations that choose to affiliate or otherwise associate themselves with BAMN, and individuals who declare their support for BAMN's principles and express this support in action consistent with these principles.

    BAMN groups will include independent community, labor, campus, high-school, middle-school, youth, and other political and activist organizations that endorse the principles of BAMN, conduct their internal business democratically, and commit themselves in action to the achievement of BAMN's aims.
  3. BAMN is committed to making real America's founding declaration that "all men are created equal." Real equality of rights and opportunities for women and for disadvantaged black, Latina/o, Native American, Asian Pacific American, Arab American, and other minorities requires active, positive measures, a national policy of affirmative action. American society can overcome its fundamental inequalities only if positive measures are taken to transform it into what it should be.
  4. BAMN is committed to making real the ideal of "government of the people, by the people, for the people." But democracy, too, must be a sham as long as the fundamental inequalities of poverty, racism, and sexism deform the relations of political power along with access to educational and economic opportunities. Here again, America can only become what it should be through a national policy of affirmative action.
  5. BAMN recognizes that history has made clear that the positive measures, the affirmative action necessary to achieve genuine equality and real democracy will require the victory of the struggles of a new, independent integrated civil rights movement committed to fight for these aims by any means necessary. As Americans committed to saving our society from the evils of racism and sexism, we understand that racism and sexism are so deeply a part of the structure and institutions of American society that only the growing power of a new mass movement can uproot them.
  6. BAMN defends the integration plans that were the decisive first fruit of the previous generation of civil rights struggles. We recognize that the attack on affirmative action has been accompanied by a less well publicized but even more dangerous series of right-wing attacks on integration plans in American public schools, even where these plans have been most successful and have had the widespread support of minority and white parents and students alike.
  7. BAMN sees the attack on affirmative action and integration-policies that in practice have benefited people of both sexes and all races-as a fundamental attack on the democratic character of American society itself.

    This is true, in the first place, because of the intrinsic importance of the actual policies under attack as very modest steps in the direction of equality of opportunities for women and disadvantaged minorities. But it is also true because the victory of the opponents of affirmative action and integration will set the stage for a broader and deeper attack not only on the gains of the past civil rights movement but on the democratic rights won through the mass struggles of the labor movement of the 1930s and the youth, women's, and lesbian/gay movements of the 1960s and 1970s.
  8. BAMN will employ whatever means are necessary to oppose and defeat these attacks on the democratic and egalitarian aspirations and struggles of our people. Specifically, BAMN will employ the methods of independent mass organizing and struggle, of mass education and action, of democratic discussion and decision-making, of telling the truth and only the truth, of rooting our fights in the courts or in elections in the growing movement on the streets, of building the leadership of the disenfranchised and oppressed.
  9. BAMN will be independent of the Democrats and Republicans and of governments and school and university administrations. In any elections, BAMN will consider supporting only those candidates, slates, and parties whose support for affirmative action and the struggle of the new movement for equality is explicit and unequivocal.
  10. Confident in the capacity of a new movement to learn, grow, fight, and win, BAMN rejects cynicism and despair.
  11. BAMN rejects the principle of "separate but equal" as one of the great lies of American history. We will oppose every measure aimed at the resegregation of American society.
  12. BAMN rejects biological determinism and its pseudoscientific ideological explanations of the inequalities of modern society.
  13. BAMN rejects all claims that the inequalities of race and gender and the oppression of racism and sexism can be adequately explained as natural or inevitable consequences of human nature, original sin, biological destiny, or the supposed deficiencies of various ethnic cultures.
    The inequalities of race and gender in American society are a result of the actual history of that society. Racism and sexism are expressions of the actual inequalities of wealth, power, and status that characterize the society that have developed through that history. Our aim should be to understand that history in order to end those unequal relations of power and privilege, not to invent theories to rationalize passive submission.
  14. BAMN will expose the falsehoods of the baseless and arrogant attempts to use standardized tests to define merit or intelligence or human dignity. We recognize that such inevitably biased tests correlate most strongly, not with any question of merit, but with the relative privileges or disadvantages of race and socioeconomic status and amount to a means of rationalizing preferences for certain racial and class privileges.
  15. BAMN stands proudly in the tradition of the great abolitionist, civil rights, and antiracist movements of the past, critically studying, learning from, and developing the lessons of the struggles of our heroic forebears. We look especially to the towering figure of Frederick Douglass ("If there is no struggle there is no progress"), and, as representative leaders of the 1960s, Martin Luther King ("The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges"), and Malcolm X ("action on all fronts by whatever means necessary").
  16. BAMN will base itself on the new movement as it develops, viewing its tasks from the standpoint of the oppressed and the poor, not the privileged elite. While maintaining its independence and not shirking the duty of leadership or yielding the right of criticism and the obligation to tell the truth, BAMN will work hard to build any alliance that can help make the new, independent movement broader and more powerful.
  17. BAMN defends the rights and dignity of immigrants against the divisive, racist, and chauvinist attacks that have deformed American political life over and over again throughout our nation's history.
  18. BAMN sees itself as part of a reawakening international mass movement against racism and fascism and for equal rights and opportunities. We will develop links with antiracist and proequality movements outside the US in order to help where we can and in order to learn from the struggles of our sisters and brothers in other nations.
  19. BAMN will fight for the democratic election of leaders of movement bodies; for the direct accountability of all leaders to the new movement; and for democratic discussion and decision-making in all the meetings and bodies of the new movement.
  20. BAMN will be an organization in which strong women leaders play a fully equal role in all its work. BAMN will be built by women and male leaders inspired by the examples of the heroic women leaders of the abolitionist and civil rights movements-courageous fighters like Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth, Rosa Parks, Ella Baker and Fanny Lou Hamer. BAMN will fight for the equal leadership role of women in the new mass movement.
  21. BAMN will be an organization in which black, Latina/o, Native American, Asian Pacific American, Arab American, and other minority leaders play a full and prominent role. We will fight for full integration of the leadership of the new movement.
  22. In any new movement, youth must play a decisive role. BAMN will be an organization of idealistic and brave youth, fighting for a future of genuine equality and justice for all.

RSS Feed

Follow BAMN on Twitter

Other Links:

United for Equality & Affirmative Action Legal Defense Fund (UEAALDF)

Equal Opportunity Now (EON)

DREAM Act Facebook Page

Justice for Oscar Grant Facebook Page

Justice for Jesús Gutiérrez - Make UC-Berkeley a Sanctuary Campus Facebook Page

BAMN Myspace Page

BAMN Chávez Holiday Myspace Page
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged

You are embarrassed to the point of delusion. Own your warts, freak. Either cut them off of let them define you.

So you should have nothing to worry about, right.
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged

You right wingers have always tried to deny the Nazis are your creation and belong to the extreme right. You own them and worse, Duke is correct that Trump owes them, bigly. Without the racists and the white supremacists, he wouldn't have been elected.

Having your terrorists exposed like this isn't fun but there is no way you can deny them this time. Decent folk are horrified by what they're seeing as the right is exposed for their bigotry and their hate.

Nazi are left wing big government types
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged

You right wingers have always tried to deny the Nazis are your creation and belong to the extreme right. You own them and worse, Duke is correct that Trump owes them, bigly. Without the racists and the white supremacists, he wouldn't have been elected.

Having your terrorists exposed like this isn't fun but there is no way you can deny them this time. Decent folk are horrified by what they're seeing as the right is exposed for their bigotry and their hate.

Nazi are left wing big government types

"Jews will not replace us" is hardly a big government sentiment. A "whites only" country isn't a goal of the left.

These are your people Frank. This is the logical extension of the birther movement. They supported Trump. Racist and hate crimes are up over 500% over last year. Why is that Frank? Who is emboldening lawless racists? Who just pardoned racist Joe Arpaio who ignored all other crimes to go after illegals, often imprisoning legal citizens?
sure, frankie.. let's make pretend psycho nazi's don't reeeeally exist in the USA :bs1:


David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

The white nationalist and former KKK grand wizard encouraged his listeners to volunteer for Trump.

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

If you look at his bank account I would bet the house that he is cashing checks from the Democrat National Committee or that the checks are signed by scot foval, or bob craemer........the ones who hired people to incite violence at Trump rallies and events....
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged

You right wingers have always tried to deny the Nazis are your creation and belong to the extreme right. You own them and worse, Duke is correct that Trump owes them, bigly. Without the racists and the white supremacists, he wouldn't have been elected.

Having your terrorists exposed like this isn't fun but there is no way you can deny them this time. Decent folk are horrified by what they're seeing as the right is exposed for their bigotry and their hate.

Nazi are left wing big government types

"Jews will not replace us" is hardly a big government sentiment. A "whites only" country isn't a goal of the left.

These are your people Frank. This is the logical extension of the birther movement. They supported Trump. Racist and hate crimes are up over 500% over last year. Why is that Frank? Who is emboldening lawless racists? Who just pardoned racist Joe Arpaio who ignored all other crimes to go after illegals, often imprisoning legal citizens?

Except in practice, marx believed in murdering the "racial trash" who were too far behind the historical curve to be true communists....except for that....
sure, frankie.. let's make pretend psycho nazi's don't reeeeally exist in the USA :bs1:


David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

The white nationalist and former KKK grand wizard encouraged his listeners to volunteer for Trump.

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

If you look at his bank account I would bet the house that he is cashing checks from the Democrat National Committee or that the checks are signed by scot foval, or bob craemer........the ones who hired people to incite violence at Trump rallies and events....

I'd take that bet. Duke has been a perennial Republican candidate, unabashedly supported Donald Trump from the get go, and has championed white supremacy throughout his life.

You're so desperate to deny him you overlook easily verifiable facts. It's a pattern with Trumpanzees like you.
View attachment 146021

Jason Kessler

“As Kessler was filing his failed petition, Unity & Security for America, a nativist, white nationalist group he founded, launched its website. A revolutionary right wing grassroots movement. Founded by author and activist Jason Kessler, USA is transformational movement within the Cultural Marxist hell that is Charlottesville.”

“Cultural Marxism” refers to a conspiracy that a group of Jewish leaders escaped Nazi Germany and have since sought to “erode Western values” through cultural influence.


What is the difference between the alt-right, nazis, and white supremacists......and antifa, and black lives matter....?

they all believe in racism.

They all believe in socialism.

They are all violent, and willing to use violence to suppress their political opponents.

they all hate Jewish people.

So...they are all the same on those details......so.....there is no difference...
sure, frankie.. let's make pretend psycho nazi's don't reeeeally exist in the USA :bs1:


David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

The white nationalist and former KKK grand wizard encouraged his listeners to volunteer for Trump.

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

If you look at his bank account I would bet the house that he is cashing checks from the Democrat National Committee or that the checks are signed by scot foval, or bob craemer........the ones who hired people to incite violence at Trump rallies and events....

I'd take that bet. Duke has been a perennial Republican candidate, unabashedly supported Donald Trump from the get go, and has championed white supremacy throughout his life.

You're so desperate to deny him you overlook easily verifiable facts. It's a pattern with Trumpanzees like you.

We don't have to deny him....he isn't a republican, he isn't accepted by republicans, he is not part of the republican party....he can say he is all day long, but he doesn't belong to conservatives or republicans....

You assholes......embrace antifa and black lives matter.....Elizabeth warren wouldn't deny antifa, and whole heartedly supports black lives matter......the democrat party embraces black lives matter, la raza, and other left wing, racist hate groups....obama had black lives matter to the White House...

The democrat party has the racism problem, not the Repulbican party.

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