Under President Obama, the US, economically, is the most stable country in the world.

The Chinese Stock market has lost more value than what the Republicans did with the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts or the cost of the two unpaid for wars.

Russia is in recession.

Europe is in flux starting with the Greece crisis.

Brazil will be in recession for at least the next two years.

The problems in this country are lack of GOP support. They don't want roads, sewers, electrical grid, transportation or anything else that would help the country to be improved for strictly political reasons. A form of blackmail they are hoping will pay off in the next election. Honest Republicans, few and far between, admit that fact.

During the second quarter, the US economy is expected to grow at over 2%. And the Pacific Trade Pact, which so many hate, would tie the US economy to the fastest growing economies in the world.

Wages are up and unemployment is down. Fortunately, we still have nearly two years under Obama. They next big threat to the US economy, as GOP governors have shown us, is another GOP president.

(1) The astronomical and rising national debt
(2) 50% of our children live at or below the poverty line
(3) The decline in home ownership
(4) The rise in health care cost
(5) The number of citizens dependent on some form of government assistance program
(6) The number of part-time, temporary, and low wage jobs
(7) Many college grads working in the same jobs as high school grads
(8) The continuing importing of labor
(9) The many issues associated with illegal immigrants
(10) Our deteriorating infrastructure
(11) Cities going bankrupt
(12) Troubled pension funds
(13) Our soldiers fighting on foreign soil
(14) Government corruption
(15) Loss of privacy
(16) The ratio of cost of living to real wages
(17) Our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(18) The many injustices in our judicial system
(19) The largest prison population in the world
(20) The mistreatment of our Vets
(21) The theft by eminent domain laws
(22) Militarized local law enforcement
(23) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(24) Inadequate investment in alternative energy sources
(25) Shameful damage to our environment, especially rivers, lakes, air, land, and oceans

So, how well are we doing again? Care to address the above mentioned items? Thanks
Funny, you complain about an infrastructure falling apart and then complain about paying taxes. Truly, Republicans are incapable of seeing a connection.
Under President Obama, the US, economically, is the most stable country in the world.

and Congressional Democrats, however just look at the present collapse of the stock market as a precursor for times to come under republican control of Congress ... another sick chapter in American politics.

Where did you find this bullsh!t information? I don't see any economical stability in the country. Inflation is ever growing nowadays. Illegal immigration is devastating the whole basis of domestic economics. We don't have enough work places for our citizens. I disagree with the OP.
The Chinese Stock market has lost more value than what the Republicans did with the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts or the cost of the two unpaid for wars.

Russia is in recession.

Europe is in flux starting with the Greece crisis.

Brazil will be in recession for at least the next two years.

The problems in this country are lack of GOP support. They don't want roads, sewers, electrical grid, transportation or anything else that would help the country to be improved for strictly political reasons. A form of blackmail they are hoping will pay off in the next election. Honest Republicans, few and far between, admit that fact.

During the second quarter, the US economy is expected to grow at over 2%. And the Pacific Trade Pact, which so many hate, would tie the US economy to the fastest growing economies in the world.

Wages are up and unemployment is down. Fortunately, we still have nearly two years under Obama. They next big threat to the US economy, as GOP governors have shown us, is another GOP president.



The Chinese Stock market has lost more value than what the Republicans did with the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts or the cost of the two unpaid for wars.

Russia is in recession.

Europe is in flux starting with the Greece crisis.

Brazil will be in recession for at least the next two years.

The problems in this country are lack of GOP support. They don't want roads, sewers, electrical grid, transportation or anything else that would help the country to be improved for strictly political reasons. A form of blackmail they are hoping will pay off in the next election. Honest Republicans, few and far between, admit that fact.

During the second quarter, the US economy is expected to grow at over 2%. And the Pacific Trade Pact, which so many hate, would tie the US economy to the fastest growing economies in the world.

Wages are up and unemployment is down. Fortunately, we still have nearly two years under Obama. They next big threat to the US economy, as GOP governors have shown us, is another GOP president.

When you're finished dreaming, here are some facts:

* Under Obama, the average real unemployment rate (the U-6) has been higher than under Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, etc.

* Under Obama, median family income has fallen.

* The Obama "recovery" has been the weakest and slowest in decades.

* Under Obama, black unemployment has been markedly worse than under Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc.

* Obama added more debt in 6 years than Bush did in 8 years.
1) Why don't you blame the "job creators" of these corporations who are wealthier now than ever before under Obama?

2) The recovery was not slow. It was simply a huge recession. We lost 8 million jobs in 6 months. After Obama's stimulus, the free fall of jobs was reversed. 3 million private jobs were attributed to his stimulus according to the CBO.

3) Again, why don't you blame the actual job creators for fall in wages. I certainly don't blame republicans or any politicians for that.

4) I don't see how Obama has any control over black employment.

5) The two main reasons for the debt under Obama is his uber defense spending and extending Bush's tax cuts. You repubs love that kind of debt.
It's always interesting to read threads like this where you have people who think U.S is doing great and others who think that we are headed for doomsday. Although, that's an obvious point. There's no denying though Obama isn't as bad or as good as you say he is.
The Chinese Stock market has lost more value than what the Republicans did with the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts or the cost of the two unpaid for wars.

Russia is in recession.

Europe is in flux starting with the Greece crisis.

Brazil will be in recession for at least the next two years.

The problems in this country are lack of GOP support. They don't want roads, sewers, electrical grid, transportation or anything else that would help the country to be improved for strictly political reasons. A form of blackmail they are hoping will pay off in the next election. Honest Republicans, few and far between, admit that fact.

During the second quarter, the US economy is expected to grow at over 2%. And the Pacific Trade Pact, which so many hate, would tie the US economy to the fastest growing economies in the world.

Wages are up and unemployment is down. Fortunately, we still have nearly two years under Obama. They next big threat to the US economy, as GOP governors have shown us, is another GOP president.
Can't help but notice not one person was able to refute your OP. :thup:
The Chinese Stock market has lost more value than what the Republicans did with the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts or the cost of the two unpaid for wars.

Russia is in recession.

Europe is in flux starting with the Greece crisis.

Brazil will be in recession for at least the next two years.

The problems in this country are lack of GOP support. They don't want roads, sewers, electrical grid, transportation or anything else that would help the country to be improved for strictly political reasons. A form of blackmail they are hoping will pay off in the next election. Honest Republicans, few and far between, admit that fact.

During the second quarter, the US economy is expected to grow at over 2%. And the Pacific Trade Pact, which so many hate, would tie the US economy to the fastest growing economies in the world.

Wages are up and unemployment is down. Fortunately, we still have nearly two years under Obama. They next big threat to the US economy, as GOP governors have shown us, is another GOP president.

(1) The astronomical and rising national debt
(2) 50% of our children live at or below the poverty line
(3) The decline in home ownership
(4) The rise in health care cost
(5) The number of citizens dependent on some form of government assistance program
(6) The number of part-time, temporary, and low wage jobs
(7) Many college grads working in the same jobs as high school grads
(8) The continuing importing of labor
(9) The many issues associated with illegal immigrants
(10) Our deteriorating infrastructure
(11) Cities going bankrupt
(12) Troubled pension funds
(13) Our soldiers fighting on foreign soil
(14) Government corruption
(15) Loss of privacy
(16) The ratio of cost of living to real wages
(17) Our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(18) The many injustices in our judicial system
(19) The largest prison population in the world
(20) The mistreatment of our Vets
(21) The theft by eminent domain laws
(22) Militarized local law enforcement
(23) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(24) Inadequate investment in alternative energy sources
(25) Shameful damage to our environment, especially rivers, lakes, air, land, and oceans

So, how well are we doing again? Care to address the above mentioned items? Thanks
Funny, you complain about an infrastructure falling apart and then complain about paying taxes. Truly, Republicans are incapable of seeing a connection.
Where have I complained about paying taxes? I don't mind paying my taxes. Obviously you misread something.

under Obama the very richest, the ONE PERCENT, have gotten richer, richer than they were getting under Republicans, the very poorest have gotten poorer, MUCH POORER then they were getting under Republicans

corporations are making RECORD PROFITS

under Obama all true

making the richest richer and the poorest poorer seems to the the Progresive's new definition of "FORWARD PROGRESS" these days

idiots and hypocrites
The Chinese Stock market has lost more value than what the Republicans did with the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts or the cost of the two unpaid for wars.

Russia is in recession.

Europe is in flux starting with the Greece crisis.

Brazil will be in recession for at least the next two years.

The problems in this country are lack of GOP support. They don't want roads, sewers, electrical grid, transportation or anything else that would help the country to be improved for strictly political reasons. A form of blackmail they are hoping will pay off in the next election. Honest Republicans, few and far between, admit that fact.

During the second quarter, the US economy is expected to grow at over 2%. And the Pacific Trade Pact, which so many hate, would tie the US economy to the fastest growing economies in the world.

Wages are up and unemployment is down. Fortunately, we still have nearly two years under Obama. They next big threat to the US economy, as GOP governors have shown us, is another GOP president.

(1) The astronomical and rising national debt
(2) 50% of our children live at or below the poverty line
(3) The decline in home ownership
(4) The rise in health care cost
(5) The number of citizens dependent on some form of government assistance program
(6) The number of part-time, temporary, and low wage jobs
(7) Many college grads working in the same jobs as high school grads
(8) The continuing importing of labor
(9) The many issues associated with illegal immigrants
(10) Our deteriorating infrastructure
(11) Cities going bankrupt
(12) Troubled pension funds
(13) Our soldiers fighting on foreign soil
(14) Government corruption
(15) Loss of privacy
(16) The ratio of cost of living to real wages
(17) Our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(18) The many injustices in our judicial system
(19) The largest prison population in the world
(20) The mistreatment of our Vets
(21) The theft by eminent domain laws
(22) Militarized local law enforcement
(23) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(24) Inadequate investment in alternative energy sources
(25) Shameful damage to our environment, especially rivers, lakes, air, land, and oceans

So, how well are we doing again? Care to address the above mentioned items? Thanks
Funny, you complain about an infrastructure falling apart and then complain about paying taxes. Truly, Republicans are incapable of seeing a connection.
their ODS consumes them and makes rational decision-making impossible :(
Must be Rderp Sunday. The board was suddenly flooded with mind numbing stupidity.

Yup and if the Op thinks Americas economy is the best there is then the rest of the world must really be in the shit.

Guess we better bask in that glory. LOL
um leftard; we have a fuel tax that is SUPPOSED to go for infrastructure......................
and it is more per gallon of gas or diesal than oil companies profit on a gallon of fuel
and then there are the SEVERAL HUNDRED BILLION DOLLAR'S WORTH of "shovel-ready" infrastructure in obama's nearly $1 TRILLION "Stimulus".

but asking how we can still have crumbling infrastructure means somebody has "ODS"???

libs are losers who lie...............to themselves
isnt that funny too????

i mean we havent changed into that whole European-type socialist democracy type of thing the Left always tells us is such a better model than ours; but out of the other corner of their mouths the Left is bragging how we have the most "economically stable economy in the world"??????


arent you the very same idiots who were just saying, STILL SAYING, that our income inequality has the USA in danger of collapsing or something???

WHAT??? you're saying we're not perfect; just better than most of the rest out there?
congrats leftardz; that's what the Right has been saying for years

isnt it just like these clowns to always try to have it both ways???
idiots and hypocrites
Where did you find this bullsh!t information? I don't see any economical stability in the country. Inflation is ever growing nowadays. Illegal immigration is devastating the whole basis of domestic economics. We don't have enough work places for our citizens. I disagree with the OP.
What is wrong with you? Current inflation rate is 0.1%. We have over 5 million unfilled jobs in this country because business wants people with that liberal indoctrination, er, education. And business wants immigrants here to do the jobs Republicans are to lazy to do or unqualified for. Which is just about everything.
The Chinese Stock market has lost more value than what the Republicans did with the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts or the cost of the two unpaid for wars.

Russia is in recession.

Europe is in flux starting with the Greece crisis.

Brazil will be in recession for at least the next two years.

The problems in this country are lack of GOP support. They don't want roads, sewers, electrical grid, transportation or anything else that would help the country to be improved for strictly political reasons. A form of blackmail they are hoping will pay off in the next election. Honest Republicans, few and far between, admit that fact.

During the second quarter, the US economy is expected to grow at over 2%. And the Pacific Trade Pact, which so many hate, would tie the US economy to the fastest growing economies in the world.

Wages are up and unemployment is down. Fortunately, we still have nearly two years under Obama. They next big threat to the US economy, as GOP governors have shown us, is another GOP president.

When you're finished dreaming, here are some facts:

* Under Obama, the average real unemployment rate (the U-6) has been higher than under Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, etc.

* Under Obama, median family income has fallen.

* The Obama "recovery" has been the weakest and slowest in decades.

* Under Obama, black unemployment has been markedly worse than under Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc.

* Obama added more debt in 6 years than Bush did in 8 years.

Under Obama U6 unemployment has dropped by over 6%. More than Bush, Clinton, Reagan etc
Under Obama, median family income has fallen. A result of 30 years of supply side economic policies meant to control the wages of the middle class
The recovery has been held back by an insistance to implement austerity policies while we are trying to recover from a recession
it's comical the way you idiots brag about slight drops under obama from things that reached record highs under obama

what idiots
it's comical the way you idiots brag about slight drops under obama from things that reached record highs under obama

what idiots

Which economy in the world do you prefer to the US?
The Chinese Stock market has lost more value than what the Republicans did with the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts or the cost of the two unpaid for wars.

Russia is in recession.

Europe is in flux starting with the Greece crisis.

Brazil will be in recession for at least the next two years.

The problems in this country are lack of GOP support. They don't want roads, sewers, electrical grid, transportation or anything else that would help the country to be improved for strictly political reasons. A form of blackmail they are hoping will pay off in the next election. Honest Republicans, few and far between, admit that fact.

During the second quarter, the US economy is expected to grow at over 2%. And the Pacific Trade Pact, which so many hate, would tie the US economy to the fastest growing economies in the world.

Wages are up and unemployment is down. Fortunately, we still have nearly two years under Obama. They next big threat to the US economy, as GOP governors have shown us, is another GOP president.

When you're finished dreaming, here are some facts:

* Under Obama, the average real unemployment rate (the U-6) has been higher than under Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, etc.

* Under Obama, median family income has fallen.

* The Obama "recovery" has been the weakest and slowest in decades.

* Under Obama, black unemployment has been markedly worse than under Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc.

* Obama added more debt in 6 years than Bush did in 8 years.

Under Obama U6 unemployment has dropped by over 6%. More than Bush, Clinton, Reagan etc
Under Obama, median family income has fallen. A result of 30 years of supply side economic policies meant to control the wages of the middle class
The recovery has been held back by an insistance to implement austerity policies while we are trying to recover from a recession
Well DUH!!!!!

Of Course income is going to fall when the Republicans message is education is indoctrination and something reserved for snobs.


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