Understanding Stalin: D-day

"If Eisenhower's ideas had not been in full accord with those conceived before the war by Marshall and Hopkins, i.e., to give domination in Europe to the Soviets, the planning assignment, the supreme command of the allied expeditionary forces, and the five stars that adorned his shoulders would have gone to some other general."

:lol: you stooge for the far right reactionary Christian "the atheist communists are gonna get us" world view

Not only a conspiracy stooge but a narcissistic stooge ne as well.

Your wailings are one of the reasons why critical thinking is taught in HSs and universities: thesis, objective and vetted evidence, rebuttal, counter rebuttal, and conclusion with emphasis.

You are a disgrace to Columbia U.

Jake <3 Communists.

This is about how your side seized control of Eastern Europe by controlling and subverting US policy
I am not pretending to ignore your post. I am suggesting an alternative analysis of a specific topic of WWII history. I disagree with the conclusions you reach. I have stated many times that I consider your sources often unreliable and many of your conclusions and opinions to be distortions and laced with politics. Your narratives are agenda driven. You have a clear political agenda. My agenda is presenting factual and reliable data without a political agenda. Rather than provide specific links that may be biased or interpreted as slanted one way or another, I instead give interested persons the opportunity to choose their own sources. I give a suggestion of what to search for and leave it to the interested person to decide which sources they wish to use. If people who have followed my post trust that my sources are reliable and my evaluations and analysis of topics are accurate, reliable, whatever, that is ok too. Unlike you, I am not demanding or insisting that folks agree with me. Honestly, the only challanges I get about my post have nothing to do with the information I provide. It is almost always like your kind of comment about not seeing things the right way or being foolish for not agreeing with an opinion. Sometimes it's just nasty name calling. It is what it is.

I wonder, when you did your narrative, did you have any knowledge about the V missile situation? Most people with any knowledge of WWII know at least a little about the V missiles, but did you correlate the dates and implications into your thoughts at all? It doesn't seem like you even realized the significance of the correlation of D-Day and the V missiles.



Prepare for what? You are clueless. You are suggesting that the wishs of Stalin were followed by the guys who brilliantly won WWII. Not only did you fail to consider the V-Missiles, your amaturish idea gets even worse. You seem to not have knowledge that the very strategy you suggest was in fact instigated 11 months before D-Day. The assault on Sicily began on July 9, 1943 and was followed by the assault of mainland Italy on Sept. 3, 1943. The attack on Germany that you suggest should have been implemented and was opposed by Stalin actually happened and was implemented, according to you, against the wishs of Stalin.

If you had an actual understanding and knowledge about WWII beyond the political drivil of agenda driven propagandist you would know how the high attrition battles for defeat of the German forces defending the Volturno, Barbara and Bernhardt lines and the four battles for the Gustav line referred to as the Battles for Monte Cassino or Battle for Rome were so costly by the time Monte Cassino was over the allies confirmed what they alread knew. The highly defensable terrain advantage and the huge cost of the so called southern assault was out of the question. You simply do not understand the difference between warfare through mountains and mountain passes and warfare over level ground. You do not understand the limits of artillery and air power in a mountain environment and the cost in infantry soldiers in that same envirornment.

You are just a bullshiter. You never address questions. You just move on to one of your other threads and put out the same kind of requrgitated slop. That is your MO. You don't have the basic and most fundmental knowledge of WWII. You are what others have suggested, just an amaturish propagandist.

I have refuted your claims with two alternatives to your ridiculous ideas. Alternatives that offer indisputable factual data. I challlange you to dispute the V Missile threats and that a war and invasion of and for the southern front via Italy did not occur.
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Prepare for what? You are clueless. You are suggesting that the wishs of Stalin were followed by the guys who brilliantly won WWII. Not only did you fail to consider the V-Missiles, your amaturish idea gets even worse. You seem to not have knowledge that the very strategy you suggest was in fact instigated 11 months before D-Day. The assault on Sicily began on July 9, 1943 and was followed by the assault of mainland Italy on Sept. 3, 1943. The attack on Germany that you suggest should have been implemented and was opposed by Stalin actually happened and was implemented, according to you, against the wishs of Stalin.

If you had an actual understanding and knowledge about WWII beyond the political drivil of agenda driven propagandist you would know how the high attrition battles for defeat of the German forces defending the Volturno, Barbara and Bernhardt lines and the four battles for the Gustav line referred to as the Battles for Monte Cassino or Battle for Rome were so costly by the time Monte Cassino was over the allies confirmed what they alread knew. The highly defensable terrain advantage and the huge cost of the so called southern assault was out of the question. You simply do not understand the difference between warfare through mountains and mountain passes and warfare over level ground. You do not understand the limits of artillery and air power in a mountain environment and the cost in infantry soldiers in that same envirornment.

You are just a bullshiter. You never address questions. You just move on to one of your other threads and put out the same kind of requrgitated slop. That is your MO. You don't have the basic and most fundmental knowledge of WWII. You are what others have suggested, just an amaturish propagandist.

I have refuted your claims with two alternatives to your ridiculous ideas. Alternatives that offer indisputable factual data. I challlange you to dispute the V Missile threats and that a war and invasion of and for the southern front via Italy did not occur.

Nothing reeks of defeat as much as reducing you to less than civil language.

There is no doubt that you know that your most closely held views have been proven wrong....

....and in this, you are correct.

Now take a walk, dope.
Prepare for what? You are clueless. You are suggesting that the wishs of Stalin were followed by the guys who brilliantly won WWII. Not only did you fail to consider the V-Missiles, your amaturish idea gets even worse. You seem to not have knowledge that the very strategy you suggest was in fact instigated 11 months before D-Day. The assault on Sicily began on July 9, 1943 and was followed by the assault of mainland Italy on Sept. 3, 1943. The attack on Germany that you suggest should have been implemented and was opposed by Stalin actually happened and was implemented, according to you, against the wishs of Stalin.

If you had an actual understanding and knowledge about WWII beyond the political drivil of agenda driven propagandist you would know how the high attrition battles for defeat of the German forces defending the Volturno, Barbara and Bernhardt lines and the four battles for the Gustav line referred to as the Battles for Monte Cassino or Battle for Rome were so costly by the time Monte Cassino was over the allies confirmed what they alread knew. The highly defensable terrain advantage and the huge cost of the so called southern assault was out of the question. You simply do not understand the difference between warfare through mountains and mountain passes and warfare over level ground. You do not understand the limits of artillery and air power in a mountain environment and the cost in infantry soldiers in that same envirornment.

You are just a bullshiter. You never address questions. You just move on to one of your other threads and put out the same kind of requrgitated slop. That is your MO. You don't have the basic and most fundmental knowledge of WWII. You are what others have suggested, just an amaturish propagandist.

I have refuted your claims with two alternatives to your ridiculous ideas. Alternatives that offer indisputable factual data. I challlange you to dispute the V Missile threats and that a war and invasion of and for the southern front via Italy did not occur.

Nothing reeks of defeat as much as reducing you to less than civil language.

There is no doubt that you know that your most closely held views have been proven wrong....

....and in this, you are correct.

Now take a walk, dope.

Translated: you keep bringing in this stuff that doesn't fit my argument, so I'll just call you a dope.
But I have admit some of PC's posts are pretty funny, and as I said before I hope an instructor of critical thinking has glommed onto these threads for use in the classroom.
I think PC is trying say is that America lost WWII, America became a communist nation, and Hitler has been given a bum deal in the history books. Oh, and FDR and historians are communists.
You are just a bullshiter. You never address questions. You just move on to one of your other threads and put out the same kind of requrgitated slop. That is your MO. You don't have the basic and most fundmental knowledge of WWII. You are what others have suggested, just an amaturish propagandist.

I have refuted your claims with two alternatives to your ridiculous ideas. Alternatives that offer indisputable factual data. I challlange you to dispute the V Missile threats and that a war and invasion of and for the southern front via Italy did not occur.

Nothing reeks of defeat as much as reducing you to less than civil language.

There is no doubt that you know that your most closely held views have been proven wrong....

....and in this, you are correct.

Now take a walk, dope.

Translated: you keep bringing in this stuff that doesn't fit my argument, so I'll just call you a dope.
But I have admit some of PC's posts are pretty funny, and as I said before I hope an instructor of critical thinking has glommed onto these threads for use in the classroom.
I think PC is trying say is that America lost WWII, America became a communist nation, and Hitler has been given a bum deal in the history books. Oh, and FDR and historians are communists.

I didn't call him a dope, I explained why he is a dope.

Now for you.

"I think PC is trying say is that America lost WWII, America became a communist nation,..."

These were stated as aims of the communist party in the 60's.

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

I say that most if not all have been favored by Liberals/Progressives/Democrats.

Nothing reeks of defeat as much as reducing you to less than civil language.

There is no doubt that you know that your most closely held views have been proven wrong....

....and in this, you are correct.

Now take a walk, dope.

I went out and took a walk. When I came back I discovered you still hadn't in any way refuted what I posted about the V1, 2 and 3 missiles or the southern strategy invasion known as the invasions of Sicily and Italy. You continue to post cut and paste political drivil that has to be waded through only to discover it is unreliable and distorted and I continue to post acccurate details that can be proven by endless sources from all spectrums of the political and non-political spectrum.

I went out and took a walk. When I came back I discovered you still hadn't in any way refuted what I posted about the V1, 2 and 3 missiles or the southern strategy invasion known as the invasions of Sicily and Italy. You continue to post cut and paste political drivil that has to be waded through only to discover it is unreliable and distorted and I continue to post acccurate details that can be proven by endless sources from all spectrums of the political and non-political spectrum.

1. "....you still hadn't in any way refuted..."
Why would I?

It was drivel. (pssst...note the correct spelling.)

I constructed and documented my position, and you simply continued to express your undying love of Roosevelt.

2. "You continue to post cut and paste...."

I love reducing morons like you to protest the format, proving that the content is indisputable.

3. "...it is unreliable and distorted ..."

Clearly, it is neither, 'else you wouldn't have tried to change the subject to the failed v-program.

You'll try anything to support your hero.....but you're failed attempts in the threads must show even you that I'm totally, 100% correct.

Now....stop gritting your teeth....you know what your dentists said.

Free advice- There is a guaranteed cure for your problems: the next time you’re playing Donkey Kong, practice bomb disposal at the same time.
I bet Stalin directed the development of radar for the allies also.

Did you know that when Hitler attacked Poland, Stalin's radar and radio towers guided Nazi bombers?

1. September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombers attacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

a. The Soviet press depicted the battle as a fight against Polish fascism, with the peace-loving Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union fighting aggressive Polish fascism.

2. Hitler and Stalin signed secret protocols to divide up Europe. First, Stalin moved against Finland, November 1939....for the aggression, the USSR was expelled from the League of Nations. Hitler attacked to the West.

a. Norway was invaded by Hitler with the direct help of the Soviet Union, providing the Soviet naval base near Murmansk.
"German Admiral Raeder sent a letter of thanks to the Commander of the Soviet Navy, Kuznetsov."

Let me know if you'd like to see it for yourself.
Yes they did, they were culprits. But the Germans used intersecting radio waves transmitted by transmission towers, yet ignored the use of magnetic imagery developed by the Brits.

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