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Under The Thumb Of The Party Of OBEY.

Sorry, no constitution for you in a democracy - the majority decides. Your life belongs to the mob.
What makes you think Democracies can't have Constitutions?
Wow, take you a long time to think that up?
Nope. It should of been obvious to you from the start. Constitutions are no guarantees of protection for the minority as we can clearly see with America's Constitution that failed to protect black slaves.
Slavery was allowed by the founding fathers, since the democrats wouldn't join the union without it. Sadly the ability to defeat the British depended on the southerners who are the democrats.
The Democratic Party wasn't formed until 1828. Do you know when this country was even Founded? I warned you about opening your mouth and revealing your stupidity to all.
I can show that your filthy Reich attacks the Constitution and crushes civil rights.
Then let's see it.
Let's talk about that Reichstag Fire and the 700 political prisoners, shall we?
You know you guys can pretend it didn't happen or it was a false flag event but we all watched it happen in real time on t.v.. The Right's tether to reality is as precarious as I've ever seen it and yall weren't all there to begin with.
There once was a 1st Amendment, but your party put an end to that.
So was it a false flag event or were your people expressing their 1st Amendment rights to storm the Capitol and halt the certifying of the Election? Can't really be both.....
What makes you think Democracies can't have Constitutions?

In a democracy, the will of the majority is the only law, hence pure democracy cannot exist.

Nope. It should of been obvious to you from the start. Constitutions are no guarantees of protection for the minority as we can clearly see with America's Constitution that failed to protect black slaves.


Constitutions set boundaries and limits on governments.

Long ago I discovered that few, if any of the fascist left have actually read the document you fight so hard to end.

Slavery was a question the framers side stepped, deeming it to be an issue for the states. Jefferson wrote at the time that failure to address the great sin of slavery would visit misery on our progeny - which in fact it did.

The Democratic Party wasn't formed until 1828. Do you know when this country was even Founded? I warned you about opening your mouth and revealing your stupidity to all.

I figured you'd grouse about that. But then the underpinnings of what it was and continues to mean to be a democrat were there. The Southern slave oligarchy

Aaron Burr and Andrew Jackson were creatures of the time.

What was the first act of the democrat party? Oh yeah, the "Trail of Tears." democrats, democrats never change.

Then let's see it.

The obvious 700 political prisoners held for assembly protesting your Reich isn't enough?

How about crushing freedom of religion?

Your attacks of freedom of the press are legendary;

Your continued and unending attacks on freedom of speech;

Your Reich focuses mostly on eradicating the first ten Amendments to the Constitution, but once you end the bill of rights, you'll take out the rest.

You know you guys can pretend it didn't happen or it was a false flag event but we all watched it happen in real time on t.v.. The Right's tether to reality is as precarious as I've ever seen it and yall weren't all there to begin with.

So was it a false flag event or were your people expressing their 1st Amendment rights to storm the Capitol and halt the certifying of the Election? Can't really be both.....

Over a million people gathered to protest the irregularities of the 2020 election with the plethora of unrequested and unverified mail-in ballots.

In any large gathering, there will be fringe elements. In this case though, the capitol police were instigating violence. Herding people onto the balcony and then firing tear gas into the peaceful crowd was done purely to incite violence.

Funneling protesters into a tunnel and then viciously attacking them with clubs, mace, and metal whips was a deliberate incitement.

I know you have your talking points from DailyKOS, CNN, or whatever fascist hate site you use, but the forbidden videos that Oberfuhrer Garland suppressed for 11 months tell quite the tale of what really happened - which is vastly different than what the Stalinist Show Trial is fabricating.

In a democracy, the will of the majority is the only law, hence pure democracy cannot exist.
The fact the you specify a pure democracy betrays the fact that you understand that different types of democracies can exist. There is nothing preventing any democracy from being restricted by a constitution.
Constitutions set boundaries and limits on governments.
Constitutions don't develop naturally out of thin air. They represent the will of the majority who wrote it.
Slavery was a question the framers side stepped, deeming it to be an issue for the states. Jefferson wrote at the time that failure to address the great sin of slavery would visit misery on our progeny - which in fact it did.
And that doesn't really change the fact that having a Constitution did nothing to protect black slaves from the majority ruling whites.
I figured you'd grouse about that. But then the underpinnings of what it was and continues to mean to be a democrat were there. The Southern slave oligarchy
You figured I'd use basic facts and timeliness to show you to be an absolute moron?
What was the first act of the democrat party? Oh yeah, the "Trail of Tears." democrats, democrats never change.
I'm not someone who has reverence for old Democrats. I'm a black immigrant you idiot. If you want to admit that there were a bunch of racist white Americans in the South and help us denigrate white southern culture all I'm going to do is say thank you, you moron. :lmao:
The obvious 700 political prisoners held for assembly protesting your Reich isn't enough?

How about crushing freedom of religion?

Your attacks of freedom of the press are legendary;

Your continued and unending attacks on freedom of speech;

Your Reich focuses mostly on eradicating the first ten Amendments to the Constitution, but once you end the bill of rights, you'll take out the rest.
Awww. What a giant victim you are. :lmao:
Over a million people gathered to protest the irregularities of the 2020 election with the plethora of unrequested and unverified mail-in ballots.

In any large gathering, there will be fringe elements. In this case though, the capitol police were instigating violence. Herding people onto the balcony and then firing tear gas into the peaceful crowd was done purely to incite violence.

Funneling protesters into a tunnel and then viciously attacking them with clubs, mace, and metal whips was a deliberate incitement.

I know you have your talking points from DailyKOS, CNN, or whatever fascist hate site you use, but the forbidden videos that Oberfuhrer Garland suppressed for 11 months tell quite the tale of what really happened - which is vastly different than what the Stalinist Show Trial is fabricating.
The government is doing all that? What are you fake patriots waiting for?
The fact the you specify a pure democracy betrays the fact that you understand that different types of democracies can exist. There is nothing preventing any democracy from being restricted by a constitution.


Thow that are are REPUBLICAN governments, shit fer brains.

We are a REPUBLIC with democratic elements

We are not, and have NEVER been a democracy.

But I understand why you of the Reich are so enamored with the idea of democracy, the hero of the democrat Reich, Vladimir Lenin installed the type of democracy you desire in St. Petersburg back in 1923.

While most of you on the fascist left LOVED the USSR, most of you don't know what a "soviet" is. Soviets were "peoples congresses." Very democratic.

Lenin set up an astoundingly democratic system. The local soviets voted on everything - what people were capable of, what people needed. Now of course the BOURGIOUSIE, the middle class, were not allowed to vote, but those who COULD vote were empowered to vote on whether people needed to sleep indoors, in that Arctic city, or if they needed to eat food.

It was GLORIOUS, it was DEMOCRACY in action.

3 million died. It was everything democrats seek for America today.

Constitutions don't develop naturally out of thin air. They represent the will of the majority who wrote it.

I'm sure you imagine you have a point.

And that doesn't really change the fact that having a Constitution did nothing to protect black slaves from the majority ruling whites.


You figured I'd use basic facts and timeliness to show you to be an absolute moron?


Yeah, you run with that, Sparky.

I'm not someone who has reverence for old Democrats. I'm a black immigrant you idiot.

I don't give a fuck if you're a goat.

You promote the destruction of the great experiment where people ruled the government instead of the government ruling the people.

If you want to admit that there were a bunch of racist white Americans in the South and help us denigrate white southern culture all I'm going to do is say thank you, you moron. :lmao:
Racism is the foundation for many fascists. The democrat vermin have always promoted racism.

Antebellum democrats targeted blacks. Hitler's Nazis targeted Jews. Today's Nazi democrat target whites.

It's all just the use of a scapegoat to focus hatred on.

Awww. What a giant victim you are. :lmao:

Never again.

All that is needed for democrats to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

The government is doing all that? What are you fake patriots waiting for?

2022, when we drive you fascists from power.

Thow that are are REPUBLICAN governments, shit fer brains.

We are a REPUBLIC with democratic elements

Democratic elements huh? Almost seems like we could also be described as a Representative Democracy...
We are not, and have NEVER been a democracy.
We just have Democratic elements.... like elections.... :lmao:
But I understand why you of the Reich are so enamored with the idea of democracy, the hero of the democrat Reich, Vladimir Lenin installed the type of democracy you desire in St. Petersburg back in 1923.
Got any evidence of my love for Lenin?
While most of you on the fascist left LOVED the USSR, most of you don't know what a "soviet" is. Soviets were "peoples congresses." Very democratic.
Is that how your simple brain works? Russians did it so it was bad? I also heard Russians bathed occasionally, better refrain from washing yourself before you turn into a commie. :lmao:
Lenin set up an astoundingly democratic system. The local soviets voted on everything - what people were capable of, what people needed. Now of course the BOURGIOUSIE, the middle class, were not allowed to vote, but those who COULD vote were empowered to vote on whether people needed to sleep indoors, in that Arctic city, or if they needed to eat food.
I guess all voting is bad now because the Russians did it. That's a brilliant argument. :lmao:
It was GLORIOUS, it was DEMOCRACY in action.

3 million died. It was everything democrats seek for America today.
You think 3 million people dying is glorious?
You promote the destruction of the great experiment where people ruled the government instead of the government ruling the people.
Except the people they ruled as slaves....
Racism is the foundation for many fascists. The democrat vermin have always promoted racism.
Yep. All 90% of those black Democratic voters are racist against blacks. Another brilliant argument by you. :lmao:
Antebellum democrats targeted blacks. Hitler's Nazis targeted Jews. Today's Nazi democrat target whites.
But not the fag whites, no no I got it. It all makes total sense... :lmao:
It's all just the use of a scapegoat to focus hatred on.
Their hate....
Never again.

All that is needed for democrats to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
But we are prevailing, is this your confession to being a lazy, fat fuck?
2022, when we drive you fascists from power.
Sure. Going to storm the Capitol again in that wonderful ode to legitimate Democracy?

Democratic elements huh? Almost seems like we could also be described as a Representative Democracy...

We just have Democratic elements.... like elections.... :lmao:

Got any evidence of my love for Lenin?

Is that how your simple brain works? Russians did it so it was bad? I also heard Russians bathed occasionally, better refrain from washing yourself before you turn into a commie. :lmao:

I guess all voting is bad now because the Russians did it. That's a brilliant argument. :lmao:

You think 3 million people dying is glorious?

Except the people they ruled as slaves....

Yep. All 90% of those black Democratic voters are racist against blacks. Another brilliant argument by you. :lmao:

But not the fag whites, no no I got it. It all makes total sense... :lmao:

Their hate....

But we are prevailing, is this your confession to being a lazy, fat fuck?

Sure. Going to storm the Capitol again in that wonderful ode to legitimate Democracy?

Storm the capitol Herr hypocrite?

Like this?


But that was different, you needed to stop the peaceful transfer of power because the Americans would gain a majority and the Reich MUST rule.

Fucking fraud.
Remember how you wondered how so many German could fall in line under evil orders?

1. What with year of government school training, and near total information dominance, the weakest of our citizenry has been cowed, trained to accept without question, the orders of the totalitarians…the Progressives.

Even when a stronger citizenry would have rebelled.

And even when the monarchs let the cat out of the bag:

“Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’” Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’ | National Review

2. “Are your papers in order????”

"Police Remove “Unvaccinated” Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards
"Is this what justice looks like for you? Is this what you dreamed of when you wanted to be a cop?"

Police Remove "Unvaccinated" Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards · Caldron Pool

3. In so very many ways the destruction of America by the European Party, the Democrats, is as though the Nazis, with whom the current Democrats share so many aims, and methods…..including that both parties are socialist and both put their own citizens in concentration camps, ...actually took over the major political party.

Let me explain why:

The Constitution was a distillation of the views of Madison, Jefferson and Franklin. Progressivism is from the views of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

Now, let's quote 'progressives,' also known as totalitarians.

a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

b. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

c. Jim Cramer, one of the Left's apparatchiks, say what Democrats believe, encourage.....but blames it on the other side.
“government has a right to force you to obey and has always exercised it especially under GOP”

Anyone think to question what the GOP has forced any to obey about?




See what I mean about the Left/Progressives lying about everything?

The Democrats are the European Party, the party of Obey.
And their voter are the new Good Germans.

I guess you didn't notice the "bait and switch."

Now more announcements of deaths or hospitalizations......now it's this:

"On Biden's watch, U.S. smashes single day record for new COVID-19 cases​

Soaring Omicron infections ...."

As many now know that the death rate from the Wuhan hoax is about ......zero......

Now the headlines are essentially: "Lots of new cases of sniffles!!!!!! Run for the hills!!!!"

Remember how you wondered how so many German could fall in line under evil orders?

1. What with year of government school training, and near total information dominance, the weakest of our citizenry has been cowed, trained to accept without question, the orders of the totalitarians…the Progressives.

Even when a stronger citizenry would have rebelled.

And even when the monarchs let the cat out of the bag:

“Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’” Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’ | National Review

2. “Are your papers in order????”

"Police Remove “Unvaccinated” Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards
"Is this what justice looks like for you? Is this what you dreamed of when you wanted to be a cop?"

Police Remove "Unvaccinated" Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards · Caldron Pool

3. In so very many ways the destruction of America by the European Party, the Democrats, is as though the Nazis, with whom the current Democrats share so many aims, and methods…..including that both parties are socialist and both put their own citizens in concentration camps, ...actually took over the major political party.

Let me explain why:

The Constitution was a distillation of the views of Madison, Jefferson and Franklin. Progressivism is from the views of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

Now, let's quote 'progressives,' also known as totalitarians.

a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

b. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

c. Jim Cramer, one of the Left's apparatchiks, say what Democrats believe, encourage.....but blames it on the other side.
“government has a right to force you to obey and has always exercised it especially under GOP”

Anyone think to question what the GOP has forced any to obey about?




See what I mean about the Left/Progressives lying about everything?

The Democrats are the European Party, the party of Obey.
And their voter are the new Good Germans.

Remember how you wondered how so many German could fall in line under evil orders?

1. What with year of government school training, and near total information dominance, the weakest of our citizenry has been cowed, trained to accept without question, the orders of the totalitarians…the Progressives.

Even when a stronger citizenry would have rebelled.

And even when the monarchs let the cat out of the bag:

“Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’” Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’ | National Review

2. “Are your papers in order????”

"Police Remove “Unvaccinated” Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards
"Is this what justice looks like for you? Is this what you dreamed of when you wanted to be a cop?"

Police Remove "Unvaccinated" Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards · Caldron Pool

3. In so very many ways the destruction of America by the European Party, the Democrats, is as though the Nazis, with whom the current Democrats share so many aims, and methods…..including that both parties are socialist and both put their own citizens in concentration camps, ...actually took over the major political party.

Let me explain why:

The Constitution was a distillation of the views of Madison, Jefferson and Franklin. Progressivism is from the views of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

Now, let's quote 'progressives,' also known as totalitarians.

a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

b. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

c. Jim Cramer, one of the Left's apparatchiks, say what Democrats believe, encourage.....but blames it on the other side.
“government has a right to force you to obey and has always exercised it especially under GOP”

Anyone think to question what the GOP has forced any to obey about?




See what I mean about the Left/Progressives lying about everything?

The Democrats are the European Party, the party of Obey.
And their voter are the new Good Germans.

"CDC Removes 24 Percent of Child COVID-19 Deaths, Thousands of Others

By Zachary Stieber

March 18, 2022 Updated: March 23, 2022

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has removed tens of thousands of deaths linked to COVID-19, including nearly a quarter of deaths it had listed in those https://www.theepochtimes.com/cdc-r...-deaths-thousands-of-others_4345083.htmlunder 18 years old."
Remember how you wondered how so many German could fall in line under evil orders?

1. What with year of government school training, and near total information dominance, the weakest of our citizenry has been cowed, trained to accept without question, the orders of the totalitarians…the Progressives.

Even when a stronger citizenry would have rebelled.

And even when the monarchs let the cat out of the bag:

“Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’” Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’ | National Review

2. “Are your papers in order????”

"Police Remove “Unvaccinated” Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards
"Is this what justice looks like for you? Is this what you dreamed of when you wanted to be a cop?"

Police Remove "Unvaccinated" Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards · Caldron Pool

3. In so very many ways the destruction of America by the European Party, the Democrats, is as though the Nazis, with whom the current Democrats share so many aims, and methods…..including that both parties are socialist and both put their own citizens in concentration camps, ...actually took over the major political party.

Let me explain why:

The Constitution was a distillation of the views of Madison, Jefferson and Franklin. Progressivism is from the views of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

Now, let's quote 'progressives,' also known as totalitarians.

a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

b. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

c. Jim Cramer, one of the Left's apparatchiks, say what Democrats believe, encourage.....but blames it on the other side.
“government has a right to force you to obey and has always exercised it especially under GOP”

Anyone think to question what the GOP has forced any to obey about?




See what I mean about the Left/Progressives lying about everything?

The Democrats are the European Party, the party of Obey.
And their voter are the new Good Germans.

Remember how you wondered how so many German could fall in line under evil orders?

1. What with year of government school training, and near total information dominance, the weakest of our citizenry has been cowed, trained to accept without question, the orders of the totalitarians…the Progressives.

Even when a stronger citizenry would have rebelled.

And even when the monarchs let the cat out of the bag:

“Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’” Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’ | National Review

2. “Are your papers in order????”

"Police Remove “Unvaccinated” Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards
"Is this what justice looks like for you? Is this what you dreamed of when you wanted to be a cop?"

Police Remove "Unvaccinated" Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards · Caldron Pool

3. In so very many ways the destruction of America by the European Party, the Democrats, is as though the Nazis, with whom the current Democrats share so many aims, and methods…..including that both parties are socialist and both put their own citizens in concentration camps, ...actually took over the major political party.

Let me explain why:

The Constitution was a distillation of the views of Madison, Jefferson and Franklin. Progressivism is from the views of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

Now, let's quote 'progressives,' also known as totalitarians.

a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

b. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

c. Jim Cramer, one of the Left's apparatchiks, say what Democrats believe, encourage.....but blames it on the other side.
“government has a right to force you to obey and has always exercised it especially under GOP”

Anyone think to question what the GOP has forced any to obey about?




See what I mean about the Left/Progressives lying about everything?

The Democrats are the European Party, the party of Obey.
And their voter are the new Good Germans.


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