Under every Nazi Flag

sure, frankie.. let's make pretend psycho nazi's don't reeeeally exist in the USA :bs1:


David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

The white nationalist and former KKK grand wizard encouraged his listeners to volunteer for Trump.

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

If you look at his bank account I would bet the house that he is cashing checks from the Democrat National Committee or that the checks are signed by scot foval, or bob craemer........the ones who hired people to incite violence at Trump rallies and events....

I'd take that bet. Duke has been a perennial Republican candidate, unabashedly supported Donald Trump from the get go, and has championed white supremacy throughout his life.

You're so desperate to deny him you overlook easily verifiable facts. It's a pattern with Trumpanzees like you.

We don't have to deny him....he isn't a republican, he isn't accepted by republicans, he is not part of the republican party....he can say he is all day long, but he doesn't belong to conservatives or republicans....

You assholes......embrace antifa and black lives matter.....Elizabeth warren wouldn't deny antifa, and whole heartedly supports black lives matter......the democrat party embraces black lives matter, la raza, and other left wing, racist hate groups....obama had black lives matter to the White House...

The democrat party has the racism problem, not the Repulbican party.

Deflection won't work. The Nazis are your people. White supremacists belong to Donald Trump. They weren't marching and holding rallies before Trump was elected.

These are the scum of the earth. Proud Republicans all. You don't even have the balls to disavow them. Saying they aren't "real Republicans" won't work.
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged

You right wingers have always tried to deny the Nazis are your creation and belong to the extreme right. You own them and worse, Duke is correct that Trump owes them, bigly. Without the racists and the white supremacists, he wouldn't have been elected.

Having your terrorists exposed like this isn't fun but there is no way you can deny them this time. Decent folk are horrified by what they're seeing as the right is exposed for their bigotry and their hate.

Nazi are left wing big government types

"Jews will not replace us" is hardly a big government sentiment. A "whites only" country isn't a goal of the left.

These are your people Frank. This is the logical extension of the birther movement. They supported Trump. Racist and hate crimes are up over 500% over last year. Why is that Frank? Who is emboldening lawless racists? Who just pardoned racist Joe Arpaio who ignored all other crimes to go after illegals, often imprisoning legal citizens?

Except in practice, marx believed in murdering the "racial trash" who were too far behind the historical curve to be true communists....except for that....

Sounds like planned parenthood
The confederate flag only existed for about four years. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships and over slave plantations for 200 years was, unfortunately, the Stars and Stripes.
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged

You right wingers have always tried to deny the Nazis are your creation and belong to the extreme right. You own them and worse, Duke is correct that Trump owes them, bigly. Without the racists and the white supremacists, he wouldn't have been elected.

Having your terrorists exposed like this isn't fun but there is no way you can deny them this time. Decent folk are horrified by what they're seeing as the right is exposed for their bigotry and their hate.

Nazi are left wing big government types

"Jews will not replace us" is hardly a big government sentiment. A "whites only" country isn't a goal of the left.

These are your people Frank. This is the logical extension of the birther movement. They supported Trump. Racist and hate crimes are up over 500% over last year. Why is that Frank? Who is emboldening lawless racists? Who just pardoned racist Joe Arpaio who ignored all other crimes to go after illegals, often imprisoning legal citizens?

That's why y'all keep losing your elections.
sure, frankie.. let's make pretend psycho nazi's don't reeeeally exist in the USA :bs1:


David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

The white nationalist and former KKK grand wizard encouraged his listeners to volunteer for Trump.

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

If you look at his bank account I would bet the house that he is cashing checks from the Democrat National Committee or that the checks are signed by scot foval, or bob craemer........the ones who hired people to incite violence at Trump rallies and events....

I'd take that bet. Duke has been a perennial Republican candidate, unabashedly supported Donald Trump from the get go, and has championed white supremacy throughout his life.

You're so desperate to deny him you overlook easily verifiable facts. It's a pattern with Trumpanzees like you.

We don't have to deny him....he isn't a republican, he isn't accepted by republicans, he is not part of the republican party....he can say he is all day long, but he doesn't belong to conservatives or republicans....

You assholes......embrace antifa and black lives matter.....Elizabeth warren wouldn't deny antifa, and whole heartedly supports black lives matter......the democrat party embraces black lives matter, la raza, and other left wing, racist hate groups....obama had black lives matter to the White House...

The democrat party has the racism problem, not the Repulbican party.

Deflection won't work. The Nazis are your people. White supremacists belong to Donald Trump. They weren't marching and holding rallies before Trump was elected.

These are the scum of the earth. Proud Republicans all. You don't even have the balls to disavow them. Saying they aren't "real Republicans" won't work.

Nope...they are not republicans, they hold the exact opposite views of Republicans, they are racists, socialists and anti-semitic, everything the Republicans are not......they do match up with the democrat party, which is racist, socialist, and anti-semitic........the other racists in the democrat party...black lives matter, are racist, socialist, anti-semitic, and are embraced by the democrats, having been to the White House on obama's invitation.....

You are the one supporting racism and hate, not Republicans....
sure, frankie.. let's make pretend psycho nazi's don't reeeeally exist in the USA :bs1:


David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

The white nationalist and former KKK grand wizard encouraged his listeners to volunteer for Trump.

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

If you look at his bank account I would bet the house that he is cashing checks from the Democrat National Committee or that the checks are signed by scot foval, or bob craemer........the ones who hired people to incite violence at Trump rallies and events....

I'd take that bet. Duke has been a perennial Republican candidate, unabashedly supported Donald Trump from the get go, and has championed white supremacy throughout his life.

You're so desperate to deny him you overlook easily verifiable facts. It's a pattern with Trumpanzees like you.

We don't have to deny him....he isn't a republican, he isn't accepted by republicans, he is not part of the republican party....he can say he is all day long, but he doesn't belong to conservatives or republicans....

You assholes......embrace antifa and black lives matter.....Elizabeth warren wouldn't deny antifa, and whole heartedly supports black lives matter......the democrat party embraces black lives matter, la raza, and other left wing, racist hate groups....obama had black lives matter to the White House...

The democrat party has the racism problem, not the Repulbican party.

Deflection won't work. The Nazis are your people. White supremacists belong to Donald Trump. They weren't marching and holding rallies before Trump was elected.

These are the scum of the earth. Proud Republicans all. You don't even have the balls to disavow them. Saying they aren't "real Republicans" won't work.

Nope...they are not republicans, they hold the exact opposite views of Republicans, they are racists, socialists and anti-semitic, everything the Republicans are not......they do match up with the democrat party, which is racist, socialist, and anti-semitic........the other racists in the democrat party...black lives matter, are racist, socialist, anti-semitic, and are embraced by the democrats, having been to the White House on obama's invitation.....

You are the one supporting racism and hate, not Republicans....

Your denials have no basis in fact. Republicans elected a Nazi and white supremacist sympathizer as President.

Nazis haven't held rallies or marches since the 1970's and now they're everywhere. Trump refused to disavow David Duke before the election. White supremacists voted in droves for Trump.

No matter how much you deny it, Trump and the Republican Party have encouraged and supported these low life swine. Did Republicans deny the "birthers" or even call them on their idiocy?

All that is required for evil to flourish is for those of good conscience to do nothing. Racists, bigots and white supremacists have been welcomed by and openly encouraged by the Republican Party since LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act.

Republicans needed the votes. Now you're stuck with this filth. They sure as hell won't line up with the diversity of the Democrats.
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged
Starting to get witness reports of Soros buses disgorging people in antifa and Nazi regalia from same bus.....Nazis and BLM......hope pics follow
If you look at his bank account I would bet the house that he is cashing checks from the Democrat National Committee or that the checks are signed by scot foval, or bob craemer........the ones who hired people to incite violence at Trump rallies and events....

I'd take that bet. Duke has been a perennial Republican candidate, unabashedly supported Donald Trump from the get go, and has championed white supremacy throughout his life.

You're so desperate to deny him you overlook easily verifiable facts. It's a pattern with Trumpanzees like you.

We don't have to deny him....he isn't a republican, he isn't accepted by republicans, he is not part of the republican party....he can say he is all day long, but he doesn't belong to conservatives or republicans....

You assholes......embrace antifa and black lives matter.....Elizabeth warren wouldn't deny antifa, and whole heartedly supports black lives matter......the democrat party embraces black lives matter, la raza, and other left wing, racist hate groups....obama had black lives matter to the White House...

The democrat party has the racism problem, not the Repulbican party.

Deflection won't work. The Nazis are your people. White supremacists belong to Donald Trump. They weren't marching and holding rallies before Trump was elected.

These are the scum of the earth. Proud Republicans all. You don't even have the balls to disavow them. Saying they aren't "real Republicans" won't work.

Nope...they are not republicans, they hold the exact opposite views of Republicans, they are racists, socialists and anti-semitic, everything the Republicans are not......they do match up with the democrat party, which is racist, socialist, and anti-semitic........the other racists in the democrat party...black lives matter, are racist, socialist, anti-semitic, and are embraced by the democrats, having been to the White House on obama's invitation.....

You are the one supporting racism and hate, not Republicans....

Your denials have no basis in fact. Republicans elected a Nazi and white supremacist sympathizer as President.

Nazis haven't held rallies or marches since the 1970's and now they're everywhere. Trump refused to disavow David Duke before the election. White supremacists voted in droves for Trump.

No matter how much you deny it, Trump and the Republican Party have encouraged and supported these low life swine. Did Republicans deny the "birthers" or even call them on their idiocy?

All that is required for evil to flourish is for those of good conscience to do nothing. Racists, bigots and white supremacists have been welcomed by and openly encouraged by the Republican Party since LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act.

Republicans needed the votes. Now you're stuck with this filth. They sure as hell won't line up with the diversity of the Democrats.

I'd take that bet. Duke has been a perennial Republican candidate, unabashedly supported Donald Trump from the get go, and has championed white supremacy throughout his life.

You're so desperate to deny him you overlook easily verifiable facts. It's a pattern with Trumpanzees like you.

We don't have to deny him....he isn't a republican, he isn't accepted by republicans, he is not part of the republican party....he can say he is all day long, but he doesn't belong to conservatives or republicans....

You assholes......embrace antifa and black lives matter.....Elizabeth warren wouldn't deny antifa, and whole heartedly supports black lives matter......the democrat party embraces black lives matter, la raza, and other left wing, racist hate groups....obama had black lives matter to the White House...

The democrat party has the racism problem, not the Repulbican party.

Deflection won't work. The Nazis are your people. White supremacists belong to Donald Trump. They weren't marching and holding rallies before Trump was elected.

These are the scum of the earth. Proud Republicans all. You don't even have the balls to disavow them. Saying they aren't "real Republicans" won't work.

Nope...they are not republicans, they hold the exact opposite views of Republicans, they are racists, socialists and anti-semitic, everything the Republicans are not......they do match up with the democrat party, which is racist, socialist, and anti-semitic........the other racists in the democrat party...black lives matter, are racist, socialist, anti-semitic, and are embraced by the democrats, having been to the White House on obama's invitation.....

You are the one supporting racism and hate, not Republicans....

Your denials have no basis in fact. Republicans elected a Nazi and white supremacist sympathizer as President.

Nazis haven't held rallies or marches since the 1970's and now they're everywhere. Trump refused to disavow David Duke before the election. White supremacists voted in droves for Trump.

No matter how much you deny it, Trump and the Republican Party have encouraged and supported these low life swine. Did Republicans deny the "birthers" or even call them on their idiocy?

All that is required for evil to flourish is for those of good conscience to do nothing. Racists, bigots and white supremacists have been welcomed by and openly encouraged by the Republican Party since LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act.

Republicans needed the votes. Now you're stuck with this filth. They sure as hell won't line up with the diversity of the Democrats.


You've got nothing and have resorted to a hackneyed meme.

Your surrender is accepted.
Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged

Well Antifa just missing a few more bent angles on its flag , to be a Nazi symbol. I wonder if Antifa is trying to tell us something subliminal about having one catercorner piece of the cross?


Jason Kessler

“As Kessler was filing his failed petition, Unity & Security for America, a nativist, white nationalist group he founded, launched its website. A revolutionary right wing grassroots movement. Founded by author and activist Jason Kessler, USA is transformational movement within the Cultural Marxist hell that is Charlottesville.”

“Cultural Marxism” refers to a conspiracy that a group of Jewish leaders escaped Nazi Germany and have since sought to “erode Western values” through cultural influence.

You know that guy was an occupy member and an Obama supporter till last year? Liberals created this maniac.

Jason Kessler

“As Kessler was filing his failed petition, Unity & Security for America, a nativist, white nationalist group he founded, launched its website. A revolutionary right wing grassroots movement. Founded by author and activist Jason Kessler, USA is transformational movement within the Cultural Marxist hell that is Charlottesville.”

“Cultural Marxism” refers to a conspiracy that a group of Jewish leaders escaped Nazi Germany and have since sought to “erode Western values” through cultural influence.

You know that guy was an occupy member and an Obama supporter till last year? Liberals created this maniac.

No I don't know that. There isn't any creditable source with this information. Given his extreme stance on Jews, immigration, and White Supremacy, it's difficult to believe he ever supported a black man as President.

But now that Republican promotion of white supremacy/Naziism has completely backfired, I notice how desperately right wingers are trying to cover their tracks and blame these right wingers as Soros plants and false flags.

You people are such liars. Every time you're caught being the slimes you are, you try to claim you didn't do it.

Under every Nazi Flag, you'll find a Progressive.

Challenge anyone waving a Nazi Flag at a Trump event, get their name, get a picture. They're using an old Alinsky tactic to smear us.

Do not let it go unchallenged

Well Antifa just missing a few more bent angles on its flag , to be a Nazi symbol. I wonder if Antifa is trying to tell us something subliminal about having one catercorner piece of the cross?


Antifa does have the Hammer and sickle motif of their Motherland

Jason Kessler

“As Kessler was filing his failed petition, Unity & Security for America, a nativist, white nationalist group he founded, launched its website. A revolutionary right wing grassroots movement. Founded by author and activist Jason Kessler, USA is transformational movement within the Cultural Marxist hell that is Charlottesville.”

“Cultural Marxism” refers to a conspiracy that a group of Jewish leaders escaped Nazi Germany and have since sought to “erode Western values” through cultural influence.

You know that guy was an occupy member and an Obama supporter till last year? Liberals created this maniac.

Actually....he is likely on their payroll.......remember, the Democrat National Committee used scot foval and bob craemer to hire people to incite violence at Trump rallies.......it is likely they have just continued their operation and used this guy to organize the white racists.....

Jason Kessler

“As Kessler was filing his failed petition, Unity & Security for America, a nativist, white nationalist group he founded, launched its website. A revolutionary right wing grassroots movement. Founded by author and activist Jason Kessler, USA is transformational movement within the Cultural Marxist hell that is Charlottesville.”

“Cultural Marxism” refers to a conspiracy that a group of Jewish leaders escaped Nazi Germany and have since sought to “erode Western values” through cultural influence.

You know that guy was an occupy member and an Obama supporter till last year? Liberals created this maniac.

No I don't know that. There isn't any creditable source with this information. Given his extreme stance on Jews, immigration, and White Supremacy, it's difficult to believe he ever supported a black man as President.

But now that Republican promotion of white supremacy/Naziism has completely backfired, I notice how desperately right wingers are trying to cover their tracks and blame these right wingers as Soros plants and false flags.

You people are such liars. Every time you're caught being the slimes you are, you try to claim you didn't do it.


No..it isn't difficult if you just remember that the Democrat National Committee hired these two guys, scot foval and bob craemer to pay people to incite violence at Trump rallies...this is not a rumour, this is a fact, they admitted to doing it on video.......they stated how they did it, how they hired people.....and this guy you say is hard to believe he was an obama guy and occupy wall street guy, now all of a sudden he is a nazi...if you can't see a plant, you are blind...


Jason Kessler

“As Kessler was filing his failed petition, Unity & Security for America, a nativist, white nationalist group he founded, launched its website. A revolutionary right wing grassroots movement. Founded by author and activist Jason Kessler, USA is transformational movement within the Cultural Marxist hell that is Charlottesville.”

“Cultural Marxism” refers to a conspiracy that a group of Jewish leaders escaped Nazi Germany and have since sought to “erode Western values” through cultural influence.

You know that guy was an occupy member and an Obama supporter till last year? Liberals created this maniac.

No I don't know that. There isn't any creditable source with this information. Given his extreme stance on Jews, immigration, and White Supremacy, it's difficult to believe he ever supported a black man as President.

But now that Republican promotion of white supremacy/Naziism has completely backfired, I notice how desperately right wingers are trying to cover their tracks and blame these right wingers as Soros plants and false flags.

You people are such liars. Every time you're caught being the slimes you are, you try to claim you didn't do it.


You are the liar. Trump has been denouncing Duke for years. Trump left the Reform Party because of "undesirables" joining, naming David Duke and Pat Buchanan by name! He followed Jesse Jackson out the door. Even CNN, back in 2016 admitted Trump was "crystal clear" in his denouncement of Duke:

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."

You know this already because it has been pointed out to you, specifically. You still repeat your lies.

Middle America and Flyover States are sick of this B.S. Normal Americans are sick of the shrill cries of, "Racist! Homophobe! Xenophobe!" The last group shut down for being white supremacist Nazis weren't even white, FFS!

Jason Kessler

“As Kessler was filing his failed petition, Unity & Security for America, a nativist, white nationalist group he founded, launched its website. A revolutionary right wing grassroots movement. Founded by author and activist Jason Kessler, USA is transformational movement within the Cultural Marxist hell that is Charlottesville.”

“Cultural Marxism” refers to a conspiracy that a group of Jewish leaders escaped Nazi Germany and have since sought to “erode Western values” through cultural influence.

You know that guy was an occupy member and an Obama supporter till last year? Liberals created this maniac.

No I don't know that. There isn't any creditable source with this information. Given his extreme stance on Jews, immigration, and White Supremacy, it's difficult to believe he ever supported a black man as President.

But now that Republican promotion of white supremacy/Naziism has completely backfired, I notice how desperately right wingers are trying to cover their tracks and blame these right wingers as Soros plants and false flags.

You people are such liars. Every time you're caught being the slimes you are, you try to claim you didn't do it.


You are the liar. Trump has been denouncing Duke for years. Trump left the Reform Party because of "undesirables" joining, naming David Duke and Pat Buchanan by name! He followed Jesse Jackson out the door. Even CNN, back in 2016 admitted Trump was "crystal clear" in his denouncement of Duke:

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."

You know this already because it has been pointed out to you, specifically. You still repeat your lies.

Middle America and Flyover States are sick of this B.S. Normal Americans are sick of the shrill cries of, "Racist! Homophobe! Xenophobe!" The last group shut down for being white supremacist Nazis weren't even white, FFS!

When David Duke and the KKK gave Donald Trump his endorsement for President, Donald Trump did not renounce the endorsement. He said he didn't know who David Duke was. So saying that Trump has renounced David Duke for years is false.


Jason Kessler

“As Kessler was filing his failed petition, Unity & Security for America, a nativist, white nationalist group he founded, launched its website. A revolutionary right wing grassroots movement. Founded by author and activist Jason Kessler, USA is transformational movement within the Cultural Marxist hell that is Charlottesville.”

“Cultural Marxism” refers to a conspiracy that a group of Jewish leaders escaped Nazi Germany and have since sought to “erode Western values” through cultural influence.

You know that guy was an occupy member and an Obama supporter till last year? Liberals created this maniac.

No I don't know that. There isn't any creditable source with this information. Given his extreme stance on Jews, immigration, and White Supremacy, it's difficult to believe he ever supported a black man as President.

But now that Republican promotion of white supremacy/Naziism has completely backfired, I notice how desperately right wingers are trying to cover their tracks and blame these right wingers as Soros plants and false flags.

You people are such liars. Every time you're caught being the slimes you are, you try to claim you didn't do it.


You are the liar. Trump has been denouncing Duke for years. Trump left the Reform Party because of "undesirables" joining, naming David Duke and Pat Buchanan by name! He followed Jesse Jackson out the door. Even CNN, back in 2016 admitted Trump was "crystal clear" in his denouncement of Duke:

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."

You know this already because it has been pointed out to you, specifically. You still repeat your lies.

Middle America and Flyover States are sick of this B.S. Normal Americans are sick of the shrill cries of, "Racist! Homophobe! Xenophobe!" The last group shut down for being white supremacist Nazis weren't even white, FFS!

When David Duke and the KKK gave Donald Trump his endorsement for President, Donald Trump did not renounce the endorsement. He said he didn't know who David Duke was. So saying that Trump has renounced David Duke for years is false.

He's been denouncing Duke publicly for years. FACT. That he didn't admit to knowing Duke does not invalidate that fact. I wouldn't admit to knowing Duke either!

Jason Kessler

“As Kessler was filing his failed petition, Unity & Security for America, a nativist, white nationalist group he founded, launched its website. A revolutionary right wing grassroots movement. Founded by author and activist Jason Kessler, USA is transformational movement within the Cultural Marxist hell that is Charlottesville.”

“Cultural Marxism” refers to a conspiracy that a group of Jewish leaders escaped Nazi Germany and have since sought to “erode Western values” through cultural influence.

You know that guy was an occupy member and an Obama supporter till last year? Liberals created this maniac.

No I don't know that. There isn't any creditable source with this information. Given his extreme stance on Jews, immigration, and White Supremacy, it's difficult to believe he ever supported a black man as President.

But now that Republican promotion of white supremacy/Naziism has completely backfired, I notice how desperately right wingers are trying to cover their tracks and blame these right wingers as Soros plants and false flags.

You people are such liars. Every time you're caught being the slimes you are, you try to claim you didn't do it.

Just look it up your kind created this trash.

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