Under God

Its amazing how threads migrate from the OP to something entirely unrelated.

I started this thread to open a discussion on whether the country was better when we openly acknowledged God in our every day lives or today when such acknowledgement is denigrated as offensive.

If I was not clear in the OP, that is my fault.

If some of you are too ignorant to understand, that is your fault.

What's the earlier time frame you're referring to?

1776 through about 1965

You don't want to eliminate 1776 through 1865 from your years America was better,

if only because slavery was legal?
Redfish, thank you for finally being honest.

We are not going back to the 1950s and 1960s.

That is over, forever.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

God is a mythical creature.

God is real. I know it. I will pray for you.

Well, if he's real - please give us some "credible" proof so we can also honor him. After all, you've proven on USMB so far that what you supposedly "know" is laughable. So now - give us something solid and TRUE. We need something more tangible than the voices in your head.
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Redfish, thank you for finally being honest.

We are not going back to the 1950s and 1960s.

That is over, forever.
Unless a conservative POTUS gets his hands on the FCC and shuts down your smut dispensary (GLAAD). We can retrain a generation or two just like y'all ruined a couple of them. Training works both ways. Enjoy your gay/sex propaganda programming and promos on primetime while you can. Those will be sent to the "pay per view" in a nanosecond when the conservatives control the FCC again. Kids have no business being "trained up" by your unbridled porn aimed right at them.

I've been keeping an eye on "children's programming" stations who slip in soft porn ads and LGBT promos in slots on movies like "Toy Story" and "Shrek" and the Harry Potter series. This will end under a republican administration. The training will stop and go in a different direction at that point.
If those are "christian" beliefs, redfish, we are in trouble, all of us. I want nothing to do with your beliefs. I believe in the Constitution that protects all of us, theists and atheists alike. You do not.
of course I believe in the constitution. What is wrong with you that you keep posting such lies?
You say do, but you don't or you fail to understand it. Do you really understand that if people are sitting in area in a public school, you don't get to sit down and pray out loud without asking them if it is OK. If they say no, find a quiet place.
If they say no, they can leave and find a quiet place. If the majority of the kids in the school want to say a group prayer, that should prevail.

like most liberals you want the desires of the minority to take precedence over those of the majority.

Remember, minority rights were put in place by majority vote. Be careful what you wish for.
SCOTUS determines those things, not you or me or the majority. We are a republic.

You continue to display your ignorance. SCOTUS interprets whether the constitution and the law are being followed. The constitution and our laws were put in place by majority vote. SCOTUS does not make law
You are stuttering. SCOTUS tells us what the laws mean.
Redfish, thank you for finally being honest.

We are not going back to the 1950s and 1960s.

That is over, forever.
Unless a conservative POTUS gets his hands on the FCC and shuts down your smut dispensary (GLAAD). We can retrain a generation or two just like y'all ruined a couple of them. Training works both ways. Enjoy your gay/sex propaganda programming and promos on primetime while you can. Those will be sent to the "pay per view" in a nanosecond when the conservatives control the FCC again. Kids have no business being "trained up" by your unbridled porn aimed right at them.

I've been keeping an eye on "children's programming" stations who slip in soft porn ads and LGBT promos in slots on movies like "Toy Story" and "Shrek" and the Harry Potter series. This will end under a republican administration. The training will stop and go in a different direction at that point.
Not my "unbridled porn aimed" at kids. Be very careful, Sil. I have no trouble with SCOTUS examining those rules, none at all.
God told us, The love of money is the root of all Evil, and yet YOU actually think it's good for us to put God's name on it???


foolish analogy attempt. but look at your quote "the LOVE of money" not "money". Money is a medium of exchange, putting "in God we trust" on our money is to encourage the fair exchange of goods and services.

But I still don't think God wants the association with the Almighty Dollar.... You can not serve two masters, God and Money is what he also said, because you'll love one, and hate the other...without even realizing it, perhaps?

And I don't mean to take away the point of your thread with my pettiness....

But I think there are a lot of Christians who have walked away from God, while claiming they are the ones following Christ....

They've walked away from what we were taught in the parable of the sheep and the goats, what we were taught in the parable of the good Samaritan, what we were taught about loving the enemy, not showing favoritism to the Rich, who our neighbors are.....etc etc etc

Christians lost their Trust in God.... they stopped doing good, in all that they do and say....and expect God's protection while pointing out it is not them, it is always the "other guy", while failing to take the plank out of their own eye.....

If Christians Trusted God as we say on our money, we would know deep in our heart and soul that God will protect us, if we follow what Christ taught....take in the refugees in harm's way, help the Mexicans struggling to make ends meet, going to visit those in prison, welcoming the Stranger.....

Instead, we do the COMPLETE opposite, and wonder why we are in a world of trouble....? It's us Christians lack of TRUST IN GOD, In God we Trust....we make excuses of why we don't follow what He taught us about our neighbors, while pompously pointing our fingers at Abortion, or gays, which was NOT focused on in the Gospels at all?

It IS TIME for us to take the planks out of our eyes before trying to remove the piece of sawdust out of the other person's eye.

We need to do good in all that we say and do, FOLLOW what he taught, AND Trust God....as example: know that if we take in some Syrian refugees because we Want to Help them as fellow human beings, that God will protect us and favor us and this will be what is better for us in the long run...

Yes, in the one example above, that is easier said than done....we've lost our Faith in Him, we need to look no further than ourselves, for the loss of blessings...imo.

God would not want us to take in Syrian "refugees" if they were determined to kill us. The fact is that we have no way of knowing which ones are good people and which ones are terrorists who want YOU and ME dead. Until we have a foolproof system of vetting them, we need to halt the inflow. God does not want us to do stupid things that put our children at risk.
Like I said, WE are the ones who lost our Faith and Trust in God, we think we know better than God.

some of us, not all of us.

But its really more than that, our government has tried to remove God from the national dialog. Any idea why? Could it be that when people hold the word of God above the word of the state, that the people are harder to control and manipulate? Please think about this before responding. You seem like an intelligent person, so please think.
Some Atheists have done so through govt lawsuits...over the decades. Our govt didn't come up with the idea...
You on the left are trying to get God taken off our money, out of our pledge, and out of our schools.

Why do you think God wants to be on our money?

Why do you think God needs to be in our pledge- when the writer of the pledge never intended for God to be in it?

Which God do you think should be in our public schools? Do you think the States should give Christians a monopoly on God and force all students to praise Jesus- even if they are Jewish or Muslim?

Why do you want a State religion exactly?
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.
Ignorant nonsense.

The country didn’t ‘abandon “god”’; the notion is sophomoric idiocy.

Following the original intent of the Framers to keep church and state separate has no bearing whatsoever on current events.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence reflects the original understanding of the Founding Generation that government should not seek to promote or advance religious dogma, or become excessively entangled in religious dogma, and that when government concerns itself with religion it is to do so only in a secular context.

Indeed, the purpose of the First Amendment is to safeguard citizens’ religious liberties from the ignorance and stupidity advanced by the thread premise.

"endowed by their creator" "in God we trust". Yes, the first amendment allows free speech and the practice of the religion, or not, of your choice. We do not have a national religion like muslim countries. But our constitution is based on views of right and wrong as taught by all religions.

When the leaders of a country denigrate religion, or in Obama's case Christianity, the end result will be chaos. Read the run up to the Third Reich if you care to learn from history.

LOL- most of us don't rely upon the RWNJ version of history.

'endowed by their creator'- who is that exactly?

'views of right and wrong as taught by all religions'?

The penalty for adultery in both the Old Testament and many other religions is death.

Is that right or wrong?
Redfish is not a Christian, only an atheist. He likes to pretend only Africans were involved in the slave trade with the Europeans and the Arabs.
do you ever tell the truth about anything, snake? Yes, blacks, whites, arabs, Europeans, Africans, and Chinese were involved in the slave trade. I never said it was ONLY blacks, that is something you pulled out of your ass, like most of your stupid posts. Unlike you, I practice my Christian beliefs.
If those are "christian" beliefs, redfish, we are in trouble, all of us. I want nothing to do with your beliefs. I believe in the Constitution that protects all of us, theists and atheists alike. You do not.
of course I believe in the constitution. What is wrong with you that you keep posting such lies?
You say do, but you don't or you fail to understand it. Do you really understand that if people are sitting in area in a public school, you don't get to sit down and pray out loud without asking them if it is OK. If they say no, find a quiet place.
If they say no, they can leave and find a quiet place. If the majority of the kids in the school want to say a group prayer, that should prevail.

like most liberals you want the desires of the minority to take precedence over those of the majority.

Remember, minority rights were put in place by majority vote. Be careful what you wish for.

There is nothing in the Constitution which protects 'prayer' in school.

I really don't get the pseudo Christians like you who think children must be forced to pray in school.

Do you want to force Christian prayers in school- or as you point out- what the desires of the 'majority' of kids?

Which I find to be rather funny, because we don't ask the majority of kids what they want in regards to any other curriculum.

But lets go with that- if the majority of kids are devout Muslims- should Christian kids be forced to pray several times a day to Allah? Or just sent out of the room?

And if the majority of the kids are atheists- can they spend that time talking about how Christianity and other religions are just foolish fairy tales?

See the thing is- prohibiting required prayer in school protects the religious beliefs of all children. It protects the protestant child in a predominantly Catholic neighborhood, and the Muslim child in the predominetly Jewish neighborhood.

When I was growing up, Catholics sent their kids to Catechism after school- they didn't demand that public schools have prayer for their kids.
I've been keeping an eye on "children's programming" stations who slip in soft porn ads and LGBT promos in slots on movies like "Toy Story" and "Shrek" and the Harry Potter series. This will end under a republican administration. The training will stop and go in a different direction at that point.

Silhouette- hoping and praying for good old Government censorship based upon religion.

Nothing says Conservative better than advocating for censorship.
Its amazing how threads migrate from the OP to something entirely unrelated.

I started this thread to open a discussion on whether the country was better when we openly acknowledged God in our every day lives or today when such acknowledgement is denigrated as offensive.

If I was not clear in the OP, that is my fault.

If some of you are too ignorant to understand, that is your fault.

What's the earlier time frame you're referring to?

1776 through about 1965

So basically you think the United States has gone downhill since the Civil Rights Act and the end of legal segregation.

"In God we trust"- first put on coins around 1860- apparently from 1776 to 1864 Americans were able to spend coins without God's name on them.
No one is stopping kids from praying at school, you just can't force people of different religions to adhere to one ideology of religion..

Wrong, group prayer is not allowed in public schools, no matter what religion is involved.

Equally important, the pledge of allegiance is no longer said at the beginning of the school day. Tell me, who is offended by pledging allegiance to his/her country?
Group prayer does happen at schools, as long as it is not coercive on others and does not disrupt the educational process.

Hitler did not take away in prayers, you silly. You have to show that he did, and you can't. He did lower the boom on churches and clergy who opposed the Reich.

You sound familiar: you don't about which you are talking.

how is it coercive if you can opt out? No one was ever forced to take part in a morning prayer or Bible reading in school.

However, if you go to a muslim or catholic school, you will be required to participate. Do you understand the difference?
Back in the good ole days, when white men were kings and slaves were property.

You thinking of those good old Christian days?
Except the only reference to slavery in the context you raise is that of equality for all. I thought you lefties loved equality.
1 Corinthians 12:13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
Negro chattel slavery was defended by many whites as a positive good for the slaves.

The people who believed that were wrong, as were the blacks in Africa who sold other blacks into slavery.

You are very naïve if you think slavery was just a white issue.

Oh brother . The blacks are to blame for slavery !!!

Maybe YOU should find God first before lecturing the rest of us . Phoney ass Christian !

I never said that. Stop the BS. Society as a whole was to blame for slavery.
Not exactly. Evangelical Christians, by and large, were abolitionists. If a Quaker owned a slave, he was excommunicated.

Democrats, by and large, were slavers, even to the point of seceding in order to form an entire country of slave states.

And if Africans hadn't built slave factories on the west coast of their continent in which to warehouse their merchandise, the extinction of indentured servitude may not have happened so quickly.

If society on the whole were responsible for slavery, then so many northern states would not have been free states. Attitudes of superiority and control drove slavery. Kind of like the superiority one feels when he transfers property from one person in order to give it to another.

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