Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact

Some southern whites surely did react negatively to integration, but Carter's win in '76 isn't fully explained by blacks and those "who had yet to cut off their noses to spite their faces."

Ultimately, what southerners saw in the Democratic party on the national level was a shift toward urban interests and values that didn't resonate with the South. It's why Republicans were predominantly in the North and West even up to the late 80s. It's hard to imagine these days, but California had a lot of Republicans even in the 80s. It was not so dominated by Democrats at that time.

While it is true that the South historically supported populism (economically left policies with socially conservative policies), by the 80s, they embraced economically right policies. That's when you started to see local offices shift to Republicans. The Reagan era was the true era of party switching, which reached its peak in 1994. By that point in time, the change was complete. Democrats had become the party of the North and West Coast, while Republicans dominated the South.

It was a change in economic views along with social policy changes in both parties. Reagan very successfully marketed the GOP to the religious right, which had historically been Democratic.
The change in economic values was due to blacks receiving equal rights. So long as welfare was segregated, like under FDR, the white southern population supported it.
Nope I'm just not stupid. We need to attack the Confederates first because they are more easily vilified and have less support among the general white population. Planting the seed that slaver Confederates shouldn't be venerated though opens us up to eventually being able to effectively expand that argument to the Founders. It's already happening. We're starting to see reckoning amoung the Jefferson estate for his support of slavery and his relationship with a teenage Sally Hemings as a 40 year old man. (Talk about groomers...)

Because you are afraid of the white population. As well you should be, considering what a piece of shit you are. You can talk a lot of shit, here on the internet, but you are afraid.

Lie about what exactly? What have I said about the Founders that was a lie?

No, I'm assuming all non white people are more understanding of the effects of white racism because they've felt it.

They have felt dick. IF they want to ally with pieces of shit like you, that will be on them. And it will bite them on the ass, sooner or later.

The fact remains. There will always be more whites than you.

Well when you openly call Asian people yellow, how hard do you think it would be to get them to come out against you?

I hope you love long enough to see your children pay me and mine reparations. 😁

Hard to say. But, no matter what, sooner or later, even if you win, you will have to live with each other. And people lke you Goat, can't do anything except tear down. Sooner or later, anyone with any sense, won't be able to put up with the shit that comes with working with you.
Because you are afraid of the white population. As well you should be, considering what a piece of shit you are. You can talk a lot of shit, here on the internet, but you are afraid.
Nope. I'm politically rational is all.
They have felt dick. IF they want to ally with pieces of shit like you, that will be on them. And it will bite them on the ass, sooner or later.
The fact remains. There will always be more whites than you.
The last census says otherwise.
Hard to say. But, no matter what, sooner or later, even if you win, you will have to live with each other. And people lke you Goat, can't do anything except tear down. Sooner or later, anyone with any sense, won't be able to put up with the shit that comes with working with you.
I live in and love Miami. I have no issue living under a diverse group of immigrants.
The change in economic values was due to blacks receiving equal rights. So long as welfare was segregated, like under FDR, the white southern population supported it.
While that was true during the 30s and 40s, the economy of the South was quite different by the 80s. Reagan ushered in an era of deregulation on the federal level that attracted the interest of politicians in the South. By loosening regulations on industry in much of the South (and by virtue of most southern states already being less regulated than the North and West Coast), industry quickly moved to the South. A lot of industry in the North and West Coast left (and still somewhat does).

As the South became much more business-oriented, southerners began to associate deregulation with job growth. Thus, the appeal of the economic right became apparent.
Nope. I'm politically rational is all.


The last census says otherwise.

I live in and love Miami. I have no issue living under a diverse group of immigrants.

1. Your fear is wise. It is good that you only talk shit like this online.

2. ONly if you define yourself by not being us. You might be that pathetic. Not all minorities will be. Sooner or later, the others will get tired of your shit.

3. Under is right. Hispanics have passed you up as hte largest minority group. Your peak influence, is past. Learn to love being the second class citizen again.
I was conceived there. My mother came to America pregnant with me and I was born in Miami.

Too bad you don't remember it. Had a good buddy in College from Jamaica. He referred to it as The Turd World, and was really happy to be here.

You might be less retarded if you were older when you left.
1. Your fear is wise. It is good that you only talk shit like this online.

2. ONly if you define yourself by not being us. You might be that pathetic. Not all minorities will be. Sooner or later, the others will get tired of your shit.

3. Under is right. Hispanics have passed you up as hte largest minority group. Your peak influence, is past. Learn to love being the second class citizen again.
I have plenty of mixed Hispanic relatives, nieces, nephews... 😄
While that was true during the 30s and 40s, the economy of the South was quite different by the 80s. Reagan ushered in an era of deregulation on the federal level that attracted the interest of politicians in the South. By loosening regulations on industry in much of the South (and by virtue of most southern states already being less regulated than the North and West Coast), industry quickly moved to the South. A lot of industry in the North and West Coast left (and still somewhat does).

As the South became much more business-oriented, southerners began to associate deregulation with job growth. Thus, the appeal of the economic right became apparent.
Did that loosening of regulation help any? The Republican South has some of the poorest communities in America. I'm not saying racism played the only role in party switching, I wasn't even really talking party switching, I was talking about the white southern population in general and their racism specifically. They might find other reasons now to vote for Republicans (anti-gay marriage, abortion, christian fundamentalism) but the racism remains.

Take this clown.
Exactly! Those who fly that flag, fly it as a symbol of REBELLION against an oppressive federal government that was NEVER supposed to be regulating every aspect of our lives.

The Democrats use it to work up the ignorant masses to foment HATE towards anyone who stands in the way of their fascist agenda
This moron doesn't even consider for a second that what the Confederacy was doing to black people was oppressive because their Confederate culture is one of racism and ignorance.
Did that loosening of regulation help any? The Republican South has some of the poorest communities in America. I'm not saying racism played the only role in party switching, I wasn't even really talking party switching, I was talking about the white southern population in general and their racism specifically. They might find other reasons now to vote for Republicans (anti-gay marriage, abortion, christian fundamentalism) but the racism remains.

Take this clown.

This moron doesn't even consider for a second that what the Confederacy was doing to black people was oppressive because their Confederate culture is one of racism and ignorance.

You really pretending to be so retarded that you missed the way that those symbols have changed over generations to harmless symbols of regional pride?

Goat, I know you are pretty stupid. And pathetic. And cowardly. BUT, you are not that fucking retarded. So drop the shit.

You worthless piece of shit.
Did that loosening of regulation help any? The Republican South has some of the poorest communities in America. I'm not saying racism played the only role in party switching, I wasn't even really talking party switching, I was talking about the white southern population in general and their racism specifically. They might find other reasons now to vote for Republicans (anti-gay marriage, abortion, christian fundamentalism) but the racism remains.

Take this clown.

This moron doesn't even consider for a second what that what the Confederacy was doing to black people was oppressive because their Confederate culture is one of racism and ignorance.
Well, I'll put it this way, yes, the South has a long history of racism. However, it's worth noting that most of the worst race riots of the Civil Rights Movements were in the Upper Midwest and North.

Racism has a tendency to be more overt in the South because southerners are more blunt about certain things, but people in other areas can be just as racist but in more subtle ways until physical violence happens.

Also, keep in mind that the most violent reactions to racially tense incidents in recent history have been in the Midwest as well, like in Ferguson, Minneapolis, and Kenosha.

I would argue race relations have come a long way in the South as compared with areas like the Midwest. Generally speaking, the areas with the largest black populations tend to have the least racial tension -- and the states with the highest black populations are usually in the South.

Areas that don't have a long history of significant black populations usually have more incidents and riots as their diversity increases. There's always an "adjustment" period involved.
You really pretending to be so retarded that you missed the way that those symbols have changed over generations to harmless symbols of regional pride?

Goat, I know you are pretty stupid. And pathetic. And cowardly. BUT, you are not that fucking retarded. So drop the shit.

You worthless piece of shit.
Why would you racist clowns use Confederate symbols as representations of southern pride instead of all the southern black heroes that fought against that oppressive regime. It's in making racists the symbol of your pride how we can say without a doubt that you are a racist.
Why would you racist clowns use Confederate symbols as representations of southern pride instead of all the southern black heroes that fought against that oppressive regime. It's in making racists the symbol of your pride how we can say without a doubt that you are a racist.

Why? What does it matter why? The change took place and you are playing retard by pretending to be unaware of it.

if your position was as strong as you pretend, you wouldn't have to play retard to justify the retarded shit you say.

You would just say it, and make it stick. But instead you have to whine like a faggot about shit you know is false.
It doesn't make it wrong. Of course your party wants to replace our population with a population of people that rely on welfare and doesn't give a damn about anything that is American. That's pretty treasonous on your part! We're not the one that should feel sorry for their actions but you should as you're committing the action that merits a great deal of anger.
It’s the GOP that fears voters. If blacks voted conservative, the GOP would never have had to invent the Southern Strategy. But the Southern White Christian Conservatives left the Democratic Party and infected the old GOP

Why? What does it matter why? The change took place and you are playing retard by pretending to be unaware of it.

if your position was as strong as you pretend, you wouldn't have to play retard to justify the retarded shit you say.

You would just say it, and make it stick. But instead you have to whine like a faggot about shit you know is false.

You really need a better answer than "aww shucks, me a racist?", It's entirely unconvincing. Why would non racists choose a symbol of racists to represent something they have pride in?

You really need a better answer than "aww shucks, me a racist?", It's entirely unconvincing. Why would non racists choose a symbol of racists to represent something they have pride in?

Because it was a symbol of their region when they rebelled against the central government.


It is not credible that you missed that it has been accepted by America as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride for many generations.

You are a lying coward whore.
Well, I'll put it this way, yes, the South has a long history of racism. However, it's worth noting that most of the worst race riots of the Civil Rights Movements were in the Upper Midwest and North.

Racism has a tendency to be more overt in the South because southerners are more blunt about certain things, but people in other areas can be just as racist but in more subtle ways until physical violence happens.

Also, keep in mind that the most violent reactions to racially tense incidents in recent history have been in the Midwest as well, like in Ferguson, Minneapolis, and Kenosha.

I would argue race relations have come a long way in the South as compared with areas like the Midwest. Generally speaking, the areas with the largest black populations tend to have the least racial tension -- and the states with the highest black populations are usually in the South.

Areas that don't have a long history of significant black populations usually have more incidents and riots as their diversity increases. There's always an "adjustment" period involved.
I don't disagree generally but where we find that racism in the north and Midwest we find Republican voters dismissing it, further proving the Republican party as the white racist party. The study that was just released about the Minneapolis police dept, the same one Chauvin belonged to when he murdered George Floyd found disportionate use of force primarily against black residents and the Republican party here, on their news networks and in Congress largely dismiss it's findings.
Because it was a symbol of their region when they rebelled against the central government.


It is not credible that you missed that it has been accepted by America as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride for many generations.

You are a lying coward whore.
Confederates rebeled against the government in order to preserve slavery. Black civil rights activists in the south rebelled against that racist government as well and they happened to be on the right side of history so why not choose them as your symbols of pride?

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